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Reckless Gamble: a billionaire high stakes suspense romance (City Sinners Book 4)

Page 29

by Kenna Shaw Reed

  “Do it,” she cried, misunderstanding.

  “Not without you.”

  Raising up on my hands, I drove her hard. Knowing just by way her eyes rolled back, I’d found her spot.

  Not a second too soon.

  One, two, three—

  “Oh, not again! Yes, yes, yes!” Carlynn screamed and I collapsed.

  The thought of food was forgotten as we made love, slept and then made love again. Once or twice, we had to tone things down under the threat of noise complaints from our common wall.

  “Sorry!” Carlynn called out before hiding her face into my chest. “Things got a little out of control back there.”

  “How about we try to get a couple of hours sleep.” I kissed her nose, resisting the urge to do more. “I’ve got a big day planned for us tomorrow.”

  “Don’t you mean, today?”

  “Have you ever been rock-climbing?”

  Carlynn jumped up, with a start. Almost overbalancing and falling off the bed, except for my expert reflexes.

  “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  “No, I’m serious. Why? Are you a champion climber?”

  “How about, I climb worse than I ski. I’m scared of two things.”

  “Which are?”

  Oh, no.

  “Heights and spiders.”

  “Really? Does that mean I can never get a tarantula?”

  “Not if you ever want me to live with you!”

  Fuck me. I could tell the words were unexpected, and Carlynn looked like she was ready to bolt. Not on my watch, babe.

  “Shhh, hold that thought,” I whispered. Gently pulling her back down, settling her back against my chest. “How about we get a couple of hours sleep, survive a rock-climb tomorrow and then we can discuss the future.”

  Nothing about our relationship had been normal or easy.

  We weren’t those sort of people.

  Probably, never would be.

  While watching Carlynn battle whether to trust me or not at the card table, I’d made a decision. That if we got a second—or was it third—chance, I’d take her to the perfect spot to say the words I’d known for months.

  My climbing friends had posted hundreds of pictures from their New Zealand climb. Stunning country and anywhere would be perfect, but I’d decided on the turquoise blue lake, Wakatipu as our backdrop.

  While Carlynn had slept on the plane and in between sorting things out with Softli and Mason, I’d been able to arrange for a local guide to hire us the climbing gear, and to help out if required.

  What sort of guy invites a woman on a climb without knowing if she’s scared of heights? This asshole right here. Strange how I thought a romantic gesture could end up being another metaphor for our entire relationship.

  “Why?” Carlynn asked over breakfast in bed. At least five-stars got us more food than we could handle. Carlynn bypassed her favorite indulgence of croissants for the Spanish omelet followed by blueberry pancakes. I’d ordered breakfast steaks, grilled veal sausage, hash browns, tomato and mushrooms. This woman deserved a man full of energy and after last night, I needed a refill.

  “Why, what?”

  “I mean, you love rock-climbing, but it’s never been my thing.”

  “Trust has been our biggest challenge, right?” She nodded. “Can you think of anything bigger than trusting me with your life—that I won’t let anything happen to you. That I’ll keep you safe.”

  “But, I’m scared of heights.” Scared, not terrified. Since last night, she’d expressed concern but hadn’t said, no. Carlynn wanted to trust me as much as I wanted to trust us.

  “I’m scared of losing my heart.”

  “Do you even know how to teach someone?”

  “We’ll have an experienced guide with us, but as much as possible, I think we need to do this together.”


  “Are you trying to force me back to bed?”

  Carlynn had emerged from the change rooms in the hired wet weather pants, and woollen jumpers. A vision. Never sexier.

  “You wanted to do this thing, let’s do it,” she said with a perfectly executed eyeroll. Sassy wench.

  “Do this thing, then do you? Yes, ma’am,” I bantered back.

  With minimal help from our guide, Carlynn faced the climb like she did everything.

  With grace, logic and turning her nerves into witty repartee.

  Yes, she hesitated at points on the climb, but each time she allowed me to talk her through it.

  Nothing back in Sydney could teach us trust. Our greatest challenge was being faced as she learned, one metre at a time, how to trust me. That she could.

  In return, I learned I could trust this woman. Not to give up just because things could get hard. That she wouldn’t give up even when she was scared or pushed outside her comfort zone.

  Three hours of climbing, and we finally reached the peak.

  “Oh! Now I understand!” Carlynn cried as she pulled herself up to the top. Standing, with her arms high in the air. Her face alive, and a smile that said it all. “This is amazing—look Scott—how beautiful it all is!”

  “You did it!” I repeated until she stopped spinning, pulling her into my arms. Cradling her close enough to feel her heart pounding even under the layers of warm clothes.

  “I’m still scared of spiders,” she laughed.

  “Is that your only other fear?”

  “Until four months ago, I was scared of falling in love again—after Matt, I couldn’t trust my judgement in people let alone, men.”

  “And now?” I pressed.

  “A week ago, I was terrified of never being able to convince you that it wasn’t me that planted those articles.”

  “I think we moved past that, yesterday.”

  “You asked about my fears and honestly, my greatest fear has been falling in love with you.”

