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Esoteric Astrology

Page 60

by Alice A Bailey

  13. “Saturn is the synthesising scheme for the four planets which embody manas pure and simple and is the major [669] resolution for the minor four and eventually for all The Seven.” (C.F. 370.)

  14. “Sirius influences our entire solar system, via the three synthesising schemes, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.” (C.F. 378.)

  15. “Saturn is the focal point for the transmission of cosmic mind to our entire seven planetary schemes.” (C.F. 378.)

  16. “The Saturn scheme is esoterically regarded as having absorbed the ‘frictional fires’ of solar space.” (C.F. 1154.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “The sun is a central star and not a planet.” (S.D. I. 126. Note.) (Therefore when it is included among the planets, as it is, it is simply because it stands for or veils a hidden planet.)

  2. The sun is merely one of those suns which ... “are sunflowers of a higher light.” It is “dwelling in the vehicle of a God or of a host of Gods, like milliards of other suns.” (S.D. I. 319.)

  3. “The sun is the storehouse of vital force which is the noumenon of electricity.” (S.D. I. 579.)

  4. “The sun was not a sacred planet.” (S.D. II. 26.)

  5. “The sun ... has its growth, changes, development and gradual evolution.” (S.D. I. 667.)

  6. “The sun is matter and the sun is spirit.” (S.D. I. 820.)

  7. “The sun is a great magnet.” (S.D. I. 541.)

  8. “The solar substance is immaterial.” (S.D. I. 542.)

  9. “The sun (i.e. the solar system) has Alcyone in the Pleiades for the centre of its orbit.” (S.D. I. 545.) [670]

  10. “The Logos with the seven hierarchies form one Power, so, in the world of form, the sun and the seven chief planets constitute one active potency.” (S.D. II. 27.)

  11. “The sun, the moon and Mercury were the earliest trinity of the Egyptians (Osiris, Isis and Hermes).” (S.D. II. 640.)

  12. “The seven rays of the sun are made parallel to the seven worlds of every planetary chain, and to the seven rivers of heaven and earth.” (S.D. II. 640.)

  13. “The seven rays of the sun will expand at the final pralaya into seven suns and absorb the material of the whole universe.” (S.D. II. 647.)

  14. “The moon is the mind and the sun is the understanding.” (S.D. II. 675.)

  15. “The Trinity is symbolised by the sun:

  a. The central spiritual sun—God the Father.

  b. The heart of the sun—God the son.

  c. The physical sun—God the Holy Spirit.”

  16. “It is in the sun, more than in any other heavenly body (i.e. in our solar system) that the unknown Power placed the seat of its habitation.” (S.D. III. 213.)

  17. “The central spiritual sun is mirrored by the ... sun.” (S.D. III. 214.)

  18. “The sun is one of the nine deities that witness all human action.” (S.D. III. 271. Note.)

  19. “The sun was the image of divine intelligence or wisdom.... The word ‘sol’ (sun) was derived from ‘solus,’ the One or He alone, and the Greek name ‘Helios’ meant Most High.” (S.D. III. 279.)

  20. “The visible sun is only the central star but not the central spiritual sun.” (S.D. III. 280.) [671]

  21. “The sun was the life-giving and the death-giving luminary.” (S.D. III. 288.)

  22. “The sun is the substitute for the invisible inter-Mercurial planet.” (S.D. III. 459.)

  23. “The pure energy of solar intelligence proceeds from the luminous seat occupied by our sun in the centre of the heavens, that pure energy being the Logos of our system.” (S.D. III. 213.)

  24. There is “the sun of initiation in a triple form—two of which are the ‘Day-Sun’ and one the ‘Night-Sun’.” (S.D. III. 212.)

  25. “All initiates are ‘epitomisers of the history of the Sun’ which epitome is another mystery within the mystery.” (S.D. III. 140.)

  26. “The mystery of the sun is the grandest of all the innumerable mysteries of occultism.” (S.D. III. 212.)

