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Trust I Seek

Page 21

by Laura Gates

  Still sweaty from the gym, Beau and Evie sat on the couch. Beau put his arm around Evie and asked, "So, what should we do now?" he asked. "Well, I need a shower," she said before standing up off the couch, walking towards her room. Beau smiled and watched her walk up the stairs as Evie proceeded to take off her tank top and sports bra, throwing them on the floor. Beau swallowed a massive lump in his throat, remembering what she looked like last night. Beau followed her up the stairs into her room. He closed and locked her door.

  Evie washed her face, brushed her teeth, turned on the hot shower, and climbed in, waiting for Beau to join her. Evie heard the faucet turn on, assuming Beau found the toothbrush she left for him, followed by his shoes landing on the floor. Soon, the shower curtain opened, and Beau climbed in. He stood behind her, wrapping his arms around her and began nuzzling her neck. She cozied up to him. Never had she felt so safe in her life.

  Chapter 16

  On the Road

  Four months passed since Beau and Evie began dating. Many holidays were celebrated including Evie's birthday the first week of December, Christmas, and New Years'. These were the best holidays that Evie and the kids had in a really long time. Jude always spent those days away from his family, claiming he had to work late to get his Christmas bonus.

  On the morning of Evie's thirty-first birthday, Beau snuck out of bed into Evie's kitchen and began making special breakfast crepes filled with scrambled eggs, spicy sausage, mushrooms, spinach and peppers. He made sure there was plenty of Evie's favorite fruit including grapes, kiwi, pineapple, strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries. He managed to book a massage and facial for Evie while he baked her cake, a triple layer chocolate cake. The kids went over to the Hansens and played while Beau made the cake. Later that evening, Beau made a reservation at Gary Danko's for Evie's birthday dinner before taking her and the kids back to his house for the evening and night. Never before had Evie's birthday been the best day ever.

  Evie and the kids spent Christmas with Beau since his brother's plans fell through. Luckily, Evie's parents understood. It turned out to be the best Christmas ever, according to Levi. Beau was super excited to be Santa again, and went all out for the kids. Taking Evie’s advice from the first date, Beau held back a huge surprise for Evie; a trip to London to go see her best friend, Abella. Since the album was done, Beau could watch the kids while Evie spent the first full weekend of January with Abella. Evie cried when she saw the tickets.

  It was the best New Years' for Evie and the kids since Beau made plans to stay home, have a special dinner, play all sorts of games with Evie and the kids, put the kids to bed, and spend the rest of the night with Evie, ending the night with a kiss. Evie loved how simple and personable Beau was when it came to planning dates. He wasn't a gift-giving guy, but he put a lot of thought into each date and outing with the kids.

  When it came time to go to work, Evie and Beau maintained professionalism. Every now and then when Evie passed Beau in a hallway, he would pull her into a room and kiss her when no one was looking.

  They dated all while promoting Death Toll's new album, Death Toll. Eventually, the press caught wind that Beau was dating the band's tour manager. The media tried to do everything they could to interview Evie, but she always found ways to evade the press. During certain events, Beau invited Evie to come along as his date. The media became harder and harder to avoid after they found out where she lived, so she arranged for them to come in and interview band members as well as her mainly to promote the Death Toll album.

  The day of the interview arrived, and Evie sat down on a stool in front of a couple of reporters for MTV, VH1, Metalhead Zone, and a bunch of other rock news channels and podcasts with cameras.

  "What is your full name, beautiful?" one reporter asked.

  "Genevieve Willa Long, but my parents started calling me Evie from the day I was born," Evie responded.

  "Where did Evie come from?" another reporter asked. "Where are you from, honey?" one asked. "What is your family like?" another reporter asked. "What other jobs have you had?" "How long have you and Beau been dating?" "Where did you guys meet?"

  One reporter asked an uncomfortable question. "How does Death Toll feel about your relationship, and how do you set boundaries between your relationship and work?"

