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George Washington's Surprise Attack

Page 85

by Phillip Thomas Tucker

  22. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 93; Liell, 46 Pages, pp143-144; Wheeler, Voices of 1776, p. 206; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 71; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 23-24; Ward, Major General Stephen and the Cause of American Liberty, p. 152; Lengel, General George Washington, p. 186; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, p. 153; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 340, 392.

  23. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 93; Brown, The Autobiography of James Monroe, pp. 25-26; Ammon, James Monroe, pp. 7-8, 13-14; Marble, James Monroe, p. 46; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 162, 368, 370; Wheeler, Voices of 1776, p. 206; New York Times, December 26, 1876; Rose, Washington’s War, p. 82; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, pp. 70-71; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 247; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 23; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 106, 155; Walter R. Borneman, 1812, The War That Forged a Nation, (New York: Harper Perennial, 2004), pp. 226-227.

  24. Rodney, Diary of Captain Thomas Rodney, p. 51; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 366; Wheeler, Voices of 1776, p. 206; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 153-154.

  25. Rodney, Diary of Captain Thomas Rodney, p. 51; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 941; Ferling, The Ascent of George Washington, p. 120.

  26. Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 153-154.

  27. Elisha Bostwick Memoir, YUL; Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 98; Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, p. 165; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 153-154; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 144.

  28. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 98; Buchanan, The Road to Valley Forge, p. 165; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 244-245; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8; Neier, ed., George Washington, A Biography by Washington Irving, p. 330

  29. “The Good Soldier White,” American Heritage, p. 77; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 9; Puls, Henry Knox, pp. 73, 76.

  30. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 163-164; Ward, Major General Adam Stephens and the Cause of American Liberty, p. 152; Lengel, General George Washington, p. 186.

  31. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, pp. 93, 98-99; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 161-162, 170; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 23.

  32. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 162-163, 166-168, 378; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 342-243; Ward, The War of the Revolution, p. 301.

  33. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, pp. 95, 99; Wright, The Continental Army, p. 203; A Young Patriot in the American Revolution, pp. 82-83; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 97, 101, 168; Thomas Egleston, The Life of John Paterson: Major General in the Revolutionary Army, (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1894), pp. 50, 60-57; “The Good Soldier White,” American Heritage, p. 77; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, pp. 8-9.

  34. Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. 74-75; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 22-24; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 161-162, 165; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8; Ward, War of the Revolution, p. 301.

  35. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, pp. 93, 215; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 260; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, pp. 72-73; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 245; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 22-24; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 163, 391, 407; Historic plague, Quaker Meeting House, Trenton, New Jersey.

  36. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, pp. 17-10, 92-93, 214, 217, 219-220; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, pp. 72-73; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, pp. 53-54; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 165-166, 392, 478-479, 520, note 58; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 23-24, 26-27; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 264; Joseph M. Malit to author, July 20 and 21, 2010; Kochan, Don Troiani’s Soldiers of the American Revolution, p. 68; “The Good Soldier White,” American Heritage, p. 77; Ward, The War of the Revolution, p. 301; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, pp. 8-9.

  37. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 94; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 166; Haskew, ed., Great Military Disasters, pp. 11-17; Ward, The War of the Revolution, p. 301; Hart, Strategy, pp. 48-49.

  38. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, pp. 17, 98; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 124, 128, 147, 166, 162-163, 394; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 24; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8.

  Chapter VII

  1. John Sullivan Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.; Chastellux, Travels in North-America, p. 347, note.

  2. Elisha Bostwick, YUL; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 23; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 166; Hart, Strategy, pp. 48-49.

  3. Heath, Memoirs of Major-General William Heath by Himself, p. 86; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, pp. 71; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 166-168; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 24; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 151.

  4. Rose, John Stark, pp. 96-97; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 20, 24-25; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 166-168; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 152, 192, 328; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8.

  5. Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 328.

  6. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 92, 152, 168, 170; Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 74; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 276; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 9; Randall, George Washington, p. 324; Crown and Rogers, Images of America, Trenton, p. 13; History Files, Old Barracks Museum, Trenton, New Jersey.

  7. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 74; Boatner, The Dictionary of the American Revolution, p. 428; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 97, 152, 166-168, 170; Crown and Rogers, Images of America, Trenton, p. 13; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, pp. 233-234; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 9; History Files, Old Barracks Museum; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 270.

  8. Arthur St. Clair Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, D.C.: Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 95; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 239-240, 244; Rose, John Stark, pp. 95-96, 117, 156, 159; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, pp. 20, 52, 57; Wright, TheContinental Army, pp. 198; The Washington Post, September 28, 1902; Irving, GeorgeWashington, p. 335; Atwood, The Hessians, p. 93; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 152, 166-168, 170; Captain Ebenezer Frye Biographical information, internet.

