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Plague of Shadows

Page 65

by Michael Wisehart

  “No, I doubt it will.” Ayrion placed his arm around Bek’s shoulders. “What say we get these people home?”

  Chapter 86 | Breen

  BREEN HELPED HIS FATHER carry Ty into a private study near the back of the Sidaran Assembly Hall.

  “What do I tell the overlords?” Barl asked, pacing in front of the sofa where they had laid Ty’s unconscious body.

  “Tell them the truth,” Nyalis said as he warmed his hands in front of the fire. “You tell them that this was an overt attack by the White Tower to drive a wedge between the overlords in the hopes of putting an end to these talks. They cannot risk the kingdoms forming an alliance.”

  Breen knelt beside the sofa, joining Lyessa and Fraya as they watched the slow rise and fall of Ty’s chest. He couldn’t believe how much the witch had put his brother through. First the spider’s bite, then the numori. What was it going to take to get rid of her?

  “And as far as the overlords go,” Nyalis continued, “you said that neither saw who the guards were fighting, correct?”

  Barl crossed his arms. “They were ushered out of the building through the northwest corridors. They were never within eyeshot of the front.”

  “Good. Then the situation is easily rectified. In fact, you can probably use this to your advantage.”

  Barl nodded, but slowly, as if not entirely convinced.

  “And in truth,” Nyalis said, “this was indeed an attack by the White Tower, if in an indirect sort of way. It shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

  “And what exactly are those plans?” Breen’s father asked.

  Breen wanted an answer to that as well. He stood and stretched his legs, which were going numb from kneeling beside the sofa.

  “What is it that they want with my son? You show up here, drop off a baby, and tell us to protect him because he’s important, but you never tell us why.”

  The wizard sighed and gave his long beard a couple of brisk tugs. “Truthfully, I’m not sure how our young Ty plays a role in the events to come. I believe the Archchancellor seeks the fulfillment of ancient prophecies written down after the fall of the Defiler. Some of the prophetic texts discuss, in the vaguest sense, a possible returning.”

  “Returning?” Feoldor shifted his feet when Reloria leaned against his shoulder. “Returning of what?”

  “Not what, but who.”

  Veldon rubbed his kerchief nervously across the top of his head. “You’re not saying that you believe the Dark Wizard will return, are you?”

  Nyalis stared at an empty section of the burgundy-and-gold-striped carpet as if he would find an answer woven into the finely stitched edging. “Yes, that is precisely what I’m saying.”

  The room fell silent.

  Breen forgot about his legs. Was Nyalis serious? Did he really believe that Aerodyne was going to return?

  “How is that possible?” Orlyn asked. “He’s locked inside Taerin nu’Cyllian.”

  “If there’s one thing I have learned over the centuries, it’s that if there is a way in, there is always a way out. Nothing built by man or faerie, no matter how powerful, can last forever. Aerodyne’s penitentiary inside the Pits of Aran’gal is crumbling. The containment spells are failing, and when they do, we had better be ready.”

  Again, silence.

  Barl cleared his throat. “I can’t believe I’m about to ask this, but how long do we have?”

  “There’s no telling, really. It might be next week. It might not happen in your lifetimes.”

  “So, you can’t be sure?”

  “No, I can’t.”

  Breen found himself breathing a small sigh of relief.

  “From what I’ve seen, though, I believe it will be sooner rather than later.”

  Breen’s relief was short-lived.

  “Great,” Feoldor said, throwing his arms up. “Not only do we have to worry about the White Tower trying to kill us, but now we have to worry about some all-powerful dark mystic coming back from the dead to wipe out all life as we know it. And the news just keeps getting better and better.” Reloria patted his arm, but it didn’t seem to help.

  “Yes, well, every door has two sides,” Nyalis said. “There is another prophecy that predates that of even the Wizard Order. ‘A savior will always be given to the race of man whenever their darkest hour is at hand.’”

  Feoldor chuckled. “Sounds like a poorly written verse from ‘Bart the Fool.’”

  “You’d be surprised how many of the old children’s rhymes are based off of prophecy,” Nyalis said. “How do you think the prophets made sure their work was passed down? You should recognize this one:

  When hope is all but lost,

  And light has turned to dark.

