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Katieran Prime

Page 11

by KD Jones

  Ren let go of her breasts and trailed his hands down her sides to her hips. He gripped the material of the flowing skirt and started pulling it upward until her luscious, naked bottom was exposed. He cupped one cheek with his large hand.

  “Did you walk around TarAK with no underwear on?” He asked her.

  “Yes, but he couldn’t tell because I was wearing this lovely long, blue skirt.” She answered saucily.

  Cassie reached back with her right hand to undo his pants. His large, stiff erection sprung free. She gripped his shaft and started to pump him.

  Ren was desperate for her. He needed to claim her now. He reached around the front of her to test if she was ready for him. She was soaking wet.

  “Cassie, I can’t wait any longer. Put your hands on the railing.” His voice was deep and raspy.

  She did as he told her and leaned forward a little, trusting him.

  Ren moved his hand that had been teasing her clit up until it supported her belly. His other hand replaced hers and moved his tip closer to her sex. He eased into her slowly and they both moaned from the wonderful sensation of him filling her up.

  Cassie pushed back trying to get more of him in her. “Harder!” She demanded.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.” He answered with a strained voice.

  “You won’t, I promise to tell you if it gets uncomfortable. Please... I need... more.” Cassie begged.

  Ren relented. He gripped her hip with his free hand and started moving faster, harder, deeper. It was sheer bliss.

  Cassie felt her climax building. Burning to come, she pushed her ass back against him with every stroke. Her vaginal walls clenched and spasmed around him. Pleasure rippled through her whole body as her climax hit her hard. She cried out his name.

  Ren continued to drive into her over and over causing her to climax a second time. He pushed one final time before he pumped his warm release deep inside of her. Ren’s legs felt like rubber as he pulled out of her. He eased them both down slowly until he was seated on the floor of the balcony and she was seated in his lap. He closed his eyes hoping to keep the outside world from invading his sanctuary. But he knew he couldn’t hide forever.

  It wasn’t chilly but Cassie shivered anyway from the feeling of her sweat running down her bare arms.

  “Give me a few minutes to catch my breath, and then I will take us to the bedroom.” Ren whispered against her ear.

  Cassie touched his cheek gently with her fingertips. “Are you trying to distract me from asking how things went today?”

  “Is it working?” Ren asked while squeezing her tender breasts again.

  “A little bit.” She smiled as she nibbled his smooth chin. Cassie had to hold herself back. She pulled back from him so that she could look into his beautiful blue eyes. “How did it go?”

  Ren sighed. “Let me get us inside first.” He held her tight against his chest as he stood up completely with her in his arms. He carried her back inside their suite and sat down on the couch, keeping her in his lap. He wasn’t ready to let her go yet.

  He told Cassie the meeting had been going pretty well. He, then, relayed what happened with Senator Rowe and how they had to divulge a small amount of information about Cassie and her pregnancy, but, so far have been able to leave out the political asylum part. The EWG members were invited to the mating ceremony, which, most of them seemed excited about.

  Cassie frowned. It seemed to her that Ren was avoiding talking about the one thing he knew she would want to know about. “Was Scott there?”

  “Yes”. Ren replied without elaborating.

  “Does he know that I’m here?” Cassie asked frustrated with Ren’s brisk answers.

  “Yes.” Ren said.

  “How did he react?” Cassie continued to drag the information out of him.

  “Surprised.” Ren stated with no emotion reflected in his voice at all.

  “Oh.” Cassie sounded disappointed even to her own ears.

  Ren lifted her off his lap and placed her gently on the couch before getting up and going to the bedroom.

  Cassie waited for him, expecting him to come right back out. Then, she heard the shower turn on. “Guess he was done talking about things.” Cassie said to herself out loud. He seemed mad. What had she done to upset him?

  She pulled her shirt back on and sat on the couch waiting for Ren to come back out of the bedroom. It seemed to take the man forever.

