Book Read Free

The Progenitor Project

Page 11

by Bob Cooper

  “Great. Where’s Hillary?” Dirk asked.

  “She had a doctor’s appointment, but she’ll be here afterward.”

  “Then, let’s get started.”

  They walked into the building with the security detail in tow. Taking the elevator to the 5th floor, Bressa met them as the door opened.

  “It’s good to see you. I’m glad you’re safe,” she said, eyeing the security guards.

  Acey introduced her security detail to Bressa. The guards then stationed themselves at the office entrance. Windows surrounded the office, and the mountain views provided a serene atmosphere to work. Monitors mounted on all four walls displayed the Academy logo.

  “I authorized clearance to our Archeology data for all of you. If you require anything else, ask the AI. I’ll be in my office down the hall,” Bressa said.

  “We’re expecting Hillary,” Acey said.

  “She will be escorted here when she arrives,” Bressa said.

  The details of the kidnapping weren’t public knowledge, but Bressa and others in the Academy had their sources. She knew the artifacts were at the heart of this matter.

  “Thanks for all your help,” Dirk said, as Bressa left the room.

  “AI, display all pertinent information on Edgar Cayce,” Acey commanded.

  The monitors lit up with information about the life and times of the man known as the “Sleeping Prophet”.

  “Isolate his prophecies on monitor one,” Dirk ordered.

  Monitor one began to scroll through page after page of data. Dirk looked at Acey.

  “Where do we start?”

  She was about to answer when Hillary walked in with her arms full of books followed by her security guard holding even more. She made it to the table, dropping them somewhat gently, but hard enough to cause dust to fly in all directions.

  “What are those?” Acey said, trying to clear the air.

  “I found these in the attic last night. They belonged to my mother and grandmother,” she said, plucking the rattiest looking book from the security guard.

  “Thanks,” she said, as the guard left the room to join the others on detail.

  The book cover was well worn and barely legible. The pages were all dog-eared and yellowing with age. Handwritten notes were scattered throughout the pages.

  “This is a good place to start. Apparently, my mother was a huge believer in Edgar Cayce’s works and studied his prophecies extensively. Take a look at this. It has information on what Cayce calls the Hall of Records,” Hillary said, handing the book over to Acey.

  Acey wiped the remaining dust from the cover but couldn’t make out the title. It was falling apart, so she gently laid it on the table and carefully opened it.

  “Cayce said that in this Hall of Records, histories are stored dating back to civilizations thought to be myths. Actually, Cayce says there are three Halls of Records. One is under the waters near the Bahamian island of Bimini, another is underground near the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt, and the one I think we are most interested in is beneath a temple in the Mayan lands,” Hillary said.

  “So I see you’ve been doing your homework,” Acey said.

  “Everyone thought my mother was nuts when she discussed some of his predictions, so she kept to herself. She once showed me this collection, but I was too busy having a good time to listen. Now I can see some relevance into what’s happening to us now,” Hillary said.

  “If I remember correctly, you said your mother had physic abilities she passed down to you,” Dirk said.

  “Yes, I realized that when we were on Antares with the Guardians. But let me continue,” she said.

  “Cayce also says that the Record Hall in the Yucatan Mayan lands will “rise again.” He says the records are in the remains of ‘the temple by Iltar’. Iltar, according to Cayce, was a high priest migrating with his people from the legendary lands of Atlantis to the new Yucatan land, and there built this Temple of Records. “

  Acey stopped her so she could look at the glyphs in the book. Some were Cayce’s, and some were drawings from Hillary’s mother.

  “AI, scan and search for matches with the Antares databases. These look familiar to me.”

  “Fourteen references with a 98.75% relevance found. Displaying contextual data on monitor three,” the AI said.

  They all turned and studied monitor three. The references were all from the Temple of the Guardians found on Antares.

  “Look at this one,” Acey said, pointing to the last entry.

  “It’s an exact match to the glyph my mother drew on this page,” Hillary said, holding up the book.

  Dirk stepped closer to get a better look. Hillary’s mother had written the word, Iltar underneath it.

  “Do you think this person, Iltar, was one of the Guardians?” Dirk asked.

  “I believe so,” Hillary responded.

  “So how is it that your mother knew this Iltar person?” Acey asked.

  “Got me. Before she died, she told me that one day I would learn and understand much more about her life. I didn’t realize what she meant then, but it’s becoming clear that there was a lot more to her than I ever realized.”

  “There’s no doubt that you have inherited much from her, and that your child will also follow in her footsteps,” Acey said, giving her a reassuring hug.

  Hillary paused to contemplate what Acey said. Whether she liked it or not, it was true. These “gifts” were inherited from her mother, and they undoubtedly would be passed on to her daughter. She decided not to hide from them anymore but learn to use them wisely.

  “Let me continue with the Hall of Records,” she said.

  “Cayce indicated that mummified bodies and embryos are buried with the records. When he was asked about what language the records may be in, he didn’t answer directly, only saying that this was a time when the world spoke one language, a time prior to the Tower of Babel legend in the Bible. Therefore, we could assume the records in all the various locations will be in the same language.”

