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Page 18

by Ben L. Hughes

“I think so. I’m supposed to call her back at 8:00 pm and find out more. Unfortunately, I’ll have to call from the campus pay phone since our cell phones aren’t secure,” he said with raised eyebrows.

  “I’ll come with you when you make the call,” Melissa said with an encouraging smile.

  “Okay, after that we can have dinner at the Chinese restaurant near the campus if you like?” Matt offered.

  “Yeah, that sounds good,” Melissa replied.

  “What would you like to do between now and then?” Matt asked.

  “I have to study,” Melissa sighed.

  “I guess I should too,” Matt remarked with a total lack of enthusiasm. Then he pulled up a chair next to her and started reading his sociology textbook.

  After a few hours, Matt noticed it was getting close to the time when he needed to make the call, and he set his textbook down on the table.

  “Are you still coming with me?” he asked while looking over at Melissa.

  “Of course, you said you’re taking me out to dinner after the call,” she said with a smile.

  “I’m not sure I said it like that,” Matt remarked jokingly as he put his jacket on, and then handed her hers.

  “Thanks,” she said lovingly. Matt nodded and then watched her as she put the black leather jacket on. Then he reached for her hand as they headed out.

  Once they reached the payphone, Matt dialed the number and waited for Angelia or her sister to answer. Melissa hovered close to him so she could listen in on the call.

  “Hi, it’s me,” Matt said when Angelia answered the phone.

  “Hello,” Angelia replied. “Sorry I couldn’t talk at work, but those phones aren’t private.”

  “That’s what I figured,” Matt replied.

  “I’m not sure what my blabber-mouth sister told you, but I am the director of Research and Development at NASA. My job is to determine the aerospace applications of emerging new technologies, and as a result I work closely with some of the nation’s leading tech companies and other branches of the government. In the past, NASA and the Department of Defense shared technologies because we would launch their satellites on the space shuttles and perform other task for them. When the shuttle program unexpectedly ended, they began using their own launch systems and we have been blackballed by them. My counterpart working in the Department of Defense did a little bragging about an inter-dimensional project he was working on after we had a few drinks. I didn’t take him too seriously at the time because he was always boasting about the projects he was involved with. When my sister heard the radio program about inter-dimensional space travel, she called the show and left her number. I wish she had talked to me about it first, but her intentions were well meaning,” Angelia admitted.

  “Did you hear the radio program?” Matt asked.

  “Yes. The day before you called, she sent me a link to the program’s archive and I skimmed over it. I did catch your story about the hyper-reality project, but I guess it seemed too far-fetched at the time for me to pursue it. Of course my sister is convinced that the whole hyper-reality project is real, but she believes everything on that show is real,” Angelia remarked.

  “I have proof,” Matt asserted.

  “Well, if you can convince me that your story is true, and you have the physical proof to back it up, then I think we can help each other,” Angelia said confidently.

  “Assuming I convince you, how would you be able to help?” Matt asked as politely as he could.

  “With all the funding cuts going on, and the shuttle program shuttered, you can see my concern for the future of NASA. Technically, we have jurisdiction over all space operations of a scientific nature, whereas the Department of Defense is limited to military operations only. If you can help me prove the Department of Defense is developing space travel technology beyond the scope of a military need, then NASA has a right to that technology. My guess is that they are keeping it secret so they don’t have to share the funding for the project. Unfortunately, I would need some pretty convincing evidence to claim the right of scientific discovery and make a grab for the project,” Angelia admitted.

  “I do have one very important question,” Matt added. “What would you do, assuming you believe me and wanted to proceed?”

  Angelia paused for a moment, “I would have to get congressional approval to open an investigation into the Department of Defense’s project. Then congress would have to put together an advisory panel to weigh the military and scientific importance of the project. Then assign control over the project on a sliding-scale based on the best use of the technology,” Angelia replied.

  “Is that something you would be willing to do?” Matt asked.

