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Page 15

by Deborah Bladon

  He takes the watch from me and sets it on my nightstand. “Your dad would be proud of the woman you’ve become.”

  They’re not empty words meant to offer me comfort. I sense that he means them. “I think so too.”

  He presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I’m going to make love to you, Olivia.”

  “Let me undress you.” My hands move to the buttons on his black dress shirt.

  His hands jump to cover mine. “Take off your clothes first.”

  I look down at my sweatpants and T-shirt. “A sexy striptease is off the table.”

  He laughs. “I’m only interested in what’s underneath.”

  I slide to my feet and undress quickly. I don’t stop until my black panties and bra are on the floor. I twirl once in place.

  “Your body is beautiful.” His hand finds my outer thigh. “I’m crazy about every inch of you.”

  I gaze down at him. “Can I take off your clothes now?”

  He moves to stand too. “I’ll help if you like.”

  I shake my head. “I want to do this.”

  I take my time, uncovering his body slowly, peppering his skin with kisses.

  Once he’s nude, I move to drop to my knees, but his hands grab my biceps, holding me in place. “Don’t. I am so close to coming.”

  “I want to kiss your cock,” I purr. “You want that, don’t you?”

  His hands slide to my waist. I’m on my back on the bed before I can form a thought. “I want to fuck you.”

  I watch him stalk across the room to my dresser. He yanks open the top drawer and digs out a condom. It’s on his cock in an instant as the foil package flutters to the floor.

  I moan when he crawls over me.

  My legs move apart, he slides the tip of his cock over my cleft and in one achingly exquisite moment, he’s inside of me, and everything else in the world falls away other than the need I feel for this man.


  “Tell me what you want, Olivia.” His breath floats over my neck. “I’ll give you anything you want.”

  I open my eyes. I must have drifted to sleep after we made love.

  Alexander was attentive and tender, whispering words to me about how much he loved my body, how good it felt to be inside of me.

  After he washed me with a warm cloth and disposed of the condom, he crawled into the bed and held me in his arms.

  “How long was I asleep?” I whisper.

  “Not long.” His fingers move to push a strand of hair from my cheek.

  I do the same to him, trailing my fingers over his forehead. “Did you sleep?”

  “No.” He shakes his head. “I watched you.”

  I stare into his eyes, feeling as though my soul is bare. I’m starting to feel something for him. It goes beyond the desperate need for moments like this.

  It’s not just sex anymore.

  Is this love?

  He wraps his hand around the back of my neck. “What can I do to make you happy today, Olivia?”

  I press my lips to his, lingering there as his tongue slips over mine. “This.”

  “I’d stay in this bed for eternity if it kept a smile on your face.”

  I grin from ear-to-ear.

  “I know you have to go to work, but think about tonight.” His fingers move down my back. “Think about what I can do for you after a long, hard day at work.”

  My back bows when his hand finds my ass. He squeezes it before his fingers move to my pussy.

  I shift my leg, wanting to feel him inside of me.

  “I can cook for you.” His lips trail over my neck. “I can sing for you. I can dance for you.”

  “Play for me,” I whisper through a moan. “I want to watch you play the cello.”

  One long finger slides inside my channel, another finds my clit and I close my eyes, savoring his touch and the sound of my name as he says it over and over again.

  Chapter 39


  I have played for royalty, presidents, and celebrities. Tonight, I played my cello for the most important person in the world.

  I played it for the woman I’m falling in love with.

  Admitting that to myself hasn’t been easy, but running from the truth is futile.

  I’ve felt it for weeks. It was unfamiliar at first.

  My experience in love is limited. I felt something for a woman once, but it can’t compare to this.

  I look over to where Olivia’s sitting.

  I brought a folding chair onto the stage of the rehearsal hall because I wanted her to feel the music.

  If I had taken her home and played it there, the magic would have been lost in the cramped space and limited acoustics.

  She hasn’t said a word.

  I finish packing my instrument back in its case, the entire time feeling Olivia’s eyes on me.

  Once I’m done I motion for a stagehand to take it. He’ll carry it back to my office and lock it up.

  It’s a treasured piece to me. It was given to me by one of my early music teachers. At the time I wasn’t tall enough to play it. I grew into it and its charm grew on me.

  It’s not perfect by any means, but it fits me like a glove.


  I turn to find Olivia on her feet. Her purse is slung over her shoulder.

  She’s dressed, as any woman might be if they were coming to the symphony. She’s wearing a simple black dress, silver hoop earrings and black heels. My hands braided her hair.

  I did that after our shower this morning before I took her to work.

  “Yes?” I ask as I approach her.

  “Is it always that beautiful?” Her hand flutters over the center of her chest. “Am I supposed to feel it in here?”

  I rest my hand over hers. “If I’m playing it correctly, yes.”

  “I had no idea.” Tears well in her eyes. “You’re so talented.”

  I swallow, my emotions warring with each other. I want to kiss her, hold her, take her to my office and fuck her. I want all of it.

  “Thank you,” I say simply.

