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Falling for Dr. Kelly: A Falling novel

Page 5

by Gallie, DL

  “It means I looked after the friend like you requested.”

  “Aaaaand?” I probe.

  “And nothing. We had a drink after you guys left and then I dropped her home.”

  “Really? You didn’t fuck her?”

  “Nope, my dick stayed in my pants. By the sound of things, you had enough sex for the both of us last night and this morning.”

  Shrugging, my mind once again drifts to last night, especially when my eyes gravitate toward the hallway to the restrooms. Vividly, what went down between us in the alcove flashes before my eyes.

  “So what are you going to do?” His question stumps me.

  “No clue. Did you get the friends details at all?”

  He shakes his head but from the look on his face, he’s full of shit. Something happened last night, I’d bet my left nut on it. But I know Preston Knight; he will keep this secret to himself until he’s ready to share. That’s one of the things I love most about the guy, he is loyal to a T.

  Not wanting to bring him down with my foul mood, I say goodbye and head home to bed. Lying in my bed, I think about Avery, the one who got away. She helped me get over my blue balls, but now, it's my mind that’s all messed up.



  Cress is the bestest friend ever. Twenty minutes after I arrive home, she turns up with wine, ice cream, and a gorgeous little girl. “Lexi, how you doing?”

  “I’m good, Aunty A. I got to sleep at Nana’s last night and then this morning, Mommy took me to the park and I got an ice cream.”

  “So I can see. What flavor did you get?”

  “Mint chocolate chip.”

  “Yummo, my fav.” Her face is all sticky and there’s a chocolate splotch down the front of her My Little Pony shirt. At the moment, Lexi is obsessed with everything associated with that show. “You wanna watch some Pony while Mom and I chat in the kitchen?”

  “Yessssss,” she squeals in delight. She races into the living room and pulls out her beanbag and settles in while I switch it on. The theme song starts and I walk into the kitchen to find that my uber awesome best friend has a glass of wine waiting for me.

  “Okay, spill,” she says, as she hands me a glass of wine.

  Taking the wine from her, I take a huge gulp, followed by another. “Okay, Chuggy McChuggerson, slow down there,” she teases, as she takes the glass from me and tops it up—see, bestest friend ever.

  Looking to her, my freak-out erupts with vigor. Tears well in my eyes. My chest becomes tight. Breathing is difficult. “Cress, I’m a big fat whore,” I cry as Cress envelops me in a hug and lets me cry into her shoulder. “I slept with him so many times and it was ducking amazing.” We don’t swear when Lex is around. “It was the best ducking sex of my life. I’m surprised I’m not waddling today. When he was asleep, I snuck out, and now I feel guilty for leaving him like that. I can’t even apologize for being such a ducking whore. At least I folded his clothes before I left.”

  She pulls away, holding me at arm’s length and pulls a confused face. “You folded his clothes?”

  Nodding my head up and down, I confirm, “Yeah, when I slipped my dress back on, I picked his clothes up, folded them, and placed them neatly on the coffee table.”

  Cress laughs at me. “Only you would have a one-night stand and then clean before leaving.”

  “Cress,” I whine, “I’m a big fat whore.”

  “NO!,” she shouts, wiping under my eyes with her thumb. “You are a sexy single gal, who had a fantabulous night ducking a hot guy.”


  “NO! NO! NO! NO! NO!” she scolds. “Avery Evans, look at me.” I lift my gaze to hers. “One night of amazing sex does not make you a whore. Did he pay you?”


  “Then by definition you are not a whore, maybe a skank but definitely not a whore.”

  “Takes a skank to know a skank.”

  And just like that, all my whore fears are erased, but now I feel guilty for leaving. “Stop with the guilts for sneaking out,” Cress says, giving me the mom eye she has down pat.

  “How did you know?”

