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Katieran Prime

Page 8

by KD Jones

  Cassie arched her back as the climax tore through her relentlessly. Still in shock, she slowly came back down from the heavens. Her breathing was ragged and she noticed that Ren was panting even harder.

  The look Ren gave her left no doubt that he was about to lose control. He surprised her by suddenly getting up onto his feet and storming out of the bedroom door … naked.

  Kat had just gotten out of the shower when she heard a pounding on her bedroom door. She grabbed her robe and put it on. “What?” She asked as she opened the door.

  She was speechless. No words could do justice. On the other side of her door was none other than Prime Leader RendEL … in the buff. It was every lonely girl’s fantasy. It would be hers too, if she didn’t already have a re-occurring fantasy of another Katieran. “Can I help you Prime Leader?” She tried to keep her eyes above waist level, she really did.

  “Can we have sex?” He asked briskly.

  “What?” Kat felt very uncomfortable. She was relieved when a half-naked Cassie came out of her bedroom with a blanket wrapped around her body.

  “He means, can we have sex, he and I.” Cassie explained as she wrapped the blanket around both her and Ren.

  Kat smiled warmly as she eased their worries. “Of course you can. You just have to find the right positions that are good for both of you.”

  “What positions are best for Cassie?” Ren asked.

  “There is the sex on the edge of the bed, spooning, side by side, woman on top and doggy style.” Kat was blushing as unwanted images of a certain Katieran male invaded her thoughts.

  “There will be no animals involved in our mating.” Ren sounded offended.

  Cassie giggled. “She means you would mount me from behind.”

  Kat had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. “I recommend the other positions over the … mounting. Less stress on Cassie’s stomach. Also, I have heard that your males have greater stamina than human males. Cassie will need to pace herself.”

  Ren nodded, then leaned down and picked up Cassie to carry her back to the bedroom. Cassie giggled again and waved to Kat over Ren’s shoulder. “Thanks!” And then the door was shut closed.

  “You’re welcome.” Kat replied to an empty hallway.

  Ren carried Cassie back to the bed. “Which position?” Ren growled the question out as he gently laid her back down on the bed.

  Cassie’s body responded by getting wet again. “How about we try me on top?”

  Ren threw himself across the bed and lay flat on his back. Cassie couldn’t take her eyes off his shaft which was standing at full attention. He was thick and incredibly hard. Cassie licked her lips. She wanted to taste every inch of him. She slowly crawled up the bed on her hands and knees. She straddled his thighs.

  Her gaze lingered over his broad chest, tight abdomen, and full erection. He was circumcised which was a surprise. His body was all smooth, hairless and golden.

  She moved down a little bit and leaned forward until her face hovered above his erection. He was impressive. She glanced up and saw him watching her intently.

  Cassie wet her lips by licking them. One hand lifted and she wrapped her fingers around his hard shaft. She tilted her head as her tongue dragged slowly down the crown of his penis.

  “Cassie.” Ren was breathing faster.

  Cassie knew she was going to have to hurry because Ren wasn’t going to last much longer. She wrapped her mouth around his sex and started to take him inside her eager mouth inch by inch. She took more of him to the back of her throat and began a steady rhythm going up and down.

  Ren’s pre-cum was another surprise. He tasted sweet … like cotton candy. She always did love cotton candy. She hummed against him which caused more of the delicious pre-cum to fill her mouth.

  “I need you now!” Ren was desperate for her.

  She released him from her lips with a pop and crawled up his body until her thighs were gripping his hips. She used her left hand on his firm thigh to balance herself and reached with her right hand to wrap around his hard shaft. She guided him to her warmth and wiggled until their bodies were aligned.

  She tilted her head back as she sank down on him. Her body was wet warm and welcoming. They both moaned as her vaginal walls were parted by his long thick manhood.

  Ren grabbed her hips and began moving her up and down on him.

  “Ren.” Cassie growled his name. She picked up the tempo that Ren set and took over. Her swollen belly didn’t deter either of them from the pleasure they were both feeling.

