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Falling for Dr. Kelly: A Falling novel

Page 6

by Gallie, DL

  Sitting down on the chair on the corner, I wait for Bay to return. A short while later, the curtain pulls back and she returns. She plays the princess card and flirts excessively with the orderly. The fool goes out of his way to help her back onto the bed. Sitting in the corner, I shake my head and hold back a laugh.

  Stretching my arms over my head, I stretch out my muscles and then lean back and continue watch the spectacle in front of me. How freakin’ long does it take to get someone back into a bed? Finally, she’s settled and the orderly leaves, pulling the curtain closed behind him. “You good?” I ask, when she looks over at me.

  “What do you think?” she snaps at me, “My ankle is swollen. It looks like a melon is growing out the side of it, and I won’t be able to head to Vegas with the girls this weekend. But at least there’s a totally fuckable doctor on my case.”

  My blood boils when she says this. She knows something happened between Flynn and me, but in recent, typical Bay style, she’s going to walk all over me. She’s going to take what’s mine; just like she did with my Princess Barbie when we were eight years old. Before I can tell her to back off, the curtain opens and Flynn steps in.

  He looks to me and winks, my cheeks darken and my heart begins to race faster within my chest. I’m sure if I were connected to a heart monitor, my heart rate waves would have little love hearts flashing across the screen between each beat.

  “Hey, Doc,” Baylor flirts.

  “Ms. Evans, I—”

  “Please call me Bay.” She flirts and again my blood simmers.

  “Ms. Evans,” he ignores her–score one Flynn. “As I was about to say, your X-ray shows no sign of a break, but the ligaments have been torn. You’ll be in an orthopedic boot for a few weeks to aid in recovery of the ligaments, and you will need to follow up with a physical therapist to exercise and restrengthen the ligaments.”

  Baylor leans forward and thrusts for tits toward Flynn. “Can’t you see me through my recovery?” she purrs like a desperado.

  “No,” he sternly says. “I’m an ER doctor, not a physical therapist. I’ll have you fitted with a walking boot and then you’ll be discharged.” He turns to leave and looks at me. “Ave, don’t forget to call me.” With that statement he exits the cubicle, and I sit watching the curtain flap with a goofy grin on my face.

  “What the fuck?” Bay scoffs. “He’s choosing you over me?”

  My grin evaporates at Bay’s harsh words and I stare at her. “What?” I ask confused.

  “Dr. Hottie totally ignored me and focused on you. Why?”

  Shrugging my shoulders, I try to school my face because if Bay gets wind of my feelings—not that I have any—for Flynn then she’ll swoop in and steal him like she did with Mike Ciz in eleventh grade. However, this time it will be much worse because I’ve already slept with Flynn, and there’s something building inside me when it comes to the hot Irish doctor.

  “Why?” she snarls again.

  “Why not?” I bitchily say in reply.

  “Because I’m me and you’re you. You’re a boring, quiet, shy school teacher. And I’m this…” She flicks her hand up and down her body. “Who wouldn’t want this?”

  Maybe it’s your holier than thou attitude, I think to myself. “Bay, we look exactly the same except your hair is a little lighter, so on looks alone there’s no comparison. Personality-wise…” I don’t finish that because I don’t want to get into an argument with her.

  She rolls her eyes at me. “Whatever.” She crosses her arms in a huff.

  Thankfully a nurse walks in before it can get any more heated between the two of us. She gives Bay the details she needs for her physical therapist, fits her boot, and then hands her her discharge papers.

  With the usual Bay overexaggeration, she climbs into the wheelchair and we leave the hospital. Just as we are exiting the ER, I feel Flynn staring at me from behind. Looking over my shoulder, I notice him watching me. He winks when our gaze meets and a smile breaks free. I brazenly wink back, something I wouldn’t normally do, but around Flynn Kelly I seem to do a lot of things I normally wouldn’t.