  “I know all your tics,” she nonchalantly says, she hands me my wine and this time, I take a small sip and savor the crispness of the white. “Now, listen to me, I will only say this once. You will not call yourself a whore for having fantabulous sex. You will not feel guilty for sneaking out like the harlot who I’m finally able to call my best friend. I’m proud, wee skankhopper. We, well you, are going to put last night with the sexy Scottish—”


  “You are going to put last night with that sexy Irish doctor into the flick bank and move on.”

  “I knew you were my best friend for a reason. In half—”

  “Three quarters,” she teases.

  “Fine, in three-quarters of a glass of wine, you’ve eased my fears and I feel like me again.”

  “Happy to be of service. Now, I want all the sexy filthy details.”

  Shaking my head, I take a sip. “Nope, last night is firmly locked away in my, what did you call it?”

  “Flick bank,” she offers.

  “Yes, flick bank. Last night is safely locked away there. Now, I’m going to have a shower ‘cause I smell like sex. You can order dinner and then we can watch My Little Pony with Lexi.”

  “Can’t we watch something else?” she cries.

  “Do you want to enrage your daughter?”

  “Fair point.”

  With my wine glass in hand, I step out of the kitchen to go have a shower. Turning around, I pop my head back in, and say, “Cress, thanks for being you and calming me down.”

  “You are most welcome, babe. It's not often I get to rescue you, so it's nice to repay the favor for once…even if you won’t spill the sexy schmexy details with your BFF.”

  “Love you,” I call out, as I walk down the hallway to my room.

  Cress really is the best friend I could ask for. Baylor used to share that spot with Cress, but in the last few weeks she’s changed. I don’t like the person she’s turning into, not that I’ve really seen her. She’s been MIA more times than not. I really hope she’s okay, but my gut and twin instinct tell me she’s spiraling out of control and she’s about to crash and burn.



  …three weeks later

  I’ve taken an extra shift in the ER and I’m seriously regretting it. It’s insanely busy today, and not just because we are short-staffed. It must be a full moon or something has been slipped into the water supply, because the cases today are batshit crazy and the patients all seem to be angry assholes with asshole family members or friends with them. With another chart in hand, I pull back the curtain, step in, look to the bed, and pause midstep. My eyes pop wide open when I see whom my next patient is…looks like picking up this extra shift wasn’t such a bad idea after all. With a grin on my face, I casually say, “Hi.” Stopping at the end of her bed. My eyes rake up and down her body. My eyes land on hers, but something is amiss.

  “Well, hello there, handsome,” she replies, her eyes lighting up but they aren’t as vibrant as I remember and her hair seems lighter, but the lighting in here sucks and it has been three weeks since I last saw her. “Who knew hurting myself could be a good thing,” she says, her voice deeper than I recall.

  “How are you?” I ask, not the question I should be asking right now, but this woman has constantly been on my mind for the last three weeks, hell, I’ve even dreamed about her.

  My eyes are locked on hers and my mind drifts to our night of unbridled passion together.

  The moaning.

  The groaning.

  The thrusting.

  The taste of her pussy.

  The out of this world fucking.

  The sound of our skin slapping together.

  And then I remember she skipped out on me the next day.

  Normally I don’t care, but there’s something about Avery that makes me want more.
I felt a connection with her, and I know she did too. We meshed together in every way possible, and not just between the sheets. In amongst our marathon fuckfest, we had a deep and meaningful conversation that left me wanting more. I’ve never felt that before, and then she gave me my first taste of being fucked and chucked.

  Shaking my head, I realize she’s been talking but I have no clue about what she just said. Nodding my head, so I don’t look like a complete idiot, I step to the side of the bed and place my hand on her calf, lifting up the ice pack. The spark that was there the other weekend when we touched is gone. I deflate a little on the inside, I really thought there was something between us, I guess there isn’t anything there after all. Before I get a chance to ask a question, the curtain is pulled back. “Seriously, Bay, you are such a klutz at times.”

  That voice. My skins prickles at the sound of that melodic voice. My head snaps up and I spin around. For the second time in as many minutes, my mouth drops open in disbelief.



  We both say at the same time.

  “Wwww…what are you doing here?” she stammers, her cheeks flushing as she stares at me.

