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Reckless Gamble: a billionaire high stakes suspense romance (City Sinners Book 4)

Page 28

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  With Scott standing behind me and unable to see my face, I hoped to have a lifetime to explain away my next actions. Never leaving Basilio’s eyes, I cupped his face and implored, “If I thought there was any chance I could love you as much as you deserve, I promise, I’d never leave your side. But while I’m in your life, even as a friend, I’m scared that you’ll never open your eyes to the woman that is out there waiting for you to notice her.”

  “I don’t want another woman.”

  “Bass, I do. I want you to find the woman who’ll look at you as if you raise the sun and hang the moon. I can’t love you the way you deserve, but I want that for you.”

  My lips brushed against his cheek before pulling away.

  Yes, underneath the bullshit and jealousy, he’d been a good man. Just not the right man for me.

  “Is there anything I can say or do to change your mind?”

  Still in his arms and whispering softly so only Basilio could hear, “Do I need to keep looking over my shoulder? The knife to my throat, will it cut next time? Is Scott safe?”

  Basilio relaxed his hug. Offering guilt I didn’t know he possessed, “How’d you know?”

  “You wanted us here—you wanted us here to destroy each other.”

  “I wanted you to walk away tonight as queen of the cards or turn to me as your patron and start again.”

  This needed to be his moment to understand.

  Firmly and without giving him reason to doubt, I backed away, palms up in defeat. “If I don’t walk out of here with Scott, then I’m walking away from everything. I don’t want it anymore. I’ll change my name, move cities—whatever it takes to start again. If I don’t leave here with him, I’m leaving with nothing.”

  Seconds seemed like minutes before Basilio shrugged, “If he does anything to hurt you—”

  “Thank you—” This time I cut him off with a genuine hug. “Please, I need to know. Do I need to keep looking over my shoulder? Does Scott?”

  “I could never hurt you.”

  “You hurt people around me.”

  “I only destroyed ex-husband because he’d hurt you.”

  “You also threatened me or at least sent your thugs to send me a message.” Instinctively, I rubbed at my neck, the memory of the blade still raw.

  “I was doing my job—but I would never have let it go too far. I never wanted you to be hurt.”

  “Doing your job,” I mused. “I think I’ve used that one before.”

  It had taken this moment for me to understand Scott’s feelings of betrayal. I’d been doing my job, but he’d—

  He’d hoped I’d do my job without disrespecting our feelings. Without pretending we weren’t more than colleagues. I’d been doing my job, without remembering Scott wasn’t just another client. I should have recused myself from Mason’s special assignment, or I should have told Mason the truth. Scott was one of the best poker players I’d ever seen—that I should know, because I was also one of the best.

  “Are we all good here?” Scott asked, his arm sneaking around my waist. No longer patiently waiting. Now he wanted answers, and to get out of here.

  “Your girl here didn’t leak that article, I did.”

  I gasped at Basilio’s honesty.

  “You what?” Scott took half a step forward before I held him back.

  Basilio didn’t notice the threat, continuing unashamed, “I have some friends who were able to find out about your loan, and called in some favors to make sure the story went viral.”

  The second shock was Scott’s understanding. Looking to Basilio, to me and back again, Scott merely extended his hand. “I think we figured that out and I think I know why. But, now if you excuse us there’s some place we need to be.”

  We left without saying goodbye to the other Sydney-based players. My small hand buried within Scott’s, we jogged out to the taxi rank. Neither of us had checked into our rooms and the concierge had our bags still stashed at the front desk.

  “Have you got your passport?” He brushed my hair away from my face while I tucked away the hairband. I didn’t need to be GG anymore.

  “Of course, I never travel without it, but where are we going?”

  I’d had enough shocks for one day, and surprises for one lifetime.

  “There’s something I need to tell you, but I can’t do it here. Do you trust me?”

  I not only trusted him, but I was apparently the only one who remembered he’d already said the words. Still, we deserved him to have this moment.

