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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 152

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “Why in the fuck didn’t you give it to him in the first place?”

  “It was fun watching him use the other one.”

  “You never cease to amaze me.”

  Sick Bastard

  Brad was staring into the mirror. “Y’all have to call an ambulance! I beg you! Please get me some help!” He was panic-stricken as he looked at his body. His left eye had swollen so much that most of it was bulging outside of the socket. The entire eyeball was black and it was still oozing a dark fluid. His penis was blue, and had swollen to the point it looked like a small water balloon. The gash across his abdomen was hanging open and he could see some of his other organs. All his intestines had fallen out except the ends—they were still attached to his stomach and anus. His leg bothered him the most. It almost didn’t seem real. All the flesh and muscles had been removed between his upper thigh and the top of his knee, exposing his femur bone, which had large nicks from the machete. Most of the flesh and muscles that had been removed were still hanging down, covering his lower leg. It was so grotesque he couldn’t stand looking at it. The electro-larynx taped to his neck only added insult to injury. Sounding like a robot really pissed him off. He knew if he wanted to make it out alive, he was going to have to come up with something else besides begging. He looked at Kenneth with sincerity. His voice echoed in the room like he was talking into a synthesizer. “I deserve what you have done to me. I had no right doing that to Roxie. And I had no right to mistreat you. If you let me live, I will make it up to you.”

  Kenneth was caught off guard. “Huh?”

  Seth intervened. “Don’t let him deceive you. He’s just trying to save his ass.”

  “But he sounds like he’s truly sorry.”

  “He’s just in another state of mind. He’s already gone through the denial, pity, anger and begging states. Now he’s just being deceptive, thinking if he can make you feel sorry for him, you might show mercy.”

  Brad looked at Seth as tears ran down his right cheek. “That’s not true, sir. I am sorry.”

  Seth thought for a moment. “Then prove it.”

  His eye got big. “Okay! What do you want me to do?”

  “Rip off your dick.”

  He lowered his head. “I can’t.”

  “Sure, you can. It’s already being squeezed tightly at the base, so it should easily twist right off.”

  “I meant I don’t want to lose it.”

  “Then you really don’t want to live.”

  “How can you do this to someone and not have any remorse?”

  “That’s like the pot calling the kettle black.”


  “You didn’t have any remorse for what you did to Roxie.”

  “That’s different. I’m a human.”

  “That proves my point even more so.”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “In my book, an animal is superior to a scumbag like yourself.”

  He became upset. “Fuck you!” He looked at Kenneth. “And fuck you too, you fucking spook!”

  Seth looked at Kenneth. “He’s back to being angry. I told you he was just blowing smoke up your ass.”

  Kenneth was shaking his head. “What a fucking prick!”

  Seth grabbed Brad’s intestines. “And by the way…” He cut them off where they exited his open cavity. “You’re not going to be needing these anymore.” He dragged them across the room and threw them into a trashcan.

  Brad couldn’t believe what Seth had done. “Those are mine, you fucking piece of shit!”

  Seth looked at Kenneth. “Make him pull out his fucking eye.”

  He held out a pair of pliers. “You can use these.”

  Brad shook his head. “Fuck you! I’m not playing your fucking games anymore.”

  Seth found some lye in a cabinet. He mixed it with several other unknown chemicals that were in unlabeled vials, filled a large 60 ml syringe with the mixture, then walked over to Kenneth. “Hold his arm.”

  Brad was staring at the large needle as Kenneth held him. The needle was the largest he had ever seen. “What the fuck is that?”

  Seth held it up. “Pain.”

  “Please don’t stick me with it!”

  “Tell me if this is painful.” Seth stuck the needle into his swollen penis.

  “Oh my God! Yes!”

  “I haven’t even injected the shit into you yet. Chill out.”

  “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Get it out! You’re killing me! Oh my God! I think I’m going to die!”

  Kenneth looked to see what Seth was doing. “Why is he acting like you’re killing him?”

  “All I’ve done so far is stick him with the needle.”