  Ren let go of her hips to reach up and grab both breasts with his hands. “You are so beautiful.” Ren told her with a deep raspy voice. “Go faster.”

  Cassie complied with a moan. “Ren … I’m … going … to … fuck yes!” She climaxed hard. Her back arched with her release.

  A second later Ren came too yelling, “Mate! Mine!”

  Cassie slowly lifted herself. They both moaned when he slipped out from her. She turned and rolled onto her side next to him. She had a sexy satisfied look on her face. She nuzzled her cheek against his muscular arm. “Wow. Just … wow.” And then she fell into a deep peaceful sleep.

  Ren pulled Cassie into his arms and knew he had found his heart and his home. “Mine.” He whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

  In the Operations Room on the sublevel floor of the Prime Building, Commander KydEL sat staring at the view screen displaying the latest report from the transport ship on route for Katiera. He was not pleased with what he had learned. “Are you sure it’s him?” He asked the Katieran Legal Advisor for Earth Relations, Lindsey Carreli.

  The lovely golden haired female nodded her head. “The investigators I hired were very thorough. Cassandra Tomlin dated only a few men. Her last boyfriend she lived with for about 7 months before her disappearance. Senator in Training, Scott McCormick. Neighbors, coworkers, and friends confirmed the facts.”

  Shit! “And you are sure he’s one of the members that the EWG sent on the transport ship?” Please say no. Kyd thought to himself.

  “I’m afraid so. I have had the displeasure of meeting with him several times. A complete asshole if you ask me.” Lindsey didn’t hide her distaste of the human male.

  The transport ship would arrive in about 3 weeks with several members of the EWG. According to the trade agreement, these members would bear witness to the well-being of the human females. One of those members is the male that impregnated Cassie Tomlin and left her on her own to face the EWG. The same female, who is his younger brother’s unofficial mate. A breeding female with a risky pregnancy. Damn it!

  Cassie was dreaming. It was a good dream. A man’s hand was squeezing her breasts and pulling the nipples into tight little peaks. His member was nudging her feminine folds from behind. The dream felt so good, she hoped she never woke up from it.

  “Cassie.” Her name was whispered with a husky male voice, which made Cassie realize that she wasn’t dreaming at all. Ren was with her. In her bed. Naked. They had made love last night. And, he was about to make love to her again.

  Ren let go of Cassie’s breast to lower his hand down to the juncture where her sex was warm, wet and waiting. He rubbed her labia with his fingers. Cassie moaned her response. “Ren.”

  Ren lifted her leg slightly to make room for his own leg. He teased her from behind. And then he was sliding all the way in. They both moaned at the fullness.

  Cassie pushed her bottom back against him trying to get him further inside her. “Move damn it!” Cassie’s shyness was gone.

  Ren growled and started to thrust in and out. Harder and harder. Deeper and deeper. Nothing else mattered except for being inside of Cassie. She felt so tight and warm surrounding him.

  Cassie turned her head so that she could kiss Ren. Their lips and tongues made love with the same frenzy that their bodies did.

  Ren pressed further against her bundle of nerves until Cassie arched with her release. He watched her and knew that there was no sight more b
eautiful to him than that. It made him come over and over. It suddenly hit him. He loved this female. His mate. And now that he finally had her, he would never let her go.

  Cassie gave him a very happy smile. “I hope you wake me up like that every morning.”

  “You can count on it mate.” He replied. Now that his cock was soft enough, he slowly pulled out of her, missing her heat already.

  Cassie moved to her other side where she could face him. “What does that mean? Mate. You have called me that several times.”

  He studied her. Appreciating the heaviness in her breasts and the shapely figure she had. She took his breath away.

  “You and I have agreed to be only with each other, making us mates. But you are more. You are my bond mate. The one person sent by the Gods, I am meant to mate with. It is a stronger mating.” He answered.

  “Mating? Is that like being engaged or something?” She asked.

  “What is this engaged mean?” He asked as he bent to lick her tempting nipple.

