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Breaking us Both 3: Bi Dominant Training Submissive Hotwife & Cuckold Husband Public Humiliation & Sharing

Page 4

by Tinto Selvaggio

  Shame pulses through me. I didn’t worry when we got home last night about whether we’d been seen by someone we know at the mall. I couldn’t get Lily onto her back on the bed fast enough. I ate between her legs like my life depended on it. I revelled in the tortured frustration of this thing around my cock.

  If I didn’t know better I’d swear I have a hard on now in my pants. I push my hand down against the tough shell of the case shielding my shaft. God I need to cum. For the 100th time I replay the response Lily gave when I asked her to unlock me last night.

  “I can’t,” she gasped from her back. I lifted my dripping face from between her thighs so I could hear her better. “Richmond doesn’t want me to yet.”

  The thought that this man actively wants to keep me denied my own wife sends another surge of passion through my whole groin.

  But where the hell did she put that key?

  I’m back in our bedroom and once again riffling through Lily’s belongings. Looking for the small copper-colored route to freedom from this padlock and being able to jerk off. I wonder how many times I’ve played with myself while thinking about Lily and Richmond and yet taken it for granted.

  The key is so small though. I rack my brains trying to recall how long I was gone to the bathroom the night she hid it. How much time did she have? It can’t be that hard to find surely.

  I pull every pair of her jeans out of her wardrobe and one by one go through all the pockets. Then I do the same with her jackets and coats. What about all her handbags?

  My stifled semi-erection throbs as I torture myself over and over with the fact that Richmond was sucked to relief by her while I, the man she married, have remained desperate for days for an orgasm.

  I’m on to her make-up bags now, checking inside them Then I flick hurriedly through the pages of her bedside book and magazines. Nothing. Shit. I’ve wasted an hour. A whole hour trying to find it again. This has to end tonight.

  Back at my desk I repeatedly try to force all thoughts of Lily and this all-consuming man out of my head. I stare again on the words either side of the blinking cursor on my PC screen. God knows this whole thing is one huge erotic mind-fucking but how much more of it can I take?

  It’s just before 6pm when Lily arrives back from the gym after work.

  “Did you see him at the gym?”

  “Richmond?” she doesn’t look up from sifting through the envelopes that arrived with the mail today. “No, he had a director’s meeting or something to go to,”

  I vowed to myself most of the afternoon that tonight I’ll tell her it has to stop. But the sight of her here in our hallway when she’s taken off her jacket has my head in turmoil.

  The arch of her lower back in her cream blouse, the swell of her buttocks in that tight pencil skirt below. An ass that Richmond felt in her slutty little skirt last night, making sure she’d taken off her panties. My balls throb.

  “Come on Babe, let me out of this. I’ve been desperate for you all day,” I move behind her. I clutch her to me, my arms enveloping her, my groin pressing against her ass cheeks. I inhale the back of her head. Beneath the fragrance of fresh shampoo is the faintest trace of chlorine from the swimming pool at her spar and gym.

  “I’ve told you,” she picks at one of her fingernails, “He doesn’t want me to unlock you yet.”

  Perversely my groin quakes and my whole body trembles with her words. I’m not having any sex with my wife because Richmond says so. She’s putting what he wants ahead of what I want.

  Some small part of me is urging me to protest bitterly to her about it. Insisting I nag and cajole her to set my cock free. That part of me is almost angry with her.

  But another, huge and wilder side of my head is the one in control now as I hold my wife. It makes my groin pulsate and ache for the woman I love to prolong this torture at Richmond’s command.

  “Let me go down on you,” I whisper, in the kitchen with her now, my hands tracing the firm outline of her bosom under her satin blouse.

  “Vaughn I’ve only just got in through the door!” she stares at me, shaking her head and half-laughing.

  “Come on Lily, please”

  “I need something to eat first. You might have been sat on your butt all afternoon but I’ve been working out,” she opens a cupboard and stands staring at the packets and tins of food ingredients.

