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Page 6

by Ashers, LeAnn

An arrow straight to my heart, he has left me completely floored. How does he see so much of me?

  It’s like he can see every part of me. I’m so vulnerable right now.

  “Dinner’s ready.” He plates the food for us and he brings me my plate, sitting down next to me.

  “Thank you so much for this. I’m not used to such treatment.”

  “Get used to it, honey. I have a lot of years to make up for,” he says so easily, taking a bite of his food and turning on the TV.

  He says this in such a simple way, but to me it’s the opposite. I try to wrap my head around him.

  He just seems perfect.

  “What’s your favorite movie?” he asks me, flipping through Netflix.

  I shrug. “I’m not sure. I’ve not really seen much TV until the last few months when I moved here,” I confess.

  He looks at me, shocked. “Fuck, we’ll start with Yellowstone.” He smirks and turns on the first episode.

  I set my empty plate onto the small coffee table in front of me. He turns down the lights so we can see the TV better.

  “Get your ass over here, darlin’. I can’t fucking hold you way over there,” he jokes, and I laugh, scooting over until my head is on his chest.

  I close my eyes, just enjoying the way he feels for a few seconds.

  “Right where you fucking belong,” he says under his breath, but I hear him. I stop breathing for a second, and he pulls the blanket up on my shoulder to keep me warm.

  Thirty minutes into the show, I try to hide my reaction to every time Rip comes onto the screen because he looks quite a bit like Maverick.

  Rip comes onto the screen again and Maverick is shaking under me with laughter. “Darlin’, do you have a crush on him?” he teases.

  I sit up, looking at him, my face burning. “What? No!” I deny, but my face grows warmer knowing I’m lying.

  He laughs at the look on my face, “Baby, do I need to track this fucker down and beat his ass?” He arches an eyebrow and I think he’s actually serious.

  “Well…he is pretty cute.” I throw caution to the wind and look at the TV wistfully.

  “Ohh, you’re in trouble now,” he warns before he pushes me back against the couch, kissing me deeply.

  Rip who?

  His hand cups my face, kissing me so deeply, so passionately I can’t even move.

  He pulls back slightly, running his tongue across my bottom lip before he kisses the part where my neck meets my shoulder.

  I almost jump out of my skin, but I’m so turned on. I grip the back of his shirt.

  “Rip who?” I whisper, my voice rough.

  He snorts and face plants into my chest, laughing, “That’s right, angel. Rip fucking who.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck and open my legs so he can lie completely on top of me.

  My fingers bury into his hair, dragging my nails slightly across his scalp and the back of his neck.

  “I think this is fucking heaven,” he mumbles, and I smile at his cussing.

  My eyes drift closed, snuggling into the couch and yawning.


  I know she’s asleep the second her hand stills in my hair. I don't want to fucking move. I don’t want her to leave, but I won’t let her stay all night if she isn’t okay with it.

  I sit up, gently touching her cheek. “Darlin’,” I whisper, trying not to scare her.

  Her eyes drift open. She smiles the second she sees me. I don’t know what the fuck I did to deserve her.

  “Want to stay all night? You can sleep with me in my bed or the guest room. I won’t touch you, angel, unless you beg for it.” I throw in the last part and she laughs, rolling her eyes.

  “I think I’ll stay.”

  Fuck yeah.

  I sit up and pull her with me. “You better tell your daughters that you’re staying.”

  “Good idea.”

  I help her off the couch. She smiles and walks inside of the house where her phone is.

  I rub my chest. I’m so fucking gone for her and I just met her. So fucking gone.


  I call my daughters telling them it’s too late to come home and that I’m staying here. They’re more than excited for me.

  I almost drop my phone when River yells way too loud about using condoms.

  I take my phone upstairs with me, following Maverick up.

  My heart is racing. Do I want to sleep in the guest room by myself or do I want to take a chance and sleep cuddled up to Maverick?

  The latter sounds better by a landslide.

  He stops right outside of his door. “So, guest room?” He nods to the door next door to him.

  I shake my head. “I think you holding me all night sounds amazing right now.”

  He closes his eyes, shaking his head. “You fucking make me feel some type of way, Isabella.” He reaches out and takes my hand, pulling me to him. “Some fucking type of way,” he whispers before kissing me. I close my eyes in pleasure.

  Me too, Maverick. Me too.

  I stand up on my tippy-toes, wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him even closer.

  He leans down, wrapping an arm around my waist, lifting me off the ground. My legs wrap around his waist without a second thought, and he walks backwards into his room.

  He sits back onto the bed, my legs on either side of him. I tilt my hips, gasping into his mouth when I feel him hard under me.

  I try not to tilt my hips the way I want to. His hands drift up my back under my shirt and I shiver hard.

  I gather every bit of strength I have and pull away. I hope he won’t be angry with me.

  He stands with me in his arms, walking around the bed and pulling back the blankets, lying down with me still attached to him.

  I love how he can carry me around.

  He turns on the TV so there’s background noise, and the lights blink off, leaving us in darkness except for the light from the TV.

  “Thank you for being kind to me,” I whisper, breaking the silence.

