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Katieran Prime

Page 10

by KD Jones

  “Get your lazy pregnant ass up off the couch and help me with this damn cart! I am not a food worker. I told them that. But they made me wheel this thing up myself because they were afraid someone might tamper with your food.” Cassie laughed at Jaxon’s tirade. If only Cassie could let out her emotions that way.

  Cassie struggled to get up off the couch. She walked over and gave her best friend a hug. “Thank God you are here. I have been stuck in this dungeon of a suite for hours all by myself. TarAK is a tyrant and won’t let me do anything or go anywhere. Ren hasn’t contacted me at all to let me know how things are going. Both my babies are standing at full attention against my ribs. And … I … am … starving!”

  Jaxon looked at TarAK to get his take on Cassie’s announcement. He rolled his eyes before leaving her alone with the crazy pregnant woman.

  “Well, I am certainly glad I came when I did then, for TarAK’s sake. Okay, let’s get some food in you. Maybe that will settle down my nieces you’re carrying.” Jaxon spread the food out on the small dining table.

  “So, are you excited about the mating ceremony?” Jaxon asked hoping to keep the conversation light.

  “I am. You should see the dress the designer made for me. It is beautiful.” Cassie went on to describe the details of the ceremony preparations. It was a good distraction. They finished the Midday Meal and decided to go out to sit on the balcony.

  Two hours later, Ren came home to find Cassie’s friend laying on the couch reading with the digital tablet. When she looked up and saw him, she put the tablet down. He didn’t see Cassie.

  “She’s taking a nap in the bedroom.” Jaxon said as she stood up.

  Ren nodded at her. “Thank you for staying with her until I came back. I know it was a little hard on her to be here all alone …” He didn’t finish because Jaxon was laughing.

  “Sorry Prime Leader. A ‘little hard’ doesn’t cover it. She would have done damage to TarAK if I hadn’t shown up.” Jaxon walked closer to him so that she was just a foot away. “How did it go?”

  “The EWG members are being shown to their suites. I won’t meet with them again until tomorrow.” Ren answered.

  “What about Scott?” Jaxon asked.

  Ren growled. “I saw him, but, did not have a chance to confront him.” He walked over to get himself a drink. He turned to look at Jaxon. “Captain, will you come again tomorrow to be with Cassie while I am gone?”

  “Of course, I hope it goes well for you tomorrow.” Jaxon looked at her watch and commented without thinking, “I better check in with his royal pain in my ass. ...Oops.” Jaxon forgot she was speaking to the pain in the ass’s brother. “Sorry.”

  RendEL almost spits out his drink. He laughs. “It’s okay. I will have to call him that the next time he pisses me off. Have a good evening.” He waved goodnight as she left the suite.

  Once Jaxon was gone, he went into the bedroom to check on Cassie. She was so beautiful and innocent laying there on her side. Her long red hair was spread out all around her over the pillows and the mattress. She looked like a sun goddess. Ren felt himself getting hard just staring at her.

  He undressed and climbed onto the bed beside her. He pulled her into his arms and held her close against his chest. He let out a sigh of contentment as her sweet feminine scent filled his nostrils. He cleared his mind of the images he had been carrying around since catching sight of that blond male.

  He rubbed Cassie’s protruding belly and felt the babies move against his hand. He didn’t care what anyone else said, this was his mate, his family. They were his responsibility to care for and to protect. He would fight anyone who threatened them. They were his and he loved them.

  “Mm mm. That feels nice.” Cassie whispered as she snuggled closer to him. “Want to tell me how it went?”

  He didn’t want to, but he would. He learned his lesson. He will never keep things from her again.

  “There’s not much to tell from today. I’ll meet with the EWG members after Midday Meal tomorrow. I did, however, meet someone today that I wasn’t expecting.” He felt Cassie stiffen in his arms. “Senator Rowe came here to Katiera and he wants to see his daughter.”

  Cassie had a confused look on her face. “Senator Rowe?”

  “Erica Rowe’s father.” He told her.

  “Oh shit!” Cassie turned to look at Ren’s face. “What did you do?”

