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The complete “A Glimpse into Hell” series - 5 books, 195 chapters, 1700 pages, 600K words of pure gore

Page 153

by Garrett, Wade H.

  “You bastard! You’re not going to get away with this!”

  “If you’re going to bitch and moan, at least come up with something new.”

  “Fuck you!”

  When Seth finished his sandwich, he leaned his chair back and propped his feet up on a box, then closed his eyes. Kenneth was also lying on the floor with his eyes closed.

  Brad became irate. “What the fuck! I know you motherfuckers aren’t taking a nap!”

  They ignored him.

  Around thirty minutes later, Brad started screaming so loud that the electro-larynx was popping. Seth and Kenneth sat up, noticing the lye had eaten away some of his flesh on his ball sack. Out of desperation to make the pain stop, he was pulling on his sack so hard he was causing his skin to tear.

  Seth became excited. “That’s it! Rip that motherfucker off!”

  When Brad noticed Seth was awake, he let go and yelled at him. “Please help me! My ball sack feels like it’s on fire!”

  “Don’t stop! Rip the fucker off!”

  “Come on, man! Please do something!”

  “Like what?”

  He thought for a moment. “Can you cut a hole in my sack to let the fluid out?”

  “I’d rather watch you rip it off.”

  “You’re a bastard!” He was in so much pain he didn’t have a choice but to rip open his sack. He sunk his fingertips into the back of it, then pulled forward as hard as he could. When his sack tore open, a dark colored liquid spilled out, then the two extra testicles fell to the floor. He took a deep breath. “Ohhh! That’s a little better.” He looked in the mirror, noticing his testicles were hanging by their spermatic cords. He tried to put them back in his sack, but they kept falling out. “Oh my God! They won’t stay in!”

  “Of course, not. You ripped your shit in half.”

  He glared at Seth. “This is your fault, asshole!”

  “How do you figure that?”

  “You wouldn’t help me.”

  “Sounds like you need to file a complaint with someone who gives a shit.”

  He started feeling around his penis. “I need to get the fluid out before my dick ruptures.”

  “I guess you’re going to have to rip it off too.”

  “Sorry to disappoint you, but I’m not losing my fucking dick.” He figured if he could remove the shoelace it would release the pressure back inside himself. He was struggling with the shoelace since he only had one hand untied. “Can you at least help me remove the string?”

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  “Why don’t you give me a hand and stop running your mouth.”

  Seth started clapping.

  “Fuck you!”

  “I’m being serious. If you remove it, the fluid I pumped in your dick will go into your abdomen.”

  “I know. That’s the point, dipshit!”

  “If you think you’re in pain now, wait until that shit is eating your insides.”

  “You’ve already fucking removed my intestines. I doubt the fluid is going to make much of a difference. And you better hope all this can be fixed.”

  Seth looked at Kenneth. “It’s amazing how much shit someone can go through and still maintain hope. His fucking intestines are in a trash can and he thinks everything is going to be okay.”

  Brad shouted at him. “You don’t know shit!”

  Seth pointed to the mirror. “Haven’t you seen yourself?”

  “Of course, I have. You made sure of that, you sadistic piece of shit.”

  Kenneth was confused. “I’m surprised he’s being cocky. Doesn’t the fucker know he’s done for?”

  “You have to remember the drugs I gave him are having an influence over him. Between the pain and trauma to his body he would have passed out a long time ago without them. And in his current state of mind, he’s not accepted his fate yet. He’s still grasping at straws, thinking he’ll survive this.”

  Brad glared at Seth. “You don’t know shit! They can fix me.”


  “The hospital.”

  “They can’t help you. You’re way too fucked up.”

  Kenneth chuckled. “Frankenstein could put him back together.”

  Seth started laughing. “He could be Frankenstein’s bitch.”

  Brad was panicking as he tried to remove the shoelace. “I need to get this off! My dick is hurting really bad!”

  “Then I guess you’re going to have to rip it off.”

  He started crying. “I told you I don’t want to lose it. Please call an ambulance.”