  We arrive back at our apartment and Bay heads to her room, slamming the door behind her. Shaking my head, I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a glass of wine. With my wine in hand, I walk into the living room and as I take a seat on the sofa, I pull my phone out of my pocket. Tucking my legs under my butt, I lean back into the sofa and grab the card Flynn gave me earlier. My nerves begin to jitter as I stare at the rectangular card in my hands. Pursing my lips, I umm and ahh as to whether I want to text him. I want to text him, really I do. But at the same time I don’t. I totally don’t know what to do right now. So instead of deciding, I chug back the wine in my glass. Hopping up, I refill it, and bring the bottle back with me.

  Placing the bottle on the coffee table, I sit back down and take another sip. As the delicious crisp flavor of the pinot grigio hits my tongue, I decide to throw caution to the wind–a common trend when it comes to this man—and reach out to him. Adding his number to my phone, I stare at it before I whisper, “What the hell.” And then I text him.

  AVERY - Hi, Flynn. It’s Avery. If the offer still stands, I’d love to have dinner with you.

  That leaves the ball in his court and if he decides to ghost me, then I won’t be too upset. Who am I kidding? I’ll be gutted if he doesn’t reply, but to my delight my phone beeps with a text a few minutes later. As I reach forward to pick it up, my heart rate accelerates with nerves. When I see his name on the screen, I grin like the Cheshire cat. Taking another sip of wine, I settle into the couch, unlock my phone, and read his reply.

  FLYNN: Hey, gorgeous. To be honest, I didn’t think I’d hear from you. I thought I was going to have to resort to talking to your sister to get your number. Thanks for saving me from that. How about Friday night? I’ll pick you up at 8.

  I smile at his reply.

  AVERY: Friday sounds great. I’ll meet you there.

  * * *

  FLYNN: It’s the gentlemanly thing to pick up his date.

  * * *

  AVERY: This isn’t the olden days. I’ll meet you there, just tell me where.

  * * *

  FLYNN: Let’s meet at my place and we can go from there.

  FLYNN: You remember where that is, don’t you?

  Smart-ass, I think to myself as I type my reply.

  AVERY: Yes. See you Friday at 8.

  Placing my phone on the couch next to me, I shuffle back into the cushion and find myself smiling and then I sit up straight when it hits me. Holy shit, I’m going on a date with Dr. Kelly.



  I’ve just finished my crazy, hectic, super-surprising extra shift and I’m exhausted. Grabbing my phone, I check for a message but there’s no new messages. I’m not surprised, really. As I watched Avery leave the hospital earlier, it felt like it would be the last time I ever saw her. Honestly, I’m not holding out any hope of her texting me. After changing out of my scrubs, I grab my things and head to my car. As I’m climbing in, a text comes through, and much to my surprise and delight, it’s from Avery. She DID text me, seems I was wrong in regards to her. Sitting in my car, I open her message with a goofy grin on my face and read. Normally I’d leave it and check/reply once I got home but knowing it’s from her, I can’t help myself.

  Inwardly I do a little jig as I read her reply—yep, I’m acting like teenage girl who has scored a date with the quarterback to the homecoming dance. Quickly I text back my dinner offer, and much to my delight, she replies immediately. She’s either playing coy, or safe, not giving me her address but from what I know about her, she’ll be playing it safe. She accepts my offer to meet at my place and with our date locked in for Friday, I throw my phone in the center console and head home.

  I’m stopped at a red light and my mind drifts back to our night together. Her panting and screaming my name. The glazed-over look in her eyes when she comes. Man, I really hope we recreate and add to tho
se memories on Friday. The honking of a car horn behind me snaps me back to the present. Looking up, I see the light is still green and I press my foot down on the accelerator and continue my drive home.

  On the drive, my mind runs a million miles an hour with what we can do on Friday…and what I hope happens AFTER our dinner date. Whatever happens, I’m not going to let her slip through my fingers this time. I know I sound like a sap, but for the first time ever; I’m intrigued by a woman. I want to get to know Avery Evans. I want her in my life. I need to woo her and the wooing will start this coming Friday.

  The week dragged by ever so slowly but finally, it’s Friday. And just like the rest of the week, my shift passes by at a slow snail’s pace. It’s the slowest of slow days in the ER, and normally I’m all for a quiet shift but not today. I wanted today to fly by so I could get to tonight AND then I want for evening to go slow. What the fuck is happening to me? I’m A. Going on a date and B. I’m fucking excited for said date. Never in my thirty-three years have I ever been excited for a date; actually, I don’t think I’ve ever been on a date date. Meeting in a bar to fuck isn’t a date, it’s a booty call with class. This is new territory for me. Do I get her flowers? Chocolates? A teddy bear? I don’t know what to do and suddenly I’m nervous as all hell. What is this woman doing to me?