  “He was taken to his suite for now. Kyd will go there later to explain the situation with Miss Rowe. Our legal advisor Lindsey Carreli suggested moving the female to the senator’s suite and keeping her there under ‘house arrest’ until it is time to transport her back to Earth.” Ren told her as he gently traced a path down the side of her face with his fingers.

  Cassie leaned into his touch. She loved it when he touched her like this. “It sounds reasonable to me. Maybe her Dad will keep her in line. With him being a Senator with the EWG, he will not want to be humiliated by an out of control daughter.” There was a silent moment that seemed to last forever. Cassie knew what the elephant in the room was … Scott. “Did you see him?” She didn’t have to say who the ‘him’ was. They both knew.

  “Yes.” Ren answered.

  “Did you say anything to him?” She looked into Ren’s strange blue eyes with the golden irises.

  “Not yet.” Ren watched her expression. She was easy to read at times. He loved that about her.

  “Are you going to?” She asked.

  “Yes.” He told her firmly.

  She was silent as she thought about what she wanted to say. “If I asked you to let this go, would you?”

  Ren shook his head side to side. “I would do anything for you Cassie, but, I can’t let this go. Everything that makes me the male I am demands that I confront the male who hurt you and endangered our children.” Ren placed his big hand on the moving bulge beneath Cassie’s stomach that felt like a tiny foot.

  ‘Our children’ Cassie repeated in her head. She didn’t have to ask him if he meant it. Just looking into his dark blue eyes, she knew that he meant every word.

  She reached up and grabbed the back of his head with her hand to pull him down so she could kiss him. How did she get so lucky? She didn’t know, but, she was going to hold on to him with both hands.

  Cassie started to remove her clothing. She noticed the change in Ren’s breathing as her breasts were released. She reached over and grabbed his thick, hard shaft. She remembered his cotton candy flavored semen and licked her lips.

  Ren groaned. “Don’t … I don’t think I will last long mate. I am ready for you now.”

  Cassie released him long enough to climb on top and straddle him. She reached back and took his shaft in her hand again. She rubbed the tip of his sex against her nether lips. She was anxious to get him inside of her.

  Ren felt the last of his patience leave him. He grasped Cassie’s hip and thrust upwards, shoving him deep inside of her. Cassie caught on to the rhythm that Ren set. Their lovemaking became frantic. He was careful not to hurt Cassie or the babies. Afterwards, they held each other close.

  Cassie insisted that they eat their Evening Meal downstairs because she needed to get out of the suite. They were joined by Kyd who updated them on how things went with the Senator. Erica was escorted to her father’s suite and will be kept under security watch until she returns to Earth with the senator on the next transport ship.

  Chapter 11

  The next morning Cassie woke up alone. She reached out for Ren but his side of the bed felt cold. Did he leave already?

  “Ren?” She called out. There was no answer. Cassie got up and went searching for him. He wasn’t anywhere in the suite. But, she spotted a lovely vase of violet colored flowers sitting on the dining table. It had a note with it. Cassie read the note out loud.

  “My mate. Forgive me for not being there when you woke up. I needed to meet early with the High Council to discuss strategy. If not for that, I would be waking you up with my mouth and hands all over your beautiful body
. I am not sure when I will be done. It is even more critical that you do not leave the suite today, since the EWG members will be in the Prime building attending the meeting. Captain Malone will be spending time with you again today. And … try not to harass TarAK too much; he is only trying to keep you safe. I will be back inside of you before the day ends. Your Mate, RendEL.”

  Cassie sighed. It looks like she and Erica Rowe were both under house arrest. Great. Perfect. Wonderful. Cassie’s stomach growled which made her drop the negative thoughts she had. Guess I better let TarAK order me the Morning Meal then.

  Prime Leader RendEL, Prime Commander KydEL, the High Council, and Katiera’s Legal Advisor for Earth Relations, Lindsey Carreli waited for the EWG members to arrive. Ren discussed with Kyd about having security detain McCormick from attending the ceremony altogether. If things worked out, McCormick would be heading back to Earth on the next transport ship without having any contact with Cassie at all.

