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Breaking us Both 3: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

Page 3

by Tinto Selvaggio

  “R, Richmond...” I stutter.

  “As I said, this is going to be another test for you both, but I have every confidence in you,” he takes a napkin from me and dabs the corners of his mouth. “This young lady was made for sharing. She’s far too special to be kept hidden away Vaughn,” he studies my facial expression and then indicates I should take my seat.

  “We’ll finish these,” he says, lifting his drink, “and then we’ll go and have a little fun. I was intending to ask you to take your panties off at this point Lily. But on seconds thoughts I think we might wait for that.”

  Chapter Five

  “I think we can do better than that top you’re wearing to go with your skirt and heels young lady,” Richmond murmurs from over our shoulders as we walk through the mall. He said he wants to follow a short distance behind us for a while, so that he can ‘enjoy Lily’s rear and legs’ while she walks.

  “As it happens I spotted an outlet on my way in here earlier,” he says as we continue walking ahead of him as directed, “I think we might find something a little more suitable for you in there.”

  My head pounds like it’s ready to explode. Richmond’s walking behind us, gorging his eyes my wife’s ass and bare legs, directing our every action. I grip Lily’s hand in my own equally clammy palm.

  “I think those youths were rather taken with you Lilian,” Richmond’s laughs behind us as a group of hoodie-wearing guys stop and stare back over their shoulders at my wife.

  I’m not sure if either of us knows how to act in this situation but Richmond doesn’t seem to have any such concerns. He directs us into a trashy-looking discount female fashion store over on our left. The kind of place neither of us would dream of shopping in.

  How’s Lily going to feel about a place like this? I steal a look at my wife, but her face is impassive. Why does she hardly look at me when this man is around?

  “I believe this outlet has the kind of thing I have in mind for you this evening Lily. Just inside the door on the left.” Richmond overtakes us and is soon parting the hangers of bright, and pastel-colored tops. With no sign of self-consciousness he holds up a lurid pink version with an extremely low-cut neckline. It looks like a button-up Henley-style t-shirt.

  “Nothing like hot pink to draw the attention,” he smiles at me. I glance at Lily. Her long manicured fingers are clicking their way across the tops of rows of other coat hangers.

  “I want you to try the pink, white and black versions on for me Lily,” he says without taking his eyes from some other tops he’s seen. Without so much as a word, Lily picks out her sizes in the style Richmond has chosen and drapes them over her arm.

  “Go with her to the changing rooms Vaughn. I’ll join you shortly.” Richmond moves to another rack of tops which seem to have various motifs on.

  Even in such an intense situation I can’t help thinking how incongruous a man of his age looks, rifling intensely through clothes for young females. I suppose people might think he’s shopping for a younger relation. Richmond himself looks like he couldn’t care less what others might think of him.

  I follow the motion of Lily’s ass down the aisle towards the changing room. There’s no assistant around advising on how many items can be taken in and I grab a seat on the only stool in the waiting area. Lily disappears into the nearest cubicle. I watch her pull the curtain across and I sit contemplating this madness.

  It’s a relief to get a few seconds to calm my breathing and consider the whole situation.

  Guilt and arousal course through me at the control we’ve surrendered to this man who’s been fucking my wife. My stomach is clenched tight.

  Richmond is out of sight down the store. For a moment my thoughts drift back to being on my knees for him. Shamefully my cock is pushing hard against the relentless shell of my chastity belt. What the fuck has he reduced us both to?

  I try to justify my feelings, rationalising that any desire to worship him that I’ve felt was only because of what I know he does to the woman I love. Because Lily offers herself up to him and that huge tool between his legs.

  A female assistant arrives, asks me if I’m OK and then when I tell her I’m just waiting for my wife, she disappears again.

  Lily emerges from behind the curtain wearing the pink version of the button up top. I take a deep breath. The shirt reveals the top of her cleavage. It clings beautifully to the rest of her bust and accentuates the indent of her slender hips.

  “Nice,” I gulp.