  Ren was angry. Cassie is his mate. He will NOT share her with this human male that abandoned her. But, he worried that maybe he hadn’t done enough to make her want to stay with him. He wasn’t used to feeling so vulnerable. This insecurity made him want to hit something. But not her. Never her. But, he did need to take a moment away from her to calm himself down. He took a cold shower hoping it would help.

  When he came out of the bedroom, he noticed that Cassie still sat in the same position on the couch that he left her, but, she had put back on her shirt, covering her gloriously naked flesh. The sadness on her face tore at his heart.

  The sound of the suite’s buzzer announced that they had company. Ren opened the door to find Kyd and Lindsey standing there.

  Kyd walked in without waiting for permission. “We tried contacting you on your comm link but it wasn’t working.”

  “Prime Leader.” Lindsey greeted Ren with her usual graciousness as she stepped into the suite. Lindsey couldn’t help but look Ren over from top to bottom. His hair was wet from just taking a shower and his shirt was hanging open. Yummy. Nice six pack. She turned pink from realizing other people were in the room. Including the woman Ren planned to mate in 2 days. And she caught Lindsey eyeing Ren like a sweet lollipop she wanted to lick. Shit!

  “Miss Carreli. I hope your father and sister are finding their accommodations agreeable.” Ren greeted her and closed the door.

  Lindsey avoided looking directly at Cassie. “Yes, thank you again for allowing me to bring my family.”

  Cassie spoke with a little bit of venom in her voice, “Yes. It seems Ren has a soft spot for needy women with family issues.”

  Ren looked between the two women wondering what was going on. His Cassie was never mean to anyone. But she was taking an immediate dislike to Lindsey for some reason.

  Kyd redirected Ren’s attention with the least expected thing he could have said, “The human male wants to meet with Miss Tomlin.”

  Chapter 12

  “NO!” Ren practically yelled.

  “Excuse me. It is my decision to make. NOT yours!” Cassie stood up and placed her hands on her hips. She stood her ground when Ren came right up to her.

  “I don’t want that man anywhere near you.” Ren growled.

  “Well, I don’t want to be near him either, but I need to say a few things to him.” Cassie refused to back up and put space between them.

  “Tell me or Kyd what you want said and we will tell the male.” Ren was being stubborn.

  “I need to tell him face to face. ME! Not you or Kyd.” Cassie pointed at her chest to emphasize herself.

  Ren grabbed her hand and practically dragged her into the bedroom and roughly slid the bedroom door closed. Cassie verbally berated him for his treatment of her the whole time.

  Cassie’s breath caught in surprise as Ren spun her around and pressed her against the door. He pressed his body tight against hers.

  “Tell me why.” He demanded. “Why do you want to see this male so badly?”

  It was hard for Cassie to think straight with him surrounding her. But, she had to make him understand. “I need to confront him. He had me running scared for my life. He endangered both mine and my babies’ lives. I need … closure.”

  Ren pressed his forehead against hers as he thought about what she said. “I don’t want you alone with him.”

  She nodded in agreement. “I don’t want to be alone with him either.”

  “And we are still having the mating ceremony as planned.” Ren added.

  “I have to make sure every
woman on the planet, including your legal adviser, knows you are off the market.” She said smiling, but her voice had a little bit of an edge to it.

  Ren smiled deviously. “Are you jealous mate?”

  “Of course not!” She tried to push him away from her. This was pointless. He was too big and too strong.

  Ren laughed and pressed further into her until she stopped struggling. “Do not be jealous. There is no one else for me; you are all that I want. I am happiest when I am buried deep within your body.”

  Cassie just loved the way Katierans said things. “And I am happiest when you are buried deep within me as well.”

  He kissed her forehead and stepped back to release her. “Did I hurt you?”

  “You would never hurt me.” Cassie instantly reassured him.

  There was a knock at the bedroom door that startled Cassie. She had forgotten that Kyd and Miss Carreli were waiting for them in the other room.

  Kyd’s booming voice sounded through the thick door. “Are you coming back out, or are you having the makeup sex? I hear it’s the best.”

  “Oh my God, he’s like the male version of Jaxon.” Cassie stated the realization.

