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Rock Star's Curvy Christmas

Page 2

by Sara Hazel

  Noah is chatting with one of the girls we brought back with us. She’s got her hand on his knee and they seem to be about ready to get cozy. Score one point for Noah Rogers. He's always had the best luck with women and has never had any trouble finding one to mess around with. When we were growing up, I was the awkward kid at the party who never knew how to flirt properly. All that changed over time, of course, and now I can have any woman in the room that I want.

  But the one I want is Delilah Rogers. A little voice inside my head tells me how wrong that is. She’s too young for me, but most of all—she’s my best friend’s sister. Still, I can’t help myself.

  I interrupt Noah and his girl. She turns her attention to me and smiles wide.

  “Amazing show tonight, Tyler. Where’s that girl you sang to?”

  “I’m looking for her. Where’s your sister at, Noah?”

  “All the beautiful women here and Tyler King is looking for my little sister.” Noah laughs.

  “That’s right,” I reply. “Now, what did you do with her?”

  “I didn’t do anything with her. I think she went off to hide. She’s a little too shy sometimes.”

  I leave Noah and his girl to resume flirting. I push my way past my already very drunk bass player and check the bedrooms for Delilah. She’s in the last one at the end of a long hallway—just sitting on the bed and humming one of my songs.

  “And when you came into my life / I thought you’d only be there for a little while / but I’m glad you stayed and made your home in my heart,” I sing.

  “Hey,” she says as I sit down beside her. “I never got a chance to thank you yet for singing to me tonight. I know Noah asked you to do it, but it still means a lot.”

  “That little asshole took credit for that?”

  “You mean he didn’t put you up to it?” Her face flushes. She turns away from me.

  I place my hand on her cheek and turn her face back towards mine.

  “You don’t have to be so nervous around me, Delilah. I used to come over to your family’s house for holidays. This is no different than that.”

  “I know, but it’s different now. You’re Tyler King.”

  I laugh. “I was back then too, sweetie.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “You’re different too,” I say. Her dark brown eyes study my face. I want to lean in and kiss her, but I hold myself back for now. But just being in her presence is making me very hard.

  Damnit, she’s beautiful. I don’t think I’ve ever really appreciated a woman’s beauty like this until right now. Delilah is very soft, feminine, and sweeter than honey. I have traveled all over this country and met hundreds of thousands of women, but not one of them has made me feel the way Delilah is right now. Which is crazy, because she was like my adopted little sister growing up. I’m not supposed to feel this way about her.

  “Wow, you are really beautiful, Ms. Rogers,” I blurt out.


  “I just meant that you’ve really grown into a beautiful young woman. You’re not the awkward kid I used to know.”

  “Oh, I still think I am. It’s nice of you to say it though, but you don’t have to. I know you can’t possibly mean—”

  “Stop right there before you finish that sentence, sweetheart. I’m not playing with you. I mean it. You’re gorgeous.”

  “Wow, thank you,” she whispers.

  My hand hasn’t moved from her cheek the whole time.

  “Oh shit!” I hear Noah say.

  I turn to see him and his girl in the doorway.

  “We’ll try one of the other rooms. But King, don’t fucking mess with my sister.”

  “We’re just talking, bro,” I reply.

  After Noah and the girl leave, I turn back to Delilah.

  “Let’s go take a walk,” I suggest. I finally drop my hand from her face and stand up. I take her hand to help her up and lead her out of the room and down the hallway. We rejoin the main party, but I don’t linger there. Right now, I wish to God it was just the two of us. I open the door of the suite and my drummer Derek grabs my arm.

  “Where are you going, man?”

  “I just need to get some fresh air with an old friend. I’ll be back.”

  “Alright, don’t be gone too long,” he says. “I scored some X to make Christmas a little more special for all of us.”

  “No thanks, man. Not tonight,” I reply. “You know I’ve been trying to stay clean.”

  “Alright, have it your way,” he says.

  I pull Delilah into the hallway and laugh as I slip my sunglasses on my face.

