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Page 7

by Ashers, LeAnn

  We walk into a conference room next door. “Arrest them! They took my baby!” Ronny’s mom screeches, and I want to throttle her for being so crazy.

  “Look. We have the papers giving your consent to take your son,” Maverick tells her.

  One of the officers closest to us asks, “Are you a member of the Grim Sinners MC?”

  “I’m one of the originals.”

  “Ma’am, no crime was committed here. Please don’t call to report false information.”

  They leave and she has a complete meltdown. She falls to the floor screaming at the top of her lungs, causing people to stare.

  She has lost it.

  I shake my head in disbelief over this woman.

  “Hey Ronny, are you okay?” I step inside of the room where I left him, but he’s not there.

  “Ronny, are you behind the desk?” I ask softly in case he’s scared and hiding. Then Ronny’s mom walks up behind me, cackling. “I fucking knew distracting y’all would work. The only reason I wasn’t allowed to leave was because of him. Now he’s not a problem.” She grins happily, carrying a small bag and giggling to herself.

  My heart falls to the floor. I’m in utter shock; I stop breathing.

  Someone has taken him.



  She walks out of the door, and I snap into action, chasing her. She’s the only way we can find him.

  I grab her by her arm, holding on as tight as I can so she doesn’t get away.

  She whips around to face me. “Get away from me, bitch!” She pulls back as hard as she can to try to push me off.

  I ignore her and grip tighter. If she’s gone, so is he.

  “Please let’s talk about this. You don’t have to do this. I’ll take him, you won’t have to see him again,” I plead with her, and she snatches her arm away.

  She starts to run away, and without hesitation I grip her by her hair, wrenching her back as hard as I can.

  Maverick comes running outside. He takes in the scene and grips her arm and I let go.

  With tears in my eyes, I look at Maverick. “Someone has taken him. Ronny is missing and she gloated that she got someone to take him,” I explain.

  He cusses, takes out his phone and starts calling people. All the while, she is screaming at the top of her lungs like we’re killing her.

  I feel like hurting her. How can she do this to him?

  “Please shut up, we are not going to hurt you. I just want to know where Ronny is,” I tell her as nicely as I can, taking every bit of my effort.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “I don’t understand you people. Why the fuck are you doing all of this shit for him? He has a new home now.” She gloats at the last part.

  Before I can stop myself, I punch her as hard as I can in the face. Her head snaps back in shock. Maverick almost drops his phone, his eyes wide.

  Maverick laughs loudly. “Shit, Bell, that was hot.”

  My face flushes with embarrassment. I am just so angry with her. “He is such a great kid. Why are you so horrible to him?” I ask her, hurt that she has done this to him. All he wanted was for her to love him.

  She looks at me in shock that I dared to hit her. Then she charges me and Maverick snatches her back before she can touch me. “Back the fuck up. Touch her and every ounce of niceness I have is out the window,” he hisses in her face. She shuts her mouth and I don’t blame her.

  I step closer to her. “Please tell me where that sweet baby is. You won’t have to see him again. Just don’t do this to him—what if someone did this to you?” I plead with her.

  My heart is hurting so bad to think where he is, what could be happening to him.

  He was so happy getting all of his stuff for hockey. He got to eat in a restaurant for the first time today.

  She clenches her mouth closed as hard as she can. I press my forehead into Maverick’s shoulder, trying not to fall apart.

  He gets off the phone, putting it in his pocket. “You okay, honey?” he asks.

  I shake my head no, being honest. “You are so fucking lucky you are a woman, bitch. If that boy is hurt, you will experience that shit ten-fold.”

  She laughs. “Yeah? By who?”

  Just as she says that, three SUVs pull up. A woman with beautiful blonde hair gets out first, followed by a bunch of women I have never met before. They’re then joined by Lani and Chrystal.

  The blonde nods at us and turns her grin to Ronny’s mom. “By me, bitch. My name is Shaylin, but you get to call me your worst nightmare.”