  My shift is finally over and I hightail it out of the hospital. I brush off Preston when he asks about heading out for a drink. He eyes my suspiciously and I know that the next time I see him, he’s going to grill me…but all going well, I’ll have details to spill about a girlfriend. What the fuck? Where did that thought come from. Settle down, cowboy. Let’s have our date before I start picking out china patterns. Thinking of that, my mind drifts to Avery in a white dress, standing before me on a beach. Her hair blowing in the wind. Shaking my head, I snap those crazy thoughts from my mind, pushing them deep down, and I head for home.

  Stepping into my penthouse, I look around, and for the first time since moving in, it feels amiss. This place really needs a woman's touch and I think Avery is the woman to do that. Maybe after ravishing her all night long, I can ask her opinion in the morning…as long as she doesn’t duck out on me again. That thought frightens the fuck out of me.

  Avery Evans is invading my thoughts and changing my outlook on life. She’s an enigma and I cannot wait for our date tonight to get to know her more.



  It’s date day and I’m not as nervous as I thought I would be. When I arrived home from school, I did the full on girly thing preparing for tonight’s date. I took an extra long shower where I washed my hair, shaved my legs and nether region, and exfoliated my body with a green tea and jasmine bodywash. When I climbed out, I dried myself and then lathered my body from head to toe in moisturizer and slipped into a sexy purple lingerie set. Pouring myself a glass of wine, I blow-dried and straightened my hair. Then I stood staring at my clothes, trying to decide on what to wear. When my eyes land on the perfect dress, I grin. It’s deep plum in color, matching my lingerie—fate—and hugs my curves in all the right places. The sweetheart neckline shows off a hint of cleavage, but if I bend over, you can see my satin bra. The hem sits just above my knee and on my feet are my matte black Louboutin heels—a treat to myself when I graduated college and landed my job at Westside Elementary. Whenever I wear them, I feel confident and sexy and I need all the confidence boosting I can get, because Flynn is so far out of my league it isn’t funny, but for some reason, he wants lil’ old me.

  It’s time to leave, I’m too nervous to drive so I order myself an Uber and it arrives quickly. The car pulls up in front of Flynn’s building but I don’t move. I sit here, staring at the back of the seat in front of me. Taking a deep breath, I step out and walk toward the entrance. The doorman opens the door for me and nods hello, but doesn’t say anything. Smiling at the concierge, I walk toward the elevators, my heart excitedly racing with each step I take. Pressing the call button, the doors open and as I step in, my nerves kick in. I become a nervous ball of energy. My eyes watch the numbers as I travel up to the top floor. Nervously, I rub my hands up and down my dress a million times on the ride up. Biting my bottom lip, I let out a huge breath just as the elevator doors open. With a nervous sigh, I take a calming deep breath and step out into the penthouse foyer.

  Holding my head up high, I walk toward his door. Raising my hand, I knock. Suddenly butterflies appear in my stomach and they begin to flap their wings rapidly. The door swings opens and when I see Flynn smiling back at me, all those nerves instantly disappear. “Hey,” I greet. Hey, really, Avery?

  “Hey,” he says in reply. His eyes rake over me ever so slowly. His gaze setting my body on fire. “You look stunning, Avery.” The deep timbre of his accented voice prickles my skin. Looking down at myself, I grin, Yeah, this dress is smoking hot, thanks Cress for making me buy it. And from the look on Flynn’s face, I’ve knocked it out of the park tonight.

  My eyes roam over him, and I too like what I see. I’m lost in everything that is Dr. Flynn ohh-so-sexy Kelly, and I can’t believe I’m going out with him tonight. I feel like I’ve stepped into an alternate universe, hot guys don't fall me for. Bay? Yes. She’s confident and outgoing. Me? I’m shy and reserved. My nerves ramp up again and doubt begins creeps in. I can’t do this. I shouldn’t be here. It isn’t until Flynn touches my arm and smiles at me that everything settles down. The connection of his palm on me, instantly calms me. All those nerves evaporate and I feel like I can breathe again. We stare at one another. The air around us crackling with lust, desire, and everything in between.

