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by Joyce Tyldesley

and Tuthmosis II 1, 65, 66, 80, 81, 83–6,96–7,

  (and memory) 94, 117, 118–19;

  and Tuthmosis III 113–15, 224,

  (alleged feud) 80, 138, 216–27,

  (regency) 1, 97–8, 113–14,

  (shared reign) 114, 136, 210,224,

  (Tuthmosis buries) 211,214,

  (Tuthmosis’ proscription of memory) 216–26;

  and warfare 29, 137–44,174

  ‘Hatchepsut Hole’, Deir el-Bahri 221

  ‘Hatchepsut Problem’ 77–80

  Hathor (goddess) 172,173; Cusae temple 158;

  cult at Djeser-Djeseru 165, 169, 171,172, 173, 174, 175;

  Hatchepsut and cult of 76, 105, 171–3, 174, 175;

  queens' association with 46, 172–3;

  worship in Deir el-Medina 57

  Hatnofer (Senenmut's mother) 99, 180, 182–3, 198

  Hatnub quarries 39

  Hayes, William C. 79, 99, 130,234

  height, average 125

  Heket (goddess) 101, 104

  Heliopolis 29,215,228

  Henketankh (temple) 127

  Herit, princess 19

  Her-Neith, queen 44

  hieroglyphic writing 230, 231, 234

  Hippolyta (Amazon) 140

  historical background 15–42

  Hittites 27, 36, 39, 68, 227

  homosexuality 189–90

  Horemheb, pharaoh 92, 107

  Hormose (singer) 196

  horses 21

  Horus (god) 8, 58, 60, 136, 190; sons of 199

  Howarth, Jesse 213

  hunting 76, 77, 215

  Hyksos 15, 18–21, 22–5, 135,235; Ahmose expels 24–5, 26, 141;

  Hatchepsut and memory of 9, 157

  image, power of; as substitute for person or thing represented 137, 142, 188, 194–5

  Imhotep, vizier 116, 175–6

  incense 145, 146, 147–8, 151; trees 148, 148, 152, 170–71

  Ineni (court official) 71–2, 83, 116, 117, 119, 185–6; architect 71–2, 121, 159, 205

  Inet see Sitre

  Inhapi, tomb of 92–4

  inheritance law 68

  inscriptions, monumental 11, 12; see also defacement of monuments

  Instructions in Wisdom 16

  Intermediate Periods 6, 8, 235; First 34, 235;

  Second 9, 15, 18–21, 58, 235;

  Third 60, 212, 235

  Ipuwer, Admonitions of 9

  irrigation 7, 16

  Isabella, queen of Spain 140

  Isis (goddess) 46, 58, 69, 101, 199

  Isis, queen 94, 224

  Islam 223

  isolation policy 21,27

  Istabl Antar see Speos Artemidos

  Itj–Tawy 15

  Itruri 75

  ivory 145, 147, 151

  jewellery, Hatchepsut's 129

  Joan of Arc 133–4, 140, 191

  Josephus 13,230

  jubilees 109–11, 161

  Ka, royal 102, 103–4, 131

  el-Kab 24–6, 49

  Kadesh 36, 214–15

  Kamose, pharaoh 20, 23–4, 55

  Karnak temple complex 32, 34; Ahmose Nefertari and 61, 159;

  Amen, great temple of 23–4, 30, 32, 162,163, 174, 188;

  Amenhotep I's embellishment 71, 159, 162, 164;

  Amenhotep III's building at 17;

  demolition of earlier buildings 158–9, 221;

  Chapelle Rouge see under its separate entry;

  Hall of Annals 215, 220;

  Hatchepsut's building 158–9, 162–4,219,233, (see also obelisks below, and Chapelle Rouge);

  Hatchepsut's coronation 109;

  Hatchepsut Suite 164, 219;

  inscription on Mutnofret 77;

  Mut, temple of 164, 188;

  obelisks 158–9, 159–62, 164, 174, 194, 216, 221, 233;

  processional ways 107, 159, 162, 164, 170;

  pylons 71, 164;

  Senenmut and 178, 188, 194;

  stela of Kamose 23–4;

  Tuthmosis I's works 71, 158–9,161, 164;

  Tuthmosis II's works 81, 158, 164;