  “The name’s Kayla, VP ole lady.” She winks at me, before taking her place next to Shaylin.

  “Alisha.” Techy’s ole lady—she’s carrying a bat.

  One laughs hysterically. “I’m Jean, I’m not as crazy as Shaylin. You’re so fucked, wait until the rest of the Grim Sinners gals get here. It’s going to be a party,” she giggles.

  Another SUV pulls up. The door pops open along and a shit ton of bikers pull up behind. I notice they’re wearing two different cuts.

  Backup is here.

  Shaylin walks up and takes Ronny’s mom from us. “I’ll get the shit you need.” They take her and push her into one of the SUVs, as she screams the whole entire way.

  I grip Maverick’s hand tightly, watching them take her down the road to the clubhouse.

  Everyone gets on their bikes and drives down to the clubhouse. I’m shaking so hard in fear of what could be happening to him.

  What if he’s scared?

  I know that he thinks that no one will come for him. His mom sold him. I know how cruel people are in this world. I lived that life for many years.

  Maverick brings me to the truck, lifting me into the passenger seat. “Darlin’, you okay?” he asks, cupping my face.

  I shake my head no—no, I am not okay. “No, I know how horrible people can be. I suffered many years of my life, Maverick. Someone bought him. You don’t buy kids unless you’ve planned bad things.”

  Another fear strikes my heart as I think deeper into this. “I know you have suffered so much, baby. Once we get him back, I want to know exactly how you have suffered, so I can fucking kill whoever is responsible,” Maverick grits through his teeth, fire in his eyes.

  I lean forward, resting my head in the crook of his neck, letting him hold me and make me feel safe.


  I leave Bell in the careful arms of Chrystal and make my way downstairs where the girls are.

  I’m fucking terrified. I don’t want Bell to see that shit, but when I walked outside, I saw her holding Ronny’s mom so she doesn’t leave. “She sold him.”

  That shit rang through my head so many fucking times.

  I know one thing—she needs to suffer.

  I push open the door, and the first thing I hear is Brittany’s laughter. She’s a Grim Sinners Princess like Shaylin.

  I lean against the wall as the women take their anger out on her, punching her, sticking her with small knives in places that won’t cause a lot of damage.

  Shaylin comes up with a pair of fingernail clippers, “Tell me where you sold him and I won’t hurt you anymore,” Shaylin mocks, grinning that fucking grin that she got from her dad.

  Ronny’s mom is in agony, her face red from crying and screaming. Not one part of me feels sorry for her.

  I walk over to stand next to her, to get a better view. All of the girls’ faces are drawn up with anger. Jean is cackling maniacally, knowing her turn is next.

  “Fuck you, bitch!” she screams, trying to stand up in the chair. When her struggle is futile, she makes a swishing sound in her mouth before she opens her mouth to spit on Shaylin.

  I clamp her mouth shut, gripping her face hard. “Spit on her and I will finish it myself,” I threaten.

  Her eyes widen at my threat. “I fucking mean that shit. I would love to hurt you—maybe we should call in Butcher? I know he would love to help,” I lie.

  Shaylin grins wider. “Let me text him right now.” She takes
out her phone and shoots a text.

  I know he’ll be through that door in seconds. Butcher is a scary motherfucker. Girls ran away from him, but Shaylin didn’t.

  I know this is affecting Shaylin. Her daughter Tianna went through similar shit with a mother who tried to sell her.

  Trafficking is a real fucking thing. We have seen first-hand how that shit affects the victims.

  Right on cue, Butcher walks in. Ronny’s mom starts screaming at the top of her lungs, trying to push the chair back like that will help her get away.

  I hear something trickling onto the floor. I move my foot over just in time before she gets piss on my shoe.

  Shaylin laughs. “Shit, you made her piss herself.” She winks at Butcher, who smiles at her slightly—that shit is reserved only for her.

  “I will tell you!” she screams when Butcher walks up to her, stopping in front of her.