  “Shit, those guys are crazy. I just need to get away for a bit. I need to feel normal.”

  “Is normal even possible for you anymore?” She asks.

  “I don’t know, but I have a feeling that if it is, you probably have something to do with it.”

  “Oh,” she says.

  We head off down the hall, and I thank my lucky stars that we don’t run into anyone who recognizes me. Most of the crowd on this floor is much too old to be part of my fan base.

  I lead Delilah into a small room containing a vending machine. I’m not sure where I was planning to take her, but I know that I can no longer wait to kiss her.

  “What are we doing?” She asks.

  I respond by placing a hand on each of her cheeks and bending down to bring our foreheads together.

  “Delilah, I don’t know how to tell you this any other way, so I’m gonna be straight with you. I need to kiss you. It’s this urge I’ve had since I laid eyes on you before the show. I don’t know how you feel about it, but I can promise you that you’re gonna like it.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” she says. “And yes. You can kiss me.”

  “Good,” I reply as I press my mouth against her soft warm lips.

  And with that kiss, it seems sealed in an instant. Delilah is the girl for me, and I know right then that there can be no other. It just feels meant to be in a way that nothing else ever has.

  It’s like magic. Christmas magic.



  I have to pull away from his kiss just to breathe. But he’s got a firm grasp on me and won’t let go. Wow. Oh my God, WOW. I never want this kiss to be over.

  When he finally gives me a break, my head is spinning as I look up into Tyler’s blue eyes. I can see the lust in them as he looks down at me. I know he wants me—at least for tonight. But I’ve never been in this situation before, so I’m not quite sure how to react. Do I go for it and let this rock star have his way with me? It’s almost Christmas. It might already be for all I know. Should I let Tyler have my virginity as the ultimate Christmas gift to him and myself?

  I probably look scared. My body is shaking, and I can’t stop it. He just holds me tighter.

  “Hey, sweetheart, it’s alright. Really.”

  “Easy for you to say. Your favorite rock star didn’t just lay the kiss of a lifetime on you. You have no idea what that’s like.”

  He chuckles. “Well, until tonight I didn’t know what it was like to be kissed by someone that I truly wanted to kiss. So that’s pretty much the same feeling.”

  “I doubt it,” I reply. “And you’ve probably made out with hundreds of girls now. Thousands even.”

  “You got me, but your numbers are seriously exaggerated.”

  “Oh,” I reply. “The tabloids have you on their covers every week with a new girl.”

  “Some of those pictures are photoshopped. And they do a very good job, let me tell you. Anyway, let’s get out of here and go somewhere quiet. My driver is probably passed out drunk at the party by now, but I have an extra set of keys to the tour bus. I can’t drive it, so we won’t be going anywhere. But no one will bother us.”

  “My brother will be looking for me soon. He’ll probably be looking for you too.”

  “Nah, we got some time. Noah will be with that girl for at least an hour or so and then he’ll move on to an
other one. He does this at all my parties. He’s an inspiration to all the guys.”

  “To you too?”

  “Yes, but not because of that. He might be a player, and an asshole, but he’s got a good heart.”

  “I’ve never seen it.”

  “That’s because you’re his little sister, and he probably thinks it’s his job to torment you. But I know he’d do anything for you. He’s told me plenty of times about how worried he is about you. The world is a tough place, and he’s not sure you can handle it. For the record—I told him that I’m sure you can.”

  I sigh heavily as I think about what Noah would say or do if he caught me and Tyler together. Maybe he’d be happy for us both, but I seriously doubt it. Still, I can’t live my life for my brother. I have to do what’s best for me, and right now that feels like going back to Tyler’s tour bus.

  “Let’s go to the bus,” I reply.

  “Great. We’ll talk some more, and if you’re up for it—we’ll continue that kiss.”

