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The Progenitor Project

Page 12

by Bob Cooper

  Dirk watched his face for any change in expression. There was none.

  “We’re waiting for Mr. Carter to arrive,” he said.

  “Any news on the hostage situation?” Raina asked.

  He was about to explain when Aidan walked in.

  “Sorry I’m late,” he said, sitting next to Dirk.

  “Here’s the latest on the hostage situation. The negotiators rejected their offer of money and safe passage to someplace off Earth for the release of the hostages. So far, no response. Hillary and Acey are under my watch twenty-four by seven, but I can’t keep that up too much longer. They will be easy prey once they’re no longer guarded.”

  Raina could see Dirk squirm in his chair. His furrowed brows and shallow breathing worried her. This situation was taking its toll on everyone, especially him.

  “We need to go public about this whole thing now,” Raina said.

  “What will that accomplish except for more chaos in the streets?” Captain Ryan asked.

  “Well, for one thing, it will help expose the dark side of the Earthers. The media will surely focus their attention on the “Righteous Way”, exposing their evil doings,” Raina said.

  “But won’t acknowledging the existence of the artifacts cause mayhem and confusion?” Aidan asked.

  “Before General Blair Coburn died, she told me that the IIA, with the consent from world leaders, was getting ready to disclose information about the artifacts. She asked me to be involved and include some of my foundation's most distinguished members to help formulate a plan to disclose the artifacts. She and others in the IIA knew this would be the best way to counteract the “Righteous Way”. I’m sure that’s why she was killed,” Dirk said.

  “Just what were they going to disclose? Do they actually know what those artifacts are?” asked Captain Ryan.

  “General Coburn’s people working in the lab were getting close to understanding the significance of the artifacts. And Acey and Hillary are now discovering some interesting details that I don’t think anybody is aware of,” Dirks said

  “Then we must free the lab hostages now. I doubt they have any intention of freeing them. This is their way of showing their resolve,” Captain Ryan said.

  The door flew open, and a Private ran in with a worried expression on his face.

  “Sir, the hostage crisis took a turn for the worse. A hostage was executed,” he said, gaining control of his breathing.

  Captain Ryan switched the monitor on, and it displayed a black-hooded man shooting a disruptor at a young man’s head at close range, spattering blood and gore on the video device.


  Hillary, exhausted from the mental stress and her pregnancy, moved away from the array of computers and lay down on a sofa. She and Acey spent most of their waking hours learning all they could learn about the Hall of Records, and how the artifacts were connected. The guards outside the Academy lab increased from two to three after news of the hostage killing. Neither woman was left alone—either at the lab or at home. Acey noticed Hillary on the sofa.

  “Hey, why don’t you go home and get some rest,” she offered.

  “I’m alright. Just a little tired.”

  “When was the last time you saw Billy? Acey asked.

  “I talk to him during the day. He’s been working nights at the Gallery covering for me.”

  Acey yawned and moved over to the sofa. She was exhausted too. Hillary knew from Raina that Acey and Aidan met, but she was afraid to broach the topic. She didn’t want to upset her.

  “You know Aidan, and I talked last night,” Acey said as if reading Hillary’s mind.

  “So I heard.”

  Hillary waited for Acey to continue, and after a brief pause, she spilled her heart.

  “He told me he was staying at Mike’s cabin by the Grand Canyon.”

  “Who’s Mike?”

  “I don’t really know him. Aidan mentioned him once before, and I know they were really close all through school and as recruits in the Citizen Guard. Anyway, Mike died and asked Aidan to take custody of his six-year-old daughter, Annie.”

  “Oh my god! With all he had going on in his life, it must have been a complete shock. Did he accept custody of the child?”

  “You know Aidan. Of course, he did. He, uh, he told me he loved me. Like he wanted me to accept his situation, forgive him and continue on as nothing happened,” Acey said as her face turned red again.

  Hillary watched as she squirmed uncomfortably on the sofa and then pushed herself up and paced the floor.

  “Well, I’m not ready to add all this complexity to my life. I have a great career, and I want to continue to pursue it. I can’t be tied down with a child. Why didn’t he stay away?” Acey said, sobbing now.

  “Hey, slow down. This will work itself out. You need time to think carefully about what you really want, and what you’re willing to give up,” Hillary said, handing her some tissues.

  The door opened, and Bressa walked in. “I understand you have made some progress,” she said, pausing after noticing the tension in the room. “Is everything alright?”

  “Yes,” Acey said, drying her eyes. “If you could convene the Astro-Archeology staff, I can fill them in on what we found. Can you also contact Dirk and Raina while I get prepared?” she asked Hillary.

  “Not a problem. What about Aidan?”

  Hillary waited for an answer while Acey fumbled through her notes. Knowing she did not want him there, she continued to press.

  “Whether you like it or not, he’s a part of this whole fiasco. He has his resources and can help. Besides, Raina has retained him, and he is critical to the lawsuit,” Hillary reminded Acey.

  “Yes, I suppose,” she replied somewhat agitated.

  “Okay, I want Billy there too,” Hillary said, leaving the room.