  There will a sign be given,

  The rising of the Marked.”

  More than a few eyebrows were raised at that one. Breen’s parents had taught that to him when he was younger. “Is that what’s growing down his arm?” Ty had mentioned that Nyalis had spoken of the Marked Ones, but Breen wanted to hear it for himself.

  “Yes. That particular pattern symbolizes strength.”

  Lyessa lifted Ty’s shirt to get a look.

  “The stronger he becomes, the further it will grow. But putting that aside, the White Tower believes that Ty is somehow the key to Aerodyne’s release, which is why it’s time for him to leave.”

  “Leave?” Lyessa released Ty’s shirt and turned. “Leave where?”

  “As long as Ty remains in Easthaven, it will be more dangerous for the people here, which is why I’m sending him to bring back the lost Keep of Aero’set.” He looked at Breen. “Did you not mention this to them?”

  “We did. But with everything that happened . . .”

  Nyalis nodded.

  “So, Aero’set is real?” Orlyn asked, using his staff for support.

  “Very real, I assure you. It will be the only truly safe place left in Aldor if the White Tower’s influence continues to spread. But what’s important now is to see to our young faeling’s well-being.” Nyalis left the others and walked over to where Breen was standing at the head of the sofa. “I also want a look at that bow.”

  Breen had hoped the old wizard had forgotten about it. The last thing he wanted was to be called out on the lie he’d told his father. Reluctantly, he unhooked it from his shoulder and handed it to him.

  The wizard took a moment to examine it, carefully studying the markings along both sides. “It is certainly one of the Sol Ghati bows. Where did you get it?”

  Breen gulped. “I might have misled some people to believe I had purchased it from a traveling peddler,” he said, passing a nervous glance to his father, “but—”

  “But you found this in Mangora’s shop,” Nyalis said.

  Breen looked at his father and, with another gulp, reluctantly nodded.

  “Lucky for you it was a Sol Ghati bow. These bows can’t be spelled.”

  Breen wilted under his father’s hard glare. He wasn’t feeling so lucky now.

  “As it happens, fortune favored your thievery. If it wasn’t for the bow, we might not have been able to stop Mangora.”

  “What is a Sol Ghati? And how did my arrow pierce her shield?”

  “The Sol Ghati were a group of wardens that protected the Westlands almost two thousand years ago. It was said their arrows could cut through most forms of magic. The glyphs on the sides of the bow are their oath to protect their land.” He handed Breen back the bow. “A rare find. Guard it well.”

  Breen nodded, careful not to look at his father again. He was going to have to apologize later, which was sure to mean a doubling-up on chores for the next month or two.

  “What more can we do for him?” Fraya asked from her seat at the foot of the sofa, clearly wanting to help.

  “There’s not much more we can do, I’m afraid. The rest is up to him.”

  Breen watched as his brother slept. So much rested on those shoulders. How was Ty going to survive what was coming?

��He will need your help,” the old wizard said, as if reading Breen’s mind.

  Breen lifted his head. “And he will always have it.”

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  I THANK GOD for the doors and windows He’s allowed to open in order for me to reach this point.

  I want to thank my parents, Mickey and Julie Wisehart, for their unending loyalty, encouragement, and support over the years. None of this would be possible without you. Love you both.

  I want to thank my Author Team, whose endless talent, time, and dedication have made this project possible:


  I want to thank my cover illustrator and sister, whose imagination and talent have given us our first glimpse of Ayrion’s swords—Janelle Wisehart

  I want to thank my cartographer, who patiently worked with me and my continual need to tweak things, and still managed to produce one incredible map for the capital city of Easthaven—Elwira Pawlikowska

  I want to thank my cartographer, who managed to take a maze of jumbled ideas and turn them into the capital city of Aramoor—RenflowerGrapx

  I want to thank my content editor, who has spent countless hours advising me on the proper structure of my thoughts—Nathan Hall

  I want to thank my line editor, who managed to take a floundering script and turn it into something readable—Danae Smith

  I want to thank my copy editors, whose careful eyes have made my book shine—Tammy Salyer, Richard Shealy, Crystal Watanabe

  I want to thank my Beta Team, who took precious time out of their busy schedule to suffer through the first and second drafts in order to leave such valuable feedback as to help me make this book worth reading.