  Tuthmosis III's works 164, 215, 220–21;

  see also Chapelle Rouge

  Kennedy family 48

  Kerma, kingdom of 19–20

  Khabekhnet, tomb of, Deir el-Medina 57

  Khaemwaset, Prince 76

  Khenmetankh (mortuary chapel) 72–3, 75, 76, 77, 128

  Khnum (god) 101, 103, 104

  Khonsu (god) 31, 162, 170

  king lists 1, 12, 18, 224, 230, 233

  kings and kingship 6–10, 41; and Amen 3, 30–31, 32–3;

  building works 7, 40;

  children 54–8;

  continuity 6;

  coronation 106–9, 135, 174;

  display 41;

  divinity 7–10, 20, 33, 47, 64, 101–6, 134–5, 192;

  foreign, adopt traditional regalia 135;

  harems 36–7, 50–54;

  marriages 50–54, 65–9, 75;

  military leadership 27, 29;

  office/person distinction 6, 135;

  presentation and appearance 135–7;

  progresses 36–8;

  quarrying monopoly 200–201;

  and religion 7–10, 17, 30, 33, 101–6, 169;

  succession from outside immediate family 62, 135;

  tombs 37;

  women 6, 18, (see also Hatchepsut; Sobeknofru; Twosret); see also co-regency; Ka; regalia; regencies

  Kom Ombo 215

  Kush 19–20, 61, 117, 142

  labour force 7, 38

  land ownership 39, 45, 52, 54

  Lansing, Ambrose 99, 234

  law: inheritance 68; sexual relations 67

  Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of 182

  Lepsius, Karl Richard 122,232–3

  Levant 24, 26, 27, 36, 144, 210, 214–15; see also Palestine

  life expectancy 73

  literacy 88, 180

  literature 16, 39–40, 66, 123, 215

  Livia, Roman Empress 191

  living conditions 34–5

  lower classes 41, 42, 132

  Luxor 34, 102, 107, 162

  luxury goods 39, 144–5

  maat (continuity) 8–10, 88, 162; Hatchepsut as preserver 9–10, 89, 136, 146, 157, 158;

  Hatchepsut as threat to 226

  Maatkare (Hatchepsut's throne name) 13, 99, 104

  Manetho (scribe) 1, 12–13, 20, 133, 230

  Marianne of France 140

  Mariette, Auguste 11, 234

  Mark Anthony 230

  marriage: to close relations 50, 65–9, 181; dynastic 50, 51–2, 68–9;

  polygamous 50–54, 75

  Maspero, Gaston 23, 90, 127, 215–16

  matriarchy 46, 49, 67

  medicine 73, 148

  Medinet Habu 94

  Meir, Golda 139

  memory, proscription of: and Second Death 216; see also under Hatchepsut; Senenmut

  Memphis 29, 31, 36, 37, 70

  Menkare-Nitocris, queen 233

  Mentuhotep II, pharaoh 165, 167, 175

  Mentuhotep III, pharaoh 145

  Merenptah, pharaoh 53, 75

  Merenptah Siptah, pharaoh 227

  Meritamen, queen 60,62

  Meritre-Hatchepsut, queen 86, 89, 215,226

  Mer-Wer (harem palace) 54

  Merykare, The Instruction for 158

  Meryt-Neith, queen 44

  Meskhenet (goddess) 101, 104–5

  metallurgy 21

  Meyer, Eduard 79

  middle classes 39, 41, 42, 80, 181

  Middle Kingdom: chronology 235; images of pharaohs 133;

  migrations 18;

  queens 44–5; see also under the individual pharaohs

  migrations 18

  Min (god) 30, 46,107,230; Amen-Min 162

  mining 16, 39, 144, 200

  Mitanni 36, 39, 70–71, 214–15

  mobility, social 182–3

  Moeris (Tuthmosis III) 231

  Montu (od) 162

ng Places of Pharaoh (palaces) 36,37

  mortality, infant and child 73

  mortuary temples 32; see also under Djeser-Djeseru; Khenmetankh; and the individual Tuthmoside pharaohs

  mummies and mummification 72, 148; Deir el-Bahri cache 91–4, 126–7, 212, 213;

  Hatchepsut 213–14;

  pathology 23, 53;

  X-ray ageing 213; see also Tuthmosis I, II and III

  Mut (goddess) 31, 162, 164, 170, 188

  Mutnofret, queen 75, 76–7

  myrrh 145, 147–8, 151

  Naharin 70

  names, personal 13, 154

  Napoleonic Expedition 122, 231

  Narmer, pharaoh 27, 65

  Naville, Edouard 11,79, 97–8,141, 234; on Hatchepsut's memory 218–19, 220;

  on Punt 147,150

  Neferirkare, pharaoh 101

  Nefertari, queen 172–3,227

  Nefertiti, queen 5, 227

  Neferubity (Hatchepsut's sister) 175

  Neferure, princess 4, 60, 66, 86–90, 171, 175; tutors 88, 181,

  (Senenmut) 88, 177, 178, 183, 188, 207

  Neith-Hotep, queen 44, 65, 235

  Nekhbet (goddess) 46

  Nemaathep, queen 44, 58

  Neneferkaptah, Prince (fictional character) 66

  Nephthys (goddess) 69, 101, 199

  Neshi, Chancellor 116, 184, 195–6; expedition to Punt 147, 149, 150, 153

  Neskhons, Lady 92

  New Kingdom: chronology 235

  New Year's days 64, 106

  Nile, river: Cataracts, (First) 38, (Third) 70;

  inundations 18, 38;