  “Damn thing looks like it’s for a horse or something.”

  Seth laughed. “It’s a needle phobic’s worst fear. That’s why he’s freakin’ out so much.” He pumped half of the mixture into his penis, then shoved the needle into his ball sack.

  Brad was jumping around. “Please get it out! Please get it out! Oh fuck! It’s killing me! Please get it out!”

  As Seth pushed in the plunger, his sack was filling up. He refilled the syringe, then shoved the needle back into his ball sack.

  Brad was sweating profusely. “I can’t take it anymore! Please stop! I beg you!”

  “If you don’t stop whining, I’m going to stick this in your eye.”

  “Please get it out! I beg you!”

  When Seth was done, Brad’s ball sack was as big as a softball. “You’re welcome.”

  Brad was looking at his nuts in the mirror. “What did you do to me?” He made a strange facial expression as if he was hurting. “My balls are starting to burn. What did you put in them?”

  “Liquid agony.”

  “Please get it out! I beg you!”

  Seth looked at Kenneth. “I need you to put him in a full nelson.”

  As Kenneth held his head, Seth moved the needle close to his swollen eye. “I need to drain your eye so it doesn’t get infected.” His eye had become so swollen that it was now hanging all the way out of the socket. Only the optic nerve was keeping it from falling to the floor.

  Brad started jerking around. “I don’t care about an infection! Just leave it alone!”

  “Nope. We need to take care of it now.” He moved the needle closer.

  “Holy shit! You can’t do this! You’re going to make me have a heart attack! Please don’t….”

  Seth shoved the needle into his eye, then started pulling back on the plunger. As his eye went down, a dark fluid filled the syringe. “There we go. It’s almost back to normal.”

  “Okay, okay! Please pull the needle out!” Brad noticed in the mirror Seth kept sucking out the fluid, causing his eye to collapse on itself. “What the fuck are you doing? Stop before you ruin my eye!”

  Seth laughed. “Your eye is already ruined, dipshit. Right along with your leg, intestinal tract, dick and balls.”

  He started violently jerking around. “You sorry motherfucker! I’m going to kill you for this!”

  “If you don’t calm down, I’m going to stick this needle in your heart next.”

  He shouted as loud as he could. “I don’t give a fuck, you psychotic piece of shit! You’ve ruined my life!”

  Kenneth was having to hold him tightly. “Hurry up! This fucker is getting hard to hold.”

  “Really? You’re twice his size.”

  “Yeah, but he’s hopped up on that shit you gave him.”

  When Seth had all the fluid sucked out, he jabbed the syringe in Brad’s shoulder, leaving it in place. “There you go, pal. Your eye is all better now.”

  Brad was pissed as he stared at his shriveled-up eye. It looked like a raisin that was dangling in the center of his eye socket. “You bastard! Look what you did to my eye! I look like a freak!”

  Kenneth laughed. “That’s why they make eye patches.”

  “Fuck you! You two are going to pay for this!”

  Seth thought for a moment. “I wanna t
ry something.” He dug through his bag and found a small bottle of green paint. He filled the syringe, then stuck the needle back into Brad’s eye and began filling it up.

  Kenneth was curious. “What is that shit?”

  “Glow in the dark paint.”

  “Why are you carrying that around?”

  “I like to fuck with the cops sometimes by writing shit at a crime scene.”

  “That makes sense, but why are you putting it in his eye?”

  “Duh! To see if it will make it glow.”

  “Stop playing around so I can let go of this fucker. He stinks.”

  “The smell is coming from his open cavity. It’s filled with shit from my cutting his intestines out.”

  He started gagging. “That’s gross.”

  “And it’s also from his organs.”

  “Hush! You’re making me sick!”

  When Brad’s eye was filled up with the green paint, Seth pulled out the needle, then stuck his hand inside his open cavity. When he pulled it out, it was covered with a slimy substance. He smelled it, then put his hand towards Kenneth’s nose. “Smell this. I call it organ juice.”