  I’m moved onto my back, Maverick’s arms on either side of my face. I can barely make out his face in the darkness in the room.

  “Darlin’, it breaks my fucking heart that you think you have to thank me for that.” He presses his forehead against mine. “You deserve every fucking thing in this world.”

  I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him down so he’s lying on top of me.

  My heart aches. It’s not used to such treatment. I’m soaking up every little touch, every little word, and he’s filling parts of me that are cracked, splintered.



  I wake up to soft kisses on my cheek, Maverick’s hand softly drifting down my arm. “Angel, it’s time to wake up and see Ronny.”

  I open my eyes to that, looking at the clock on the wall that reads ten o’clock a.m. I smile, rubbing my eyes and rolling closer to Maverick, loving how warm he is.

  He snuggles me tighter against him. “I had one of the prospects drive to your house. Jessica packed you a couple of outfits so you can get ready here,” he informs me.

  I look up at him, my hair fanning behind me, and I smile happily. “I can’t believe you thought of that.”

  He shrugs, “Baby, you’re on my mind twenty-four seven. You’re all I think about.”

  My poor heart can’t handle much of this, “You’re so sweet,” I mumble against his chest.

  I feel him shaking with laughter. “Only to you, darlin’.”

  I smile and close my eyes for another second, enjoying this before I have to get up and be at the center at twelve.

  “I think I would like to bring Ronny a kid’s meal today,” I tell Maverick, rolling over onto my back and stretching.

  I catch Maverick’s sly grin just before he digs his fingers into my stomach. I turn over into a ball, laughing as he tickles me.

  I use my foot to try to push him away from me, but he just moves closer. His free hand pushes my hands away.

  I snort loudly
and he busts out laughing, letting me go. I scoot off the side of the bed so he doesn’t try to come after me again.

  “Better run!” he yells, and I take off out of the bedroom as fast I can, laughing the whole time.

  I can hear him counting loudly from the bedroom. I look around, trying to find a place to hide when I spot a nook behind the stairs. I slip inside, shutting the door.

  I guess this is what Harry Potter felt like.

  I barely breathe as I wait for him to find me. “Where are you?” he says in a sing-song voice.

  He stomps past the small door and I wait a few seconds before I slowly open the door, peeking my head out.

  He’s nowhere in sight.

  I slip out as fast as I can, running straight for the stairs and back up to the bedroom. I cover my mouth so I don’t giggle on the way up.

  Pulling back the blankets, I slip under the covers, trying to make myself as flat as possible with the pillows thrown all around me.

  This goes on for twenty minutes. I can hear him stomping all around the house yelling for me and I try my best not to laugh, my stomach hurting from holding it in.

  I peek out of the covers and I see him in the hallway walking around. I pull the blanket down and try not to breathe.

  I am so caught.

  The blanket is ripped off of me and Maverick’s face comes into view, “Gotcha.” He snatches me up off the bed and kisses me.

  I kiss him back, slightly laughing as I do so.

  I’m happy.

  I can say without a doubt that I am completely, utterly happy. “Are you going to visit Ronny with me today?” I ask.

  He gives me a look. “Of course, I want to see how he is.” He sets me on the ground and hands me a duffel bag I recognize from my room.

  “Here’s your stuff.”

  I open it and look inside. I notice there’s enough clothes here for at least a week or more. “Planning on me staying for a while?” I joke.

  He winks and walks into his closet without another word.

  Oh, I am in trouble.

  * * *

  Maverick and I all but run into the center to see Ronny, and when we walk in he’s sitting on the couch reading.

  “Hi honey.”

  His head swings in my direction, showing his beautiful grin. “Hi Bell, Maverick.” His eyes go to the Happy Meal in Maverick’s hand.

  “A little birdy told me someone has been wanting a Happy Meal.” Maverick hands him it to him.

  Ronny gets so excited, taking it from him and opening it. “Ohh look! I’ve been wanting this!” He practically bounces on the couch in excitement as he takes out the toy.

  He is so excited, opening the package. I look around the room trying to find his mother and see she’s in the corner of the room texting.

  Which is not allowed.

  It’s not allowed because it’s a risk for her and the other women here in the center. You are allowed to make calls, but with secure lines in the office with a center member there.

  “She’s not allowed to have that,” I whisper to Maverick, feeling super uneasy with all of it.

  Maverick takes out his phone and dashes off a text. I turn my full attention back to Ronny and sit on the floor next to him.

  “Want to play with me?” he asks, moving his little figurine across the small table.

  “I’d love to, honey.”

  For an hour I sit with him and play. We talk about his favorite foods and how he wants to play sports when he starts school again, hockey in particular.

  “There’s a place in town that offers lessons and they have their own team. Perhaps I can ask your mom if I can take you?” Maverick asks.

  Ronny looks like a nudge could knock him over, his beautiful blue eyes staring at Maverick in awe.

  “Really?” he says in a whisper. He stands up and slams into Maverick, hugging him tightly. “You’re the best, Maverick,” he whispers to him.

  I put my hand on the back of Ronny’s back, smiling at the beautiful moment they just had together.

  Ronny lets Maverick go, takes his Happy Meal and starts munching down, his eyes glued to the TV.