  “I’ll make us some pasta. You go and put your feet up,” I move her gently out of the way; keen to get food in her if that’s what keeping me from her pussy.

  My own behaviour is bewildering me. Richmond was right about becoming obsessed and desperate once your cock’s been locked away for several days.

  “Call me when it’s ready then. I’m going to get changed.” She says.

  An hour or so after our evening meal, once the dishes have been cleaned and put away, Lily succumbs to my pleading. I stand in our room, holding the chastity belt away from my swollen cock and balls while she peels down her tight brown leggings. The flesh on the underside of my balls and parts of my shaft has started to chafe again. Hardly surprising with the amount of toying and moving around the whole contraption has had over the last 24 hours.

  Lily is down to her panties. Somehow I’m already on my knees in front of her. She leans back, looking down wide-eyed at me. She’s my wife and I’m kneeling at her feet. I close my eyes, wrap my arms around the cool flesh of her hips and ass and pull her towards my face.

  Her fingers are delicate in my hair as her musk and heat envelope my nose and mouth.

  “Oh Lily,” I mumble into her, my free hand tugging at my chastity belt, trying to keep it away from my sore flesh. I claw the fabric of her panties to one side and my lips hungrily kiss those of her slippery opening. High above me she moans.

  She won’t let my cock have this pussy because he says so. She sucked him dry but I get none of her.

  “Did you like sucking Richmond’s big fat cock?” I’m breathing heavily, pulling my probing tongue from the sweetness of soaking folds.

  She moans a response.

  What did she say? Her legs are trembling. Her fingers tighter in my hair now.

  “Did you Lily, did you like sucking Richmond’s big cock while I was driving?”

  “Yes, oh yes,” her voice is breathless, “you love sucking it too don’t you?”

  I almost choke. Did she really say what I think she said?

  I lick frantically, my mind a whirlpool. Lily sounds close to cumming. Both her hands hold the back of my head. Her thighs shake against me. I tickle the soapy, stiffening little bud of her clit. I harden my tongue pushing and probing it deep up into her,

  She cries out, gripping my hair until my eyes water. She sinks her bare bottom down onto the bed, half-dragging me with her. I stagger up from my knees, wiping her fragrant secretions from around my face.

  “Let me out babe please, I’m desperate to cum", I kiss her glowing face.

  “I told you, I can’t,” she’s still breathing heavily; “he doesn’t want me to. Not yet.”

  “Yet? What does that mean?” I watch the rise and fall of her glorious breasts, still in her bra as her breathing steadies.

  “I don’t know,” Her head moves from side to side, her eyes close. “Until he says so I guess.”

  For the first time I’m seriously worried by exactly how long Richmond expects to keep me from my wife.

  As she runs herself a bath, I roll around my head the phrase she used about me enjoying Richmond’s cock. Did she actually say that or did I imagine it? My sticky face feels like it’s on fire.

  “He wants me to go and work for him,” Lily picks up a magazine to take it into the bath with her.

  “Work for him? What do you mean ‘work for him’?”

  “Duh, like give me a job,” she says, “In one of his offices,” she darts me a quick glance.

  “But you’ve got a job,” my voice is far higher in pitch than I expect and it shocks me.

  Chapter Seven

  “But I to
ld you last night Lily; I don’t want you to go and work for him,” I raise my voice into the phone hands-free, trying to make myself heard above the sound of my car’s faulty air conditioning.

  I look through the windscreen, craning my neck to try and see whether this long tail-back is showing any sign of movement up ahead.

  “Why not Vaughn, I don’t understand.” Lily’s voice is tinny through my earpiece. She sounds exasperated at repeating herself.

  “You having a bit if fun with the guy is one thing, but working for him as well? You’d be with him almost all the time,”

  “No I wouldn’t. You know what his lifestyle is like. He’s never in the same place two days in a row. He doesn’t even know yet which of his local offices he can fit me into,”

  “So how can he offer you a job if he doesn’t know exactly where you’d be working?”

  The other end of the line falls silent.