  Suddenly, the mountain air was no longer cold.

  The blue lake wasn’t the beautiful backdrop I thought we needed.

  I didn’t need the perfect scenery or to create the perfect moment.

  All I’d needed was the perfect woman, for me.

  My fears for today and the future melted under the heat of Carlynn’s smile.

  “And I’m about to overcome one of mine.” I sucked in a breath, dropping to one knee. I still didn’t know what to say or how to say it, only that nothing would ever be more important than Carlynn hearing what I needed to say.

  “Carlynn Hargraves-Rush, GG, or whatever name you want me to call you. I love you.”

  She hadn’t moved. Eyes wide, but welcoming. Enquiring, but full of love.

  “Carlynn, I’ve never said those words to another woman, and that’s terrifying. This whole day and rock-climbing was like our relationship. We’ve both had to overcome some serious stuff, and if we stay together, I can almost guarantee it’s not going to be easy.”

  “But so worth it,” Carlynn said, softly into the wind.

  “I’m asking you to marry me. I’m telling you that I love you; and I’m hoping like hell that you feel the way I do.”

  Carlynn dropped to her knees. Cupping my face in her hands. Pulling me close until our foreheads were pressed together and our lips ever so close.

  She hadn’t answered, and my lungs cried out for oxygen.

  “Oh, Scott,” she sighed and my heart screamed out for a reason to beat. “You didn’t need to make me climb up this mountain; all you had to do was ask.”

  “Carlynn Rush, I’m asking now. What do you say?”

  One second, two seconds—

  Thirty-nine seconds, forty—

  “All in.”


  Six months later


  As far as engagement parties went, social media couldn’t decide on how to describe the one between Scott Alexander, brother of Australian war hero, Edison Alexander and Miss Carlynn—

  That’s when their pens lifted and words got lost.

  No one
knew how to describe me, or what name to use. Which all made for useful clickbait.

  Between Scott’s notoriety, and the snippets people started to pull together from my past, we became Sydney’s unexpected It couple. Kicking reality and soapie stars off the entertainment blogs and sites.

  We didn’t care.

  Jarryd had convinced us to come back to his games, at least once a month. Scott and GG still bickered at the table. We had as much fun taking down each other as we did clearing out our competition. But other than Lachlan Morriset, most of our friends were away from the table.

  As for Lachlan, we’d started discussions on how to take our professional relationship to the next level. Officially becoming partners and merging our consultancies. Thanks to Lachlan and his connections, Carlynn Rush was here to stay and I could still bring GG out to play.

  “There she is!” Tara Lawson, the stunning brunette from our favorite home away from home, The Club, hugged me. “Ready for your big day?”

  “It’s just an engagement party.” I shrugged.

  “Whatever you say.”

  I watched as Darius kept a protective eye over the woman who was never out of his reach for long. Darius and Scott would always be rivals in the corporate world, but never over women.

  “Have you met Ibrahim and Erebus?” Tara introduced yet another two gorgeous men. One, dark and with Lebanese or possibly Turkish heritage, the other blonde and belonging on the cover of romance novels.

  “No, but I’m assuming Katie and Flick decided to bring their plus ones.” I joked as my other new friends joined the group.

  “It keeps Sydney’s murder count low when Katie chooses to invite me.” Ibrahim replied easily. His tone light, but I’d heard enough about his recent business disruptions. Nightclubs, MC gang wars and organised crime bosses going missing. Yet, he looked completely relaxed in the Southern Highlands estate.

  “Glad to hear it, and thank you for coming.”

  “Pleasure is mine. Scott’s a good guy.”

  “Carlynn, ready?” Lachlan joined our little gathering.

  “Have you seen the guest of honor?”

  “Darius introduced him to Deacon Galis and your boy has gone all fanboy.”

  “I don’t know how Darius pulled off holding our little party at Deacon’s recording studio, but I think Scott’s more excited about meeting Stormy Waters than announcing our engagement.”

  “Oh, babe, your boy is all about you and your engagement. But, if he gives you any grief, my arms are always open.”

  With Scott off the market, Jarryd and Lachlan were now Sydney’s most eligible bachelors. Jarryd took his role seriously, offering weekly try outs for wannabe wives. According to the rumors, Lachlan was still mooning about a fling that flew away.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I’m sticking with the hand I was dealt.”

  “Well, it’s time to get this party started.” Lachlan suggested, motioning for everyone to get ready and in place.


  I never thought I’d fall in love.

  I never thought I’d leave Softli.

  Well I hadn’t really left. Not completely.

  Nina Elphaine had made me an offer too good to refuse, to join her consulting firm as a senior partner. Able to work the hours commensurate with my impending fatherhood duties, while working across a dozen tier one clients.

  Mason and Softli were a client, but not even my largest or most profitable.

  Six months after almost losing it all, I had more money than I could spend in several lifetimes.

  And, more time to spend with my fiancé before she became my wife and mother to our child.


  I was about to do something my brother hadn’t.

  Although, there was something in the way he kept looking at Carlynn’s growing belly that defied the bachelor soldier ruse Ed maintained was real. Not that he was going to talk to me about it, but perhaps there was more than just Brynne who’d gotten away?