  “So how does this Hall of Records on Earth tie into what Acey found?” Dirk asked.

  “I’m not really sure but listen to what else I found out. Cayce said that the records tell the story of the beginnings “when the Spirit took form and began the encasements” in physical bodies in ancient places on Earth. When people would ask Edgar Cayce if they could be a part of the discovery and interpretation of these records, he would answer yes—but not necessarily the physical records. According to Cayce, the records are also recorded in consciousness, in the collective mind, and therefore, one could open and study the records anytime! The records may be accessed by journeying through dimensions of consciousness, as Cayce did. Apparently, my mother had this capability; and I now have it, and so will my daughter.”

  “So, it sounds like these spirits could be tied to the Guardians we met on Antares, and they might have been responsible for life on Earth if what this guy Cayce said is true. Since this is contrary to what the Earthers believe, they will definitely want to shut down anything or anybody looking to bring this knowledge to the public,” Acey said.

  Dirk took a step back and sat down to ponder the enormity of the situation. They were all deeply involved in the most startling discovery that would rock the core belief systems of many people on Earth. He could only see chaos, and he and his loved ones were smack in the middle.


  Aidan held his breath as he made the call to Acey.

  She recognized his avatar but hesitated to answer staring at her com link as it buzzed. Hillary saw it too and nudged Acey. They stared at each other, saying nothing. Finally, Acey answered.


  “Hi, Acey. This is Aidan. Look, there’s something I have to talk to you about. Can we meet somewhere tonight?”

  “I don’t believe we have anything to say,” she told him, moving from the table into an adjacent office.

  Hillary and Dirk watched, pretending not to notice.

  “Please, I ha
ve a lot to say. Just hear me out. I owe it to you. I was wrong not to contact you, and I want a chance to explain.”

  Acey’s face reddened in anger, and she was about to tell Aidan to shove it when she noticed Hillary and Dirk looking at her. As soon as she caught them listening, they continued with what they were doing. That somehow softened her. She really did want to hear his excuse.

  “Meet me at the park tonight at six,” she answered and then hung up.


  Stryker reviewed the downloads from the tracking and bugging devices. Every movement was tracked, plotted, and categorized. The bugging and tracking devices captured every conversation until the security guards discovered them. As far as he knew, he was able to maintain his cover, but it was getting harder to stay close with the security guards always there.

  Hillary spent a lot of time at the Gallery, and Billy spent his time between the Gallery and his family’s catering business. They both felt the strain of always looking over their shoulders.

  Stryker looked for vulnerabilities where he could isolate Hillary and capture her. Billy would be easy to deal with along with the rest of her friends. He knew from experience, sooner or later the security guards would be pulled from service, mostly because of lack of funds. He waited patiently for that to happen.

  However, Tim and Myra grew more impatient and wanted possession of Hillary and her baby soon. They had set up a secure location where they could keep Hillary in a coma until the baby reached full term and could be removed.

  Myra summoned Stryker to a meeting to review his progress.

  Getting out of the vehicle, he surveyed his surroundings. The house was located in the downtown area amongst other homes. He felt very uneasy as he walked up to the Spanish Colonial. Neighbors were in the front yard, trimming bushes. He passed a young couple walking their dogs. Standing in front of the security camera, he announced himself and the gate clicked open. Tim opened the front door, staying well inside so no one would see him.

  “Don’t worry. Everyone keeps to themselves in this area, and we’re only here for a few days more,” Tim said, anticipating Stryker’s questions from the strained look on his face.

  “I actually prefer the first place over this one. At least it was more secluded,” Stryker said.

  “That’s not for you to worry about. You do your job,” Tim shouted, getting into Stryker’s face.

  “I do worry. I’m not going to put myself in any more jeopardy than I already have because of your stupidity,” Stryker screamed back.

  Myra walked in before the confrontation escalated any further.

  “Both of you, back off and cool down!” she said, positioning herself between them.

  Stryker gave her a dirty look. Taking orders from these incompetent juveniles had reached his limits. He slammed his attaché case on the table.

  “I’m sick of your lack of respect. You want me on this job; then I need to be part of the planning. I don’t trust either of you since you screwed up the first mission. I will not blindly follow you, especially when I’m doing all the dirty work and have the most to lose. Is that clear?” he shouted at Myra.

  Tim grabbed Stryker by the shoulders and attempted to shove him. Stryker side-stepped and put out his right foot, tripping him. Tim went sailing across the room, tumbling into the wall but recovered with a blaster in his hands.

  “Put it away! Myra shouted.

  It took Tim several seconds to cool down before he lowered his blaster and stormed off into the other room.

  With Tim gone, Myra sat at the table and invited Stryker to do the same. He was seething but managed to pull out the documents and lay out his plan to apprehend Hillary. Myra nodded her approval.

  “How long before you think the security guards are pulled back? Myra asked.

  “I estimate another week.”

  “We don’t have that much time to get this done. We need to do this now. Do you have a plan B?”

  “Yes, but it’s a lot riskier and would involve several others in the organization. The details are in these documents.”

  Myra glanced through them and looked up at him.