  “That’s not going to happen, but I’ll call a hearse when we’re done.”

  Brad started bawling like a baby. “Please don’t say that. I don’t want to die. I know what I did was wrong, and I deserve to be punished. You’ve gotten me back and I accept that. I’ll do anything you want to make this right.”

  Seth looked at Kenneth. “New frame of mind. He’s now in the pity mode.”

  “I had no idea someone could go through all these emotions when being tortured.”

  “That’s what I was trying to explain to you about the psychological part. Fucking with their mind makes the whole physical part worse.”

  Tears were dripping off Brad’s face as he looked at Seth with sincerity. “Please have mercy! I’ll do anything you want!”

  Seth thought for a moment. “I’ll make a deal with you. If you do all the shit that Kenneth and I ask, I won’t kill you.”

  A feeling of salvation came over him. “Oh, thank you. You won’t regret it.”

  “Don’t get too excited. You might not like what we have you do.”

  “I’ll do anything to get out of here and get to a hospital.” He looked at the trashcan. “And do I get to take my intestines with me?”


  Brad closed his eye as he psyched himself out. “Okay. I can do it.”

  Seth looked at Kenneth. “You wanna go first?”

  “I guess.” He walked up to Brad. “I want you to punch yourself in the mouth.”

  Brad hit himself.

  Seth shook his head. “Really? That’s the shit you come up with.”

  “It’s a start.”

  Seth pointed to Brad’s penis. “I want you to rip it off.”

  Kenneth laughed. “Of course, you’re going for the dick.”

  “Dicks, balls and asses. We’ve already gone over that.”

  Brad’s penis had swelled to the point it looked as if it was going to burst, but he still had hope it could be fixed. “Please don’t make me do that. Please pick something else.”

  “You have to do it. That was our deal.”

  “I’ll do it later, I promise. Just pick something else for now.”

  “Okay, I’ll start off with an easy one like Kenneth did.”

  “Thank you for showing mercy.”

  “Shove your arm through your asshole.”

  Kenneth shook his head. “I’m not even going to say anything.”

  “You just did.”

  Brad had a troubled look. “That’s not an easy one.”

  Kenneth laughed. “For this sadistic bastard, it is.”

  Seth motioned with his hand. “Get after it.”

  Brad reached behind himself and started to stick his hand in his ass.

  Seth got his attention. “No! Go the other way.”


  “Go through the gash in your abdomen.”


  “Do it, or rip off your dick.”

  Brad looked away as he shoved his hand into his open cavity. He moved it around for a bit. “I can’t find my rear.”

  “You’re going to have to find the end of your colon and go through there.”

  He didn’t understand. “What?”

  “When I cut out your intestines, the end of your colon is still inside you.”

  He reached in again. “I found the end of it, I think.” He worked his arm around. “Yeah, my hand is going through something lik
e a tunnel.”

  “That’s it. Keep going.”

  Kenneth covered his mouth when he noticed Brad’s fingers were coming out of his ass. “This is fucking disgusting.”

  Seth pointed to the chain that was holding Brad’s other arm in the air. “Add some slack to that so he can bury it deep.”

  Kenneth lowered the chain, allowing Brad to hunch over and shove his arm deeper. Brad was in a lot of pain now that he was having to support part of his weight on his mutilated leg. “My leg is killing me!”

  Seth was watching him from behind. “We’ll take care of that in a minute. Just keep pushing your arm through.”

  “It feels like I’m ripping my asshole.”

  “You’re fine. Keep going.”

  When his hand popped out, Kenneth covered his face with his hands. “This is some fucked up shit. And why is he agreeing to this?”

  “For a chance at survival.” Seth grabbed Brad’s hand, then started sewing his wrist to his anus.

  Kenneth was looking between his fingers. “Fuck that. I’d rather have my throat cut before having to go through all this shit.”

  “You’d do the same thing if you were in his position.”


  Seth finished sewing his arm, then walked in front of him. “If you want, I will cut your throat and end this.”