  Ren stood with both his brothers and the full Katieran High Council in the meeting room as the members of the EWG filed in one by one. Ren kept his eyes on Scott McCormick. He hated the sight of the male. This blond haired blue eyed, tall, thin, male had been intimate with Ren’s mate. Everything male in Ren was demanding that he destroy his enemy. Protect his mate. Protect his children. Ren growled causing his brothers to look at him with concern.

  “I’m alright.” He reassured them.

  “Keep it together.” KydEL warned in a low voice.

  Once everyone was in the meeting room and had taken their seats, Ren addressed the group.

  “I welcome all of you again who have travelled here to Katiera. On behalf of the Katieran Nation, I would like to extend congratulations on the success of the Earth World and Katieran Nation (EWKN) Trade Agreement. Many thanks to all those present today and to those not present who put a great deal of effort into making this agreement be successful.” Ren went on to talk about the transitions the human females have undertaken from Earth life to life on Katiera. When he was done, he introduced Lindsey.

  Lindsey stood up and addressed the group, “All of you have been given a tour of the Prime City of Katiera. You were, also, given the opportunity to interview randomly some of the human women themselves regarding their life here on Katiera. We will now open up the floor for any issues or questions that you would like to have addressed.”

  Most of the comments were pleasant and the members of the EWG seemed to be impressed with the living conditions and healthy environment. There were a few grumbles about not allowing human males to come to Katiera. Ren was beginning to think his worries were all for nothing, and then … Senator Rowe stood up.

  “I am Senator Rowe, a representative of the Earth World Government. I feel that Prime Leader RendEL is in violation of the agreements that Katiera made with Earth.” The man’s voice was bitter.

  The elder of the Katieran High Council, RogET, asked him to explain himself.

  “I encouraged my daughter, Erica, to come here and start a new life on Katiera believing that she would be well taken care of. I found out last evening that my daughter was wrongly accused of some ridiculous crime and was being held without trial. If I had not come on this trip, I do not know how long my daughter would have been held against her will.” The man’s face was now flaming red and his chest had puffed up.

  RogET replied, “That is a serious accusation. Prime Leader RendEL, what was Miss Rowe’s crime?”

  Ren stood up, “Miss Erica Rowe has physically assaulted two people, me and my mate. My mate is breeding and is in a delicate situation.” There were gasps throughout the room as eyes turned from Ren to the Senator.

  RogET narrowed his eyes at the Senator, “The first law of Katiera is to protect all females and children. The second law is to protect the Prime Family. To attack a breeding female is a serious offense alone, but to attack a member of the Prime Family is serious enough to incite the death penalty.”

  The Senator stuttered as his face blanched white, ‘But, she is not Katieran, she is human … from Earth. Surely those laws don’t …”

  Lindsey interrupted the Senator’s excuses, “The moment anyone from Earth steps on board a Katieran Vessel, you voluntarily become subject to Katieran Laws. NO exceptions. It is stated plainly in the EWKN Agreement.”

  One of the other Senators from Earth turned to RendEL and the High Council, “My name is Senator Under. On behalf of me and the entire EWG, we apologize for Senator Rowe and his daughter’s behavior. Will Miss Rowe be given a trial at all? I am not familiar with your legal system.”

  Ren spoke, “Miss Rowe has been moved to the Senator’s suite and is currently under house arrest. She will be returning to Earth on the next transport ship. No harm has been done to her for her actions though it was within our rights to do so.”

  Senator Under nodded, “That was very magnanimous of you. Thank you. May I ask how your mate has been doing since the attack?”

  Ren sat back down and it seemed the whole room relaxed when he did so. “She has recovered fully. We are, in fact, having our formal mating ceremony in 2 days. We welcome the members of the EWG to attend, with the exclusion, of course, of Senator Rowe and his daughter.”

  A female member of the EWG sat up and exclaimed, “A wedding? How exciting!” Chuckles filled the room at the outburst.

  Another member of the EWG who worked as a reporter for the EWG News Live asked, “Is your mate from Earth? Is this the first mating between the species so far? What is her name?”