  27. The sun:

  a. “Used to be called the ‘eye of Jupiter.’ (S.D. III. 278.)

  b. Plato mentioned Jupiter-Logos, the Word or sun. (S.D. III. 279.)

  c. The true colour of the sun is blue. (S.D. III. 461.)

  d. The sun was adopted as a planet by the Post-Christian Astrologers who had not been initiated.” (S.D. III. 461.)

  28. “This Self, the highest, the one and the universal was symbolised on ‘the plane of mortals by the Sun, its life-giving effulgence being in its turn the emblem of the soul—killing the terrestrial passions which have ever been an impediment to the reunion of the Unit Self (the Spirit) with the All-Self. Hence the allegorical [672] mystery.... It was enacted by the Sons of the Fire-Mist and of Light.” (S.D. III. 271.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  1. “Uranus was known by the ancients under another name.” (S.D. I. 126.)

  2. “Cronus (time) ... is represented as mutilating Uranus.... Absolute time is made to become finite and conditioned.” (S.D. I. 450.)

  3. “Among the three secret orbs or Star Angels, Uranus ... was not included.” (S.D. I. 629.)

  4. Uranus ... personified all the creative powers and is synonymous with Cronus. (S.D. II.

  281. 282.)

  5. “Uranus was unknown to the ancients and they were forced to reckon the sun amongst the planets.... Uranus is a modern name but one thing is certain, the ancients had a mystery planet which they never named. This 7th planet was not the sun but the hidden divine Hierophant.” (S.D. III. 330.)

  6. “Uranus is now being stimulated.” (C.F. 357.)

  7. “Uranus is one of the three synthesising planets and Sirius influences our entire solar system via Uranus, Neptune and Saturn.” (C.F. 378.)

  8. “Uranus is the home of ‘fire electric.’” (C.F. 1154.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  1. “Venus ... has no satellite ... and is far older than the Earth.” (S.D. I. 180. S.D. II. 35.) [673]

  2. Venus is “the little sun in which the solar orb stores his lights.” (S.D. II. 27.)

  3. “Light comes through Venus who receives a triple supply and gives one-third to the Earth.

  a. Therefore the two are called ‘twin sisters.’

  b. The spirit of the Earth is subservient to Venus.” (S.D. II. 33.)

  4. “Venus is the most occult, powerful and mysterious of all the planets.

  a. Its relation with the Earth is the most prominent.

  b. It presides over the natural generation of men.

  c. It is called the ‘other sun.’

  d. It is the Earth’s primary or spiritual prototype.” (S.D. II. 33-35.)

  5. “The planetary Logos of Venus loved the Earth so well that He incarnated and gave it perfect laws which were disregarded and rejected.” (S.D. II. 38.)

  6. “Every sin committed on Earth is felt in Venus. Every change in Venus is reflected on Earth.” (S.D. II. 35.)

  7. “Venus ... is the light-bearer of our Earth, in both the physical and mystic sense.” (S.D. II. 36.)

  8. “It is with the Regent of Venus (the planetary Logos) that occult mysticism has to deal.” (S.D. II. 36.)

  9. “Humanity (which appeared in Lemurian days) ... is said to be under the direct influence of Venus.” (S.D. II. 27.)

  10. “The sun Sirius, is the source of the Logoic mind (manas) in the same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of mind in the seven Heavenly [674] Men and Venus is responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain.” (C.F. 347.)

  11. “There is a psychic link between the planetary Logos of Venus and that of our Earth.

  a. The Venus scheme is more active than ours.

  b. Its humanity are more advanced than ours.

  c. Its radiation includes the buddhic plane as far
as its humanity are concerned.

  d. It could therefore open up, through stimulation, the same plane to our Earth humanity.” (C.F. 367.)

  12. “Venus is the second or the sixth scheme, according to whether the schemes are counted mystically or occultly.” (C.F. 595.)