  Lily stands awkwardly stroking one of her own arms as another girl about her age saunters past her into a cubicle with some jeans to try. Her muscle-bound boyfriend or husband, stands chewing gum a few feet from me.

  “Let see it with the buttons fully undone Lily,” Richmond has made his way to us with another top over his arm. The muscle-bound guy looks from Richmond to me, then at Lily. My face burns.

  A flush creeps across Lily’s cheeks and she shuffles her feet. Her chin lowers and her fingers pick open the three buttons of her top.

  “That’s better.” Richmond says, his voice unnecessarily loud, “There’s little point your wife having lovely big titties like those if she’s going to hide them is there Vaughn?” He pauses, looking directly at me and smiling down his nose. My face and ears feel like they’re on fire. The jaw on the guy chewing gum slows.

  Richmond passes me and hands my wife a black top. He mutters something to her and her face flushes bright pink. She looks from me to the guy waiting for his partner. Richmond nods slowly at her and steps back alongside me crossing his arms.

  “Yeah good," the guy with the chewing gum nods less than enthusiastically at his dumpy brunette partner in her new jeans. Seemingly satisfied with his reaction she returns behind her curtain. “Only another five more to go,” he rolls his eyes at Richmond and I use the opportunity to laugh loudly trying to relieve some of the tension pounding through me.

  “I don’t know,” Richmond shakes his head and indicates towards Lily’s curtain. It’s now pulled only halfway across. “That one doesn’t seem to care who she shows herself off to,”

  Oh my God, Lily very obviously down to her black lace underwear. The breathtaking curves of her half-naked body exposed on her high heels to the three of us. Why has she taken her skirt off too? Is that what he was whispering to her?

  “Yeah, yeah,” the muscle-bound guy alongside clears his throat. His voice noticeably higher, he quickly affirms the look of the next pair of his wife’s new jeans. She disappears and then the guy’s mouth is hanging open the same as mine. Lily has started wiggling her hips peeling her panties down over her ass.

  Holy crap!

  I shoot a glance at Richmond and his pupils have dilated as he watches her.

  “Richmond...” my voice croaks.

  “Fuck me..” the other guy mutters as Lily’s panties reach her knees. Then he’s coughing and sounding like he’s choking on his chewing gum.

  Lily glances beyond us and pulls her curtain sharply across. The female assistant bustles up the aisle from the shop floor.

  “Any good?” she’s asking the dumpy brunette who’s now appeared carrying the jeans she went in to try. Her muscle-bound partner nods at us both and curls a half-smile at Richmond before following his girl to the check-out.

  “Let’s have a look at that last one I brought up Lily,” Richmond calls to my wife.

  I’m still trying to recover from what I’ve just witnessed. My wife displaying herself half naked to some stranger in a store just because that’s what Richmond wants.

  The assistant is standing next to Richmond when Lily’s curtain swishes open again.

  “That’s the one” he grins, “open all the buttons for me and you can leave it on while I pay for it.”

  I stand with my face burning and read the message on Lily’s black top.

  ‘If you want me - Just ask’ advises the white printed statement over her thrusting chest.

  If you want me just fucking ask? I can’t breathe as I w
atch Lily pull the curtain back across.

  “Don’t you think that’s the perfect message for your wife to wear?” Richmond raises his eyebrows at me and the assistant’s brow furrows.

  If I thought Lily got a lot of looks around a mall in her little skirt and the t-shirt of her own choosing earlier - I hadn’t seen anything. I lose count of the number of double-takes she gets now.

  Her top is so open that it forces passersby to observe almost the whole of her large tits framed by the printed message.

  “Any single or groups of males coming towards us,” Richmond says, his voice muted but close behind us as we walk, “I want you to give them the eye. At least one male from every group and every male shopping alone. Come on to them with those big green eyes Lily.” he whispers.

  For a second I want to turn and run in the opposite direction down the mall.

  But Lily obeys Richmond. To the extent that while still holding my hand, she wiggles the fingers of her other hand at one hunky young guy who smiles lingeringly at her.