  She extends her hands, taking mine. “It’s incredible how much emotion comes through the music. You do all of that with your hands.”

  I bring her hands to my lips, kissing each of her fingers. “Your hands convey your emotions too.”

  She tries to tug her hands free, but I hold fast to them, resting my lips against them.

  “You speak with your hands.” I smile wryly. “I don’t think you’re aware of it, but they move with your words. It’s fascinating.”

  Her brow furrows, her nose scrunching up. “I don’t do that.”

  I drop her hands. “You do.”

  “I don’t.” Her hand swings in the air.

  I stop it in place with my fingers on her wrist. “Point proven. You’re unaware of it. That’s why I love it.”

  Her gaze falls to the floor. “Where to now?”

  “You’re hungry.” It’s not a question. I met her here at six. Unless she ate dinner at five, she’s ready for a meal.

  “Famished.” Her hand rubs her belly.

  It’s another perfect example of her expressing herself without noticing it.

  “I take it pizza is still off the table?”

  Her arms cross over her chest. “I eat it if there’s nothing else available.”

  “We’re in New York City.” I wrap my arm around her waist to lead her off the stage. “Everything is available here.”


  Two hours later, we’re both satiated. Good Italian food can do that to a person.

  Olivia passed on the pizza in favor of linguine. I opted for the same. Watching the woman eat, and enjoy every bite was one of the most erotic experiences of my life.

  “You’ll come home with me tonight.”

  She’s quiet for a minute as we walk hand-in-hand down a street in Tribeca. “I can’t tonight, Alexander.”

  That stops me in my tracks. “Why?”

  She looks down at her watc
h. “I have a phone meeting at four a.m. with an associate in London. All of my notes are at home.”

  “Four in the morning?” I start moving again, walking with slow even steps. I want to prolong my time with her.

  Hell, I want her to invite me to sleep at her place. I’d make her coffee before the meeting, and breakfast after.

  “I’ll set my alarm for three and Uber back to your place with you,” I offer.

  “No,” she replies with a curt shake of her head. “That’s not necessary. I’ll head home soon and we can catch up tomorrow.”

  I’m frustrated. My cock is irritated. I wanted to be inside of her tonight. “Why don’t we stop for a nightcap?”

  I’m grasping at any straw that will give me thirty more minutes with her.

  “Another time?” She turns to face me. “This call is important. I want to get some sleep in so I’m rested and alert.”

  I cradle her face in my hands, brushing my lips over hers. “I hate the person in London who can’t wait a few hours to talk to you.”

  She smiles wide. “You can’t hate someone you don’t know.”

  “I hate them,” I repeat with a half grin.

  She takes a breath and points up the street. “There’s a taxi coming. I’m going to grab it.”

  “At least let me kiss you goodnight outside your building.”

  Her hand jumps into the air as she swerves around me to get the taxi driver’s attention. “You’re impossible to resist. I’ll want you to come up to my apartment and I won’t get a wink in before my call.”

  Fuck. I’m striking out at every turn.

  I move to open the taxi’s door as it comes to a stop next to the curb, but she beats me to it. She’s settling onto the seat when I pop my head inside.

  “Goodnight, Olivia.”

  Her hand cups my cheek. “Goodnight, Alexander. Thank you for the private show.”

  “Anytime,” I whisper before I step back and shut the door.

  Chapter 40


  That abrupt end to a date thing I keep pulling needs to stop.

  I did it again last night when Alexander was trying his best to wrestle an invitation back to my place out of me.

  I wanted nothing more, but I had booked the London call two weeks ago, and I didn’t want to reschedule.

  I also didn’t want Alexander listening to it from my bed.

  My apartment is small. It’s too small to have a conversation in one corner without a person in the other corner hearing every word.

  I’ll make it up to him tonight.

  “You’re here bright and early.” Cathleen taps her fist against my open office door. “How did the call go?”

  I lean against my desk, holding a mug of hot coffee in my hands. “I think it went well.”

  I would be enthusiastic if I could remember more of it.

  I tossed and turned until my alarm rang at two-thirty. Once I was out of bed, I splashed cold water on my face, made a pot of coffee and waited for the phone to ring.

  When it did, I slid into work mode and let myself be whisked into a ninety-minute conversation.

  By the time it was over, I knew that I wouldn’t be able to sleep, so I took a long, hot shower.

  “We’re narrowing the candidate list, and someone I respect made the cut.” She circles a manicured nail in my direction.

  Hope flickers inside of me. I’ve been looking online at London rental properties. I’ve brushed up on landmarks there and I’ve spent time going through my wardrobe to see what essentials I’d need to take with me.

  “How’s Alexander?”

  Her question catches me off guard. The mug in my hand shakes. I turn to place it on the corner of my desk. “He’s fine.”

  “Things are still going well between you two?” She taps her finger under her bottom lip. “I bought two tickets to his last performance. I’m taking someone special.”

  Since I didn’t receive an invitation, I assume it’s not me.

  She fills in the blank with a smile. “It’s Ted. He works in marketing.”

  I tilt my head, trying to remember what Ted from marketing looks like. “I hope you two will have fun.”