  “On Earth, men and women spend time together by dating. When they find someone special they want to spend the rest of their lives with, they get engaged. By that time they only see each other, no other people. And then they get married.”

  “Since we have already agreed to not see other people, we shared sex, and exchanged scent markings, then we are engaged. The only thing left to do to make it official is to have the mating ceremony. That is when we announce our claim as mates in front of witnesses.” He placed his large hands over her expanded belly. “Once we have our mating ceremony, I will be the official father of both your young.”

  Cassie looked down at him with a frown. “Is that why you want to mate me? For the babies?”

  Ren lies on the bed beside her. “No. I want to mate you for you. But I would be honored if you would allow me to be a father to both your young.”

  Cassie’s frown disappeared. He was genuine. He wanted her and he wanted to care for her girls. She was falling in love with this man.

  She couldn’t keep the tears of happiness from her eyes. “I could not pick a better man to be their father. Or a better man to be my mate.”

  Ren pulled her back into his arms and held her close to his heart. They were bond mates. They belonged together, side by side, for all eternity.

  Chapter 9

  The next two weeks Cassie was busy with Ren’s mother and cousin making arrangements for the mating ceremony. She, practically, moved into his suite. She was there morning and night. He ate most of his meals with her when he could. And at night, he would make love to her in all the right positions.

  News of the upcoming ceremony spread like wildfire throughout all of Katiera. Though there had been a lot of Katieran/human couplings, this would be the first official mating ceremony. Ren was attentive and always there to help with the planning. There were times Cassie felt something was weighing on his mind, but he didn't talk about.

  Ren was worried. Kyd had told him a few weeks ago that Cassie’s ex-lover, the human male Scott McCormick, was on his way to Katiera. Evidently, he was one of the representatives that the EWG chose to send to fulfill part of the trade agreement.

  The agreement stated that members of the EWG would travel to Katiera within a few months after the first transport ship left with the women, in order to make sure that the women were being treated well. Mr. McCormick was coming and Ren was unsure whether this would change things between him and Cassie.

  She seemed happy with him. Especially with the lovemaking. When they were alone together, skin to skin, heart to heart, he felt that nothing could come between them. But, with each new sunrise, he faced the fact that he had not yet told her about the human male’s impending arrival.

  Ren had hoped to move the mating ceremony date up earlier so that he and Cassie would be fully mated before the transport ship arrived. Unfortunately, the females resisted his efforts. The time was approaching. What was he going to do? He could not lose her now.

  “When are you planning to tell her?” Syd asked him.

  “Soon.” Ren replied.

  “The transport ship arrives next week. Are you waiting for the male to appear before her and surprise her into early labor?” Kyd asked with much more vehemence. He was frustrated with his brother’s stalling. It was unlike Ren.

  “Damn it Kyd! I already feel like an ass for waiting this long. I’m just … I …” the steam left him as he stated forlornly, “If I lose her now I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  Syd, being the more sensible, calming brother, reached out and placed a sympathetic hand on Ren’s shoulder, “We’re here for you, whatever you need.”

  Ren nodded as he looked at both his brothers. “Thanks.” He knew something had to be done and soon.

  Ren told Cassie to go ahead and have the Evening Meal with her friends because he was going to be working late. She sat there staring at her food not really listening to Jaxon telling her and Kat about the latest encounters with the Commander. She worried about Ren. He seemed to be pulling away from her.

  “Earth to Cassie, come in Cassie.” Jaxon said as she waved her hand in front of Cassie’s face.

  Cassie jumped in her seat. “What?”

  “You were in your own little world? What’s going on?” Jaxon asked.

  “Nothing. I’m … just … I don’t know.” Cassie did her best not to cry, but, with the pregnancy hormones it was a pointless battle.

  Both women moved closer to hug Cassie and comfort her.

  Kat asked her, “Are you feeling okay? Are you having pains in your lower stomach?”

  “No. My body feels fine, it’s …” She was so embarrassed.

