Book Read Free


Page 17

by Ben L. Hughes

  “You showed a lot of courage in there and I’m proud of you. I think Alex saw it too, otherwise I don’t think he would have offered his help,” Melissa remarked.

  “I couldn’t have done it without your support. Thanks for being there for me,” Matt said with an appreciative smile.

  When they arrived back at the Hotel, Matt noticed a note taped to the door and cautiously removed it.

  “What does it say?” Melissa asked as Matt opened it up to read it.

  “I would like to talk to you. Please come to room 237, it’s right across from the hotel lobby, I’ll be up late waiting for you.”

  “That’s kind of strange and cryptic,” Matt said as he stared suspiciously at the note.

  “Well, we came all this way to tell our story and find a contact. The hotel is a public place. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to walk over to the lobby and check it out. If we get a creepy feeling, we can leave,” Melissa suggested.

  “Alright,” Matt agreed as he followed after her. When they reached room 237, she noticed the door was partly open and she peeked inside. In the corner next to a small portable radio Melissa saw an elderly man sitting in a wheelchair.

  “Come in, I was the one that called the show and left my number. Then it dawned on me that you were the same couple that was just on the radio show. I figured it out because your car has out of state plates and this is the closest hotel to the radio station,” the man said in a frail voice. Melissa motioned for Matt to follow her inside and then they sat close together on a raggedy old couch that was too large for the room.

  “My name is Raymond, and like you, I have a story to tell. It’s a story that was turned into a movie, and in that movie all traces of legitimacy were lost and every shred of truth was buried in a steaming pile of deception and lies. Like so many other stories that seemed too implausible to be true, it was easy to dismiss, and the people that witnessed the actual event were ostracized and forgotten. I have waited many years for the truth to resurface, and tonight it has,” Raymond exclaimed as he pulled out a faded photograph from a dusty cigar box sitting on his lap. Matt’s eyes grew ever larger as he gazed at the photo.

  “Is that what I think it is?” he said.

  “Yes, that was taken nearly sixty years ago in Philadelphia,” Raymond replied. Matt could see a long row of sailors standing on the deck of a ship and on the bow it read, U.S.S. Eldridge, DE-173.

  “Is that you in the picture?” Melissa asked as she looked at it, recognizing a much younger version of Raymond.

  “Yes, that’s me standing next to the guardrail,” Raymond confirmed.

  “As you can see, I was a crewman on the U.S.S. Eldridge back when they started conducting those radar evasion tests called Dark Shadow. Anyhow, the reason I wanted to talk to you was that after those tests, all of my fellow crewmen became severely ill, including myself. As time wore on, some of the men were so severely affected from the tests, that they either went insane or committed suicide. These were all good men, men that had seen combat and were hardened like steel. These were not the kind of men that would take their own lives or fall apart mentally. It was the damnedest thing I had ever seen. Naturally, the military denied that the radar tests were the cause of the illnesses, and anyone who speculated that they were got re-assigned or discharged. Many years later after the war, several of use bumped into each other at a Naval Reunion party, and after a few drinks, we started to compare our stories from the old days. Much to our surprise, we all had similar dreams shortly after the last and most powerful radar test. I think you know what kind of dreams I’m talking about, but to make a long story short, the beings in the dreams offered to help reverse what the radar tests had done to us. I accepted their help since I was worse off than most. I can’t explain what they did for me, but I was surrounded by some kind of light energy. After that I stopped having any mental issues and I never had another dream about the beings again. At the time I thought it was just a bunch of crazy dreams, but after the reunion, I realized that there must have been something more to it, something miraculous. I can only speculate that the crewmembers who did not accept the help offered to them were the ones that didn’t recover. All I know is that when I heard your story on the radio tonight, I knew that you and I have come into contact with the same beings. I don’t know how they contacted us after the experiment on the ship, but I’m sure thankful they did. I just thought you should know that they helped me and several of my fellow crewmen in the past, and you are absolutely right to trust them now,” Raymond insisted.

  Melissa wiped her eyes, feeling a mixture of emotion from Raymond’s story and also feeling vindicated that they were not alone in their alien experience.

  “I have something I want you to have,” Raymond said as he pulled a tattered old leather-bound notebook off the shelf next to him.

  “At the reunion we decided to document everything that happened to us after Dark Shadow. These stories describe our dreams and how the beings helped us. Hopefully this information can be of some help to you. If nothing else, it will set your mind at ease that you are not alone. Be careful, the military turned its back on us after the accident, and they couldn’t bury the truth about the incident fast enough,” Raymond asserted as he pulled back the blanket that was draped across his lap to reveal the absence of limbs. “I had to be cut from the deck of the Eldridge after the final radar test. My legs were fused with the steel up to my waist, and I was one of the lucky ones. The military never offered an explanation, never said they were sorry, nothing. They just gave me a medical discharge and my pension, which I might add, they threatened to revoke if I ever mentioned the incident. I’m an old man now, so f-them,” Raymond added as he put the blanket back down across his lap.

