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Esoteric Astrology

Page 59

by Alice A Bailey

8. “Cosmic Avatars ‘represent embodied force from Sirius, and from that one of the seven stars of the Great Bear which is ensouled by the Prototype of the Lord of the third major Ray, the third planetary Logos’.” (Cosmic Fire, 723.)

  9. “Cosmic evil from the standpoint of our planet consists in the relation between that spiritual, intelligent Unit or Rishi of the Superior Constellation—the informing Life of one of the seven stars of the Great Bear and our planetary prototype and one of the forces of the Pleiades.... In this relation, at present lacking perfect adjustment, lies hid the mystery of cosmic evil.... When the heavenly triangle is duly equilibrated and the force circulates freely through one of the stars of the Great Bear, the Pleiad involved and the planetary [657] scheme concerned, then cosmic evil will be negated and a relative perfection achieved.” (Cosmic Fire, 990.)

  10. “Great waves of energy sweep cyclically through the entire solar system from the seven stars of the Great Bear. The strength of these vibrations depends upon the closeness of the connection and the accuracy of the alignment between any particular Heavenly Man and His Prototype.” (Cosmic Fire, 1052.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “The Pleiades are the supposed wives of the seven Rishis of the Great Bear. They are also the nurses of the God of War, Mars, the commander of the celestial armies.” (II. 579.)

  2. “The Pleiades are the central group of the system of sidereal astronomy.

  a. They are found in the neck of the Bull, the constellation Taurus.

  b. They are therefore in the Milky Way.

  c. They are thus considered (Alcyone, in particular) as the central point around which our universe of fixed stars revolves.” (II. 582.)

  3. “The number seven is closely connected with the occult significance of the Pleiades, the six present and the 7th hidden.” (II. 654.)

  4. “The Pleiades were at one time the Atlantides and connected with Atlantis and its seven races.” (II. 811.)

  5. “One of the most esoteric cycles is based upon certain conjunctions and respective positions of Virgo and the Pleiades.” (II. 454.) [658]

  From A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  6. “The Pleiades are to the solar system the source of electrical energy and, just as our sun is the embodiment of the heart or love aspect of the Logos (Who is Himself the heart of the One about Whom Naught may be Said), so the Pleiades are the feminine opposite of Brahma.” (The third aspect. Page 156.)

  7. “Our solar system, with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle or an aggregation of centres in the body of the One about Whom Naught may be Said.” (182.)

  8. “Two other systems, when allied with our solar system and the Pleiades make a lower quaternary.” (182.)

  9. “The sun, Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the same sense that the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind in the seven Heavenly Men and Venus was responsible for the coming of mind to the Earth.” (347.)

  10. “Sirius, the Pleiades and our Sun form a cosmic triangle.” (375.)

  11. “The Pleiades are negatively polarised to our seven schemes.” (377.)

  12. “Our seven planetary Logoi are transmitters, via Their seven schemes to the seven stars of the Pleiades.” (378.)

  13. “Three constellations are connected with the fifth logoic principle in its threefold manifestation: Sirius, two of the Pleiades and a small constellation whose name must be intuitively ascertained.” (699.)

  14. “Three great waves of energy sweep cyclically through [659] the entire solar system from ... the Seven Sisters, the Pleiades, from that one in particular who is occultly termed “the wife” of the planetary Logos whose scheme will eventually receive the seeds of life from our planet which is not considered a sacred planet....” (1052.)

  15. “Cosmic evil ... consists in the relation between that spiritual intelligent unit or ‘Rishi of the Superior Constellation,’ as He is called (Who is the informing Life of one of the seven stars of the Great Bear) and our planetary Prototype and one of the forces of the Pleiades.... The Seven Sisters are occultly called the ‘seven wives’ of the Rishis....” (990.)


  References from The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  1. “Sirius was called the ‘Dog Star.’ It was the star of Mercury, or Buddha, called the ‘Great Instructor of mankind.’” (S.D. II. 391.)

  2. “The sun, Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind in the Seven Heavenly Men and Venus is responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain.” (T. on C.F. 347.)

  3. “Sirius, the Pleiades and our Sun form a cosmic triangle.” (375.)

  4. “Our solar system is negatively polarised as regards the sun Sirius, which influences our entire system psychically, via the three synthesising schemes: Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.” (378.) [660]

  5. “Vibrations reach us from Sirius, via the cosmic mental plane.” (553.)

  6. “The Lords of Karma on our system are under the rule of a greater Lord of Karma on Sirius. We are governed by the Sirian Lord of Karma.” (570.)

  7. “The consciousness of the cosmic mental plane is the goal of attainment for our solar Logos and the Sirian Logos is to our solar Logos what the human Ego (or soul) is to the human personality.” (592.)

  8. “Three constellations are connected with the fifth logoic principle in its threefold manifestation: Sirius, two of the Pleiades and a small constellation whose name must be intuitively ascertained.” (699.)