  Kenneth let go of Brad, then vomited. He wiped his mouth. “That’s it. Don’t ask me to hold that shit bag anymore.”

  Now that Brad’s arm was free, he started swinging his fist. “Stay the fuck away from me!”

  Seth nodded at Kenneth. “Get back over here. I’m not done.”

  “Fuck that!”

  “Just hold his arm.”

  Kenneth grabbed it. “Okay, but don’t get any of that stinky shit on me.”

  Seth smelled his hand again. “Damn! It does fucking stink.”

  He held his hand under Brad’s nose. “Smell this shit.”

  He turned his head. “Get the fuck away from me, asshole!”

  Kenneth was looking at Seth’s hand. “You need to go wash your hand so you don’t accidently get some of that shit on me.”

  Seth smelled his hand again, then looked at Brad. “Boy, you’re rotten.”

  Kenneth gagged. “Stop smelling it. You’re making me sick.”

  Seth wiped the substance all over Brad’s face, then walked off.

  Brad was glaring at him as he shouted, “You’re a sick bastard! You have no right to do this to me!”

  Seth was washing his hand with bottled water. “Hush, shit face.”

  “You’re gonna get yours!”

  Seth motioned to Kenneth. “Come here.”

  He walked over. “What’s up?”

  Seth turned off the lights. “Check that out! His eye is glowing.”

  Kenneth could see a green eye moving around in the dark. “That’s actually cool.”

  “Yeah, it is.”

  Brad heard the sound of a camera. “I know y’all motherfuckers aren’t taking pictures.”

  Seth turned the lights back on, then showed Brad a picture on his cell phone. “Cool eye, dude. I’m going to put it in a jar filled with formaldehyde when we’re done with you. I have a special spot for it in my living room.”

  Kenneth shook his head. “Hold up! You already got Casey and his friends’ ball sacks. I want the eye.”

  “Wait a second. You got Amanda’s pussy.”

  “No I didn’t.”

  “Then where’s it at?”

  “Still on the floor where you tossed it.”

  “No, it’s not.”

  “I’m tellin’ you that I didn’t get it.”

  “Sure, pal.”

  “Fuck it! You can have the damn eye!”

  “Don’t get your panties in a wad. I’ll do his other eye later, then we can both have one.”

  “Now you’re talkin’.”

  Brad was furious. He couldn’t believe Seth and Kenneth were joking around after the shit they had done to him. “You motherfuckers are going to Hell for this!”

  Frankenstein’s Bitch

  Seth motioned to Kenneth. “Hold his arm.”

  He grabbed it. “Now what are you going to do to him?”

  “Following up on a threat.”

  “I like how you took over. I knew you couldn’t resist fucking him up.”

  Seth laughed. “I’ll go sit on the bench if you want me to.”

  “No way. You’re doing things to this piece of shit that I’d never think of.”

  Seth took the large 60 ml syringe and stuck just the tip of the needle into Brad’s chest. “You ready for me to stick your heart?”

  Brad’s attitude changed and all the color left his face. “What?”

  “You heard me.”

  “You can’t do that! Please, I beg you!”

  “I told you I was going to do it if you didn’t calm down.”

  He was panicking. “I did calm down!”

  “Really? If I remember right, you shouted after I warned you, I don’t give a fuck, you psychotic piece of shit.”

  “No I didn’t.”

  “I guess I just imagined it then.” Seth started slowly pushing the needle between his ribs. “Tell me when your heart starts fluttering.”

  Brad was horrified. “Please stop! I beg you.”

  Kenneth was getting nauseous. “Dude, that’s fucked up.”

  “Then don’t look.”

  Suddenly, Brad started freaking out. “It’s in my heart! Oh my God! I can feel it!”

  Seth stopped pushing. “Chill out, asshole! If you keep moving around, the needle might break off inside it.”

  Brad became so stressed out that his eye started rolling around in his head, then his body fell limp.

  Seth left the syringe sticking out of his chest and grabbed his automatic injection syringe. He shot him in the neck, then slapped him in the face. “Don’t pass out on me, you fucking pussy!”