  About the Author

  MICHAEL WISEHART graduated with a bachelor’s degree in business before going back to school for film and starting his own production company. As much as he enjoyed film work, the call of writing a novel got the better of him, and on April 14, 2014, he started typing the first words of what would become two epic fantasy series: The Aldoran Chronicles and the Street Rats of Aramoor.

  He currently lives and writes in South Georgia.

  Character Glossary

  Abbet Lydale [ă -bit/lī-del] Easthaven fuller. Town drunk.

  Abiah [uh-by-uh] Tavern owner in the town of Saeida.

  Acorn [ā-corn] Breen’s horse.

  Adarra [uh-dar-uh] Sister of Ty and Breen. Daughter of Kellen and Nilla.

  Aerodyne [air-o-dine] The founder of the first Wizard Order. Known as the Dark One.

  Agnar [ag-nar] Overlord of Keldor.

  Aiden Raycrest [aye-den/ray-crest] Son of wealthy millworks owner in Highcrest. Lyessa’s former fiancé.

  Alberta Trendall [al-ber-teen/tren-dol] Historian of Provincial Law and Head Keeper of the Books (librarian).

  Amarysia [am-uh-ree-see-uh] Lady-in-waiting to High Queen Ellise.

  Argon [ar-gon] Leader of the vulraak. He had red eyes unlike the rest of the vulraak who had black.

  Arina Respuel [uh-ree-nuh/res-pee-ule] Overcaptain Barthol’s daughter.

  Arnoni [ar-non-ee] Night Walker whom Kellen’s great-great-grandfather saved and received a moonstone for his generosity.

  Arnst [arn-st] Elondrian scout.

  Asa [ace-uh] Overcaptain under Tolin.

  Ayrion [air-ee-un] Known as Death’s Shadow. Guardian Protector of the High King. Upakan heritage.

  Azriel [az-ree-el] Seer inside of the White Tower. Ferrin’s roommate.

  Baeldor [bay-el-dor] Leader of Tallosian war party.

  Barl [barl] Overlord of Sidara. Father of Lyessa.

  Barthol Respuel [bar-thol/res-pee-ule] Captain of High Guard under Ayrion.

  Bartimus [bar-tĭ-mus] Fool who went in search of a wife and had a song written about his experience.

  Bashan [bay-shun] Undercaptain in charge of the Elondrian foot soldiers under Captain Janus.

  Basil Kilburn [bace-le/kill-bern] Cooper’s son. Local bully who went to school with Ty. Dared him to jump into East River.

  Bayle [bay-ul] Elondrian scout, partner to Merrick. Seafaring accent. Wields a battle-axe.

  Bek [bek] Trapper who lived in Belvin.

  Belkor [bel-kor] Ambassador to Cylmar.

  Bellar [bel-ar] Bulradoer from Elondria.

  Bellos [bel-lō-ce] Captain in charge of Elondrian crossbowmen.

  Bezaleel [bez-uh-leel] Former Archchancellor.

  Black Watch [black/watch] Group of mercenaries sent to round up magic wielders.

  Blithe [bly-the] Innkeeper to the Smoke’n Pig Inn in Woodvale, Sadara.

  Breen [breen] Brother of Ty.

  Bue Aboloff [byoo/a-bo-loff] Husband of Noreen. Innkeeper. Chef.

  Calina Tirfing [cuh-lee-nuh/ter-fing] Class beauty. Justice Tirfing’s only daughter.

  Cheeks/Sylas [sī-lus] Sadistic inquisitor in the White Tower.

  Cirian [seer-ee-un] Leading member of the Sidaran Assembly, known for voicing his opinion.

  Clara [clare-uh] Orin’s wife, who was attacked by the vulraak.

  Clye Durran [klī/dir-an] Former Easthaven cooper and storyteller.

  Dak [dak] Bully in Easthaven. Tried dunking Ty in a pickle barrel.

  Dakaran [duh-kar-un] High King of Elondria. Son of Rhydan and Ellise.

  Damar [duh-mar] Mercenary hired by Baeldor and Mangora to fight Ty’s family.

  Darryk [dare-ick] Lyessa’s martial trainer in weapons and combat.