  My legs are unsteady as we walk yet despite such a continually crushing humiliation, my cock is almost bursting from the confines of my chastity belt.

  “I think we need to intensify the evening a little.” Richmond is saying and I’m willing this to be a dream. “There’s the ladies washroom Lily. Vaughn and I will wait here while you go and take off your panties.”

  Oh shit, He isn’t serious..

  She faces him, her eyes wide. She looks like she might protest. He smiles and squeezes one of her shoulders. He puts an index finger to her lips.

  “Go on. Do as I say.” He nods to the washroom.

  She doesn’t look at either of us. She simply walks away from us – admittedly a little unsteadily at first, and disappears into the washroom as instructed.

  My whole body is shaking, my muscles tense. Am I hyperventilating? Alone with him now as we wait, I have no idea what to say to this man.

  “What you have to remember Vaughn is that your wife is really no stranger to behaving like a little tramp for me.”

  My insides churn.

  “You saw her in that car park in front of those other men didn’t you?” he grins down at me, “But did you ever expect it to come to this? Your lovely wife taking her underwear down and off in a shopping mall on my say so?” he raises his chin and I can’t even work out how to react.

  “Such a beautiful girl exhibiting herself under bright lights to ordinary people Vaughn. That’s very different for her from a murky car park in front of a group of perverts,” Richmond studies my face.

  Lily appears a little sheepishly from the washroom. When she reaches us Richmond snakes a hand towards her and discretely moves it over the back of her skirt and ass cheeks.

  “Perfect, there’s that lovely behind again. Nice and bare underneath. Good girl.”

  I glance around repeatedly to see whether anyone is staring at his action but it seems to have gone unnoticed. My chest is coiled tight.

  “Now, a little way down here,” Richmond points in the direction of the entrance we used to come in to the mall, “is a shoe shop which has at least one male assistant.”

  My stomach summersaults.

  “When I tell you which shoes I want you to try on Lily, you need to insist to whoever serves us that you only want the male assistant. Do you understand me?” He’s moved close to her, looking directly in to her eyes. His jaw is set .

  Lily looks up at him and her teeth play across her bottom lip.

  “You don’t have to do this Lily,” I blurt out.

  “I think your wife is more than capable of making up her own mind Vaughn,” Richmond looks at me with a pinched brow.

  “It’s OK.” Lily’s voice sounds almost like a child’s, “If that’s what you want,” she looks up uncertainly at the older man.

  “It is and I want you to flirt with the assistant. Ensure he gets a good look at everything Lily,” his eyes gleam at my wife.

  I think I might pass out.

  Once inside the brightly lit shoe shop Richmond directs Lily to take a seat. A female assistant is soon upon us.

  “We’re looking for some heels for this young man’s wife,” light reflects off Richmond’s gold watch as he points over at Lily.

  She’s sitting patiently with her legs crossed, but if she’s trying to be inconspicuous she’s failing spectacularly. Even if you could ignore such a beautiful face, her stunning chest is so showily presented by her balcony bra that it positively demands attention. Then there’s the shape and length of her bare legs in that inadequate skirt.

  “Something strappy and sexy,” Richmond says to the assistant and moves towards a display of high wedge-heeled, cross-strap sandals. “This kind of thing,” he says.

  I pretend to look interested in the men’s shoes while the assistant waddles her fat backside off to the storeroom before returning with shoes for my wife.

  Out of the corner of my eyes I watch the assistant’s furrowed look of disapproval and then her shrug as my wife confirms her preference for a male assistant.

  There only seems to be one and he’s at the till, taking another customers money. So we wait.

  Why don’t I just grab Lily’s hand and haul her out of this insanity now?

  I’m still flapping for a response to my own question when the male assistant approaches Lily. He’s a slim-looking guy in a shirt and tie, maybe in his 30’s. His hair is slicked back and dark.

  Lily smiles at him and toys with her hair. With her other hand she points to the floor and the shoes the female assistant brought for her to try.