  “Look Lily, I’d be scared of losing you if you spent all that time with him. I know I would,”

  “Oh Vaughn, how many times do I have to tell you: you’re not going to lose me. He’s a married man!”

  “Oh and married men never leave their wives and go off with hotter, younger women do they?”

  “You’re being ridiculous Vaughn,” she sighs in my ear.

  “Am I?”

  Why would he offer my wife a job if he didn’t want to see even more of her? Doesn’t he have enough control over her already? Over both of us? My hands are sweaty on the steering wheel.

  “Vaughn, if Richmond was going to leave his wife and ask me to be with him; don’t you think he would have done that by now?”

  Something about her phrasing chills my blood. She sounded almost disappointed he hadn’t left his wife for her.

  Shit, maybe my paranoia’s getting the better of me. But who wouldn’t be paranoid with a wife like Lily when you knew she was being fucked by a man like Richmond? Someone who by any measurement is a more impressive, attractive and successful male than I could ever be.

  He’s got so much more experience than me. He knows how to give Lily what she really wants. He’s so much bigger, more dominant with her than I could ever even pretend to be. He’s richer than me, richer than anyone I’ve ever met in fact.

  I still might be able to compete with some of that if Lily’s ideal fantasy guy wasn’t so much older than me and her. Or if I hadn’t advised Richmond in detail how to seduce and appeal to my wife. What the hell was I thinking of doing that?

  What have I done?

  “So now you’re giving me the silent treatment?” Lily sighs down the phone. A car horn sounds and with a start, I see the car in front of me has moved several feet forward. I wave my apologies into the reversing mirror and inch forward.

  “I’ll see you tonight Vaughn. You might have calmed down about it by then.” The line goes dead before I can answer.

  For second I consider calling her straight back. But I guess it could do more harm than good. I’ll wait until I get home and then try to reason with her.

  It doesn’t take long for the traffic to grind to yet another halt leaving me drumming my fingers against the sticky steering wheel. This journey wouldn’t have been so bad if it was a worthwhile meeting with a potential client I’d been to. But it was a waste of time.

  The phone rings again and I click ‘answer’ almost immediately. It won’t be business at this time of the evening so I expect to hear Lily. Maybe she’s having second thoughts about the job?

  “Good evening Vaughn” says Richmond.

  Robotically my chest tightens.

  “Traffic any better now?” he asks.

  He must have spoken with Lily after she and I talked.

  “Your wife tells me she mentioned the job to you,”

  “Hmm,” my lips are tight as I reply. Even though my heart is hammering and a torrent of words want out of my mouth; I’m not sure what to say to this man.

  “And you’re less than happy with the notion of it Vaughn?

  “I just don’t see why Richmond. I mean you see her pretty regularly as it is,”

  “It’s not always easy for her and me to see each other Vaughn. Don’t forget I’m not lucky enough to have the kind of partner Lily does. My wife wouldn’t be quite as understanding about me spending time sexually with a member of the opposite sex.” He laughs and then falls silent.

  My breathing into the phone sounds like an old man’s.

  “The relationship takes some serious juggling from time to time in order not to alert my wife. You know I’m a busy man Vaughn. I can’t always make time for pleasure in the evenings. I have family commitments.” He pauses once more. “If however I kept your wife close by, we could avail ourselves whenever we felt the desire or so to speak.”

  Despite my mounting sense of panic, incredibly my groin twitches with his words.

  “There would be no need to continually try to arrange those clandestine meetings close to her gym in the afternoon or hurried lunchtime rendezvous. Having her close to hand would be far more convenient all round Vaughn. Surely you can see that?”

  The traffic starts inching forward again. I rub the back of my neck, my belly twisting with anxiety. How do I stop this? If it’s what they both want – can I actually prevent it?

  What if he’s getting emotionally attached to her?

  Terrible mental images buzz around my head like bloated bluebottles. Lily waving goodbye before disappearing for days on end on overseas business trips with Richmond.