  Brad shook his head as he was leaning hunched over. “Don’t listen to him. I want to live.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes. They can fix all this. I’ll keep cooperating. Just make sure I don’t bleed to death.”

  Kenneth couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He walked in front of Brad and looked at what a monstrosity he had become. His hand was sticking out of his ass, his intestines were in a trashcan, his testicles were hanging between his legs, his left leg was mutilated, his dick looked like it was going to pop, his left eye was glowing, the plunger in the syringe was still moving in and out, and he sounded like a robot. “Why don’t you just throw in the towel?”

  Brad looked up at him. “It’s okay. I’m taking my punishment.”

  Kenneth looked at Seth. “I don’t understand this.”

  “Listen. I’ve been doing this for a long time. The human mind is very unpredictable. This is just another state he’s in. It’s survival mode.”

  “It’s barbaric.”

  “It’s also revenge for Roxie.”

  “I think we’re way past that. You just turned this into a sadistic game for your pleasure.”

  “Wow! You’re worse than a woman on the rag. One minute you’re getting off on this shit, the next you’re feeling sorry for him. Make up your damn mind.”

  “Never in my wildest dreams have I ever seen anything like this. You have to give me a little credit that I’ve stuck around for this long.”

  “You’re right about that. Just keep thinking about what he did and we’ll be done before you know it. Now, it’s your turn to pick something.”

  Kenneth walked off, then came back with a hacksaw. “I want him to cut off that leg. It’s fucking disgusting and I’m tired of looking at it.”

  “You’re the one that did it.”

  “I know, I know. I’m being a bitch.”

  “Naw, I think it’s a splendid idea.”

  “Good. Now cut his arm from his ass so I can give him the hacksaw.”

  “Fuck that.” Seth removed Brad’s other arm from the chain. When he fell to the floor, a brown colored fluid gushed out of his open cavity. Kenneth covered his mouth. “Damn, that stinks!”

  “You gonna puke again?”

  “I’m fine.” He handed Brad the saw.

  Brad did the unexpected. He swung the saw at Kenneth, striking him in the leg. Kenneth stumbled backwards as Seth started stomping Brad in the head. When he had him dazed, he grabbed the saw, then checked on Kenneth. “You all right?”

  Kenneth had his pant leg up and was holding a rag over his calf. “The bastard just cut me a little.”

  “You better put some peroxide on that.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m being serious.”

  “After seeing all the shit that’s happened today, I’m sure not worried about a little cut.”

  “If you knew where that saw has been, you’d pour gasoline on it.”

  His eyes got big. “Really?”

  “Yeah.” Seth dug through his bag and found some rubbing alcohol. “Use this.”

  As he poured it on his cut he had a worried expression. “Is there something on the blade that will hurt me?”


  “Why do you say that?”

  “The last guy I used it on might have had AIDS. He was all drawn up and shit and had those AID sores. The dude before him probably had hepatitis with all the needle marks on him. And I definitely know one person had leprosy. She was….”

  He became upset. “I thought you kept your shit sterile?”

  “I do. The sterile hacksaw is in my other bag. I used it on Jim so he wouldn’t get an infection.”

  “Why in the fuck didn’t you bring it in here?”

  “Because I didn’t give a shit if Brad got AIDS or leprosy.”

  “Aren’t you scared of accidently cutting yourself with it?”

  “No. I’ve had my AIDs and leprosy vaccinations.”

  “Oh. So, you’re safe. Just fuck ol’ Kenneth.”

  Seth laughed. “Dude! There’s no vaccinations for that shit. And I’m just fucking with you. The saw is clean. It’s the same one I used on Jim. Unless he has something, you’re fine.”

  Kenneth took a deep breath. “Thank God.”

  Seth nodded towards Brad. “Fuckhead is waking up.”

  When Brad opened his eye and became alert, he started yelling. “You motherfuckers are going to pay for this! You hear me? Both of you are going to burn in Hell!”