  13. “Venus is negatively polarised and hence it became possible for a mysterious absorption by the Earth of Venusian force ... the karmic tie between the two planetary Logoi (one in a positive incarnation and the other in a negative) caused a planetary alliance. Light flashed forth.” (C.F. 323.)

  14. “The Lord of Venus:

  a. Holds place in the Logoic Quaternary.

  b. Venus is in the fifth round and is therefore further progressed than the other planets.” (C.F. 300.)

  15. “At the present stage of evolution in the systemic centres (the planets) Venus, the Earth and Saturn form a triangle of great interest.

  a. It is undergoing vivification.

  b. It is increasing the vibratory capacity of the planetary and individual centres.” (C.F. 181.) [675]

  16. “Venus, Jupiter and Saturn might be considered from the standpoint of the present time as the vehicles of the three super or major principles. Mercury, the Earth and Mars are closely allied to these three but a hidden mystery lies here.” (C.F. 299.)

  17. “In the human system, the right eye corresponds with Buddhi and Mercury and the left eye with manas and Venus.” (S.D. III. 447. 458.)

  18. “In the middle of the fifth round, the Logos of Mercury will, with the Logos of Venus, and of our Earth form a temporary triangle of force.” (C.F. 371.)

  19. “Venus and Jupiter are closely connected with the Earth and form eventually an esoteric triangle.” (C.F. 370.)

  20. “Venus, being in the fifth round, had the mind principle coordinated and developed and four minor mental aspects had been synthesised and the buddhic aspect was being provided with a means of expression through the medium of the fifth principle.” (C.F. 376.)

  21. There are three planetary schemes in ... “which manas is manifested, and two in which already Buddhi is manasically demonstrating. Of these two, Venus is one....” (C.F. 377.)

  22. “Venus is in her last round and has nearby brought the fourth kingdom to perfection.” (C.F. 742.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine and A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  1. “Jehovah was identified with Saturn and Vulcan.” (S.D. I. 632.) [676]

  2. “Vulcan is within the orbit of Mercury.” (C.F. 206. Note.)

  3. “The Law of Sacrifice and Death is ‘in a mysterious way’ the reversal of the first law, that of Vibration. It is Vulcan and Neptune in opposition, as yet an incomprehensible idea to us.” (C.F. 597.)

  4. “In Vulcan, the sons of Mind have nearly completed their work.” (C.F. 742.)


  Reference in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “The Dhyanis were connected with the Crocodile and their abode in Capricornus.” (I. 239.)

  2. “Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac ... and has in it 28 stars.” (II. 609. 612.)

  3. “There is a mystic connection between the names Makara and Kumara.

  a. It means and is connected with the pentagon.

  b. It represents five-fold man and therefore the five kumaras.

  c. It is related to the Ocean God.

  d. It personifies solar fire.” (II. 609. 610.)

  4. “Capricorn is connected with the birth of the spiritual microcosm and with the death of the physical universe.” (II. 612.)

  5. “When the sun passes away behind the 30th degree of Capricorn and will reach no more the sign Pisces, then the Night of Brahma has come.” (II. 612.) [677]

  References in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire

  6. “The mystery of Capricorn is hidden in these five (spiritual man, aspirant, disciple, initiate and adept) and in the Biblical words ‘the sheep and the goats’.” (706.)

  7. “Once in the history of each scheme, an avatar from the constellation Capricorn appears on mental levels. This level is the lowest one on which these inter-planetary deities appear. No more can be communicated on this matter. The mystery of the goat lies hidden here. This avatar makes His appearance in the third round of the third chain and disappears in the fifth round of the fourth chain.” (727.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “Castor and Pollux, the bright Gemini, were born from Leda’s egg.” (I. 392.)

