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Katieran Prime

Page 7

by KD Jones

  “I appreciate you wanting to take responsibility. It may be the first time in your life you have done so.” He said to her snidely.

  “I resent that!” Jaxon yelled back.

  “I’m not done talking yet. I only approved of the Lieutenant using 10 of our males to play with your team. There are at least 25 males here instead.” Kyd emphasized his point by waving his hand back and forth at the surrounding onlookers.

  “What do you mean by play?” Jaxon asked with tightness in her voice, her body going into a ready stance.

  “Uh oh. He shouldn’t have said that.” Cassie said. She moved her chair forward to get a better view.

  TarAK also moved forward with a curious look on his face. “Said what?” He asked.

  “Shh... I don’t want to miss anything.” Cassie hushed him.

  Kyd saw the fire coming from Jaxon’s eyes but it only turned him on more. “Yes … play. Females are smaller and delicate. They cannot train as males do.”

  “Take it back.” Jaxon stated in a low calm voice.

  Kyd was seriously turned on. He stood his ground, “No.”

  “Then show me …” Jaxon moved out into the center of the training circle. “Take me down.”

  Kyd gave her a smug smile as he looked her up and down, “I would love to take you.”

  Ooh. Cassie just loved the way the Katierans said things.

  Ren had chosen that moment to seek out Cassie. He came up to her and sat down beside her chair. “What’s going on?”

  “Shhhhh!” Both Cassie and TarAK responded without looking at him.

  Jaxon and Kyd stood facing one another as they moved parallel around and back and forth. Kyd made an attempt to lunge at Jaxon but she, being smaller, was able to easily slide out of his way. Feeling a bit foolish in front of his men, Kyd decided to show the female what a Katieran warrior could do. But every move that Kyd made was countered. The crowd started to grow larger.

  Damn it, Kyd had to admit it to himself; the female knew how to fight. She had thrown in a few weird kicks and punches that he knew would leave a bruise. She truly was a thing of beauty to watch. With her fancy twirls and jumping from her back right back to her feet. Very ... flexible. This made him wonder how flexible she would be without her clothes on. Kyd became so enthralled with his sexual fantasy that he missed the next kick that swept his legs out from under him and landing him flat on his back.

  Jaxon wasted no time. She jumped onto Kyd’s stomach, with her legs on either side of his waist. The shock on the stupid man’s face was priceless as he realized she had pulled a dagger from her leg strap and now had it under his chin.

  “Do you take it back … NOW?” She asked and pressed the tip of the blade into his skin, not enough to puncture, only enough to feel.

  Damn female! But he gave her a sexy smile before saying, “Lieutenant, continue with the training another 2 hours. And treat them just as you would one of our males.”

  Well, that was probably the closest Jaxon was going to get to an apology. Then she thought about another 2 hours of training and wasn’t sure if she had won or lost this thing.

  “That was … interesting.” Ren said. He wondered if all human females could fight like the captain. He hoped not. He didn’t want his mate doing anything so dangerous.

  Cassie turned to look at Ren, “He shouldn’t have made fun of us women. Jaxon takes that stuff seriously.” She stood and felt the tightness of her limbs from sitting still for too long. “I think I am going to go for a short walk along the beach to stretch my legs.”

  Ren jumped up, “I shall escort you.” He looked at TarAK who was not pleased, “TarAK, I relieve you of your duties for the rest of the afternoon.” TarAK responded with a curt nod and headed off in the opposite direction.

  Ren led Cassie further down the white sandy shoreline. He felt a little nervous. This would be the first time they were alone together since that one time on board the transport ship. He admired the way the rays of the two Suns reflected gold and red strands in Cassie’s long red hair that hung down her back in a long, thick braid. Her eyes were a lighter green than the surrounding water, and just as lovely. Why did he take so long in realizing how perfect she was for him?

  “It’s weird that no one swims in the waters here. It’s lovely.” Cassie commented hoping to overcome the awkward silence.

  “It would contaminate our drinking water and our food source. I still can’t believe that your people would do this on Earth as recreation.” Ren shook his head at the thought. How wasteful.