  Evie froze caught off guard. "Well, if you mean what Luke, Kade, and Rick's thoughts are, you need to ask them. As for our boundaries, we know when it is time to work and when it is time to clock out. We both work extremely hard, and we have mutual respect for one another's career," Evie responded with class.

  "Are those two cute blond kids yours from your previous marriage?"

  "Yes. Their names are Levi and Harper."

  "How long were you married to your ex-husband?" the TMZ reporter asked.

  "For the record, I refuse to answer questions about my ex-husband for his protection, my protection, and my children's."

  The press quit prying after that. There was one comment and question that surprised Evie. "We have been watching and interviewing Beau for years, and we have never seen him do so well. Sure, he did well with his wife and kids, but you have done something to him that is hard to explain. What is it that you're doing to help him?"

  Evie shrugged. "Well, I'm just trying to be supportive of Beau. Before we dated, there were a couple of times he called me to talk him out of drinking. His therapist has been a huge help as well; encouraging Beau to replace unhealthy choices with healthy ones. We started going to the gym together, and Zumba seems to be a key factor," Evie said with a laugh. Everyone else laughed as well.

  Radio stations played Death Toll's new songs regularly. The instant favorite was Nothing Else Matters. Radio DJ's began to speculate if Evie inspired the song. Many stations invited Death Toll for interviews about the album. They asked each band member questions about specific songs they contributed including Rick’s song, Kade’s song, and Nothing Else Matters.

  As everyone was getting ready to go on tour, Evie had to give her month's notice at her townhouse. She put all of the big furniture into storage again. Even though Evie wouldn't be living there when her lease ended, Evie hired Greta to clean her townhouse again to make sure she would get her security deposit back. Evie made sure she had adequate supplies to homeschool Levi while they went on tour. To ensure that everything was accurate, Evie made a spreadsheet for each bandmate of their equipment for insurance purposes as well as to make sure it got packed.

  As she was packing up the kids' clothes, her phone rang. Her dad was calling. "Hi, Daddy!" Evie said, answering her phone. "Hey, Evs! We've been listening to the radio, and we want to say congratulations on the band's success," her dad said. "Thanks, Daddy!" Evie said.

  "Now, when will we get to meet Beau?" he asked, "Do you think we could meet up when you guys stop in Baltimore?"

  Evie quickly looked at her calendar when they would be in Maryland. "I think we could arrange something, especially since that's around Harper's birthday. I will talk with Beau and see what works best for us," Evie said. "All right. We are proud of you. By the way, Jude tried to visit us about two weeks ago, but we haven't let him come over. He shouts through our front door that he is not liking the environment you are putting the kids in," Mr. West concluded.

  Surprise surprise, Evie thought to herself. "Well, I amended the terms of our divorce, and I guess that's why he's showing up at your house to throw his temper tantrum since he cannot call me anymore unless he's with his lawyer or Death Toll's lawyer," Evie said. "I reminded him to follow the agreement, but Jude gave up about two weeks ago. We just wanted you to be aware in case he shows up," Mr. West concluded.

  "Thanks, Dad. I will keep my eyes out. He has our address, and I've been updating him on our locations and hotel rooms we will be staying at all via email so he can see the kids, but no response. Still, knowing him, he will show up and expect to be accommodated without any regard to others in direct violation of what we agreed," Evie said.

  "Sorry he's been tr
eating you this way since Levi was born," Evie's dad said.

  "I'm over it. My life is way more fulfilling now than it has been in the past. I feel like I have accomplished more with my life professionally and as a mom," Evie said.

  "I cannot wait to see how big your kids are getting."

  "I am excited to see all of you, too," Evie said.

  After she got off the phone with her dad, she finished packing her kids' clothes. She then proceeded to her clothes. She stocked up on rolls of quarters to ensure she could do laundry at the hotels they would be staying. Evie also made sure that there would be plenty of stops for everyone to get out, stretch their legs, and give Levi and Harper a chance to burn some energy. She put all of the suitcases in her car. She and the kids would be staying the night at the studio with the band so they could all get up bright and early to hop on an airplane. They had a long trip ahead of them to the East Coast.