  “Tell us or you’ll regret it.” Butcher grins, looking scary as fuck.

  She starts rattling off numbers, addresses and names when Bell runs into the room. “Maverick, I just remembered! He has my phone—he was playing a game!” She stops when she takes in the scene.

  “Fuck yes!” Alisha fist pumps the air and runs out of the room.

  Bell walks over to me, looking at Ronny’s mom. “Once we get him back, I want to speak to her.” She takes my hand, not looking at her again.

  I lead her to Techy’s office. He is a fucking computer genius. Alisha is sitting next to him on her own computer.

  “He’s at a house on the outskirts of town. It’s thirty minutes from here.”

  Lane, my president, walks in the room. Techy fills him in. “Let’s fucking ride.”

  I grin. I can’t fucking wait to put some bullets in these fuckers. “I’m going with you.” Bell grips my hand hard so I can’t break away from her.

  “Darlin’, it’s not safe.”

  She shakes her head. “He will need me. I’ll stay in the truck.” Her big, beautiful eyes stare up at me. I can see how much pain she’s in.

  My chest fucking hurts too.

  “Okay, baby.” I kiss her softly, and her tears mingle with the kiss.

  Lane smiles at the both of us. “Should I order it?” he asks.

  I smirk, knowing he means the cut we give our ole ladies. “Order it.” He laughs and Bell gives me a weird look.

  You’ll know soon.

  * * *

  I pull the truck to a stop right outside the line of sight of the house. The bikes pull up behind us

  I turn to look at Bell. “Baby, don't get out of this truck. I’ll bring him to you.”

  She nods. “I won’t move.”

  I lean over and kiss her. Fuck, I am so gone for her. I get out and she locks the door behind me. I laugh slightly at that.

  Konrad, Walker and Derek run through the woods so they can get behind the house in case they try to escape out of the back.

  Me, Lane, Kyle, Liam, Smiley and Aiden are going through the front door first, and the other members are surrounding the house to make sure they don't get away.

  No fucker in that house willingly is getting out alive. I will trace down every person associated with this shit.

  I look at Bell one last time in my truck before we come into view of the house. It’s a white house, the floor on the porch is sunken and missing steps. The siding is coated in mold.

  We take off running, not giving them a second to think to run away.

  I jump over the steps, not trusting the few left. I kick the door off the hinges, ducking out of the way when bullets ring past me.

  I peek over the door and see a shirtless man in a pair of jeans. I pull out my gun and shoot once, ducking back around when I hear him jump.

  I step inside of the house. The guys split up and we all go in different directions, checking every corner of the house.

  A man runs out of a back bedroom. I grab him by the back of his shirt before he can get away. “Where is the little boy?” I ask.

  He points in the direction of the back of the house. I throw him to Liam, who pulls him out of the house.

  My heart pounds hard in my chest. I push open the door. I don’t see him at first, so I turn on the light.

  Ronny is in the corner of the room, curled in a ball and shaking. Fucking destroyed.

  I walk over to him slowly, stopping a few feet away. “Ronny,” I say as soft as I fucking can considering how pissed I am.

  He lifts his head slightly, his face showing his shock to see me here. “Maverick?” he whispers in shock, looking around the room.

  I sit on the nasty fucking floor in front of him. I bite back the rage at the sight of the bruise on his cheek. Someone hit him.

  “Are you here to take me away from here?” he asks so softly I barely hear him. He’s shaking so hard and it’s fucking killing me that he feels such fear.

  “I am. Bell is in the truck waiting on you.” He sits up a little straighter at the mention of her. Me too, buddy.

  His bottom lip trembles. “She’s not upset I have her phone?” He looks horrified at the thought

  “Not at all! She is so upset over what happened. The phone is how we found you.”

  He looks so relieved. “My mom gave me to these bad men, Maverick. I have no home.” He scoots farther away from me, leaning against the wall.

  Totally shattered.

  “Why did she do that, Maverick? I tried to be the best kid for her. I never made a mess, I wasn’t loud.” He looks so fucking sad.