  2. “The legend of Castor and Pollux is concerned with the mortal half of man, the personality, and the immortal part, the ego or spiritual individual. The personality has nothing in itself to survive and the other half which becomes immortal in its individuality by reason of its fifth principle being called to life by the Informing Gods, thus connecting the Monad with this Earth. This is Pollux, while Castor represents the personal, mortal man an animal of not even a superior kind, when unlinked from the divine Individuality.” (II. 130)

  a. “Castor owes his immortality to Pollux.

  b. Pollux sacrifices himself to Castor.” (II. 130.) [678]


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “The esotericism of the first Creative Hierarchy (which is the sixth in reality. A.A.B.) is hidden in the zodiacal sign Leo.” (I. 234.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “In Judaism and Christianity, the Messiah is always connected with water, and with baptism. (II. 413.)

  a. The second racial initiation.

  b. The first planetary initiation.”

  2. Pisces ... “shines as a symbol of the past, present and future spiritual Saviours.” (I. 717.)

  3. “Kepler states as a positive fact that at the moment of the Incarnation (of Christ) all the planets were in conjunction in the sign Pisces ... the constellation of the Messiah.” (I. 717.)

  4. On the porticos of buildings sacred to votive offerings to the dead, in the Buddhist religion, are ornaments of a “cross formed of two fishes.” (III. 151.)

  5. “The sign of the Messiah’s coming is the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in the sign Pisces.” (III. 152.)


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “All the Sun-Gods ... have been mystically connected with the constellation Taurus and were called the First.” (I. 720.) [679]

  2. Taurus is regarded as the central group of the Milky Way.

  Note: The Pleiades as the central group of the Bull and Alcyone, one of the 7 pleiades, is supposed to be the star around which our universe revolves.


  References in The Secret Doctrine

  1. “One of the most esoteric cycles is based upon certain conjunctions and respective positions of Virgo and the Pleiades.” (II. 454.)

  “Virgo is inseparable from Leo and the Pleiades and the Hyades.”


  In the second solar system, and in connection with the method employed therein, another point merits attention. This fire of mind has its source in a constellation until recently unrecognised by exoteric science as having any relation of an intimate nature to our solar system, owing to its tremendous distance away. The sun “Sirius” is the source of logoic manas in the same sense as the Pleiades are connected with the evolution of manas in the seven Heavenly Men, and Venus was responsible for the coming in of mind in the Earth chain. Each was primary to the other, or was the agent which produced the first flicker of consciousness in the particular groups involved. In every case the method was that of a slow evolutionary growth till the consciousness suddenly blazed forth owing to the interposition of force, apparently from an extraneous source. [680]

  1. “The Logos.—Solar System. Sirius.

  2. Seven Heavenly
Men—Planetary scheme. Pleiades.

  3. Heavenly Man—earth chain. Venus.”

  (Cosmic Fire, page 347.)

  The Fourth Kingdom and the Hierarchy of the Planet

  “Certain facts have already been grasped and realised by the average occult student who has been pondering this teaching with care. He is aware that the juncture of Spirit-matter and mind, or manas, was effected during the third root-race, and that the definitely human family became present upon earth from that date. He knows that this was brought about by the coming, in bodily Presence, of certain great Entities, and he has learned that these Entities came from the Venusian chain, that They achieved the necessary juncture, undertook the government of the planet, founded the occult Hierarchy, and that—though some remain with the chain—the remainder have returned to Their originating source. This in many ways sums up the totality of the present knowledge. Let us briefly enlarge upon it, correct certain erroneous interpretations, and ascertain one or two new facts. We might tabulate these as follows:

  First, it should be borne in mind by the occult student that:

  a. This advent signalised the taking of a physical vehicle by the planetary Logos, and was literally the coming of the Avatar.

  b. This advent was brought about by a definite systemic alignment which involved:

  The Venus scheme of the system.

  The Venus chain of the Earth scheme.

  The Venus globe of the Earth chain. [681]

  c. That the planetary Logos did not come from the Venus scheme but from the Venus chain of His own scheme, the Earth scheme. Owing to systemic alignment logoic kundalini could flow through a certain triangle of which two points were Venus and the Earth. This caused an acceleration of vibration, and enabled the Heavenly Man of our scheme to take a minor initiation, and to set about His preparations for a major initiation.


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