  9. Cosmic Avatars “... represent embodied forces from the following cosmic centres: Sirius, and that one of the seven stars of the Great Bear which is ensouled by the Prototype of the Lord of the third Ray, and our own cosmic centre.” (723.)

  a. Only one Being (from Sirius) has visited our system and that was at the time of individualisation.

  b. They only appear usually and normally at the initiation of a solar Logos. (723.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “Jupiter ... is a deity who is the symbol and prototype of ... ritualistic worship. He is the priest, sacrificer, suppliant and the medium through which the prayers of mortals reach the Gods.” (II. 49. Note.)

  2. Jupiter is regarded as the “throne of Brahma.” (II. 829.) [661]

  3. “Jupiter is the personification of cyclic law.” (II. 830.)

  4. “The sun used to be called the `eye of Jupiter.’” (III. 278.)

  5. “Plato makes Jupiter the Logos, the Word of the sun.” (III. 279.)

  6. “The Mysteries ... were presided over by Jupiter and Saturn.”

  7. “Occultism makes Jupiter blue because he is the son of Saturn.”

  8. “The sign of the Messiah’s coming is the conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the sign of Pisces.” (III. 152.)

  References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  9. “Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered from the standpoint of the present time, as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here.” (299.)

  10. “Venus and Jupiter are closely connected with the Earth and form eventually an esoteric triangle.” (370.)

  11. “In the Jupiter scheme, the Sons of Mind are just beginning their work.” (742.)


  Reference in The Secret Doctrine

  1. In answer to the questions: “What planets of those known to ordinary science, besides Mercury, belong to our system of world...,” the reply was Mars and four other planets of which astronomy knows nothing. The inference is that these planets, A.B. and Y.Z. exist in etheric matter. (I. 187.) [662]

  2. “As to Mars, Mercury and the ‘four other planets,’ they bear relation to the Earth of which no Master ... will ever speak....” (I. 187.)

  3. Mars is in
a state of obscuration at present:

  a. Mars has two satellites to which he has no right.

  (astral and mental. A.A.B.)

  b. Mars is a septenary chain. (I. 188. 189.)

  4. Mars was the Lord of birth, of death, of generation and destruction. (II. 410.)

  5. Mars was called the six-faced planet. (II. 399.)

  References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  6. There is a ... “triangle formed by the Earth, Mars and Mercury. In connection with this triangle the analogy lies in the fact that Mercury and the centre at the base of the spine in the human being are closely allied.” (181.)

  7. “Mercury, Mars and the Earth are closely allied with these three (Venus, Jupiter and Saturn).” (299.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “Mercury is just beginning to get out of a state of obscuration.

  a. Mercury has no satellite.

  b. Mercury is a septenary chain.” (I. 188. 189.)

  2. “Mercury is far older than the Earth.” (I. 180.)

  3. “Mercury is called the first of the celestial Gods, the God Hermes ... to which God is attributed the invention of and the first initiation of men into Magic.... [663] Mercury is Budh, Wisdom, Enlightenment or `reawakening’ in the divine science.” (I. 513.)

  4. “Mercury is the Lord of Wisdom.” (II. 31.)

  5. “Mercury is still more occult and mysterious than Venus. It is:

  a. Identical with Mithra.

  b. The perpetual companion of the Sun of Wisdom.

  c. The leader and evocator of souls.

  d. One with the Sun.” (II. 31.)

  6. “Mercury heals the blind and restores sight, mental and physical.” (II. 571.)

  7. “Mercury is sometimes represented:

  a. As three-headed, because one with the Sun and Venus.

  b. As a cube, without arms because the `power of speech and eloquence can prevail without the assistance of arms and feet.’” (II. 572.)

  8. “The fifth race is born under Mercury.” (the Aryan race. A.A.B.) (II. 32.)

  9. “Mercury is the elder brother of the Earth.” (II. 48.)

  10. “Mercury receives seven times more light than any other planet.” (II. 570.)

  11. “Buddhi and Mercury correspond with each other and both are yellow and radiant golden-coloured. In the human system the right eye corresponds with Buddhi and the left eye with Manas and Venus or Lucifer.” (III. 447, 448.)

  12. “Mercury is called Hermes; and Venus, Aphrodite and their conjunction in man on the psycho-physical plane gives him the name Hermaphrodite.” (III. 458.) [664]

  References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  13. “Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered ... as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here.” (299.)

  14. “The second hint I seek to give lies in the triangle formed by the Earth, Mars and Mercury. In connection with this triangle, the analogy lies in the fact that Mercury and the centre at the base of the spine in the human being are closely allied. Mercury demonstrates kundalini in intelligent activity whilst Mars demonstrates kundalini latent.” (181.)

  15. “In the middle of the fifth round, the Lord of Mercury will, with the Logos of the Venus scheme and of our Earth, form a temporary triangle of force.” (371.)