  Cassie felt Ren’s eyes staring at her and felt a little uncomfortable. She fidgeted with her hair. She couldn’t take it anymore, “Why are you staring at me? Is my hair messy or something?” She stopped walking and stared up into his dark blue eyes. The gold irises were almost hypnotizing.

  Ren reached out to gently cup her gorgeous face in his large hands, “Forgive my rudeness, you are just so breathtakingly beautiful.” He, then, lowered his head to kiss her.

  It was nothing like their first almost kiss on the transport ship. There was no hesitation. Ren took, claimed, and owned her lips. He didn’t tentatively ask for entrance, he demanded. And Cassie didn’t resist. She opened her soft lips and allowed him access.

  Repressed and bottled up emotions exploded with their first real kiss. He ate at her sweet lips like a man dying of thirst. He kept his hands on her face, but pressed his larger body against her smaller one. Cassie had her hands pressed against his muscular chest and started rubbing him up and down. They were lost in a world of their own.

  Ren’s left hand moved to the back of Cassie’s head to hold her where he wanted her. He continued to kiss her senseless. His right hand traveled slowly down her neck, over her shoulder, and then moved to grab her breast. He squeezed her large breast, drawing out a sexy moan from her. “Ren …” The smell of her arousal made him growl in response.

  He released her lips and pulled away just a little to look upon her glowing, sex dazed face. He returned to kissing her with all he had been withholding. He lifted her in his arms as he carried her to a dry soft bed of sand further away from the water’s edge. Still holding her in his arms, he lowered himself to his knees and gently lowered her down onto her side. He lay down alongside of her.

  Cassie looked at Ren with worshipful eyes. It had been so long since a man had touched her. She couldn’t remember ever feeling such strong desire for anyone before. This man brought it all out in spades. Her nipples hardened and her breasts felt heavy. Her clit throbbed. And that had never happened to her before. She felt the wetness between her legs where she ached most to have him. She arched against him to be closer.

  Ren pulled back so that he could say what he needed to say to her, before the words left him. “Cassie I want you more than my next breath.”

  Cassie smiled a shy, sexy smile, “I want you too.” She reached out to undo the fasteners holding his Katieran uniform together. She opened the shirt to expose his well sculpted, bronzed, hairless skin. Touching him made her shiver with pleasure. She licked her lips in anticipation of tasting that golden skin with her lips and tongue. Ren growled in response.

  He reached out with his hand to undo the buttons on her blouse. He nudged aside the neckline to expose her large breasts barely contained in the little scrap of a bra she was wearing. My Goddess, she was spectacular. He moved to unhook the clasp in the front and the bountiful breasts fell out into his eagerly waiting hands. “Beautiful.” He whispered in awe.

  Ren flicked his tongue over the swell of her breasts. “I am on fire for you.” His fingertips rubbed over her skin, pushing her blouse further off of her shoulders.

  Cassie whimpered with need. “Please Ren.”

  He lowered his head down to latch onto a nipple with his mouth. Sweet! She tasted sweeter than the honey he had tasted on Earth. One hand squeezed her other breast while the other hand braced his body to keep from crushing her.

  Cassie shivered in reaction, pulling him closer to her. “Y
es … oh God yes!” Cassie climaxed hard just from him suckling her breasts. Damn that was good. But she wanted more. She wanted him inside of her. She tried to pull him all the way on top of her, but he resisted.

  “No Cassie, I am too heavy. I could hurt you and your young.” He hadn’t thought about the logistics of making love to a female breeding. He was going to have to wait a little longer to satisfy all of his needs until he could check with Medic JadEN or Dr. Morris. The health, safety and happiness of Cassie and her young would always come first for him.

  He re-buttoned her blouse and corrected his own clothing. He stood and offered his hand to help her up. “Come, let me take you back. It must be time for Midday Meal.”

  Cassie swayed a little as Ren helped her to stand. She didn’t understand Ren’s reluctance. She knew he wanted her. It was obvious by the bulge in his pants. Was it something she did? Scott often said that she was a bit of a cold fish in bed. Her responses to Ren were the furthest thing from cold that you could get. The man made her hot all over. But, if it was so electric, how could he stop so easily without seeking his own satisfaction?