  “You’ll be there, right?”

  Twisting a strand of hair around my finger, I nod. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  I might.

  I don’t have a ticket.

  I imagine it’s sold out by now, but more importantly, Alexander hasn’t mentioned it.


  “You’re reading too much into it.” Kate scoffs. “His last performance isn’t for another two weeks. He’ll invite you. I hope he invites both of us, but that’s just this girl dreaming big.”

  I toss a piece of popcorn at her. She deftly catches it in her mouth.

  “Am I reading too much into the fact that it’s Friday night and we’re sitting here watching Netflix?”

  “You didn’t finish that question,” she pauses to wink at me. “You’re wondering why your boyfriend didn’t drop everything to spend tonight with you.”

  I tap one finger against her knee. “First things first, he’s not my boyfriend.”

  “He is, but whatever.” She rolls her eyes.

  “Secondly, I don’t expect him always to be free to see me.”

  “You do, but keep telling yourself that, Liv.”

  I drop my head back and laugh. “I do not.”

  “If you could have seen your face when he texted you to say he was busy tonight, you’d understand where I’m coming from.” She tugs both corners of her lips down with her fingers. “Super sad face alert.”

  “I don’t even know why I’m still awake.” I look down at my watch. “I was up all night because of work.”

  “Work?” That lures her attention away from my television. “What kind of lingerie emergency happens in the middle of the night?”

  “Asks the woman who slipped on a bra she left on the floor and cut open her top lip.” I point at her mouth. “I vaguely remember sitting in the waiting room of the ER in the middle of the night while someone got stitched up.”

  “Point taken.” She bows her head.

  “I’m going to kick you out soon so I can sleep.” I stretch my legs. “I might even pass out on this couch since I already have my pajamas on.”

  “Fine.” She slides to her feet. “I’m taking the popcorn and my soda.”

  I curl under the blanket. “Lock the door on your way out.”

  “Dream about your boyfriend.”

  He might not be at the moment, but I want Alexander to be my boyfriend. I just don’t know if he wants me to be his girlfriend.

  Chapter 41


  I mess up Alvin’s hair. “You’re close, Alvin. You’re so close.”

  He looks up at me with a beaming smile. “Do you think I’ll be ready before mom’s birthday?”

  “You’re ready now,” I assure him. “Let’s run through it one more time and then we’ll take a lunch break.”

  He turns his attention back to the piano. His fingers drift over the keys, playing the song that is going to bring my sister to tears.

  We’ve put in a lot of time and effort to get to this point.

  I’d factor sacrifice in too.

  Last night I gave up time with Olivia when Alvin requested an extra lesson. He sent me a text message after school asking if he could sleep over at my place.

  It was a first. I rushed out to buy every sugary cereal I could find.

  I stocked up on potato chips and candy and after we left the rehearsal hall, he fell asleep in the Uber on the way to my apartment.

  This morning he wanted fruit, so I ordered it from room service.

  He stops mid-song to scratch his head. “Hey, Uncle.”

  I grab hold of the corner of the piano to steady myself. The rush of emotions that washes over me is almost too much.

  “What’s up?” I manage to get out without my voice cracking.

  “Can Olivia
meet us for lunch?” He trips his fingers over the keys. “Maybe at that place with the chicken burgers?”

  That’s music to my ears on this Saturday morning.

  I type out a quick text to her.

  Alexander: Alvin misses you. He wants to know if you’re available for lunch, say in thirty minutes?

  Her response is quick.

  Olivia: Is it just your favorite nephew and I or are you crashing this party?

  I laugh aloud, nodding at Alvin. “She’s in.”

  “Yes,” he says with a pump of his fist.

  Alexander: You want me there, Olivia.

  Olivia: Cocky.

  I type one word and press send.

  Alexander: Confident.

  “Can we leave for lunch now?” Alvin swings his legs over the piano bench. “I’m hungry.”

  “Grab your coat.” I point to where both our coats are slung over the back of a folding chair. “Grab mine too.”

  I type one last message to Olivia telling her where to meet us.

  “Are you going to marry Olivia?” Alvin pushes my wool coat at me. “Mom says she’s perfect for you.”

  His mom is right. Olivia is perfect for me.

  Marriage isn’t on my mind. Moving in with her is.

  “Time will tell.” Sliding on my coat, I pocket my phone. “Let’s see if we can beat her to the restaurant.”

  He takes off at a run across the stage. “Hurry, Uncle Alex, I want to win.”

  I already won. My life can’t get better than this.


  “Are you coming to my mom’s birthday party?” Alvin asks after he finishes the last bite of food on his plate.

  Olivia’s gaze volleys between his face and mine. “Your mom’s birthday party?”

  Alvin gives her a brisk nod across the table. “It’s the same night Uncle Alex gets fired.”

  Her hand leaps to her mouth to cover the broad grin.

  “It’s my last performance as guest conductor, Alvin,” I clarify with a laugh. “No one fired me.”

  “I’m not sure,” Olivia says tentatively, her gaze searching my face.


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