  “I’ve said all in once already tonight, what else do you want me to say?” I turned into Scott. Our hearts beating in time. I wanted him to kiss me, truly put this nightmare to bed.

  Lips moistened, head tilted, all he had to do was—

  Not a hug! Although, this one felt permanent. Fingers linked around my waist.

  “Trust me.”


  Of all the places in the world to have our last, first kiss, I didn’t expect it to be standing on a footpath, outside the casino, with rain lashing our faces.

  We could have waited until the perfect moment.

  Or accept that there was no such thing.

  Especially after a game of cards ending with no winner. I’d never walked away without the final call—putting it all on the line in a game of as much skill as chance.

  The odds had been stacked against us from the beginning, what with our pasts, careers and now futures. Yet, somehow, this gorgeous brunette was standing in my arms, fingertips barely touching my chest, and those damn eyes looking up at me as if I was her king.

  Perfect moment be damned. I didn’t need perfect, I needed her.

  Slowly and carefully, savoring the moment, I wiped the rain from her cheek and then lifted her chin until our lips were only a breath away. I wanted to read a lifetime of promises in her eyes. I wanted to feel her heart beat next to mine.

  I wanted our last, first kiss to be—

  Beep, beep, beep.

  “Did you want this car or not? I’ve got other rides that are willing to pay.”

  Laughing, I pulled Carlynn closer, lips brushing hers. Deftly parting her lips with my tongue until our mouths, bodies and souls collided.

  Perfect moment?


  She groaned into the kiss, each sound igniting a fire from my belly to my heart. All the while, the driver serenaded us, blasting his horn.

  Having somehow walked out of the casino without Basilio’s goons putting me in a body bag, I questioned the tickets purchased while watching GG deal with yet another ex. What had I been thinking? Racing her off to the airport instead of to the nearest bedroom?

  I’d wanted to whisk her away so she’d be safe.

  “Mate, either get a room, or get in the cab!”


  “To be continued.” The driver had already grabbed our bags, waiting for me to open the car door for Carlynn.

  “I might just have to hold you to that.”


  Carlynn stood out in the Mascot airport lounge. Still wearing her fuck-me leather jacket over the short skirt that almost lost its life in the back of the cab, bustier and boots that would one day end me. We stood still while women ushered their staring menfolk around us.

  “Why not?” I held out two, first class tickets to New Zealand. Leaving in a couple of hours, flying overnight. We could be back in Queenstown by tomorrow afternoon.

  “When did you get them, why?”

  “It doesn’t matter when, only that you trust me.”

  “I’m here, aren’t I!” Her laugh attracted more attention, and I couldn’t help but bring her in close. Hell, I’d glue our bodies together if it was legal.

  “With all the shit that’s gone down, don’t you think we deserve a do-over? A romantic trip to New Zealand, no distractions.”

  “On one condition.” She leaned up to kiss me lightly on the nose. “Only if you call me Carlynn—GG is officially retired.”

  “Your condition is unacceptable,” I retorted, grabbing her ass before she could pull away. “I fell in lust with GG. You can’t just take her off me.”

  “GG is not a toy!”

  “But withholding GG would be a punishment.” We were back to our best bantering. Could we wait until New Zealand? Or was I gonna have to see if there was an executive meeting room available to hire somewhere in the airport. We’d only need half an hour and a flat surface.

  “Hmmm,” she teased.

  I fumbled with her jacket buttons until my hands found their way through a small gap and up her skirt. “What if you wear this sexy black outfit to bed. Can I pull your ponytail and call you GG then?”

  “Ahhh,” she sighed, grinding against me in public. I could almost see the media headlines now, From CFO To Public Fornicator. “Only if you’re riding me and my clothes aren’t the only things made out of leather!”

  “I guess, I’m getting us a membership to The Club when we get back?”

  “I could be convinced!”

  Only the last call for boarding stopped us from being arrested.

  Damn, I loved her. Enough that when she slept on my shoulder, I couldn’t stop watching her breathe. Counting each breath and holding my own until she did it again.