  “Okay, when you’re ready, let me know. I’ll set up the rendezvous and activate the others,” she said, standing up and signaling she was finished with him.

  Stryker stood up to leave. “Just one more thing. Keep him away from me!” he said.


  It was a chilly night, and Aidan took his time walking to the park. He had practiced several different ways to explain his situation to Acey, but none seemed to convey his feelings the way he wanted. His head ached, and he wanted to get this over. Whatever the results, he had to explain what he was doing while he was away. Knowing Acey, he hoped there might be a chance for them.

  The clouds hung low, and the smell of the creosote bush wafted through the air signifying rain was in the vicinity. He felt a chill as he approached the park bench.

  Acey was already there looking out at the city lights below. This was it. He sucked in his breath and gazed at the statuesque silhouette before him. Her hair blew gently in the wind. She turned as he approached. The moonlit sky cast a tinge of light on Acey’s face illuminating her solemn look. She managed a thin smile as he walked up to her.

  "Hi," she said.

  "Hi, Acey. Thanks for meeting me. I really appreciate it.

  He waited for her to say something, but she smiled and said nothing. The silence lingered and the uncomfortableness he felt caused his stomach to ache. She looked at him, waiting.

  "I, uh, have a story I want to share with you, but before I do, I want to say that I'm very sorry for not contacting you. I was inconsiderate, and I know it hurt you.” He saw the fire in her eyes ignite.

  "So tell me this story," she said.

  Aidan took a deep breath and began his story.

  "After the trial, I was lost. When Dirk was found innocent of the murder charges, I could see all of you were planning to return to your lives. Only I couldn't return to my life. My life was the Citizen Guard. Like my father before me, I pledged myself to law enforcement, and I was good at it. Damn good! Then, I was dishonorably discharged for helping you and Dirk. I had no clue what I was going to do, and the pain and humiliation were very fresh. I had to clear my head."

  "Don't you think I knew that? Why didn't you let me help?"

  "You have to believe me when I tell you I had every intention of contacting you. But something happened while I was away. I was staying at my friend Mike's cabin up by the Grand Canyon. He was my best friend all through school, even though he was two years ahead of me—then we were recruited by the Guard at the same time. When I first met you at the Academy, he was assigned to border patrol duty. He was widowed, and he and his six-year-old daughter moved down to Nogales where he was assigned to track drug traffickers on the Mexican border.

  I didn't have much time to talk to him during our escapades on Antares, but I contacted him after the trial. He told me he had to see me urgently and asked if I could meet him down there. The address he gave me was a hospital. I drove down there only to find that he'd been moved to a hospice unit. He was dying of brain cancer and had a few weeks to live.

  His daughter was there with him. He asked me to take custody of Annie after he was gone. He explained he had no family left, and he didn't want her to be a ward of the state. I was speechless. I was totally overwhelmed. I could feel the eyes of Annie on me as I tried to muster up something to say."

  Aidan paused to compose himself before he continued.

  "I had never met his daughter before. She had no clue who I was, or so I thought. Mike drifted off to sleep and left Annie and me staring at each other.

  She went to her backpack and pulled out a note pad. Opening it up to the middle, she handed it to me. On that page was a posted photo of Mike and me at the local swimming hole when we were in high school. She had written, Daddy's friend Aidan, underneath. She turned the page, and there was another picture of us at my high school graduation
. This time she read what was written, My best friend forever. She looked at me and smiled. Then she turned to the last page. It was a picture of Mike and his wife holding Annie as an infant. ‘That's me,’ she pointed out. She closed the notebook and sat there with her hands folded, waiting for her dad to wake up."

  Aidan paused, watching Acey unsure of what to expect.

  "Oh, Aidan, I had no idea what you were going through. I'm so sorry."

  Aidan nodded and continued. Well to make a long story short, Mike died five weeks later. I promised him I would take custody of Annie. His attorney drew up the papers. Mike also left me his cabin. The funeral was short, only a few friends from the Guard attended.

  Annie finished school. During the summer, we spent a lot of time at the cabin getting to know each other. Even though there was some purpose to my life now, I had no idea how I was going to earn a living—and then there was you. I felt sick all over again and made up my mind to come back here."

  "Who is watching Annie now," Acey asked.

  "My Aunt is watching her at the cabin, but I’ve already imposed on her for too long. She is in ill health, so I'm moving Annie here. I think Annie is okay with it, but this will be a big adjustment for her."

  Acey took Aidan's hand.

  "Aidan, I can't believe what you've been through, and I forgive you."

  Aidan's heart leaped.

  "You know that I have always loved you," he said, squeezing her hand.

  Acey looked into his blue eyes and struggled to find the right words.

  "Things have changed for me too, Aidan. I'm not the same person I was before you left. You now have someone else in your life that needs your love and support. Concentrate on Annie.”

  And with that, Acey slid her hand away and walked back down the path, leaving Aidan shivering as he watched her walk away.


  R aina and Dirk waited outside Captain Ryan’s office; then, his receptionist signaled them to enter. The Captain was reviewing the latest update on the hostage crisis.

  “Please have a seat,” he said motioning to them.


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