  Evie, with the kids loaded up in her car, began driving towards the studio. She turned the radio onto the station that would be interviewing Death Toll and listened. "I hear Uncle Rick!" Levi shouted. "Bub, I need you to say that in a quieter voice. That was too loud," Evie said. "I hear Uncle Rick!" Levi said, quieter but just as excited. "Much better. Thank you. I hear him, too! Shall we listen to what he has to say?" Evie asked. "Yeah," both kids said.

  They listened to the DJ ask Rick all sorts of questions about the song he wrote. Then the DJ began asking Beau questions, and that's when Evie heard the interview about Nothing Else Matters.

  Everyone working with Death Toll had no idea what a hit the song would be. The DJ proceeded to ask Beau about Evie. "I wrote this song during Thanksgiving when she was visiting her family in Maryland. I knew I was in love with her, and I knew she had some emotional baggage from her previous marriage. I also wondered what her parents would think if they found out their baby girl… oh, she is the youngest of two daughters, caught the attention of an addict, but then I focused on everything she had done for me and her kind heart. I realized I didn't care about her baggage or what her parents thought. All I knew was that I loved her, and I wanted to take care of her," Beau concluded.

  Evie's heart melted, but then there was something that bothered her. Beau had told the radio DJ plus the majority of the Bay area that he loved her before he told her. She tried very hard not to let it bother her, but it was hard considering Jude used to display how he felt about Evie and the kids publicly, but when it was just the family, Jude would ignore them. It's not that Beau ignored the kids or her, but Beau's words triggered some of Evie's insecurities.

  She knew her relationship with Beau was more in-depth, kinder, caring, and more intimate than any relationship she had ever had with any man. When they would wake up in the morning with bad breath, messy hair, no make-up at least on Evie's part, and baggy pajamas, Beau would always kiss Evie on the cheek and wrap his arms around her. He always made time for Evie after he got home from work, which was essential to her.

  Evie pulled into the driveway of the studio and parked next to Kade's car. She planned to cook baked ziti for dinner for those who were staying at the studio, go for a walk to the park so her kids could burn some energy, put them to bed, and talk with Beau about what he said on the radio station. Evie sent the kids into the playroom while she put suitcases in the two kids' bedroom they stayed in previously, put her bag in Beau's room, and began pulling out the groceries she had bought for the evening to make dinner. After throwing everything together, Evie set the large table that sat twelve, and then she decided to sit down in the second living room, turn on the TV, and put her feet up.

  After watching an episode of Friends, Beau walked inside the second living room. Evie stood up to greet him. "Hey, Beautiful," Beau always said when he saw Evie. "Hi, Honey," Evie always responded and blushed. They kissed and embraced each other. Beau held her tight. "How was your day?" he asked. "Pretty good. I got my townhouse packed, and I arranged for movers to put my belongings in a storage unit while we are gone. I also gathered Levi's homeschooling materials so that he wouldn't fall behind, I made dinner, and I was relaxing for a minute," she said.

  "Wow, busy day," Beau said, "Where are the kids?"

  "In the playroom."

  "I was always glad we had a playroom for our kids."

  "Me, too, honestly."

  They walked over to the large sectional and sat down. "Dinner smells good. What are we having?" Beau asked. "Baked ziti and salad. I made enough for everyone, including some vegetarian options for Luke and Kade."

  "You are amazing. What will you do with leftovers?"

  "Take them with us to save some money on my part."

  "Babe, I can take care of the food."

  "I know, but just because I'm dating a rockstar doesn't mean I have to give up everything about myself, does it?"

  "Good point. I am glad you are way more grounded than I have ever been."

  "Someone has to be." They both smiled and laughed at each other.

  "Beau, can I talk to you about something important?" Evie asked, feeling a little nervous about what she was about to say. "Sure. Should I be worried?" he asked. "No. I am just because it is so silly, but yet I still have insecurities I am trying to overcome," she replied.