  Despite living on coffee and no sleep for the past week, Basilio’s confession demanded a response. I spent most of the flight typing one-handed emails to Mason and Darius warning them of how the cyber-breach must have started. Then, there were more emails to head-hunting agencies and my lawyers. I’d even engaged a public relations firm to do damage control on behalf of Carlynn.

  By the time we were waiting for our luggage in Queenstown, the press were issuing apologies and offering five and six figure sums to Softli, Mason, Carlynn and I to avoid lawsuits. Which reminded me, I needed to make sure Carlynn got her own legal advice.

  The last message came by text.

  Mason: Would you consider me cancelling the drawdown debt as sufficient apology?

  I still burned at how quickly my friend had decided not to trust me.

  My initial reaction was to take the money and splash out on some indulgence for Carlynn—a world trip, or seven.

  My second impulse was to tell Mason to shove the money where the sun would never shine. Preferably, shoved sideways. I didn’t want what I now considered blood money. I certainly didn’t need it based on the rebounding Softli share price and new job offers.

  Mason: Okay. Cancelling the drawdown debt and giving you the same amount as an apology. Followed by a verbal grovelling at the next board meeting.

  I deserved closure.

  “Scott, quick, that’s your bag!” Carlynn pointed and I rushed to pull it from the conveyer belt just in time.

  Now or never.

  “Where in the world do you want to live?” We’d talked about our bucket lists. I expected she’d go big and wild; Paris, New York, London or Rome.

  I didn’t expect—

  “With you.”


  So honest and beautiful. Suddenly, images of Carlynn’s ex-husband fighting his gambling demons flashed before my eyes. His greatest loss was about to be my life’s gain.

  I knew what I had to do. There was only one, right thing to do. Except, Carlynn rushed me through to the taxi rank and paid off the waiting travelers to get us to the front of the queue.

  One last text to Mason.

  Everyone deserved closure. Everyone deserved to win.

  Scott to Mason: Apology accepted. Make donation in equal parts to Gamblers Anon and MensLink.

  Mason: In your name?

  Scott: GG Rush.

  “You okay?” I jumped at Carlynn’s soft touch. Engrossed in my phone, I hadn’t noticed the cab pull up outside the five star hotel I’d booked on a whim.

  “Fine, but are you sure? I mean, we ran away from some crazy shit back there, but are you ready to—”

  My greatest fear was that she’d acted on impulse and would just as quickly get buyer’s remorse. I loved her. Love her. Would forever, love her.

  “Run away with you?” Carlynn laughed, getting out of the cab first while I sorted out payment. “Find a new job? Maybe move to a different city, again?”

  “How about we start by checking out our room?”

  “Sounds like the perfect way to continue that kiss!”

  “Are you kidding me?”

  Carlynn spun into my arms, almost knocking over the lamp from the table in an attempt to avoid falling onto the bed. “There’s not even a television!”

  I’d assumed even the smallest room in a five-star hotel would be bigger than Carlynn’s living area back in Sydney. Nope.

  “Now you understand my evil, diabolical plan!” I laughed, jumping on the bed and pulling her on top. “I don’t want you to get distracted. We don’t need television, everything we need is right here.”

  “Hmmm, gonna be hard to leave this room.” Carlynn rolled onto her back before I tickled at her waist. “Okay, okay! We’re never leaving here, and I’ll never be distracted.”

  “Oh, but that’s where you’re wrong.” More tickles, giggles until she straddled my hips. Bringing me under her control—as if there was ever any doubt. “I’ve got something planned for us tomorrow.”

  “What on earth are we going to do until then?”

  Her tone changed. From playful, to sensual. From GG to Carlynn, to my woman. I tensed, trembling as she removed my shirt. The air conditioning not responsible for my goosebumps. “I mean, we could go for a long walk—”

  “Or? I mean we don’t want to waste any time with the wrong ideas.”