  THE PLANET—THE MOON (veiling a planet)

  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “The moon is now the cold residual quantity, the shadow dragged after the new body, into which her living powers are transfused. She now is doomed for long ages to be ever pursuing the Earth, to be attracted by and to attract her progeny. Constantly vampirized by her child, she revenges herself on it, by soaking it through and through with the nefarious, invisible and poisonous influence which emanates from the occult side of her nature. For she is a dead, yet a living body. The particles of her decaying corpse are full of active and destructive life, although the body which they had formed, is soulless and lifeless.” (I. 180.) [665]

  2. “The Earth is a satellite of the Moon.” (I. 212.) (i.e., as the soul is today the satellite of form.)

  3. “The Moon is the symbol of evil.” (I. 246.)

  4. “The moon is not a sacred planet.” (II. 36.)

  5. “The moon is the king of the planets.” (II. 401. Note.)

  6. “The moon is the sovereign of the vegetable world.” (II. 520.)

  7. “The moon is an inferior body.” (II. 48.)

  8. “The moon is the mind and the sun is the understanding.” (II. 675. Note.) (Quoting Shankaracharya.)

  9. “The moon is a dead planet from which all the principles are gone. It is a substitute for a planet which seems to have disappeared from view.” (III. 459.)

  References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  10. “The moon is dead and cannot support life because humanity and the building devas have been removed from its sphere of influence.” (93.)

  11. “The moon is in process of disappearance and only a decaying body is left. The life of the second Logos and the first Logos have been withdrawn and only the latent life of matter itself remains.” (415.)

  12. “The moon was:

  a. The place of systemic failure.

  b. Connected with the lower principles.

  c. The source of the sexual misery experienced on our planet.

  d. Arrested in its evolution by the timely interference of the solar Logos.

  e. The origin of the feud between the forces of light and of darkness ... can be traced back to the moon.” (985. Note.) [666]


  References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  1. “Neptune does not really belong to our system, in spite of its apparent connection with the Sun. The connection is imaginary.” (S.D. I. 129. Note.)

  2. “Among the secret orbs or star Angels ... Neptune was not included.” (S.D. I. 629.)

  3. “Neptune is the God of reasoning.” (S.D. II. 840.)

  4. “Sirius influences our entire solar system psychically via the three synthesising schemes—Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.” (C.F. 378.)

  5. “There is a peculiar group of Beings connected with a certain constellation and the lesser Dragon who have their habitat on Neptune and work with the sixth principle in the solar system.” (C.F. 534.)

  6. “The Law of Sacrifice and Death is ... in a mysterious way the reverse of the first law, that of Vibration. It is Vulcan and Neptune in opposition which is as yet an almost incomprehensible thing to us.” (C.F. 597.)

  7. “No man begins to coordinate the buddhic vehicle until he comes under the influence of Neptune.... When this happens, his personality horoscope will show this influence as dominant.” (C.F. 899.)

  8. “The Neptunian scheme governs one of the three paths of return and gathers to itself eventually all those egos who attain primarily through handling sixth ray energy.” (C.F. 899.)

  9. “Neptune—

  a. Presides over and makes possible the 2nd initiation.

  b. Is one of the major synthesising planets. [667]

  c. Is an absorbing or abstracting planet.

  d. Is connected with the perfecting process.” (C.F. 899.)

  10. “Neptune is the repository of the ‘solar flames’.” (C.F. 1154.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “Pluto is a deity with the attributes of the serpent. He is a healer, a giver of health, spiritual and physical and of enlightenment.” (S.D. II. 30. Note.)

  2. “Under the legend, Orpheus seeks in the kingdom of Pluto, his lost soul. Krishna rescues from Pluto his six principles, (II. 30) being the seventh himself ... he is the perfect initiate, the whole of his six principles merging into the seventh.” (S.D. III. 142.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cos
mic Fire

  1. “Saturn, the father of the Gods, has been transformed from Eternal Duration into the limited period.” (S.D. I. 451.)

  2. “Jehovah was identified with Saturn and Vulcan.” (S.D. I. 632.)

  3. “In time the planet Saturn became reviled by those who worshipped other Gods.” (S.D. I. 631.)

  4. “Saturn was connected with Lemuria.” (S.D. II. 812.)

  5. “Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered from [668] the standpoint of the present time as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here.” (C.F. 299.)

  6. “Venus, the Earth and Saturn form at the present time a triangle of great interest.

  a. It is undergoing vivification.

  b. It is increasing the vibratory capacity of the planetary and individual centres.” (C.F. 181. 182.)

  7. “For some time the solar Logos has turned His attention to the Earth and to Saturn whilst Uranus is being stimulated.” (C.F. 357.)

  8. “Occultism must win the day before the present era reaches ... Saturn’s triple septenary of the western cycle of Europe—before the end of the 21st century A.D.” (S.D. III. 23.)

  9. “One of the most powerful among the seven creating Angels of the third order being Saturn, the presiding genius of the planet and the God of the Hebrews ... namely Jehovah ... to whom is dedicated the seventh day or Sabbath, Saturday or Saturn’s day.” (S.D. III. 115.)

  10. “The sign of the Messiah’s coming was the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Pisces.” (S.D. III. 152.)

  11. “Saturn was called the Dragon of Life.” (S.D. III. 195.)

  12. “Saturn, Shiva and Jehovah are one.” (S.D. III. 195.)


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