  9. Chastellux, Travels in North-America, p. 76.

  10. Stephen Brumwell, White Devil, A True Story of War, Savagery, and Vengeance in Colonial America, (New York: Da Capo Press, 2004), p. 106; Ross, War on the Run, pp. 127-130, 137-138.

  11. Rose, John Stark, pp. xiii, 9-11, 23-38, 95-97, 152; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 350; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 328; Ross, War on the Run, pp. 127-130, 137-138.

  12. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 95; Rose, John Stark, p. 97; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 71; Atwood, The Hessians, p. 93; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 244; Dwyer, The Day Is Ours!, p. 257; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, p. 1206; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 94, 166-168, 170; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 20, 24; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 57; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 338; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8.

  13. New York Daily Times, New York, New York, August 24, 1854;Rose, John Stark, pp. xi-160; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 20; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 71; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 166-168.

  14. Rose, John Stark, pp. 96-97,100; Styker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 166-168.

  15. Savas and Dameron, The New American Revolution Handbook, p. 3.

  16. Dwyer, “The Day Is Ours!,” p. 257; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 71; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 166-168.

  17. Stryker, The Battles of Tre
nton and Princeton, pp. 166-168; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20.

  18. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” p. 95; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 240, 244; Dwyer, “The Day Is Ours!,” p. 257; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 168, 170; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20.

  19. Rose, John Stark, p. 100; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 251; Dwyer, “The Day Is Ours!,” p. 257; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 168, 170, 406.

  20. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 164-168, 170-171, 392; Wood, Battlesof the Revolutionary War, p. 72-73; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 260; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 279.

  21. Flexner, Washington, pp. 96-97; Lengel, General George Washington, pp. 164-168; Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 155-156; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 152; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 342-343; Kyle, American Gun, pp. 2, 10; Ward, The War of the Revolution, p. 301.

  22. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 166; Golway, Washington’s General, p. 111; Langguth, Patriots, pp. 408, 415-416; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, pp. 260-261; Monroe, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, pp. 155-156; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 343, 382; Kochan, Don Troiani’s Soldiers of the American Revolution, p. 12; Craig, General Edward Hand, p. 12; Ward, The War of the Revolution, p. 301; Robertson and Yates, eds., Block by Block, pp. 7-8.

  23. Langguth, Patriots, p. 416; Keane, Tom Paine, p. 140; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 167-168, 170; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8.

  24. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” p. 74; Billias, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, pp. 10-11, 70; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, pp. 19-20, 52, 54; Tagney, The World Turned Upside Down, p. 285; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 71; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 105; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 242, map; A Young Patriot in the American Revolution, pp. 82-83; Rose, John Stark, pp. 96-97; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 167-168, 170.; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20

  25. “Triggers, Weapons that Changed the World, Combat Shotguns,” Military Channel, May 8, 2013; Staff Writer, Blunderbuss Short-Ranged Musket (1720), internet; Larry Sands, 14th Massachusetts Continental Regiment re-enactor, emails to author, May 9 and 10, 2013.

  26. Lord and Gamage, Marblehead, p. 123.

  27. Billias, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, pp. 110-123.

  28. Billias, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, pp. 10-11; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 19.

  29. Baldwin to wife, December 19, 1776, HU; Boatner, Encyclopedia of the American Revolution, pp. 55-56; William Baldwin Biographical Sketch, Wikipedia, internet.

  30. Tagney, The World Turned Upside Down, p. 285; Billias, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, p. 12; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 71; Atwood, TheHessians, pp. 72-73; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 29; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 242; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 168, 170; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 224-227; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20; Sands emails to author, May 9 and 10, 2013; “Combat Shotgun,” MC.

  31. Upham, A Memoir of General John Glover, pp. 21, 23, 26; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 72.

  32. Billias, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, pp. 12-13; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 71: Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 251; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 158; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 343, 341; Lengel, General George Washington, p. 88; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 20.

  33. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 95; Atwood, The Hessians, pp. 49, 92-93, 95; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 240, 251-252; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 27; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. v; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 165, 170, 406; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, pp. 325.

  34. Chandler, The Campaigns of Napoleon, p. 135; Puls, Henry Knox, p. 78.

  35. Puls, Henry Knox, pp. 75, 78; Paul Johnson, Napoleon, A Life, (New York: Penguin Books, 2002), pp. 20-22, 56; Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, pp. 62. 72; Chandler, TheCampaigns of Napoleon, p. 8.

  36. Wheeler, Voices of 1776, p. 206; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 370; Griffin, Catholics and the American Revolution, vol. 2, p. 202; Puls, Henry Knox, p. 78; Philip Haythornthwaite, Napoleon’s Specialist Troops, (London: Osprey Publishing Limited, 1989), p. 3.