  He crouches at my wife’s feet.

  Don’t stare. My pulse is in my throat.

  Lily leans forward towards him to take off her own shoes. Her bust rolls forward heavily in her top. Her cleavage is forcibly exhibited right into the shop assistant’s gaze.

  My stomach tightens.

  To his credit, the guy appears to try and avert his eyes from my wife’s barely concealed tits.

  With her feet now bare and anklet glistening, Lily leans back and points at her feet. She giggles and the assistant laughs back.

  I’m holding a shoe from the men’s selection, adjusting my position to get a better view of Lily.

  “She needs to show him her cunt,” Richmond’s whispered choice of words at my side shocks me. His voice sounds agitated. He’s nodding repeatedly at Lily, like he’s trying to catch her attention.

  I sneak my eyes around the shop to check we’re not being observed. The female assistant is busy with another couple at the other end of the shop.

  With one of the new shoes on Lily smiles at the assistant, bends her other leg at the knee then raises her bare foot to rest it on her seat close to her ass. Her skirt stretches and gapes open. My wife’s neatly trimmed pussy is presented for inspection by the crouching assistant.

  He visibly rocks on his heels. But then he steadies himself and is still. He continues to crouch, staring openly between my wife’s legs. Both he and Lily hold their position for what seems several seconds.

  A shoe drops out of my hand to the floor.

  Richmond is purring quietly at my side.

  Back outside the shop again, the male assistant stares through the window after us. Richmond asks me where I’m parked.

  “Just outside here,” I point an unsteady hand towards the exit.

  “Excellent,” he slaps my back, “I’m on the top floor near the office suites. Perhaps you’d drive me up there?”

  Drive? I’m not certain I can walk.

  I’m still bewildered at what I’ve just witnessed my wife doing for this man as he ushers her into the back of our car. He slides in next to her.

  “Drive slowly up to the top,” his reflection says to mine in my driving mirror. Lily’s leaning in to him. They’re kissing. I can hardly breathe.

  I pull the car out of our bay and head slowly for the curling ramp to the upper floors. The sound of their mouths slurping together, moaning.

sp; “That was so hot,” he’s mumbling as they kiss, “Did he get a good look between your legs?”

  Lily moans.

  I try not to make it obvious as I move my head around, straining to get a good look at them in the mirror. I’m not safe behind the wheel in this condition.

  Lily Is leaning over Richmond’s chest, her hands lowered. Richmond grins. The sound of his zipper. She’s got his cock out! Oh shit. Richmond’s eyes meet mine again in the mirror.

  “She’s good with her hands this girl of yours Vaughn,” he says, raising his chin and exposing his throat.

  My heart races, hands shaking but sticky around the steering wheel.

  Richmond leans right back on the seat and spreads his arms wide either side of him He closes his eyes.

  Lily’s head and shoulders disappear downward. I quickly adjust my driving mirror now his eyes are closed, moving my view downwards toward Richmond’s lap.

  He has the back of my wife’s blonde hair gripped tightly in a fist. Frenzied, distressed sound of her sucking, like some furious mantra or incantation. Her head ducking and snapping back relentlessly. His hips drive up violently to meet her.

  I hover my foot on the brake. Richmond groans, both his hands holding her head. His hips are still. Cum seeps from the corners of Lily’s mouth.

  Chapter Six

  I sit in my little home office in the back bedroom trying to put yesterday evening out of my head. My wife sucked Richmond off in the back of our car. The smell of his cum was on her all the way home. I couldn’t get it out of my nostrils. She sucked him off after everything he’d made her do around that mall.

  I tug at the chastity belt still clamped over my groin. I can’t believe I’m still in this.

  I try to force my attention to my PC screen. I need to finish the wording of this pay-per-click ad today for one of my clients.

  What if someone we know had seen her dressed like that around the mall? Images sear through my head of that male shop assistant. Crouching in front of my beautiful bare-legged wife. Gorging his hungry eyes on the free feast of her totally exposed pussy and her cleavage.


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