  “Yes, but I won’t lie to you, I’m not risking my career unless I am absolutely sure your story is true, and you have the evidence to back it up,” she stated in no uncertain terms.

  “Fair enough,” Matt replied.

  “So let me make sure I understand this correctly, you said on the radio program that the dreamstone allows someone to communicate with beings from another world?” Angelia asked.

  “Yes, but it only works if you are in close proximity to the stone while you are sleeping, and you have an open mind,” Matt replied.

  “How close do you need to be in order for it to work?” Angelia asked.

  “I can’t say for sure, but I know it doesn’t work if you are more than about ten feet from it,” Matt replied.

  “Well, if it’s true, you have the find of the century,” Angelia exclaimed.

  “It is, but ever since I found the dreamstone, the military has been trying to take it away from me. My friend and I have been through hell trying to keep it safe. I want to trust you, but I need some time to work out a plan that protects all of us. Can I contact you through your sister’s number once I come up with a good way for us to meet?” Matt asked.

  “Sure, just let me know what you’re planning, and I’ll see what I can do,” Angelia replied.

  “Thanks, I’ll be in touch,” Matt responded.

  “From what I could hear, it sounds like she’s willing to help?” Melissa surmised.

  “Only if we can prove our story, which means coming up with a way for her to use the dreamstone,” Matt replied.

  “What did you have in mind?” Melissa asked.

  “I was thinking if we had side-by-side hotel rooms, we might be able to get the dreamstone close enough to her so it can work. What do you think?” Matt asked.

  “Do you think she is open-minded enough for the dreamstone?” Melissa questioned.

  “I don’t know, it’s up to the stone,” Matt remarked.

  “Well, it sounds like a reasonable plan. I do think you should set it up so that she comes to us, that way we know she’s committed,” Melissa suggested.

  “I’ll call her back and see if she is willing to do that. It does seem like she is interested in finding out what the Department of Defense is working on. I think there is a rivalry there that could work in our favor,” Matt hinted.

  “Alright, let’s see if she is sincere,” Melissa remarked. Matt turned back to the payphone and put in another handful of quarters.

  “Is Angelia there?” he asked when her sister answered.

  “Yes, hold on while I it get her,” she replied.

  “Hi, this is Angelia.”

  “Sorry to bother you again, but I wanted to ask if you able would be able to travel to the west coast and meet with us, then we can show you the proof that we have?” Matt asked.

  “If I come all that way, I’m not going to be disappointed am I?” she said bluntly.

  “As long as you believe that there is life beyond our solar system, then you will be amazed when you see what we have found,” Matt asserted.

  “Alright, I’ll come. Did you have a date and location in mind?” she asked.

  Matt paused for a moment while he quickly ran down a list in his head of hotels nearby. “If I reserve a room for you at the Oceanside Hotel in Crescent
City, California for Friday night, would you be able to make it?” Matt asked.

  “Let me check my schedule... yes, I’m free on that date,” Angelia confirmed.

  “Great, I’ll set that up and we can meet first thing Saturday morning,” Matt replied.

  “Just so you know, I’m booking this trip as business travel since we will be working together to investigate the possibility that the Department of Defense is circumventing my agency,” Angelia revealed.

  “Okay, I’ll see you in a few days,” Matt replied. He knew that that was her way of saying that she wasn’t going to meet some stranger half way across the country without a record of where she was going.

  “Looking forward to it,” Angelia replied. “If your story turns out to be true, then it will be well worth it, if not, then I guess I’ll do some sight-seeing along the coast,” she joked.

  “Thanks again,” Matt replied.

  “Is she coming?” Melissa asked after Matt hung up the phone.

  “Yep, it’s all arranged. I just have to reserve a room for her and then we’re good to go,” he remarked cheerfully.

  “Now that it’s settled, you can buy me that Chinese dinner you promised,” Melissa said with a smile.