  It was time for Acey to inform her Academy team about the new discoveries they made. Bressa let them use her home in the outskirts of the city for this purpose. She had assembled, not only Acey’s team but some of the most brilliant minds at the Academy. Acey watched as the security entourage took up their positions. She hadn’t forgotten about the Brothers and the lawsuit, and she knew Raina was keeping them in the loop. Nevertheless, she owed it to them to meet in person. But that would have to wait until after this meeting.

  Thinking about her presentation, Acey knew bringing up Hillary, and the Guardians again was going to be difficult. When the encounter with the Guardians on Antares came out during Dirk’s trial, the media sensationalized Hillary’s testimony, and they had a field day making fun of her. Now, Hillary was going to re-live it again and, not only that, but also the introduction of an ancient, twentieth-century mystic would add to the media frenzy. She could picture the scientist’s reactions at the meeting. This could be the ruination of her professional career, but there was no way to avoid it. If that wasn’t enough, the situation with Aidan weighed heavily on her heart. Wave after wave of anxiety hit her with no relief in sight. She knew this could not go on for much longer.

  At Bressa’s home, the great room opened to the outside patio with several mountain ranges in view, creating a serene and peaceful setting. But, it was a security nightmare. Totally open, with scrub desert all around, the location posed a challenge for the security team. They were spread thin as it was. As the attendees began to arrive, Guard officers searched each person before they entered the home. Once everyone on the list arrived, the security team surrounded the property and set up a command center a half-mile down the road.

  Bressa wasted no time getting the meeting underway. Once all the notable professors and scientists from her staff were seated at the huge conference room table, she gave a quick introduction.

  “Good afternoon, and thank you for coming. You are here because of the extraordinary events in the past several days. We find ourselves in a unique position to provide dramatic insight on how life originated on Earth, as well as the entire universe. The artifacts recently unc
overed contain these secrets, and your expertise is needed to research them further and to prepare the method of disclosure to the public. Ms. Saunders will bring you up to speed. So, I will now turn it over to her. Acey…”

  Acey stood up and instructed the AI to begin the presentation. Her hair was out of place, and the dark shadows under her eyes were noticeable—even from the back of the room. Clearing her throat, she pointed to the wall monitor as it displayed pictures of the rooms found on Eris and Dysnomia.

  “What I found on Eris was discovered a long time ago. The “Righteous Way,” a sect formed from various members of the Earther Movement and the IIA, already had knowledge of these artifacts and are doing everything they can to keep them a secret from our society. Precisely what they know about them is unclear, but they understand the contradiction the artifacts present as to how they perceive creation. This sect has members in high places sworn to keep this a secret. They have no problem using violence to achieve this objective. “

  “Just what exactly are these artifacts?” a scientist asked.

  “I don’t know for sure,” she said. “AI, produce a holo display of the hexagon containers,” she ordered.

  The hologram appeared in the middle of the table, revolving for everyone to see. Several scientists stood up to get a closer look.

  “From a quick analysis while on Eris, I determined they contain some type of organic material,” she said. “I’m not sure they all contain this same material. To my knowledge, no one has been able to open them. During our abduction, I was ordered to figure out how to open them, or all of us would be killed. Before we were rescued, Hillary found a pattern of symbols, which, when combined in a specific manner, displayed the shape of a hex container. We didn’t have time to pursue this further, but we believe these symbols represent the commands to open the containers.”

  Soft murmurs erupted among the group. Acey could see not all of them were aware of the kidnapping. Bressa calmed them down, and Acey continued.

  “Who was responsible for the kidnapping?” someone asked.

  “The “Righteous Way”.

  “And is this the sect that you referred to earlier?” someone else asked.

  Acey was about to answer when Aidan stood up.

  “Excuse me. I’m Aidan Carter, a private investigator. The “Righteous Way” is a sect that has been around since first contact was made many years ago. They include individuals from all walks of life who do not believe that any contact with aliens is good for our societies and religions on Earth. The membership is secret, but we now know they primarily come from the more radical elements of the Earther Movement and the IIA—The Interplanetary Intelligence Agency.”

  Again, the meeting was disrupted with conversations among the group even more audible than before. Bressa stepped forward to bring the meeting to order when Acey waved her off. She wanted this to sink in. After several minutes, Acey quieted them down and continued.

  “The real reason for the kidnapping was not for us to find a way to open the containers. They are more interested in Ms. Hillary Grant’s unborn child.”

  Everyone turned and looked at Hillary with puzzled looks on their faces. Billy held her close to him.

  “They want her child. If it wasn’t for the Citizen Guard, then we probably wouldn’t be here talking to you. Now let me finish my presentation, and I’ll open it up to questions.”

  “During our captivity, we discovered a link between the glyphs found in the caves on Eris and Dysnomia, and the temple we found a few years back on Antares. If you remember from Mr. Dirk Saunders trial, our testimony included telepathic contact with beings known as the Guardians. Hillary possesses these telepathic abilities, and she is the one the Guardians contacted. Through Hillary, they said they are responsible for the protection of the containers, which are necessary for the evolutionary process of all species in the galaxy.