  “I work here.” My eyes rake over her body. It seems my memory deceived me, Avery is more fucking gorgeous than I remember.

  We continue to stare at one another. The intensity in her gaze causes my mind to flit back to our fucktastic night together.

  Her head thrown back in ecstasy.

  Her skin glistening with sweat.

  Her gorgeous legs wrapped around my waist.

  Her beautiful tits that fit perfectly in my hands.

  The sexy sound she makes as she crashes over the orgasmic cliff.

  My cock twitches at the memory.

  The sound of her doppelgängers voice snaps me back to the present. “You two know each other?”



  We each say.

  We continue to stare at one another. I can’t believe it's her. I’m being highly unprofessional right at this moment by ignoring my patient, but Avery is here. My Avery is standing in cubicle three. She’s in front of me, in the flesh, but she’s also lying on the bed beside me.

  What the fuck?

  My eyes dart back and forth between the two of them as I try and process this. A shrill voice breaks the silence, “Oh My God, you two totally fucked,” comes from the Avery look-alike on the bed.

  “Baylor, keep it down, we’re in a hospital,” Avery snarls. The girl in the bed sticks her tongue out at Avery. “Grow up, Sis, and have some class for God’s sake. People don’t need to hear you spouting this crap.”

  “Says the one who fucked Dr. Hottie McHotterson over here.” She flicks her head in my direction. Her eyes wander over me and check me out from head to toe. It gives me the shivers and not in the good way. Her sister on the other hand, her sister causes my body to come alive just from her proximity. The woman in the bed, Baylor, her sister, licks her lips, but movement in my peripheral vision snaps my attention back over to Avery, beautiful shy Avery. She’s my polar opposite in every way but I’m drawn to her like a magnet, by a force I cannot explain.

  “Please ignore my sister,” Avery says, as she steps closer to the end of the bed…and me. “She must have bumped her head as well as rolled her ankle.” She lifts her hand and presses down on the ice pack covering her sister’s ankle.

  “Ouch, you bitch,” Baylor whines, her face wincing in pain.

  Glancing at the chart in my hands to calm myself, I look to my patient. “Baylor—”

  “Bay,” she interrupts and bats her eyelashes at me, clearly showing no respect for her sister. She totally knows something went on between us, yet she still flirts with me.

  Ignoring her, I go on, “Baylor, I’m Dr. Kelly. Can you tell me what happened?”

  She begins to speak but my eyes are locked on Avery. She’s fucking gorgeous, I don’t think I have ever met someone as stunning as her. Her shyness has returned and she’s fidgeting by the end of the bed. Suddenly, I hear Baylor and I realize, once again, I didn’t hear a word of what she just said. “Let’s take a look,” I interrupt her.

  Placing the chart on the bed, I lift the ice pack and stare at her ankle. Her very swollen, bruised, and possibly broken ankle. Reaching out, I lightly touch her foot. She flinches and groans but the doctor in me knows she’s exaggerating. “We’ll get an X-ray and once we know what we’re dealing with, we can go from there.”

  Exiting the cubicle, I walk over to the nurses’ station and request an X-ray. I’ve just signed the X-ray request form when my skin prickles. I feel her approaching, turning around, I watch and stare as Avery hesitantly walks toward me. “Flynn, I’m—”

  Shaking my head, I interrupt, “Not here and it’s fine,” I snap, harsher than I intended. She immediately shrinks into herself and I feel like a major dick. “Look, Avery. It’s fine. If you’d prefer another doctor for your sister, I’m happy to do so. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.” Where the fuck did that come from? I don’t normally give a shit if someone is uncomfortable, but I really care about this woman and her feelings. She has me acting like a lovesick fool. Once again, I realize I tuned out and missed what she said. “Sorry, can you repeat that?”

  She stares blankly at me. “There’s no need to swap. It will just piss Bay off and a pissed-off Bay is never a good thing.”

  “Your sister, seems…nice,” I say.