  Derryk Lahorn [dare-ick/luh-horn] Tal Lahorn’s oldest son. Died from a brain fever.

  Dorbin [dor-bin] Old hermit living outside of Easthaven.

  Elder Borin [el-der/bor-in] Old rover in Taylis’s clan who took sick.

  Eliab [ee-lie-ub] Gatekeeper for the Easthaven Harbor House. Former captain in the Sidaran Lancers.

  Elior [el-ee-or] Head of Elondrian war-runners.

  Ellise [el-leece] Queen Mother of Elondria.

  Ellson [el-son] Elondrian scout, partner to Terris.

  Ensle [en-sol] One of the Black Watch guards accompanying Sylas on his search for Ferrin.

  Ethen [ee-thin] Local carpenter.

  Felina [fel-ee-nuh] Citizen of Easthaven. Friend of Helene.

  Feoldor [fay-ol-dor] Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Glassblower. Vanti.

  Fernon [fer-non] The royal attendant.

  Ferrin [fare-in] Rhowynn weaponsmith. Imprisoned in the White Tower.

  Forel [for-el] Member of Tallosian war party.

  Fraya Lahorn [fray-uh/luh-horn] Daughter of Tal Lahorn. Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Healer.

  Furgus McKesh [fer-gus/mc-kesh] Easthaven blacksmith.

  Gilly [gil-ee] Member of Easthaven Wielder Council. Dwarf. Voda.

  Gina [gee-nuh] Nanny to Lady Lyessa.

  Griff [griff] One of the Warrens’ trackers.

  Gunther Mezard [gun-ther/mez-ard] Chandler in Easthaven.

  Gwen [gwen] One of the Warrens’ trackers. Slender. Quiet as a mouse with a nose of a bloodhound.

  Gyin [guy-in] Ambassador to Briston.

  Hatch [hach] Captai
n of Black Watch riders.

  Heflin [hef-lin] Stableman working at the palace. A member of the Warren underground implanted inside the palace walls for information.

  Heglith [heg-lith] Black Watch rider under Captain Hatch.

  Heleyna [huh-lee-nuh] Mother of Lyessa. Deceased.

  Helene Tunsfield [hel-een/tuns-field] Citizen of Easthaven. Friend of Felina.

  Horvah [hor-vuh] Weaselly bulradoer in charge of the Tower’s recruitment.

  Janus [jan-us] Captain of Elondrian foot soldiers.

  Jaylen [jay-len] Black Watch rider under Captain Hatch.

  Jonas [joe-nus] Member of the Tallosian war party.

  Joren [jor-en] Guard who was sacrificed in order to bring the Sylas back to life.

  Josten [joss-ten] Mill owner in Easthaven.

  Kassyna Lahorn [kuh-see-nuh/luh-horn] Wife of Tal Lahorn. Deceased.

  Kellen [kel-en] Adoptive father of Ty, gamekeeper.

  Kensey Respuel [kin-zee/res-pee-ule] Overcaptain Barthol Respuel’s wife

  Kerson [kir-son] Warren clansman who challenges the Right of Oktar.

  Kira [keir-ruh] Street tribe chief Ayrion grew up with. Head of the Warren clans.

  Kyleen [kī-leen] Tibble’s wife, who ran the kitchen at The Smelly Trout in Iraseth.

  Lanmiere [lan-meer] Ambassador to Sidara.

  Layna [lay-nuh] Tavern owner in small mountain town outside of Iraseth, where Ferrin was robbed.

  Lenara [len-ar-uh] Bulradoer from Cylmar.

  Loren [lor-en] High Guard ostler.

  Luc Kilburn [luke/kill-bern] Town cooper.

  Lugar [loo-gar] Head of the Harbor House in Duport. Trusted friend of Veldon.

  Lyessa [lee-es-uh] Daughter of Overlord Barl and Lady HeLayna.

  Mangora [man-gor-uh] Dark witch in Easthaven.

  Marissa [muh-riss-uh] Little rover girl Ayrion saved who clings to him.

  Marta [mar-tuh] Legate Superior at the White Tower.

  Medarin [meh-dar-in] Bulradoer. Outspoken against Valtor’s rise to Archchancellor.


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