  Mooring Places of Pharaoh 36, 37

  Nitocris, queen 233

  nobility 41, 54–8

  Nubia: campaigns 16, 23, 25–6, 27, 61, (Tuthmosis I) 26, 36, 70,

  (Tuthmosis II) 82,

  (Hatchepsut) 141–3,210,

  (Tuthmosis III) 210;

  Egyptian fortresses 70;

  gold 39;

  and Hittites 19–20;

  royal women 48;

  Semna temple 97–8;

  Tuthmosis III's monuments 113, 215

  nurses, royal 80–81, 214

  Nut (goddess) 69, 86, 199

  obelisks: Hatchepsut's 101, 119, 158–9, 159–62, 174, 194, 233, (walled up after death) 216, 221;

  Tuthmosis I 110, 119, 159, 164

  occupations 181, 183; see also army; civil service; workforce

  Octavian 230

  oil 39, 129–30

  Old Kingdom: chronology 235; images of pharaohs 133;

  queens 44–5, 172; see also the individual pharaohs

  Old Testament 134

  Opet (god) 107, 162

  oracles of gods 108–9

  Osiris (god) 8, 58, 59, 69, 162, 169; Hatchepsut's Osiride statues 174–5, 219

  ostraca 11–12, 108, 186–7, 198

  Ottoman sultans' harem 52, 53–4

  Paheri (bureaucrat, of el-Kab) 49, 75

  painting see art, pictorial

  Pakhet (goddess) 155–8, 173

  palaces 36–8, 52

  Palestine 24, 26, 82, 143, 214–15,228

  papyri 11; Harris I 152;

  Lansing 39–40;

  Westcar 101

  Pa-Ramesses 37

  Paul, St 181

  Penelope (wife of Odysseus) 191

  Penthesilea (Amazon) 140

  Pepi II, pharaoh 58

  perfumes 129–30, 147, 153

  Petrie, Flinders 79

  pharaoh: derivation of word 6

  Philip Arrhidaeus 221

  Phoenicia 144

  Pinedjem I, pharaoh 92, 126–7

  Pliny the Elder 160

  Plutarch 229

  Pococke, Revd Richard 231

  Polish Mission 234

  pottery 20, 21

  priesthood 33, 41, 56, 115, 138, 183

  princes 55–7, 58

  princesses, foreign 50, 51–2

  propaganda 41; expedition to Punt as 146;

  Hatchepsut's 2, 4, 6, 101–6, 146;

  inscriptions 12;

  military 28, 157–8;

  monuments as 9, 154, 155, 158, 174, 234; see also under religion

  proscription see under memory

  provinces: middle classes 181

  Ptah (god) 162

  Ptolemaic Period 135, 175–6, 229–30, 235

  Punt 13, 16, 145; Hatchepsut's expedition 116, 144, 145–53, 170–71, 173, 174

  Puyemre, Second Prophet of Amen 168, 208

  pygmies, dancing 145

  Pyramid Texts 86

  pyramids: and cult of Re 29, 30, 72; Giza 233, 235;

  Sakkara 96, 235;

  12th Dynasty 17, 30;

  17th Dynasty 21–2

  quarries, stone 160, 200–201

  queens 43–50, 57–62, 135; Archaic Period 43, 44;

  Old Kingdom 44–5, 172;

  Middle Kingdom 44–5;

  17th and 18th Dynasties 45–50, 57–62;

  in crisis 47–8;

  divinity 45–6;

  as ‘God's Wife of Amen’ 59–60, 62, 83, 89, 226;

  Hatchepsut as conventional queen consort 80, 81, 83–6, 100, 106, 112;

  and Hathor 172–3;

  land ownership 45, 52, 54;

  regalia 45–6;

  regencies 57–8, 61;

  titles 45, 59–60

  Quseir 145, 151, 152

  Ramesses II, pharaoh 181, 224, 235; children 50, 75, 76;

  mortuary temple 73,230

  Ramesses III, pharaoh 92, 152

  Ramesses IX, pharaoh 92,213

  Ramesses XI, pharaoh: tomb 212

  Ramesses Siptah, pharaoh 227

  Ramesseum 73,230

  Ramose (Senenmut's father) 99, 180, 182–3, 198

  Ramose, Prince 75, 76, 77

  Ramose, vizier 55

  Re (god) 13, 29–30, 33; Amen-Re 30;

  and pyramids 29, 30, 72;

  and royalty 8, 17, 46, 101, 169

  Red Sea 145, 151

  Reddjedet, Lady 101

  regalia: kings' 130, 135; queens' 45–6

  regencies 57–8, 61

  regnal years 12, 64, 100, 106, 224

  Re-Harakte, temple of 169, 175

  Rekhmire, vizier 55

  religion 29–33; Aten, cult of 33;

  folk-religion 31–2;

  funerary cults 27, 57, 62;

  kings and 7–10, 17,20, 33, 101–6;

  propaganda use by Hatchepsut 6, 9, 101–6, (see also Amen (Hatchepsut's devotion to));

  queens' offerings 61;

  sources 10;

  state and local gods distinct 31–2; see also the individual gods, notably Amen; Hathor; Isis; Osiris; Re