  “Vaughn you have no need to fear this development,” Richmond’s voice is calm, tranquilizing almost. “Any more than you needed to fear some of the other things I’ve asked you to do for me. Things that I still require you to do for me,” he corrects himself. “Your anxiety in circumstances like these is perfectly natural Vaughn. But that doesn’t mean you should act on the anxiety. Quite the opposite in fact,”

  The traffic has speeded up now and I move the car through the gears as I consider Richmond’s words.

  “Try to release your anxiousness and simply relax into the submission you’ve always needed Vaughn,” his voice is quiet now. “Only good things can come of you standing aside and letting her work for me Vaughn. Be assured as well, that Lily won’t be leaving you. No more than I’ll be leaving my own wife. The job offer is merely to facilitate better access to Lily for me.”

  Somewhere beneath the steering wheel my groin attempts to stir again.

  “Look; I need to know you don’t have any lingering doubts about this Vaughn. She obviously cares a great deal about you. That means I need you fully on board with her working for me. Otherwise she won’t be happy in her new role. To make sure, I’ve suggested to her that I speak in person to you about the matter.”

  In person?

  “Lily kindly invited me to your home this evening. We can talk over dinner. I haven’t sampled your wife’s cooking yet so I’m quite looking forward to the event.”

  Chapter Eight

  I don’t normally sweat a lot as a rule, but my shirt is damp under the armpits at the moment. I’m clicking back and forwards through the channel on the TV remote and checking the time again on my phone.

  He’s due here any minute. Oh shit. I think I might throw up.

  Lily’s upstairs getting changed and I’m still trying to work out whether there’s any way to stop her taking this job. But to do that, I need to make sure this visit doesn’t go the way of his first one here. I know my self-control, my sense of logic, are torn to ribbons after so many nights of sexual frustration. I’ve got to forget about this thing around my cock. Stay focused tonight otherwise God knows what‘s going to end up happening.

  I can’t bear sitting here any longer. I take the stairs two at a time to see how far off being ready Lily is.

  My breathing almost stops when I see her.

  Her hair is freshly washed and blow-dried, loose and sexy on her shoulders. It perfectly frames her heavy eye makeup. The way Richmond likes my wife.

; She’s in a jet black ‘A’-line dress with a zipper that runs down the front of its full length. The zipper has already been lowered around 6” from the top. It forms a ‘V’ of flesh showing her cleavage.

  “I haven’t seen that dress before,” I say, my throat tight. I watch her step up into a pair of dark heels. Below the hem of her short dress the shape of her lovely calves in particular are accentuated. What sort of effect is she going to have on him looking like that when he gets here?

  “This?” she says, spreading the sides of the dress and looking down at herself, “I bought it a couple of weeks ago.”

  She always shows me her new clothes. Why not that one?

  She moves back from the full-length wardrobe mirror and fingers with freshly lacquered fingernails adjust the sides of her hair. She looks so hot. She’s done that for him. My cock aches in its cage.

  The front doorbell makes me jump.

  “Can you get it Vaughn? I’ll be down in a moment,” Lily says, returning to the mirror.

  Oh no, here we go.

  Richmond thrusts a bottle of Bollinger at me and suggests I ‘put it to chill’. My heart is stabbing my insides and I’m talking to myself, trying to keep calm. He follows me in to the kitchen talking about some business deal. I’m not taking it in. I can’t think straight. He undoes the top button on his shirt and loosens his tie.

  “Smells good,” Richmond inhales deeply and nods towards the oven and the light inside. The top of a large dish of lasagne is browning.

  I try to force my hands to steady. Calm down. It’s your house. Calm down.

  “Here she is!” Richmond beams toward the door and claps his hands together. Lily blushes as he pecks her cheek. We both watch her lean down to check on the oven.

  “Have a seat Richmond please,” I gesture toward the dining table. I’m floundering, trying to establish some sense of control on events which are already careering away from me.

  Three places are already laid around the small, circular table and Richmond sits where I usually do. My stomach pulls but I remind myself he couldn’t have possibly known that I always sit in that seat.


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