  Lindsey took over answering the questions, “Prime Leader RendEL is mating a human. There have been many unofficial matings between the species, but, this is going to the first official one. Since it is the first Prime mating in over 40 years, it will be an even more momentous occasion. At the end of the ceremony, the human will be given the title of Prima.”

  The reporter asked again as he was taking down the information, “And her name?”

  Ren looked right at Scott McCormick as he answered, “Cassandra Tomlin.” The other male’s head jerked up and he looked right into Ren’s steely dark blue eyes.

  “Go fish!” Cassie yelled as she placed her cards down.

  Jaxon rolled her eyes in frustration. “How can you win again? It’s like 5 times in a row? I hate playing with you.” She pouted.

  TarAK scratched his head. “I don’t understand this game.” He threw his cards down and stormed out of the suite.

  Both women looked at each other and giggled.

  “Men give up so easily.” Jaxon stated.

  Cassie nodded her head as she smiled. She had to give TarAK credit. He tried to learn the game, but hated to lose in any way.

  “What time is it?” Cassie asked

  Jaxon looked at her watch. “It’s 4:30 pm. The meeting should be over anytime now. Stop worrying.”

  “I’m not worrying. I’m just … you know.” Cassie responded

  “Yeah, you’re worrying, so stop already.” Jaxon shoved her shoulder playfully. “Why don’t we …” Jaxon got interrupted when her comm link beeped. She tapped her earpiece. “Captain Malone here. I will be there in 3 minutes Lieutenant.” She ended her communications.

  “Sorry, I can’t play another game of Go Fish. I have a hot date with a flight simulator.” Jaxon jumped up and grabbed her military coat.

  “That’s why you won’t get mated right there. How is a man supposed to compete with a machine that can vibrate, twirl, and spin you till you throw up?” Cassie asked with laughter in her eyes.

  Jaxon flipped her the bird, “Whatever, we can’t all get knocked up by a slimy senator wannabe, become a fugitive on the EWG’s most wanted list, and nail an alien prince with a huge dick that can’t keep his hands off her enormous jugs of joy.”

  “They’re not enormous!” Cassie yelled back while feeling her large breasts.

  “Whatever walking mammary glands. I’m out.’ Jaxon waved without looking back as she left the suite.

  Ren was finally able to pa
rt ways with the EWG members and headed straight back to his suite. He stopped to address TarAK, “Anything happen that I should know about?”

  TarAK answered with a frown, “She has not ordered Evening Meal yet, but has been ‘snacking’ all day long. She cheats at a game called Go Fish. Her friend called her EWG’s most wanted. You have a huge dick and can’t keep your hands off her enormous jugs of joy.”

  Ren coughed when TarAK spoke of his cock. “What do enormous jugs of joy mean?”

  TarAK shrugged his shoulders, “I don’t know and I don’t think I want to know.”

  Ren nodded his agreement on that and dismissed him, “Thank you TarAK, you are relieved of your duties for the rest of the night.”

  “Prime Leader.” TarAK slightly bowed as he made his way down the corridor.

  He found Cassie out on the balcony staring out at the green ocean. He wrapped his arms around her from behind pressing his front against her back. His large warm hands rubbed her belly. She leaned back into his embrace.

  “Mm mm. This feels nice. You’re my favorite belly warmer.” She turned her head to kiss him.

  “Did you miss me?” Ren asked her as he nibbled on her neck.

  “Extremely. Did you miss us?” She gasped when he unhooked her top clasp and opened her top.

  “Very much. I need you.” Ren groaned as he rubbed himself against her rounded back side.

  “I can tell. We can go inside?” She offered.

  “No. Here, now.” Ren growled.

  He continued to unhook the clasps on her top and unfastened her bra. Her breasts spilled free and Ren cupped them in his large hands. He smiled at her mischievously.

  “Enormous jugs of love?” He asked her while squeezing her breasts.

  Cassie sputtered. “Oh God, TarAK heard what Jaxon said? I am going to kill her.” She turned a lovely shade of pink.

  Ren plucked her nipples into hard, tiny points making Cassie forget what she was talking about.

  “Ren.” She moaned and rubbed her ass back and forth across the bulge in his pants.


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