  “Maybe. But you’ll have to work for it, mister.” Teasing Tyler King? I never knew I had it in me. He laughs and takes me by the hand as he leads me out of the small room and down the hallway. As I hold his hand it’s as if I can feel his pulse through my palm. Is Tyler’s heart beating as rapidly as my own right now?

  TYLER’S BUS IS PARKED behind the hotel. We sneak back there, and I shiver in the cold as I wait for him to open it up. I didn’t think to grab my coat when we were upstairs, because I didn’t anticipate any of this. Tyler gets the bus open and turns to me. He takes my hand again and leads me up the steps.

  “We’ll get the heat started on this thing, sweetie. I don’t want you to freeze out here.”

  “I’ll be ok,” I reply. I don’t want to appear too fragile around my rock star.

  “You will be,” he replies. “Because I’ll be holding you close to me. Would you like that, Delilah?”

  “Um, yes, of course,” I manage. Damn. Tyler really knows all the right things to say to me.

  Tyler starts the bus and flips the heat on. He locks the door and then leads me all the way to the back to the small bunk beds where the band sleeps. There’s a comfortable looking red velvet couch back there too, and that’s what I sit down on. The bunk beds look way too small.

  “How do you sleep in those things?” I ask him. “Your whole band is over six feet tall, except for James, of course.”

  “Trust me. Every night I lay down in one of those things I pray that I could be five feet four like James.”

  “I’m only five foot two, so I guess I’d fit...”

  “You would definitely fit. But we’re not gonna try it tonight. When you see my upgraded tour bus next year, I promise you I’ll have my own private bedroom with a king-size bed just for us.” He laughs as he sits down beside me and wraps his hand around mine. He entwines his large fingers with my small ones and somehow it all feels like the best possible fit. I love it every time he has held my hand so far tonight. Just this simple thing makes me crave more with him. His comment about the king size bed just for us has not been lost on me.

  “You don’t have a boyfriend, do you?” He asks. And before I can answer it, he follows up with: “I don’t actually care if you do, because I can promise you that he’s not as deserving to date you as I am.”

  I lean my head on his shoulder and sigh contentedly. “That is a cocky thing to say, mister. But no—definitely no boyfriend here. I’ve never even had one.”

  “That’s impossible, Delilah. Literally impossible. You've probably broken so many hearts by now that you can’t even count them anymore.”

  “You’re funny. That sounds more like your life than mine. I’ve never broken any hearts, and I’m still a virgin. So there.”

  “Well, you are beautiful. I think those guys you know must have just been too intimidated by you to tell you that.”


  He looks down at his watch. “Well, it’s five past midnight, so I guess it’s Christmas. Time to make your Christmas wish, Ms. Rogers.”

  “I think you already know what it is.”

  Without saying another word, he leans in and presses those warm lips of his to mine. And a tingle runs through my whole body. Yes, this is my Christmas wish, alright.

  My body heats up fast, as Tyler pulls me against him. His hands slide along my body, and I take note of my sweater gliding up. He places a warm hand on my bare back, and I can’t help but wish he’d just tear my clothes off and take me already. I want to be his—-despite any obstacles there might be to it.

  We moan for each other as we show appreciation for the kiss. Tyler pulls back to look at me with those intense blue eyes. The light inside the bus is bright, and I can see clearly what his intentions are for me. The way he stares at me with such hunger and need—I feel wanted for the first time in my life, and it’s amazing.

  “We don’t have to do anything tonight that you don’t want to, Delilah. But damnit, I want you so bad. You need to know that. Just let me know when you want me to stop.”

  “You—you don’t have to stop,” I whisper.

  “Well, Merry Christmas to us both!” He says.

  “Merry Christmas, Tyler,” I reply.

  His mouth moves down my face until he gets to my neck. He peppers it with kisses as his hand works the zipper on my jeans. He goes for the button next, and once that’s undone, he moves to the floor in front of me.

  “I bet you taste incredible,” he says. “And now I think it’s time to find out just how incredible.”