  “I can’t tell you how much your story means to us,” Matt said in a sorrowful tone. “I am truly sorry about what happened to you and your crewmates, but I am relieved to hear that the aliens helped you. I have felt all along that they were legitimately concerned about our well-being, and your notebook proves it. Thank you so much for contacting us.”

  “I hope you are successful in stopping the military from misusing the technology, because given the chance, they will,” Raymond attested.

  Matt and Melissa returned to their room and took a few minutes to look through the notebook before they prepared for bed. Matt noted that specific details about the project were not explained, but each crewmember did clearly describe what happened to them after the tests. What really stood out was that all of the secret work was done by scientists and not the crewmen. The crew was only there to maintain the ship, and unbeknownst to them, to be test subjects in the experiments. One of the crewmen noted that all of the top brass and scientists left the ship during the final test, and he felt they must have known that the test was dangerous. Matt also noticed that all of the survivors wrote that they had accepted help from, ‘angels’, ‘guardians’ or ‘beings’ depending on the story. Another interesting commonality between the stories was that none of the crewman were afraid of the beings, even though they knew they were not human.

  “I’m worn out,” Melissa said as she looked at the clock which read 2:41 am.

  “I am too,” Matt replied with a yawn. Then he put the notebook securely into his suitcase and got into bed after turning off the light.

  “Good night,” he said, as he pulled the stiff starch-laden covers up to his chin.

  “Good night,” Melissa replied as she fluffed her pillow and then closed her eyes.

  Matt laid awake for a few minutes mulling over the eventful day, but the need for sleep eventually overtook him.

  The next morning Matt was awakened by the sunlight shining through the slits in the thick floral drapes. When he got out of bed and peeked out into the parking lot, he noticed that their car was one of the only ones still at the hotel.

  “Melissa, are you awake?” has asked. She stirred under the covers for a moment, but didn’t reply. “Melissa, it’s time to get up,” he said as he nudged h
er gently.

  “Okay, I’m getting up,” she replied with half open eyelids.” What time is it anyway?”

  “It is 9:30 am, and checkout is at10:00,” Matt answered.

  “Let me take a quick shower and I’ll be ready to go shortly,” she said in a groggy voice.

  While Melissa showered, Matt packed up everything except a pretty black skirt that he found hidden amongst her belongings.

  “Oh, you spoiled the surprise!” she said when she emerged from the bathroom and saw the skirt laying on the edge of the bed.

  “What do you mean?” Matt asked.

  “I know how you like skirts,” she replied with a frisky look.

  “It’s so unfair; you know what I am thinking even before I do.” Matt acknowledged.

  “I know we don’t have time to play around before we go, but I’ll make it up to you when we get home,” she smiled. Matt blushed a little, and then went into the bathroom to take his shower.

  “I am going to run across the street to the gas station and see what fantastic things they sell for breakfast,” Melissa said as she peeked in the bathroom.

  “Okay,” Matt replied as he fiddled with the water knob, trying to find the perfect temperature setting.

  When he finished, Melissa had just walked in holding a small plastic bag.

  “What did you buy?” Matt asked as he put on his pants.

  “I got you a couple of donuts and a chocolate milk, and a muffin and coffee for me,” she replied.

  “Doh-nuts?” Matt replied in his best Homer Simpson voice.

  “Yep, and I’m marrying an idiot,” Melissa joked.

  Matt laughed and then took a bite of the custard filled pastry. Then he picked up his suitcase and headed out to the car. Melissa picked up her bag and followed him out after making sure she didn’t forget anything. Then she got into the car, and they started back home.

  Chapter 21

  Matt pulled up next to their cottage and parked the car. Melissa was still asleep so he quietly unloaded their stuff and took it inside. Then he went out back and checked the Azalea. After confirming the dreamstone was still safely in the soil, he rinsed off his finger with the hose and then watered the plant.

  “It’s good to be back,” Melissa commented as she walked out to see what he was doing.

  “Yeah, it was a long drive and I can’t wait to sleep in our own bed,” he replied.

  “I know, the hotel was nice, but there is just something comforting about coming home to familiar things,” Melissa added.

  “Speaking of the hotel, do you think Raymond lived there?” Matt asked.

  “I got that impression too. Maybe he is friends with the owner or something along those lines,” she suggested.

  “I also thought it was odd how he figured out we were the ones on the radio program,” Matt said looking perplexed.

  “I know. I thought we were being discrete, but when an elderly man in a wheelchair can track you down, I guess not...” Melissa realized.

  “He seemed harmless enough, and the notebook he gave us really helps supports our story,” Matt remarked.

  “I know, and hopefully the military will leave us alone now that the story is out there,” Melissa suggested.

  “At least if something happens to us now, people might start asking questions. I think they might be reluctant to draw too much attention to their nefarious agenda, knowing how violations of people’s civil liberties can become media fodder. I know they abducted us, intimidated us, and tried to steal the dreamstone, but compared to what they could do, we have not fared too poorly,” Matt remarked.

  “I suppose,” Melissa replied disconcertingly, as she started to imagine the nightmare scenarios that could still befall them.

  Matt went back inside and turned on the computer to check his e-mail. There was a message from Alex and he promptly opened it.