  “Do you want some, Bell?” He tries to hand me his burger.

  “No thanks, honey, we ate before we came here. Would you like me to bring you something tomorrow?”

  He pauses with his fry close to his mouth, “It would be nice if me and the kids could have a pizza party. One slice of pizza would be great, Bell.”

  They get to eat well here, without a doubt. I love doing things for him, to see the happiness in his eyes over the smallest things.

  “I need to grab a paper in the front.” Maverick walks to the front of the center.


  I texted the guy who owns the rink and asked him if he had any openings to teach a beginner.

  He just faxed over the papers for Ronny’s mother to sign. I wink at Bell, walking past them to where Ronny’s mom is sitting on her phone.

  She looks up when she sees me and tries to hide her phone. How the fuck did she miss us being here?

  She looks unsure. “Ronny is wanting to do hockey. I’ll take him to the practices and bring him back here,” I tell her and hand her the paper, along with a pen to sign.

  She looks at the paper and at Ronny in disgust. “You’re turning him into a prissy boy. I’m not rich to do this.”

  She throws the paper onto the ground,. I reach between the cushions where she stashed her phone, snatching it before she can grab it.

  “Sign it or I’ll bust this fucking phone into a million pieces.” Little does she know that Kyle’s gonna take it later.

  She screeches loudly and tries to take it from me. “Touch me and you will regret it. I won’t hurt you, but I know someone who will.” My mind goes to Shaylin. I helped turn that girl into a fucking demon.

  “I hope you and that bitch fucking die. Why the fuck are you wanting to do shit for him for? He isn’t worth this trouble,” she bitches, but signs the paper. My disgust for her only grows.

  I can’t fucking fathom how someone can mistreat their child in such a way. I take the paper and she follows me over.

  I try to breathe. I’ve never decked a woman in my life, but this woman is fucking with my last nerve.

  Bell looks up at the both of us, her eyes going to Ronny’s mother, who fixes Ronny with a death glare.

  “Look at the fucking trouble you have caused, Ronny.” She takes the paper from my hand and throws it at him.

  Bell stands up and snatches the paper mid-air. “If you can’t be nice, then you need to get out of here.” Ronny puts his hand around her calf from where he is sitting on the ground.

  I grab her by her arm, pulling her away from them, holding her phone out. She pushes me, trying to get it back, but I fucking laugh.

  I search through her texts and I notice that she’s been texting her ex-boyfriend. I walk into the bathroom with her trying to hit me, scratch me, anything she can do to take the phone.

  I am so over this bitch and her entitled attitude like the world owes her shit.

  I drop her phone in the toilet and flush it down the drain. I watch in sick satisfaction as it disappears. If it fucks with the plumbing, I’ll fix it.

  She screams at the top of her lungs and I laugh, walking out of the bathroom while she has a whole meltdown.


  I try to distract Ronny from his crazy mother. Maverick just tossed her phone down the toilet and I’m way too happy about that. I don’t want her to leave here and take Ronny.

  That terrifies me

  His mother is already horrible. I can tell she doesn’t care about him and that breaks my heart.

  If he leaves, I don’t want to think about how she will treat him. That terrifies me.

  Maverick walks over with a smug look on his face and I try not to giggle. Behind him Ronny’s mom is trying to stick her hand in the toilet to see if she can find her phone.

  “You ready to go get your hockey stuff? You star
t tomorrow.”

  Ronny drops his toy. “I get to go?” he asks, and Maverick nods, holding the paper with his mom’s signature.

  “Yes, you do, honey.” I’m so excited for Ronny.

  He picks up his trash and throws it in the garbage,

  “Ready!” He beams at Maverick and me.

  I am so gone for this little boy.

  We walk to the front desk. Maverick signs some paperwork and I do too, signing him out.

  Thank goodness we drove the truck today. Maverick helps him into the truck and buckles him in the middle.

  I peek back into the backseat at Ronny to make sure he’s okay. “You excited?” I can’t resist asking.

  “I think my heart may burst, Bell.” His eyes are lit with such happiness.

  Mine too, kid, mine too.

  * * *

  Ronny has had the time of his life getting sized for all of his hockey gear and a few extra clothes for him to wear at the center. I couldn’t help but notice the clothes he has are hanging on by a thread, along with being too small.

  We pull up in front of the center, and police cars are sitting in front of the building.

  That’s weird.

  Maverick opens my door and then Ronny’s. I take Ronny’s hand, unsure what is going on.

  Maverick holds the door open for us, and all of the officers turn to look at us, then at Maverick’s cut.

  Maverick moves to stand in front of the both of us. “Can I help you?” he asks.

  Then I hear a loud scream from behind them, “There they are! They stole my baby.” Ronny’s mom falls to the ground, practically convulsing.

  My mind is blown. I look at Ronny, who is staring at this mother, completely horrified that she is acting this way.

  “Come here, honey.” I hand him my phone and sit him in the chair behind me, hoping to distract him.

  “Let’s move this to another room away from the boy,” one of the officers suggests, and I immediately nod, taking Maverick’s hand, nervous about what is happening.


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