  Chapter 22

  The Oceanside Hotel was an older, well-kept venue that was perched on the cliffs overlooking a small sandy beach below. Matt had driven by the hotel many times on his way to Gold Beach, which was his favorite location to metal detect in the summer. He had found numerous old coins and other relics at the site that dated back to the 1930’s. The beach had been made famous when fine grained gold was discovered in the sand resulting in a mini-gold rush. The frenzy of prospectors quickly sluiced out the limited supply of precious metal and then moved on. All that remained were a few lost artifacts and a name that summed up the beaches’ story in two simple words....Gold Beach.

  After Matt pulled into the Oceanside Hotel’s parking lot, he drove around to the side, adjacent to the entrance and parked.

  “I’ll get the bags if you don’t mind locking the car for me,” he asked, as he looked over at Melissa.

  “Sure,” she replied with a smile. “You know this is the third trip we have taken together since you found the dreamstone... maybe we should call it the lovestone,” Melissa joked, in an effort to lighten the situation.

  “When all of this is over, we’ll go on a real vacation. One that has nothing to do with secret projects, aliens, or any other clandestine stuff,” he promised.

  “That would be nice,” Melissa replied as she followed him over to the lobby door and then opened it for him since his hands were full.

  “Thanks,” he said with loving smile.

  “Can I help you?” the gentleman behind the counter asked.

  “Yes, my name is Matt Emidio, and I have a reservation.”

  “Great,” the clerk replied. “I have you down for two adjoining rooms, 236 and 237.”

  “The second room is for my business partner,” Matt interrupted. “Her name is Angelia Aether and she will be here later this evening.”

  “Okay, which room did you want?” the clerk asked.

  “Are they the same?” Matt asked.

  “Yes,” the clerk replied, while holding out both keys cards, waiting for Matt to choose. Matt took both sets and the clerk gave him a funny look.

  “I’ll bring the other keycards back, I just want to look at both rooms before I decide,” Matt remarked.

  “Okay,” the clerk said in a voice that implied he was annoyed, but was also used to the occasional odd guest. “The rooms are down the corridor on the right, just past the ice machine.”

  Matt went over and checked one room and then the other. He noted the placement of the beds in each of the rooms and then glanced around to make sure there would be a good location to set up the dreamstone.

  “Will it work?” Melissa asked as she looked over his shoulder.

  “I think so,” Matt replied, as he peeked inside a small air vent near the ceiling that connected the two rooms. Then he gently removed the face plate and slid the dreamstone along the air duct from the room they were in, until it was near the bed in the adjacent room. Then he climbed down off the chair and returned it to its original location. Melissa unpacked their belongings while Matt went back down to the lobby and gave the card key for room 236 back to the clerk.

  “Are the rooms to your liking?” he asked in an ‘I don’t really care’ attitude.

  “Yes, and you were right, they are identical,” Matt replied sarcastically. The clerk ignored him and shuffled a few papers around on the counter to look busy.

  When Matt retuned to the room he noticed Melissa was out on the balcony overlooking the ocean. The cool evening breeze was gently lifting her jet black hair off of her shoulders, and he couldn’t help but notice how attractive her silhouette was in the moonlight.

  “Hi,” he said after walking over and kissing her on the neck. Melissa looked back at him just long enough to give an affectionate smile in return.

  Matt glanced down at the beach and noticed a group of plovers dashing back and forth as the waves gently broke against the pale gray sand.

  “Do you feel like going for a walk?” Melissa asked in a soft voice that was so gentle it left the peacefulness of the moment undisturbed.

  “Sure,” he replied.

  Once they were outside, Melissa continued along the edge of the parking lot until she found a well-worn path leading down to the beach.

  “Are you warm enough?” Matt asked as the wind picked up slightly,

  “Yeah, the breeze is exhilarating,” she exclaimed.