  He pulls my pants down and then all the way off. I can’t help but tremble as I come to the full realization of what is about to happen to me. Tyler King is about to eat me out. How did I get so lucky after a lifetime of no luck at all in this area?

  Tyler smiles up at me as he tugs at my pink panties. “It looks like Santa really loves me this year,” he says.

  He pulls the slit of my panties to the side and admires my shaved pussy. I am soaking wet and dripping for him, and I wish he would touch me already. The waiting has me digging into the couch cushions and tensing up with anticipation.

  He dips his thumb into my sex and glides it along my folds very lightly. So light and yet my body’s reaction is instant and powerful. I jolt from the pleasure of his long-desired touch. I’ve imagined it so often, and now here it is, and I know it’s going to be better than anything my imagination conjured up. I just have to be patient.

  As if to torment me some more, Tyler moves in close and rolls his tongue along my sex. He makes a “mmm” sound as he goes up and down several times. I close my eyes and moan as he tastes me. I reach down and run my fingers through his already wild hair. All the tension in my body releases as he presses deeper into my folds.

  He pulls back and tugs my panties off me in a fury. It’s like he’s transformed into a pure alpha beast, and I’m really going to get it now. I open my eyes long enough to see Tyler toss my panties carelessly off in a random direction. I don’t see where they land, because Tyler brings my focus back to what he’s doing to me when he rests my legs on his shoulders and pulls me forward to the edge of the couch. He buries his face against my pussy, and my core heats up as his tongue lashes my sensitive lips.

  I thrash from side to side, and my moans are unleashed at full volume.

  “Oh, Tyler, yes, please,” I beg.

  I am shivering not from the cold, but from pure bliss spreading through every part of my body. His hot tongue burrows deep and swirls around inside of me. I clamp my legs around his neck, and Tyler chuckles. I guess he was waiting for that kind of reaction from me. His next assault is more powerful than the last, and I thrust myself against his tongue.

  I scream as I come undone. My body whips to the side and I have to grab onto Tyler tight as I lose all control of myself for the beautiful bliss that I feel spreading all over me.

  As my orgasm comes to an end, Tyler comes back up to sit beside me. He grabs me and pulls me in for a kiss and now I ta
ste my sweetness on his lips. This kiss doesn't stop until someone knocks on the bus door.

  “Tyler, are you in there?” Noah shouts.

  Shit. My brother has decided to hunt us down right when I was about to lose my virginity. I guess my luck has run out.

  Tyler hands me my pants. I scramble into them as fast as I can. I have no idea where my panties are, but I hope they’re not somewhere visible. I hope Tyler has the good sense not to let Noah on the bus right now.

  “Come on, man! It’s freezing out here,” Noah shouts.

  “We’ll have to continue this later,” Tyler says. He kisses me on the cheek and goes to the door. He opens it up and I feel the cold air hit me right away. He ushers Noah onto the bus.

  “How did you know I was in here?”

  “Man, I know you’d come here to escape the party with some girl.”

  Noah comes towards the back of the bus. I just sit there as still as can be and don’t say a word.

  “Delilah? What the fuck.”

  “Noah, before you say anything else, it’s not like that, ok? We were just talking, man.”

  Good. Tyler has the sense not to tell Noah the truth just yet. I’m not ready for that conversation.

  But it doesn’t seem to matter, anyway. Noah glares at me. “It’s getting late. I should get you home.”

  “I want to stay,” I reply. “Nothing happened, Noah. Don’t worry about me. I’m with Tyler, for crying out loud. He’s like an older brother.”

  “An older brother who happens to be a rock star and bangs six girls a night. I love you, Tyler, but I don’t trust you right now.”

  “I swear, Noah. We were just talking. You’ve had a lot to drink tonight already, I can tell. You should go back inside and lay down. Delilah and I will be back in right behind you. I just wanted to get away from the crowd for a bit, and I figured I’d bring Delilah along for company.”

  “Fine,” Noah says, sounding defeated. “But whatever you do tonight, man, don’t sleep with my sister. Please.”


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