  We rolled around, playfully fighting for top position, only stopping when she’d somehow removed my pants and latched onto my shaft. Fully erect and waiting for its turn to play. I almost died when she brushed the tip with a kiss, “Be careful, you don’t want me to accidentally snap it!”

  “Crazy woman! All you had to do was ask.”

  Twisting until I could overcome the dozens of crazy press studs holding her bustier in place, my next challenge was her tight skirt.

  “What is this, your first time?” She laughed when I couldn’t figure out how to undo her zipper. My head was exploding with the need to savor this moment and make it last forever, or to take her fast and furious. Fuck her into next week.

  “No, but it’s our last, first time.”

  “Then, let me.” Carlynn sat up, smoothing her skirt down, removing her boots and top until she assumed a provocative position on the bed. Wearing black leather and pearl thong, stockings and a smile that belonged wrapped around my cock.

  “Hmmm,” I moaned, walking my fingers until her legs spread naturally. “Vanilla sex in a hotel room—what are we?”

  “Well, if you’d give me half an hour, I think at least one of us could be satisfied.” She squeezed her legs, trapping my hand as it was about to pounce.

  “Haven’t you heard—ladies first.”

  Starting at her naked belly button, I tongued my way to her right breast. Feeling it squash beneath my touch. Still, her legs held my hand in place. She’d fold.

  Long, delicious strokes before my licks became circles. Teasing close but never touching her pebbled nipple. She moaned and writhed but squeezed my hand tighter.

  I could do this. Flicking her nipple in short, sharp bursts. Then alternating between warm breaths and cool air. Watching her body tingle in anticipation.

  I wanted between her legs. I wanted her to open to me, allow me to prove how much I wanted this, and her.

  “Ahhh, please, don’t, stop,” she moaned. Releasing her grip slightly, giving me the opportunity to find her wetness. Tease the opening of her slit.

  Almost there.

  I kept up the pressure on her breast. Now, it was my main attraction. My fingers held patiently at the breach. Waiting for a warm welcome.

  It would come, then she would. Only then, would I look for my own reward.

  “Damn it, you don’t play fair!”<
br />
  Her legs opened and I dived down. Spreading her open, my kisses found their way to her core.

  Oh, bliss. The woman I loved had never tasted so sweet!

  Starving man; meet banquet. Banquet; meet the man who’ll devour you, and then come back for more.

  “Please?” Carlynn tried to lead my shaft between her legs.

  Sorry babe, not yet.

  “I said, ladies first!”

  Rolling her over, pinning her hands underneath her stomach, I buried my head back between her legs. My fingers at her bud, spreading her cheeks. Tonguing my way from her beautiful ass to her slit and back again. Feeling her cheeks clench. Her hips chasing my tongue.


  I plunged without warning. One, two, three fingers filling her while I gently bit her clit. Then swapped. Thrusting my tongue deep, sucking all her juices while my fingers did their job.

  “Please, please, please—” she moaned. Continuing to chase my fingers and head. “Please, don’t stop, please.”

  So close.

  “Ahhh!” Carlynn screamed loud enough to wake the dead and summons every police officer in the South Island. Still, I didn’t let her go. Riding her wave until, at last, her legs relaxed and hips sunk to the mattress.

  “Oh—that was—oh.” Carlynn rolled over, her face a delighted trance.

  “We could do it again, I mean, until you can use your words!” My own needs secondary to hers as she continued to shudder under light fingertip figure eights.

  “Do you think they have room service here?”

  Really? Those were her words?

  “Why, what do you feel like?”

  “I’m thinking you need steak for the energy you’re going to need!”

  “Woman, I don’t need steak, but if you want some meat—”


  This time, Carlynn took control. Claiming my mouth with hers, not stopping until she had me right where she wanted me.

  Where I belonged.

  Punishing her for every wasted minute apart, with thrust after hard thrust. Until she scratched at my ass, my back. Leaving her mark on more than my heart.

  “I—” I bit my tongue and she bit into my shoulder. I couldn’t say it now. Not here and not like this.


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