  “I am NOT like that female!” Kyd yelled back through the door.

  Both Ren and Cassie broke out into laughter. When the laughter died down, Ren reached out his hand to her palm up, and she took it. They walked back into the other room.

  Cassie felt bad. It was obvious that Miss Carreli had a crush on Ren. But, she had never acted on it and Ren had never encouraged it. Sometimes, you just can’t help who you’re attracted to. It just happens. Even if they are wrong for you. Cassie rubbed a hand across her expanded belly. She knew this first hand.

  “I’m sorry Miss Carreli for not greeting you properly.” She smiled a kind smile at the attractive woman and held out her hand.

  Lindsey let out a sigh of relief as she took the hand of the other woman.

  “Okay, pleasantries over now. What do you want to do about McCormick?” Kyd got right back down to the business at hand.

  “Set it up. Not here. I don’t want that male in our suite. And I don’t want Cassie to be left alone with the male.” Ren told him.

  Kyd nodded his understanding. “What are you thinking about?”

  “Tomorrow after the Morning Meal at the south side garden. I want at least 10 guards circling all entrances. TarAK will accompany us.” Ren told him.

  “I’ll make it happen.” He started to walk towards the door but turned back around to call after Lindsey. “Get a move on Carreli. “

  “Prime Leader, Miss Tomlin.” Lindsey said her goodbyes and left with the commander.

  Ren had never taken his eyes off Cassie. “Do you want to go out for Evening Meal?”

  Cassie shook her head. “I just want to stay here with you.”

  Ren walked over to take her into his arms. “I’ll order us something to eat.”

  Ren made love to Cassie once more before they both fell into a deep sleep. Neither one wanted to discuss what tomorrow would bring.

  The next day, Cassie walked with Ren and TarAK towards the outside garden where Scott was waiting. She was nervous about seeing him. She thought she would never see him again and was fine with that. But now?

  The garden was beautiful. It had a variety of colorful and exotic flowers that were similar to birds of paradise, roses, and orchids. She was momentarily distracted by the beauty around her that it took a moment to focus on why she was here.

  She looked across the open area in the center of the garden where a tall, thin, blond haired man stood impatiently. When he spotted her, his face looked panicked. Well, it did after he spotted her large, pregnant belly.

  “Shit!” The blond man said. Realizing he said it out loud, he tried to cover. “Cassie, I have been so worried. You just disappeared without a word.” He made an attempt to walk closer to Cassie.

  Both TarAK and Ren moved to block him from getting any closer.

  Scott stopped and looked at both men. “Could we speak alone?”

  “No.” Ren answered.

  Scott looked frustrated. “I was asking Cassie.”

  Ren took a step towards Scott but Cassie stopped him with a hand on his arm. “Ren, could you and TarAK stand by the entrance?”

  Ren was shaking his head no, but, Cassie gave him the pleading look that always made him want to give her anything. “Cassie...”

  “Please Ren.” She begged while batting those lovely green eyes of hers.

  Ren, reluctantly, nodded and he and TarAK walked back to the entrance staying on the inside, so they could keep their eyes on the male.

  Cassie turned back to Scott, “What do you want?”

  Scott took his eyes off of the two large Katierans and focused on Cassie. “What were you thinking? You take off without telling anybody, go to an alien planet, and you are still carrying those illegal brats. If the EWG members find out … We have to get rid of them.” His voice rose at the end.

  “No.” Cassie stated flatly. She placed her hands over her stomach protectively.

  “What do you mean, NO?” Scott took a step toward her but thought better of it when he saw the two Katierans coming towards him.

  “Five months Scott. You had those thugs chasing me for five long months. I was starving. I had no place to live. The Katierans gave me political asylum, gave me a new home and a new life. I am staying here on Katiera. I am keeping my children. And I am mating that very large, beautiful man walking this way. You can go back and live a mediocre life because you are mediocre.” Cassie told him.

  “Children? There’s more than one? Shit! Cassie, the EWG has a new policy in play now stating that the fathers of illegal children will be prosecuted as well as the mothers. We have to get rid of them!” Scott was shaking.