  Within seconds, Brad awakened. He looked as if he was going to throw up as he stared at the syringe in his chest. “Please get it out of me.”

  Seth started slowly moving the needle in and out. “Do you like how I’m stroking your heart?”

  “Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! Please stop!” He looked at Kenneth. “Please make him stop, I beg you!”

  Kenneth was holding him tightly. “Shut up!”

  “Just let go of my arm! I’ll pull it out myself!”

  Seth shook his head. “That would be a bad idea. If you do, your heart will start pumping blood into your chest cavity through the puncture hole.”

  Brad started crying. “Why are you doing this?”

  “I wanna see what it does to your heart. And make sure you tell me if you start to have a heart attack so I can give you some nitro glycerin.”

  “Heart attack? Do you think I will?”

  Kenneth was just as grossed out as Brad was and he didn’t believe the needle was really in his heart. “You’re just fucking with him, right?”

  Seth pulled out the plunger, causing blood to squirt out the syringe’s barrel. “Yep, it’s in there.”

  Seth walked off with the plunger, leaving blood squirting out of the syringe. Brad was staring in horror. “Put that back in! You’re going to cause me to bleed to death!”

  Seth pointed to the tank with the blood. “You’ll be all right. There’s enough blood in there for ten assholes. And the pump will make sure your body doesn’t run out.”

  Kenneth was watching Seth mess with the plunger. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “Sanding off some of the rubber.”


  Seth stuck the plunger back in the syringe, then checked its tightness. “I fixed it so it’ll be loose.”

  “For what?”

  Seth pointed at the syringe. “So it will do that.”

  Brad and Kenneth had a look of disgust. As Brad’s heart pumped, the plunger was sliding back and forth, filling the syringe with blood, then pulling it back out. It started speeding up as Brad looked at it. He was so grossed out that he turned his head.

  Seth motioned to Kenneth. “You can let him go.” He looked at Brad. “If you try to pull that out, re
member what I said about your heart pumping blood into your chest cavity through the puncture hole.”

  Seth was getting tired. He sat in a chair and lit a cigarette. Kenneth came over and sat next to him on the floor. “Now what?”

  “I’m going to chill for a bit.” He opened an ice chest and pulled out a Mountain Dew and a sandwich. “You want something? I brought plenty to eat.”

  “How in the hell do you have an appetite after doing all this?”

  “Gotta eat sometime.”

  “You didn’t even use soap when you washed your hand.”

  Seth shrugged his shoulders. “So.”

  “That’s fucking nasty. You had Brad’s shit all over it”

  “It adds seasoning.”

  “You’re fucking crazy.”

  “Do you want a sandwich or not?”

  “No, thanks. I’m good.” Kenneth noticed Brad was feeling his dick and balls. He yelled at him. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I feel like I’m on fire! What’s going on?”

  Seth answered him. “That’s the lye that I injected into you. It’s very caustic. It’s eating your flesh away from the inside. And no telling what the old chemicals I mixed with it are doing.”

  Kenneth was confused. “I thought the burning effect of lye was fast acting.”

  “It usually is, but the shoestring around his dick has cut off the circulation and it’s numb. Same with his nuts. The extra testicles have caused a lot of swelling and his sack is numb too. That’s why he’s just noticing the pain.”

  Brad started thrusting his hips around as he cupped his dick and balls. “It’s killing me! Please make it stop!”

  “Stop being so dramatic—it’s not killing you. But if you want the pain to stop, all you have to do is rip off your package.”

  “My ball sack is burning worse than my dick!”

  “Then rip it off.”

  “Come on, man! Please help me!”

  “I can’t. I’m on break.”

  Even though Brad was in a lot of pain, he was also aggravated as he watched Seth sitting in the chair eating a sandwich and smoking a cigarette. “You demented piece of shit! How can you act like this is nothing?”

  “Because you are nothing to me. Now leave me alone and let me chill in peace.”


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