  “He’s back in asshole mode.” Seth walked over to him with the hacksaw. “You have two choices. You can cut off your leg like Kenneth requested, or I’m going to cut off your arm and beat you with it, and that’s after I make you do some real fucked up shit.”

  “You can go fuck yourself!”

  Seth smiled. “Perfect response.” He picked up an axe. “Rip your dick off.”

  “Fuck you!”

  Seth hit his femur bone, breaking off his leg with one whack. He picked up the severed limb, then started beating him with it as he repeated, “Why you kicking yourself?”

  Kenneth was shaking his head. “Holy fuck! Now I’ve seen it all.”

  Brad was yelling. “Okay, okay! I’ll do it!”

  Seth tossed the leg. “Get to it then.”

  He grabbed his penis, then let go. “Please don’t make me do it!”

  “You procrastinating bastard.” He left the room.

  Kenneth sat down on a table, not sure where Seth had gone or when he was coming back.

  Eye for an Eye

  Brad got Kenneth’s attention. “Hey, man. I know you don’t want to be doing this. If you let me go, I won’t say anything.”

  Kenneth glared at him. “You don’t know shit, boy!”

  “Come on. Don’t be like this. You don’t want this on your conscience. It’s going to haunt you for the rest of your life. And all over a fucking dog.”

  Kenneth walked off and started looking through the stuff in the room. A few minutes later he came back with a box full of syringes. They were old. The housings were made of metal with glass windows and there were finger holds on each side. The plungers were rotted and the needles were rusted. He dumped them onto the floor. There were about a hundred of them. “I hear you’re scared of needles. Check these out.”

  Brad was staring at him in fear. “What are you going to do with those?”

  Kenneth picked one up, then jammed it into his side, leaving it in place. Brad pulled it out and threw it at him. “Get the fuck away from me, asshole!”

  Kenneth found some rope and tied his arm to a table leg. He picked up a handful of syr
inges and started jabbing them into Brad’s body as he repeated, “Why are you stabbing yourself?” He picked up another handful and kept going while repeating the phrase.

  Seth came walking in about the time he was finished. “Thank God!”

  Kenneth stood up and wiped sweat from his forehead. “What’s wrong?”

  “I heard you repeating, ‘why are you stabbing yourself’, and thought you were sticking him with a knife.”

  “Would that have been a bad thing?”

  “Not as good as what you’ve done. And besides, we don’t want to kill him just yet.”

  “Where did you go?”

  Seth held up a chainsaw. “To get this.”


  “Motivation, unless numbnuts is ready to pull off his dick.”

  Brad was looking at the floor—the needles that were covering his body grossed him out.

  “Well, are you going to do it, or do I need to cut your ass up?”

  “Just kill me and get it over with.”

  Seth tied a tourniquet around the top of his right leg, then started the saw. “When you want the pain to stop, you know what to do.” He cut his foot off, then started cutting through his calf. The pain was so intense that Brad’s adrenaline allowed him to pull his arm from the rope. Out of desperation, he reached for the saw. The chain instantly cut two of his fingers in half. He reached for it again, but Seth moved it back. “If you lose the function of your hand, I’ll make you rip off your dick with your mouth. And that’s a promise.”

  He screamed out, “I’ll do it! Just stop cutting me!”

  “Then get after it.”

  He grabbed his penis and started pulling on it, then let go. “My hand is hurting too bad. Can you let me use my other one?”

  “Hell no. I like it where it’s at.”

  He started wiggling his fingers as his hand hung out of his ass. “Come on, man. Don’t act like that. It’s not going to hurt anything to let me use it.”

  “I said no.” Seth started the chainsaw.

  Brad grabbed his penis and started pulling on it as he shouted, “Okay, okay! I’m doing it!”

  Kenneth shook his head. “So much for this being my deal.”

  “You monkey fuck around too much.”

  “I can do it if you give me a chance.”

  “All right.” Seth handed him the saw. “If he doesn’t pull off his dick, cut his leg into pieces.” Seth sat on a table and lit a cigarette.


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