  "Like what?" he asked, looking concerned.

  "Well," Evie began with hesitation, "I heard your interview on the radio station today." "What did you think?" he asked, looking more intensely at Evie. "I loved every word that came out of your mouth, but…"

  "But? There's a but?" Beau looked even more concerned. He had insecurities he faced, as well. "I just figured the first time you would say you were in love with me would be to my face. Not on a radio station," Evie said, feeling extremely scared. "Oh, I see," Beau said, "Sorry. I was trying to tell the truth."

  "I know. It shouldn't bother me, but this is something Jude would proclaim to his coworkers at the office all the time, but when he got home…" Evie couldn't finish the sentence.

  "His follow-through sucked. Got it," Beau said. "I know you aren't Jude, but it's just my insecurities," she said. "You are right. I should have told you upfront on the first date rather than let the song speak around Thanksgiving."

  "See, and I am a very dense woman compared to most. I should have put that together."

  "But I have learned you are very literal and denotative, which is fine. Not to mention, it's nice because you don't play mind games like some other women I have known. I will do better."


  They hugged each other while sitting on the couch after resolving the issue. Well, that was painless, Evie thought.

  That's when Beau decided to be bold. "Evie?"


  "Since we are on the subject," Beau began inhaling and exhaling, "I love you."

  Evie smiled. "I love you, too."

  Beau stroked Evie's cheek before he leaned in. They kissed very passionately, and Beau laid down on the couch, pulling Evie on top of him. Soon the oven timer went off. Beau swore at the oven, and Evie laughed as she stood up to turn it off. She pulled the two pans of baked ziti out of the oven and set it on top to cool off. Beau followed her into the kitchen as Evie walked to the stove.

  Beau walked behind her and nuzzled her neck after she set the pans down. Evie had a hard time focusing. "Keep it in your pants, man. People might see," she teased as she snuggled into Beau's chest. He chuckled, kissed her cheek, and turned Evie around. "Fine, but you owe me," he teased back. "Really?" Evie bantered while folding her arms, "who made dinner for everyone without leaving a mess and arranged your biggest tour to date?" Beau scowled again. "So, that means I owe you?" Evie nodded. "What do I owe you?" Beau asked.

  Just as she was about to say it out loud, the kids walked inside. Levi immediately washed his hands and helped Harper as well. Evie then walked over to Beau and whispered what she had in mind after the kids went to bed. Beau's hormones flared, and for a moment, he thought about pushing all the dishes off of the dining table and laying on top of i
t with Evie. Then he remembered the kids were there and quickly stopped his thought process.

  The four of them sat down to eat dinner, which was delicious. Beau hated comparing Evie to Phoebe because they were two different people, but he was only human. Phoebe was a good cook, but lots of times, she ordered take out or hired a chef. Evie was an excellent cook and preferred preparing the meals herself. He began to be thankful Evie chose to live the lifestyle of preparing meals and exercising because it helped Beau's lifestyle as well. All four talked about their day, plans for the tour, meeting Grandma and Grandpa West, being in Baltimore for Harper's birthday, visiting cousins and Evie's sister, and revisiting the White House and Smithsonian.

  Beau felt nervous about meeting Evie's parents. He heard lots of positive stories about them, but he was still wary about meeting them. Beau always considered himself one of those guys a girl hid in her closet or pushed out the window instead of introducing him to her parents.

  Soon, the rest of the band, spouses, and kids joined them and began eating. After clearing their dishes, the four of them went on a walk to the park where the kids played while Beau and Evie sat and watched. Occasionally, Beau would get up and chase the kids, causing lots of laughter on everyone's part. At one point, Beau and the kids ran to where Evie sat and tackled her. She got up and ran away from them. Soon, it was time to walk back to the studio so that the kids could get ready for bed. Once they were in bed, Beau read the kids a story, and Evie tucked them in bed. Beau and Evie proceeded to do what she talked about earlier that evening and slept in Beau's room.


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