  37. Griffin, Catholics and the American Revolution, vol. 2, pp. 201-202; Wheeler, Voices of 1776, p. 206; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 370.

  38. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 370; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8.

  39. “The Good Soldier White,” American Heritage, p. 77; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 479; Kukla, Mr. Jefferson’s Women, p. 186; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, pp. 8-9; Puls, Henry Knox, pp. 73, 76.

  40. Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 73; Ball, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 45; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, pp. 260-261; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 166-168; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 24; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 57; “The Good Soldier White,” American Heritage, p. 77; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, pp. 4, 8-9, 13; Puls, Henry Knox, pp. 73, 76.

  41. Dwyer, “The Day Is Ours!,” p. 257; Paul Dudley Sargent, Virtual American Biographies, internet; Wright, The Continental Army, p. 15; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, p. 19; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 252; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 168; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 264.

  42. Slagle, “The von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 17; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 54; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, pp. 261-262; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 168.

  43. Bonk, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 20; Wright, The Continental Army, p. 198; Kochan, Don Troiani’s Soldiers of the American Revolution, p. 113; Sherman Family Tree, internet; Genealogical and Family History of the State of Maine, (New York: Lewis Publishing Company, 1909), biographical sketches; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 192; Craig, GeneralEdward Hand, p. 13.

  44. Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 252; Billas, General John Glover and his Marblehead Mariners, pp. 12-14.

  45. Tagney, The World Turned Upside Down, p. 286; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 154, 252-254; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 12, 26; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 170, 394; Sands emails to author, May 9 and 10, 2013; “Combat Shotguns,” MC.

  46. Gamage and Lord, The Lure of Marblehead, pp. 2-3.

  47. Zaboly, American Colonial Rangers, pp. 5, 10-11, 28-29, 44, 48-49; Brumwell, WhiteDevil, pp. 72, 83-85,

  48. Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, pp. 260-261;Wood, Battles of the Revolutionary War, p. 73; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 252; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8; Stryker, TheBattles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 392.

  49. Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 23, 26; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 245-246, 251; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, p. 258; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 261; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. 74-75; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 161,165-169, 215, 389; Ward, War of the Revolution, p. 301.

  50. Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, p. 75.

  51. Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 372.

  52. Hanser, The Glorious Hour of Lt. Monroe, p. 157.

  53. Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 23; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, p. 258; Lengel, ThisGlorious Struggle, pp. 88.

  54. Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 23; Bonk, Trenton and Princeton 1776-77, pp. 19-20; Trussell, The Pennsylvania Line, p. 226; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, p. 258; Ketchum, TheWinter Soldiers, pp. 261-262; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 246, 391; Dwyer, “The Day Is Ours!,” p. 258; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 102, 168; Lengel, This Glorious Struggle, p. 88.

  55. Retzer, The German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania, pp. 74, 87, 123, 148, 154; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 246.

  56. Retzer, The German Regiment of Maryland and Pennsylvania, pp. 78-79; John Stricker, Maryland Online Encyclopedia, internet; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, p. 239; Tucker, TheImportant Role of the Irish in the American Revolution, pp. 32-64.

  57. Trussell, The Pennsylvania Line, p. 225; Von Hagen, The Germanic People in America, p. 162; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 246.

  58. Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 23; Lengel, The Glorious Struggle, p. 88; Puls, HenryKnox, pp. 73, 76.

  Chapter VIII

  1. Slagle, “The Von Lossberg Regiment,” AU, p. 100; Johannes Reuber Journal, December 25 [26], Special Collections and University Archives, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey; Bill, The Campaign of Princeton, p. 56; Stephenson, Patriot Battles, p. 258; Ketchum, The Winter Soldiers, p. 262; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, pp. 246, 519 note 38; Dwyer, TheDay Is Ours!, p. 259; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, pp. 23-24; Burgoyne, Defeat, Disaster, and Dedication, pp. 74-76; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 166, 168-170, 215; Connelly, Blundering to Glory, Napoleon’s Military Campaigns, pp. 66-68; Lengel, This Glorious Struggle, p. 88; Chandler, TheCampaigns of Napoleon, pp. 287-296; The Good Soldier White,” American Heritage, p. 77; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 9; Puls, Henry Knox, pp. 73, 76.

  2. Reuber Journal, RU; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 519, note 38; Chandler, TheMilitary Maxims of Napoleon, p. 61; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, p. 170.

  3. Reuber Journal, RU; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 519, note 38; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 24; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 168-169; Edgar, Campaign of 1776, p. 343; Weller, “Guns of Destiny,” MA, p. 8

  4. Reuber Journal, RU; Fischer, Washington’s Crossing, p. 519, note 38; Stryker, The Battles of Trenton and Princeton, pp. 169, 366, 392; Smith, The Battle of Trenton, p. 24.


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