  They also told her to seek out an old, twentieth-century prophet called Edgar Cayce. The AI found a reference from him referring to a ‘Hall of Records’ that contains information regarding how all life started, how it is perpetuated in the galaxy, as well as a reference to Iltar, the spirit entity, which guards these secrets.

  We found references to Iltar on Antares, so we think the artifacts I found and the ‘Hall of Records’ are somehow linked. That’s where you come in. We need your expertise to research deeper into this. We need you to open one of those containers and see exactly what’s in them. We can neutralize the lies, deceit, and violence of the “Righteous Way” by making this information available to the public.”

  Acey sat down, totally spent. The room remained silent, each person staring at the other, waiting for someone to speak. Finally, Bressa stood up.

  “Thank you for sharing this with us. It must have been difficult with all you have been through. I will ask for the additional budget and resources to begin further research. I can’t promise anything. And so you know, there may be those inside the Academy that will not approve of what we are doing. They will attempt to stop us before we start.”

  “I have some serious reservations about halting work on my current projects to pursue some farfetched tale based on an ancient mystic and spirits inside someone’s head,” Bressa’s lead researcher said.

  Grumblings rumbled throughout the room. Some pointed fingers at Hillary. She knew it would happen. It always did.

  “Okay, let’s address that concern,” Dirk said, trying to keep his cool. “There is nothing more important than understanding the origins of all life in the universe. Working to determine the contents of the containers will allow you to put together the most comprehensive view of how life started and how it continues to evolve. There can’t be anything more important than that. That’s exactly what the “Righteous Way” doesn’t want anyone to know, so they can continue to perpetuate their myths of a “pure” Earth. They will stop at nothing to achieve this end goal. That’s why General Blair Coburn was assassinated; that’s why the people working for her are being held hostage, and that’s why they want us dead.”

  Dirk took a breath, “As scientists, seekers of truth, you owe it to humanity to shed as much light on this as possible! I believe that trumps anything that you are currently doing!” he said, finishing his impassioned speech.

  Once again, the room remained silent as they contemplated Dirk’s speech. Bressa finally stood up.

  “Do I have your concurrence on this?” she asked.

  One-by-one, they gave their approval. The discussion turned to the resources needed and how to organize teams. Acey looked pleased with the outcome, but Dirk could tell she was exhausted. They all were. As the meeting broke up and people started to leave, Dirk pulled Bressa aside.

  “You realize you and your department are now directly involved and are in as much danger as we are.”

  Looking at Dirk, she took a deep breath.

  “I know,” she said.


  Aidan unbuttoned his shirt and gulped down a bottle of water. Nervously he waited as they announced the arrival of her flight. He gave his word to Mike, and that was that. Now that the time had come, he could barely think straight. This was unfamiliar territory for him. Seeing Annie come down the walkway, he took the black and white Panda bear out of the bag. He found out that Panda bears were her favorite.

  He saw her clutching the escort’s hand and walking slowly. He waved, but she stared straight down, afraid to look at her new surroundings. No sense in feeling sorry or getting upset. It’s a done deal, he thought. Aidan met them at the bottom of the stairs, but Annie did not lift her eyes.

  "Mr. Carter?"

  "Yes, that's me."

  "May I please see some identification?"

  Aidan showed her several forms of ID. Annie continued to stare at the ground.

  "Thank you. Please sign this release form, and I'll be on my way."

  Aidan signed and the escort left without even a goodbye. He squatted down to Annie’s level and raised her chin until her sad
blue eyes met his. She saw the Panda Bear and then looked back at him.

  "I'm so glad you're here," he said, hugging her.

  Annie sniveled a little and eyed the Panda Bear again.

  "Uh, this is for you. I know you like Pandas."

  She took it in both hands and stared at it. A faint smile drew across her thin lips, but then the pout returned to her face.

  "Hey, I know you’re afraid. I'm a little afraid myself," he said, not sure if those were the right words. "I have a nice room for you with your own bed, and you can paint the room any color you like.” No response. He tried again, “Are you hungry?"

  She shook her head yes and then turned her attention to the bear. He picked her up and hugged her, and she clung to him, not wanting to let go. Aidan felt her tremble and held her until he felt the initial fear had subsided.

  "I have to go to the bathroom,” she whispered.

  Aidan took her suitcase and led her to the woman's room. It was busy with people going in and out. There was a line forming as he moved closer.

  "Wait your turn, and I'll be waiting right here," he said.

  She looked at him and panicked as he stepped away. Her muffled cry startled him as she ran to grab ahold of him. He comforted her as the line continued to get longer.

  "Okay, come with me," he said, taking her hand and leading her to the men's room.

  There were some stares as he led her past the urinals and to an open stall.

  "I'm right here waiting for you," he said, holding the door open for her.

  She looked at all the men staring at her and then back at him. Aidan shook his head reassuringly, and she went in. He forced a nervous smile to everyone around him and drew a sigh of relief as they left. Picking up her luggage, they caught the shuttle to his apartment. Sitting as close as possible, she played with her bear.

  "What's the bear’s name?" she asked.

  "They told me the new owner would give him a name.

  "So it's a boy Panda?" she asked.

  "Uh, yes, it's a boy bear," he said, dreading her next question.


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