  “Hope all is well. I had a flood of calls after the show, but unfortunately most of them were worthless. I did attach a list of the best leads. Good luck with your search and please let me know how things turn out. I would love to have you back on the show when you’ve made some progress. – Alex.” Matt printed the list of contact names and numbers, and put it in his wallet for safe keeping. Then he replied with a quick ‘thank you’ e-mail.

  “Any news?” Melissa asked as she came back inside to see what Matt was doing.

  “Yeah, Alex e-mailed me a list of contacts in response to the show,” Matt said optimistically.

  “That was fast,” she replied.

  “I know... plus we still have the list of his personal contacts if all else fails,” Matt remarked.

  “I bet something will work out,” Melissa said as she started to get ready for bed.

  “It is getting late, isn’t it,” Matt admitted, as if he was hinting about something.

  Melissa instantly picked up on his subtle reminder and looked over at him. “I know my skirt made certain promises back at the hotel, but honestly I’m too tired from the marathon drive to keep it,” Melissa said with an apologetic smile.

  “That’s okay. I was interested, but at the same time I’m worn out too,” he confessed.

  “We’ll do something special when the time is right,” she said before disappearing into the bathroom.

  While she was in there, Matt took off his clothes and got into bed. A few moments later Melissa came out and joined him.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, giggling each time he moved away from her under the covers.

  “Your feet are colder than polar ice,” he replied.

  “No they’re not!” she contended as she pressed her feet against the back of his warm thighs.

  “Aaah!” he yelled, falling out of the bed while trying to get away.

  “Oops,” she said in an innocent little voice.

  “Are you kidding me!” Matt exclaimed as he reluctantly crawled back into the bed. “Keep those frigid things off of me,” he warned.

  A moment later he could feel the covers shifting as her feet approached him. Matt quickly reached down and blocked her, then he started tickling her.

  “Stop it... I’m warning you!” she said in playful tone.

  “Then keep your icy feet away from me,” Matt threatened back.

  “Alright, alright, I won’t put them on you,” she replied while slowly retracting them.

  “Good night!” Matt remarked as he rolled over and closed his eyes. Seconds later, her cold feet were resting up against his legs and he sighed loudly. Melissa giggled, but Matt just kept his eyes closed until her feet warmed up. Then he slowly drifted off to sleep.

  The next morning Matt woke up feeling refreshed. Melissa had already left for her classes, but there was note on the pillow next to him.

  ‘Hope you slept well, he-he, see you later, love, Melissa.’ There were several small hearts drawn on the note and it brought an instant smile to his face. Matt laid there for a while, thinking warm thoughts about her. Then he looked at the time and decided to get up. After eating breakfast, he headed over to campus so he could call a few of the contact numbers from the pay phone. It was one of the only pay phones left, but Matt felt it was the only anonymous way to make a call.

  After dialing the first number and not getting a response, he tried the next one.

  “Hello?” a friendly sounding woman answered.

  “Hi, I am returning your call in response to the radio program from Saturday night,” Matt replied.

  “Oh good, I’m glad you called me back. My sister knows a guy that works for the Department of Defense, and he was bragging about some secret project that would put NASA out of the space business. I don’t know if there is a connection to your hyper-reality story or not, but it sounded like it could be. My sister is at work right now and if you give her a call, I think she would be willing to talk to you about it,” the woman said in a hopeful tone.

  “Okay, let me get out a pen and paper...” Matt replied, “alright, go ahead,” he said when he was ready. Then he r
ead the number back to her to confirm it.

  “That’s correct,” she replied. “By the way, I really liked your story on the radio last Saturday. I hope my sister can help you.”

  “Thanks,” Matt replied.

  “You’re welcome,” she said before hanging up.

  Matt dialed the number and waited as it rang several times.

  “This is Angelia Aether, how may I help you?” the woman answered.

  “Hi my name is Matt. I was given your name and number by your sister. She thought you might have some useful information about a certain defense project dealing with advanced space travel. Do you know what I’m talking about?” Matt asked.

  “My sister gave you my number… I’m going to kill her,” the woman said after a long pause.

  “She thought we should talk about the project because I have some critical information to pass along,” Matt divulged.

  “I can’t talk about it now, but if you call my sister’s house tonight at 8:00 pm we can talk more freely after I get done ringing her neck,” Angelia joked

  “Okay, I’ll call you back tonight,” Matt confirmed. Then he headed over to his sociology class since it was about to start. The class was interesting, but Matt found himself daydreaming his way through it. His thoughts kept going back to Angelia and the unrelenting hope that she would be able to help him and ultimately Helios.

  Later that evening, Matt returned home to find Melissa working on her homework.

  “How was your day?” he asked.

  “Good, I have a lot of work to finish though,” she said with a frown. “What about you, anything interesting happen?”

  “I called the first few numbers on the list this morning and made a very promising contact,” he revealed.

  “Really, who is it?” Melissa asked.

  “A woman working for NASA named Angelia. She apparently knows someone working at the Department of Defense that is probably working on the hyper-reality project,” he said in a hopeful tone.

  “That’s great news. Do you think she is legitimate?” Melissa asked.


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