  Perhaps dedicating his life to saving the world had come at a price?


  My charming bride-to-be and I had five months to upgrade her diamond to a gold band before our weekends of sleeping in were gone.

  I didn’t need sleep. Or the money Nina insisted on throwing my way.

  I had friends who’d stuck by us. Family who’d welcomed Carlynn to the dinner table and into their hearts without question.

  And, I had Carlynn.

  Who could still beat me in an argument, although I’d started beating her at cards. After doing the rounds of the media, she’d used our infamy to educate companies about the benefits of behavioural insights. As the leader in her field, her consultancy business was growing as fast as our family. This merger with Lachlan could only help—give her time for our family.

  Our family. Even the thought of our baby had me choked up and speechless.

  “Ready?” My fiancé called me over to the gazebo overlooking the green fields of the Southern Highlands. The perfect backdrop to the start of our life. All we needed was for me to start the toasts.

  With experience and flare, I made my way to the small stage via the bar. All eyes waiting while I dropped three slices of lime on top of the three ice cubes in a tumbler. After filling it with soda water, I made my way to the most beautiful woman in the world. A simple offering to a complicated woman. My woman.

  “I remember everything. From that lunch when I wanted Carlynn, to the cards when I wanted GG. From the moment I realized I could have both—if I played my cards right.”

  Queue the predicted laugher, my family didn’t let me down.

  “Carlynn Hargraves Rush. I’ve loved you before I even knew you. I want to spend the rest of my life getting to know you only so I can love you more.” I smiled, she smiled and I couldn’t wait until this party was over and the real one could begin. “Carlynn, will you marry me?”

  I’d always intended to ask for her hand a second time, in front of all our loved ones. It hadn’t been part of the run sheet or the plan. My role had been to offer a toast to my fiancé and her family. Asking her to marry me was supposed to be a surprise, only, she didn’t look surprised.


  What the—

  “On one condition.”

  The woman who was wearing my ring, on her left hand, motioned to the side of the recording studio.

  To the acoustic version of Be Still, a minister or priest held up his white robes as he made his way to the gazebo. Followed by the legendary rock band, the sight needed to be captured and studied as evidence of a modern-day miracle.

  Deacon Galis and a minister heading my way. Singing the song I’d killed in the shower trying to serenade my fiancé only this morning.

  “Are you ready, my reckless gambler?”

  Carlynn stood facing me. Edison, Jarryd and Mason came from nowhere to take their place to my side. The bastards were in on this.

  Tara, Ellin and Katie formed a line next to Carlynn. All the girls were in different shades of lavender. The men had all found matching grey suit jackets.

  I’d called Carlynn’s bluff and she’d called mine.

  “I’m listening, although you should be warned, I make a living out of calling people’s bluff.”

  “I’m not getting any less pregnant, and unless you’re thinking of changing your mind, why not today?”

  “Still listening.” I took one hand in each of my own. Turning them over to kiss her palms, and back to the ring I’d placed on her hand two months ago after a designer finally understood what I’d wanted and Carlynn deserved.

  “Scott Alexander, will you go all in with me?”

  The formalities could come. The minister could pronounce us under God’s watchful eye.

  This was us.

  “I do.”

  Thank you for reading Reckless Gamble.

  Keep reading for a sneak peek into the lives of Scott’s brother, Edison, in the military romantic suspense Defend Her, or go back to the fight and
woman who started it all with The Bad Kitty.

  Contact me

  I write from experience of past loves and lovers. Of broken hearts and redemption. Of women who get the man (or men) they deserve.

  Join my mailing list, get Dirty Blonde as your FREE gift and exclusive material and connect with me on:


  Instagram – mostly poems, mostly books, mostly moods and sometimes puppies


  If you loved Reckless Gamble, or even if you have strong feelings about Carlynn and Scott or even Darius and Lachlan, I would greatly appreciate if you would leave a review. Thank you so much. Kenna xoxo

  What to read next?

  All my books can be read in order or stand alone. Start at the beginning or jump in at any time.

  Rockstar Reverse Harem with a touch of suspense – Loving the Band

  Sydney never expected running from her past would end up spending lockdown with the band. The competition for her heart might be fun, but can relationships survive the consequences?

  After quick reads Seducing the Band, and Playing with the Band, get full length Enjoying the Band in Lockdown and Reuniting the Band in Lockdown.

  “Tell me what you want,” Xavier asked, his eyes and body mine to command. Join my newsletter and find out why he asks in your free prequel, Dirty Blonde today.

  City Sinners

  Billionaires and broken hearts. When the sun goes down, the deals are done and the sinners come out to play. Start with Broken Trust or go straight to Ibby and the romantic suspense Hard Bargain today

  Aussie Military Romance series

  After all they do to protect and serve, these Australian heroes deserve a happily ever after. And they have the bodies and the means to defend the women they love from enemies foreign and domestic.

  Start with Avenge Her today.

  Choose Your Own Romance

  When one happily ever after is not enough, choose your own. Read them as stand-alone or as a series.


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