  I scoot closer to him, watching his reaction to make sure it’s okay. “There are bad people in this world. Your mom is one of them. You are a kid—you are meant to be a kid, play hockey, read all of the books you want.”

  “Not be given away,” he finishes for me.

  My eyes grow fucking hot. “Not be given away… Want to come live with me and Bell?”

  He looks at me like he’s going to pass out. “With you and Bell? Like how?”

  I smile. “First we’ll need to decorate your room. You can have your pick. I’m trying to convince Bell to move in with me—you’re helping me out.” I wink, trying to lighten the mood.

  He smiles for the first time. “I think I would love to live with you. I can clean and cook for you!” he offers.

  I shake my head no. “You can do that if you want too, but that is not needed. I have someone who cleans the house for me. I’ll cook, or Bell if she wants. What I want from you is to be you, be an eight-year-old kid.”

  He blinks a few times like he can’t believe this is real. He splits the distance between us, wrapping his arms around me. I wrap both arms around him, wishing to God I could stop his shaking.

  I look over at the entrance of the door, and all of the guys are standing there watching the scene.

  I sniff and pull back wiping his tears, “Ready to get out of here?” I ask.


  I stand up and take his hand in mine. He grips on top like he’s afraid I’ll let go and leave him here.

  I would rather fucking die the worst death imaginable than leave this little boy here.

  I look at Ryan as I leave. “Can you bring Myra to my house?” I ask.

  Ryan nods. “I already have her on standby, man.”

  Myra is a pediatric doctor. I want to give Ronny a full workup to make sure he’s completely healthy.

  The guys have cleared out of the building so Ronny won’t see the bodies of those here. They’re all dead.

  All of the guys smile at Ronny so he’s not scared of them. I’m sure he’s seen a few of them at the center.

  “Is Bell here?” he asks.

  I love that he loves her so much; she really cares for him too. “She’s right up the road.”

  He starts to walk a little faster, but he doesn’t let go of my hand. Earlier today he was on top of the world getting fitted with all of his hockey stuff and looking at the ice rink.

  I see Bell opening the door of the truck, stepping out to stand next to it,
waiting for Ronny to reach her.

  “Hi sweetheart,” she says softly, and Ronny slips his hand from mine, running straight to her. She hugs him tightly.

  “I love you, Bell, thank you for saving me.” He sniffs and squeezes her tighter.

  Fuck, my chest hurts.

  Bell closes her eyes. She leans back and gets on her knees in front of him. “You’re not hurt?” She runs her hands down his arms.

  He shakes his head no. “I’m okay. Maverick told me I’m coming to live with you guys.”

  I get that shit is out in the open now. I grin, because why the fuck not? I want him to be with me and I want her in my bed, always.

  Bell’s face burns and I know that she wants that shit too.

  “I would love that, honey,” Bell confirms that shit and I feel a hundred feet fucking tall.

  “Thanks, guys, for the help. We’re going to get him home.” I shake all of the guys’ hands. These are my brothers, even the Devil Souls.

  Smiley and Konrad don’t leave. They’re going to drive back with me in case shit happens.

  “See you in a bit,” Ryan yells before getting on his bike and leaving.

  I sure don’t want to have the kid sitting for hours in an emergency room. He has been through enough.



  Ronny falls asleep in seconds while we’re driving back to Maverick’s house. I need to call the girls later to tell them everything that has happened.

  “So you told him that he’s going to live with me and you?” I can’t resist the urge to ask.

  Maverick grins. “I sure did.”

  I try not to laugh at his expression. “What makes you think I want to live with you?”

  He gives me a look. “Baby, I go where you go. You want to stay with your daughter? I will be right there with you.”

  His response makes me so happy. I can’t even deny that. “I want to be with you, you make me feel happy,” I say softly, so I don’t wake Ronny.

  Maverick pulls the truck to a stop in front of the house, turning to face me fully in the truck.


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