  Ren saw the confusion and doubt on Cassie’s very expressive face. He needed to reassure her that he still wanted her. He pulled her body into his as he kissed her on both her cheeks, her forehead, and finally on her soft lips. “I want you Cassie. I want to mate with you. But we need to make sure that it is safe. I will never do anything to cause harm to you or the young. All three of you are precious to me.” He nibbled her neck with his lips.

  Cassie sighed and leaned further into Ren’s embrace. He was right. They needed to check with Dr. Morris to make sure it was safe before they did anything too serious. What if having sex caused her to go into early labor? She appreciated his being able to think clearly when she had been consumed with desire.

  “OK. We’ll wait until we talk to Dr. Morris.” She needed to add an out for him, “Ren … being with me while I’m pregnant won’t be like it has been for you with other women. If you would rather not …” she didn’t finish what she was saying because Ren had reclaimed her lips with his own. He kissed her until she couldn’t remember what she was saying.

  Ren reluctantly ended the spontaneous kiss. “There are no other women Cassie, just you.”

  “I mean … having sex with me won’t be as easy as if you were with Erica.” Cassie said in a low voice.

  “I have not shared sex with Miss Rowe. You are the only mate for me Cassie.” He caressed her cheek with the back of his hand.

  Cassie felt relieved. It was hard enough to open yourself to someone, but to feel that you are being compared to who they were with before, was excruciating.

  “OK then.” Cassie answered simply.

  “OK? That’s all you have to say?” Ren half laughed as he asked her.

  “Yes, O … K. You don’t want to be with anyone but me … and … I don’t want to be with anyone but you.” She kissed the bottom of his very masculine chin.

  Ren laughed and squeezed her as he responded, “O … K.”

  Chapter 8

  Ren ate the Midday Meal with Cassie and her friend Jaxon. He learned a lot about Cassie just by sitting there watching and listening to her and her friend interact. He would ask an occasional question and if Cassie was reluctant to answer, her friend would supply him with all he asked for and then some.

  He learned that Cassie’s parents died in a car accident when Cassie was just 5 years old. She went to live with her grandparents who raised her. That was, also, when she met Jaxon. Jaxon lived next door to Cassie’s grandparents and came over often to escape her own unhappy home life. Upon their first meeting, they became instant “BFFs”. Ren learned that it stood for “Best Friends Forever”.

  Ren shared stories of his own childhood. What it was like growing up on Katiera. Jaxon, especially, wanted to know what Kyd was like as a young boy. Ren was happy to tell them about his and his brothers’ misadventures.

  “Three troublesome boys. I don’t know how your mother survived all that.” Cassie said with a chuckle.

  Ren was enjoying himself tremendously. He would have liked to stay longer to learn more, but, he got beeped on his comm link. He was needed in the Operations Room. He made his excuses and told Cassie that he would like to join her for Evening Meal.

  Cassie watched Ren’s firm tight ass as he made his way through the meal room. She was rudely interrupted by a hand appearing in her face waving back and forth. “What?” Cassie asked curtly.

  Jaxon laughed at her friend’s obvious annoyance. “I don’t mean to disturb you while you are ass ogling, but, do you want to tell me what’s going on between you two?”

  Cassie chewed on her bottom lip. Should she tell Jaxon, or, wait to find out if this thing was for real? She could never keep secrets from Jaxon. She always found out somehow anyway. “I agreed to start seeing each other, exclusively.”

  Jaxon paused in the process of lifting her fork in the air to bring a piece of meat to her mouth, “When did this happen? And where was I when this was being decided?”

  “This morning, while you were training.” Cassie couldn’t help it, she had to add, “It was probably while you were all over the Commander.”

  “I was NOT all over him. He was all over me.” Jaxon inhaled the remaining food on her plate without asking any other questions. Good. Cassie didn’t think she was up to being interrogated.

  That evening, Cassie dressed in a yellow Katieran toga-style dress. Ren complimented her on how the color of the toga dress brought out the green of her eyes. Ren was dressed in a dark blue Katieran uniform that wrapped around like a Kimono and fit his upper body snugly.