  “That’s one way to describe it,” Matt replied as he eyed the fog bank perched a little ways off shore, looming in the moonlight. Melissa continued down to the water’s edge and he watched as she playfully skipped through the water trying to keep her skirt dry.

  “You’re crazy,” he said, as she tried to lure him closer to splash him.

  “I’ll race you to the cove,” she said after realizing he wasn’t going to get near the water.

  “Okay,” Matt replied, as they both took off running towards it. Melissa was in the lead, but her smaller feet were sinking more deeply into the soft sand and he was slowly gaining on her. Then as he was about to pass her, she cut him off at the edge of the cove. Matt stumbled and fell forward, and then they both fell.

  “Are you alright?” Matt asked, as he lay there catching his breath.

  “Yes,” Melissa replied laughing. “You almost had me.”

  “Almost, are you kidding me?” Matt chuckled.

  “I suppose you deserve something for your effort,” she said as she glanced around for a second to make sure they were still alone. Then she started kissing him on the lips.

  “What are you doing?” Matt questioned suspiciously.

  “The winner gets a prize,” she replied in a seductive tone.

  “I thought you said you won?” he questioned.

  “I did,” she replied as she loosened the buttons on his jeans. Then she slid her hands slowly down his warm inner thigh. Matt could feel his muscles tensing in anticipation as she gently messaged him until she felt he was ready. Then she slid on top of him, pulling his pants down just enough to expose his midsection, but not enough to let the cold air come between them. Matt clutched at the sand as the distant waves crashed against the shore rhythmically. Melissa quickened her pace until she felt a warm tingling sensation in her loins. Then she let out a few soft cries of elation, as Matt arched his back, pushing deeply into her for several moments.

  “Thank you,” he said in a whisper.

  “You’re welcome,” Melissa replied as she rested her head on his chest.

  As they continued to share the intimate moment, the moonlight started to fade and the beach was enveloped by a thick fog.

  “I guess we should head back,” Matt suggested as a light mist started to rain down on them.

  “Yeah, I’m starting to get cold,” Melissa repli

  Once they got back to their room Matt noticed some faint noises coming from the adjacent room. “I think Angelia is here,” he whispered to Melissa.

  “Oh, good,” she remarked as she disappeared into the bathroom. When Matt heard the shower running, he went into the bathroom and joined her.

  “Are you ready for round two?” she joked.

  “No... I just have to get the sand out of the nooks and crannies,” he replied as he grabbed for the bar of soap. A moment later it slipped out of his hand and when he bent down to pick it up, Melissa squirted his backside with the shower nozzle.

  “Stop that!” he commanded, covering his backside with his hands. When he turned around to scold her, she squirted his front side.

  “I said stop that!” he demanded, but each time he tried to get the water nozzle away from her, she would squirt the exposed part of his body.

  “You wouldn’t dare?” she yelled when Matt finally got it away from her.

  “Wouldn’t I?” he replied while aiming it at her butt. The ensuing screams, followed by laughter finished out the shower.

  Melissa dried herself off, while Matt brushed his teeth. Then she left the bathroom and climbed into bed. Matt followed shortly after, pausing long enough to turn out the lights. When he got into the bed he noticed Melissa had already fallen asleep. He gently leaned over and gave her a kiss goodnight, and then rolled over and closed his eyes.

  The next morning Matt woke to the sound of the clock radio playing some kind of easy listening music. Matt reached over and turned it off after getting out of bed. Then he got dressed and walked around to Melissa’s side of the bed.

  “I was thinking of going over to Angelia’s room to introduce myself. Do you want me to wait for you to get up, or just go over by myself?” he asked in a soft voice.

  “Go ahead without me,” she replied. Matt kissed her cheek and then headed next door.

  Matt knocked softly a couple of times and then waited for a response. A moment later, the door opened a few inches, and he could see a tall well-dressed woman through the narrow slit.

  “Can I help you?” she asked in a suspicious tone.


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