  Rhodolphis (fictional character) 233

  Roman Period 68, 73, 160, 230, 235

  Rosellini, Niccolo 232

  Ryan, Donald P. 214

  Sahure, pharaoh 101

  Sakkara: king list 18, 230; pyramids 96, 235

  sarcophagi see under Hatchepsut; Senenmut; Tuthmosis I

  Satioh, queen 90

  Satire of the Trades, The 16

  scribes 39, 180; see also civil service

  sculpture 16–17, 40; of Hatchepsut 130, 184, 221–2,

  (Osiride) 174–5, 219;

  as propaganda 155;

  of Senenmut 187–8

  sea travel 145, 150–52

  seals, amphora 99

  sed-festivals 109–11, 161

  Sehel, island of 142–3, 161

  Sekenenre Tao II, pharaoh 22–3, 22, 55,93

  Sekhmet (god) 162

  Semiramis of Assyria 191

  Semitic migrants 18

  Semna temple, Nubia 97–8, 100

  Senenmut (Steward of the Estates of Amen) 177–209; appearance 186–8,187;

  army career 143, 177–8, 183;

  and building programme 159, 160, 161, 177, 194, (see also Djeser-Djeseru below);

  career and titles 180–86;

  character 177;

ultural interests 194;

  death 206–8;

  defacement of monuments 179, 188, 202, 207, 208–9, 222–3;

  depictions 179, 187, 192;

  disappearance from public life 179, 206–8;

  and Djeser-Djeseru 119, 168, 177, 178, 194–6, (see also tombs (353) below);

  family and early career 116, 180–83;

  Gebel Silsila shrine 183–4, 186;

  and Hatchepsut 178, 179, 184, 189, 190–93, 205, 207–8;

  Neferure's tutor 88, 177, 178, 183, 188, 207;

  no evidence of marriage 181–2;

  and parents' tomb 99, 182–3, 186;

  popularly accepted biography 177–9;

  proscription of memory 179, 202, 222–3;

  sarcophagus 186, 199–201;

  as Steward of Estates of Amen 153, 178, 185;

  tombs, (71) 89, 90, 99, 143, 178, 181, 183, 186, 196,197, 198–203,206, (353) 90, 178,179, 181, 186,187, 192, 194, 196, 203, 204, 205–6;

  Tuthmosis III and memory of 208;

  wealth 182–3, 186

  Senenmut Quarry, Deir el-Bahri 221

  Senenu, High Priest of Amen and Hathor 175

  Seni, Viceroy of Kush 117

  Senimen (tutor to Neferure) 88, 181, 196

  Seniseb (mother of Tuthmosis I) 62–3, 175

  Sennefer, Mayor of Thebes 55, 208

  Senwosret I, pharaoh 17, 30, 145

  Senwosret III, pharaoh 17, 30

  Serabit el-Khadim 61, 89, 144

  Seraglio, Grand 52, 53–4

  Seth (god) 20, 22, 58, 69, 190

  Sethe, Kurt 78–80

  Sethnakht, pharaoh 228

  Seti I, pharaoh 223,224

  Seti II, pharaoh 227

  sexual behaviour 67, 189, 190–93

  Sharpe, Samuel 233

  Sharuhen 24, 25

  Sheikh Abd el-Gurna hill 196, 197, 198–203, 206

  Shipwrecked Sailor, Tale of the 16

  Shu (god) 60

  silver imports 39

  Sinai: campaigns 24, 113, 228; mineral resources 16, 39, 144, 200

  Sinuhe, Story of 16

  Siptah, pharaoh 133

  Sitamen, queen 66

  Sitre, known as Inet (Hatchepsut's wet-nurse) 80–81, 214

  Smith, G. Elliot 23, 90–91

  Sobeknofru, queen 18, 87, 136, 137, 226, 228, 235

  social order 41, 180–81, 182–3; see also lower classes; middle classes

  Solomon, king of Israel 68–9

  soul, survival of 72, 216

  sources 4–5, 10–12

  Speos Artemidos temple 144–5, 155–8, 156, 173, 223

  Speos Batn el-Bakarah temple 155

  stelae: Berlin 83, 100; of Djehuty 143;


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