  The balcony had been transformed into an intimate dining area. Food was placed on the small table and torches were lit to give it a romantic ambience. Ren led Cassie out onto the balcony and helped her get seated. No one had ever done anything so romantic for her before. She looked across the table at Ren as he took his seat and she felt herself falling for him.

  They ate their meal in peaceful silence, giving each other heated glances. Ren pointed up at a couple of stars in the sky. “Do you see those two stars there?” He asked.

  “Yes.” She looked up at where he was pointing.

  “That big star represents our God KiljOR. The little star beside it represents our Goddess KatieRI. Together they are known as Star Mates” Ren explained.

  “I learned a little about them through the culture classes on the transport ship. They were a mated pair right?” She asked.

  “Yes. It is said that KiljOR took one look at KatieRI and knew she was the one for him.” Ren took a sip of his Katieran Juice, which was like Earth’s wine.

  Cassie took a sip of her water which was green since it came from the Waters of Katiera. Surprisingly, it had a sweet flavor to it. Cassie was fascinated with the story Ren was telling her. “Did they have children?”

  “It is said that they had twins. The first set born on Katiera. And when they died in battle, they were the last.” Ren was watching Cassie with hooded eyes.

  “What happened?” Cassie placed a comforting hand on her extended belly. To lose a child was every parent’s worst nightmare.

  “KiljOR was a warrior God. As were his twin sons, KiljAN and KajAN. They were battling another warring nation and the twins fell. KiljOR took his sons back to their mother who was devastated by the loss. To honor his sons and to help his mate deal with her grief, KiljOR used all of his Godly powers to turn his sons’ bodies into the two Suns of the Katiera Galaxy. IljAN is the small red Sun and AjAN is the large yellow Sun.” Ren reached over to take Cassie’s hand in his large one.

  Cassie could not stop the single tear that came down her face at such a sad story. “What happened to KiljOR after he gave up his powers?”

  Ren smiled as he wiped a tear off of Cassie’s soft face. “It is said that KiljOR lived the rest of his life as a mortal and KatieRI stayed by his side. At his life’s final moment, KatieRI used all of her Godly powers t
o transform the two of them into the Star Mates that we see above us. Where they would remain by one another’s side for all eternity.”

  Cassie took her index finger to lightly rub back and forth over his arm. “That is so romantic.” Cassie looked him over with her eyes and licked her lips.

  He couldn’t take it anymore. Ren jumped up and lifted Cassie out of her seat. He carried her in his arms to her bedroom. The moment the bedroom door was closed, Ren claimed Cassie’s lips. Cassie gave herself to him without protest. The kiss deepened and the hunger for one another grew. The sheer pleasure of touching one another made them both moan from need.

  Every instinct within him urged him to tear her clothes from her body, shove her legs apart, and bury himself deep within her sweet warmth. Ren devoured her, seeking skin to skin contact. They quickly disposed of their clothing. Ren growled. A low rumbling sound that made her even wetter for him.

  He walked her over the bed and eased her down on the edge. “Lay back and spread your legs for me mate. I’m dying to taste you.” His voice came out raspy and deep.

  The sound made Cassie’s whole body clench in reaction. No one had ever gone down on her before. Scott thought it was disgusting. But she trusted Ren. Her whole body throbbed. She slowly opened her knees and felt her cheeks heat with embarrassment. Never had she felt so completely vulnerable.

  Ren knelt on the floor next to the bed. She felt big strong hands grip her hips, pulling her closer to the edge of the mattress. She watched as Ren bent his head.

  “Your hair is in a single tiny strip.” He sounded surprised.

  Cassie knew her face was even redder now. “I shave it that way .It’s easier to maintain.” She started to close her knees but he growled and opened her back up to his view.

  “I like it.” He leaned in closer forcing her knees to widen further because of his wide shoulders. She felt his hot breath feathering over her exposed sex. He spread her open and swiped his hot tongue over her clit.

  Her fingers reached down and grasped his hair. He started to lick her in long steady strokes. Then his tongue moved inside her, in and out. It was so intense, the pleasure that she was feeling. He teased her before he zeroed in on the sweet spot that sent raw ecstasy spiraling through her body.


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