  She knows I’m lying. “Mmmhmpf. That’s not how I’d describe her but then again, I know my twin better than anyone.” We continue to stare at one another. Everyone and everything around us fades into the background. My eyes are focused on the angel before me. The air around us zinging with electricity, just like it did three weeks ago. “Flynn, can we get a coffee sometime? It’s the least I can do aft…”

  “After you left me high and dry after our fucking amazing night together?” I say, arching my eyebrows.

  She laughs, “Yeah, something like that.” She steps toward me, rests her arm on my forearm, and lowers her voice. “I’m sorry I left how I did. I’m not normally that rude, but I’ve never done what we did before. In the reality of the daylight, I kinda freaked out.”

  “I was upset to find you gone when I woke up.” Her face deflates. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  “How are you comforting me, when I’m the one…” She doesn’t finish her sentence, she leaves it hanging. We stare at one another. All I see is Avery; shy gorgeous Avery. It’s just the two of us, even though we are standing in the middle of the ER. That connection, that chemistry from the tavern and that night is still present. My eyes are locked on hers, my gaze bores deep into her soul. This woman who is the complete opposite to me has me wrapped around her finger. I’d do anything for more time with her. The saying opposites attract comes to mind and I’m one-hundred-percent attracted to her and definitely her opposite. I’m confident she’s attracted to me too, but she’s scared and I’m going to have to take control of the situation at hand.

  Without thinking, I blurt, “Can I take you to dinner?”



  Holy shit, he wants to take me to dinner.

  What kind of guy does that? I sneak out like a thief in the night and he still wants to see me, is he crazy? I offered for us to get coffee, ease our way into something, and then he counters with dinner. What the what? Have I been sucked into an alternate universe? An alternate freaking universe where a sexy as hell Irish god, who also happens to be a doctor, wants me. Me? Avery Evans, plain-Jane teacher. He does remember that we had a one-night stand—a freaking amazing out of this world, porn worthy one-night stand—and then I snuck out. What are the freakin’ odds that he turns out to be the doctor who treats my sister? And after ALL that, he still offers to take me out to dinner. What the what? Is this guy nuts? Oh My God, don’t think of his nuts ‘cause that’s near his thingy, his amazing thingy that gave me the most amazing pleasur
e E-V-E-R!

  I’m not sure what to do.

  I’ve never been in this situation before.

  What do I do?

  What’s the protocol when a one-night stand asks you out when you bump into one another?

  Shy me wants to run and hide and forget I ever met Dr. Flynn Kelly.

  Sex-bomb vixen me, who went home with him, really wants to go to dinner with him…and then have him for dessert. Where the hell did that kinky thought come from? I don’t think or say things like that. Crap, what is this guy doing to me? Shit, he’s staring at me, waiting for my reply.

  Before I can stop myself I blurt out, “Sure, I’d love that.” What the hell, Evans?

  He smirks at me as he grabs a card off the counter and scribbles on the back of it. He hands it to me and just like before, when his fingers brush against mine, an electric current zaps between us. The air around us sizzles with desire and lust. He leans in and ever so softly kisses my cheek, my cheek tingles when his lips press against my skin.

  “My cell’s on the back. Call me to arrange dinner,” he gruffly says, his voice sending shock waves through my body and igniting my soul. Before I can say anything, he steps away. Leaving me standing here like a lovesick fool with a grin on my face bigger than the Cheshire cat.

  Grinning from ear to ear, I turn on my heel and walk back into the cubicle where Bay was, but it’s empty. I’m guessing she’s off for her X-ray so I take a seat and wait.

  I’m thankful for the few moments of peace. My mind plays everything over and over.

  Our night together.

  The chats we had.

  The morning together before I snuck out.

  Our chat just now.

  The peck on my cheek a moment ago.

  Lifting my hand, I rest it where his lips were. A shudder runs though me. I’m so scared when it comes to this man but at the same time, I’m intrigued and excited. For the first time in my life, I want to be reckless and carefree. I’m going to go for it, what’s the worst that could happen?


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