  Jaxon was quick to pick up on what was not being said. “What did he do?”

  Cassie shook her head. “It’s not … he didn’t do anything. He’s just holding something back. I can feel it.”

  Jaxon was about to press her for more information, but, they were rudely interrupted by an irate jilted ex-girlfriend.

  “You bitch!” Erica Rowe screeched from across the meal room. She shoved people out of her way and stormed over to Cassie’s table. She pointed her bony finger at Cassie. “How dare you! He’s supposed to be mine.”

  Erica picked up Cassie’s plate and threw it at her. Luckily, she ducked just in time. Everything kind of blurred for a moment. Kat pulled Cassie behind her and Jaxon tackled Erica to the ground. TarAK and four other security guards showed up. Someone must have called a security breach. Two of the guards went to take over protecting Cassie. TarAK and the other two guards helped Jaxon with a totally out of control Erica. Erica wasn’t done yet.

  “Just you wait! When the EWG shows up and sees you have an illegal pregnancy, you’re going to be arrested. Then Ren will BEG for me to take him back!” Erica screamed.

  Cassie was confused. “What are you talking about?”

  Ren heard the security breach announced over his comm link. At first he wasn’t going to respond, but, then he recalled that every security breach so far had involved Cassie. He made his way to the meal room.

  When Ren got to the meal room, he found three security guards holding a screaming Erica. There were broken plates and food all over the floor where Cassie was standing. He pushed his way through to get to her side. “What’s going on here?” He demanded of TarAK.

  Cassie turned accusing eyes on Ren and asked, “Is the EWG coming here?”

  Shit! “Clear the room NOW!” Ren yelled at TarAK. He waited until security had moved everyone else out of the room. He looked back at Cassie and noticed that she was pale and shaking. When he went to pull her into his arms, she stepped out of his reach.

  “What have you been keeping from me?” She demanded with more anger in her voice than before.

  Jaxon refused to leave. She went over to stand beside her friend protectively.

  Kyd came over to stand beside Ren, but he didn’t take his eyes off Jaxon. The female warrior might lash out on her friend’s behalf.

  Ren took a
deep breath as he told her the dreaded news. “There are a few EWG members arriving on the next transport ship.”

  “What else are you not telling me?” Cassie asked.

  Ren looked into her beautiful green eyes filled with fear and anger. “One of those members of the EWG is, Senator in Training. Scott McCormick”.

  Cassie felt light headed and her knees felt like rubber. Down … she was falling down. She would have hit the floor if a pair of strong male arms hadn’t caught her.

  She had passed out … again. This was getting to be a bad habit with her. She sat there on a soft mattress, probably the same one she used before in the South Medic Wing. She didn’t open her eyes right away. She wanted to hear the conversations going on around her first.

  “I told you that you should have told her about the human male.” Kyd stated to his brother.

  “Shut up Kyd. How did Erica find out about the EWG?” Ren asked looking at TarAK who stood in the corner of the room.

  TarAK stepped forward. “Apologies Prime Leader. One of my men had given the female the information in exchange for sharing of sex. He has been reprimanded.”

  Ren growled. “Where is Miss Rowe now?”

  “She has been placed in a holding cell until further notice.” TarAK answered.

  Kat came in and checked her vitals. “She’s stable. And, she’s awake.” Busted.

  Cassie opened her eyes to a room packed full of people. There was Ren’s mom, his cousin, both brothers, TarAK, Jaxon, Kat, and Ren. The remorseful look on Ren’s face nearly broke her heart. Cassie reminded herself that Ren had some explaining to do. “Scott is coming? And how long have you known about him?”

  Ren addressed everyone, “Leave us now.” People were tripping over themselves trying to get out of the room. All except Jaxon. She stood with her arms crossed over her chest not making a move to leave. Ren looked at Kyd who sighed, walked over and picked Jaxon up, tossed her over his shoulder, and carried her out fighting him the whole way. He slapped her ass once, which surprisingly, shut her up instantly..


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