  “You’re a piece of shit!” Cassie yelled at him. She then turned to Ren and told him, “I am ready to go now.”

  Ren asked her, “Did you get the closure that you wanted?”

  “Yes.” A single tear escaped and slid down her cheek.

  Ren didn’t look at McCormick but told TarAK to take the male back to his suite and have him stay there until it was time for him to go back to Earth. He then picked Cassie up and carried her out of the garden.

  Cassie buried her face against Ren’s neck as the tears started pouring out of her. Everything that had been building up within her broke through and all her emotions were finally released. Looking into Scott’s eyes and hearing his voice. This was not a man she recognized any longer. His selfishness, greed, and lack of concern for anyone other than himself were truly eye opening. Whatever she had once felt for Scott was long gone.

  The emotional release that Cassie experienced must have drained her. She had passed out into a spiritually healing sleep. When she woke, she was laying in Ren’s arms on their bed in their suite. She felt refreshed and renewed. She turned to look at the beautiful exotic man holding her protectively.

  “I love you.” She whispered to him.

  He opened his eyes in surprise. “What did you say?”

  Cassie smiled at him with all the love she felt inside for him, “I said … I love you. I am 100%, totally, crazy in love with you.” She would have said more but her mouth was suddenly claimed in a fierce kiss.

  “The Goddess knows that I love you more than anything.” He told her in between kisses, He rained kisses all over her face. On her cheeks, her forehead, her eyelashes, her chin. It made Cassie giggle with happiness. He loved her.

  Ren started to take her clothes off but his comm link beeped. “Damn it!” He reached over to pick up his comm link, “Prime Leader!” He answered gruffly. “When did this happen? No, I’ll be there in 10 minutes.” He ended the communication with a heavy sigh.

  “Baby, I have to leave. There is an issue regarding the Kiljorn Prime Leader whom we are trying to negotiate an alliance with. We need to take their request seriously. The High Council wants me to handle this in person. I will call to hav
e another guard come up since TarAK has not gotten back yet? Will you be okay here without me until the guard comes?”

  “Of course. Go. If I need something I’ll call. I promise.” Cassie gave him a lingering kiss. “I’ll be waiting here for you when you get back.”

  Ren hated leaving her alone. But, the replacement guard would be there soon. He kissed her again just because he craved the taste of her. “I love you mate.”

  “I love you too, mate.” Cassie said.

  Nine minutes later, RendEL walked into the Operations Room where some of the members of the High Council and Prime Commander KydEL stood waiting for him.

  “What is the situation Commander?” Ren asked Kyd.

  “The Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN is currently orbiting Katiera awaiting clearance to land. He refuses to relay any further information through standard communications. He insists on having discussions face to face.” Kyd informed him.

  “Give him clearance. I want a security detail to follow him down. Commander, I want you to go with me to greet our unexpected visitor. Have the High Council waiting in the conference room in 30 minutes.” Ren gave out commands without blinking an eye. It was second nature to him.

  “It will be done Prime Leader,” said each person present.

  Kyd gave out orders as well to his security team.

  Fifteen minutes later Ren and Kyd stood at the landing field where the Kiljorn leader KadEN was arriving in his personal shuttle.

  Kiljorn Prime Leader KadEN was built like most Katieran males, 6’7” and 240 pounds all muscle. His hair was a dark chestnut brown and was almost as long as Ren’s. As he walked towards Ren and Kyd, he was observing his surroundings, marking exits and escape routes. He was, also, accompanied by an even larger male with a bald head. The man had to be close to 7 feet tall.

  “Prime Leader RendEL. Prime Commander KydEL.” KadEN greeted his longtime adversaries. He introduced the bald headed hulk on his left as the Kiljorn Commander TylOR.

  “Prime Leader KadEN, Commander, welcome to Katiera.” Ren responded reaching out to clasp forearms which was the Katieran custom.

  “Prime Leader, they have the conference room ready for us.” Commander KydEL told Ren.


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