  “Evening, Dr. Kelly,” I shyly offer, then I internally scold myself because I’ve already said hey. Off to a swimming start here, Evans.

  “Evening, Ms. Evans,” he says with a smile and wink.

  My panties are now soaked. We continue to stare at one another and I’m ready to say screw dinner. I want to throw myself at the man before me and ravage him. Before my craziness comes to fruition, he steps into the hall and closes the door behind him. Stepping to me, he places a gentle kiss on my cheek and when he pulls back, my skin is tingling from the ever so brief kiss. Lifting my hand, I caress the spot where his lips just were and my smile widens. “Shall we?” he asks, offering me his elbow.

  “We shall,” I murmur, as I link my arm with his.

  We spin around and make our way toward the elevator. We step into the car I just exited and as the doors close, the air around us electrifies once again. Standing next to one another, we not so subtly check the other out on the ride down. Flynn is rocking a pair of black slacks and a silver-gray button-down that accentuates his blue eyes, making them pop. His hair is styled in that sexy, messy man way and there’s a slight five o’clock shadow gracing his chin.

  The elevator arrives on the ground floor and we step out. He places his hand at my lower back and ushers me toward the exit. My heels click on the marble floor as we cross the lobby. The concierge nods toward us, and smiles. Flynn nods his head in return. “Evening, Max.”

  “Evening, Dr. Kelly.” He pauses and looks to me. “Ms. Evans.” Lifting my hand, I offer a shy wave and smile.

  The doorman opens the door for us and when we step outside, I quiz Flynn, “How does he know my name?”

  “I added you to the access list. That’s how you got up without any concern earlier.”

  “Really? Why?”

  “Because after tonight, I hope that you’ll be visiting me often.” Whaaaat?

  He places a kiss on my temple and ushers me into a waiting car. I’ve been so wrapped up in this man that I didn’t even notice the car idling at the curb. “Ohh, fancy. Do you always use a car service?”

  “Not often, but I wanted to make tonight special.”

  Entering the car, I scoot across the seat and watch as Flynn climbs in beside me. I cannot help but ogle the sexy as sin man climbing in. How in the hell am I on a date with this man?

  “Like what you see?” he cockily say
s, lifting his eyebrows teasingly.

  “Meh.” I shrug. “I’ve seen better,” I playfully reply. Wow, Avery, where is this sass coming from?

  “Really?” he counters.

  “My lips are sealed.” Mimicking locking my lips, I grin at him and wink. He smirks at me and a small laugh escapes me.

  “I’m sure I can unseal them,” he cockily replies.

  He stares at me intently and then his gaze drops to my lips. My tongue darts out and I gently bite down. “I guess time will tell.”

  “Well then, looks like I need to up my game because, Avery, since I saw you at my door, I’ve really wanted to taste you again.”

  Swallowing deeply, I look to him seductively and whisper, “Why don’t you then?”

  “Because, if I kiss you now, I won’t be able to stop, and I want to spoil you before I fuck you, plus, I wasn’t referring to kissing the lips on your face.”

  My eyes bug open at the crassness of his statement but at the same time, my insides sizzle at the thought of what will come later. Sitting back in my seat, I stare out my window and grin. I really want him to kiss and ravish me. I want him to do everything to me.

  Sneaking glances at the man beside me, my desire and want builds with each mile the car travels along the freeway. “You know I can see you staring at me, right?”

  My heads snaps to his. “How?”

  “Because I’m staring at you, lass. I’m watching your every move. You, Avery Evans, are the sexiest woman alive, and I’m lucky as hell to be on a date with you this evening.” He pauses and reaches over to take my hand in his. Lacing our fingers together, he rests our joined hands on his thigh. “When I saw you standing at my door, I was tempted to say screw the restaurant. I wanted to drag you inside where I’d feast on you for dinner, but then the sensible side of me kicked in and reluctantly but also happily, here we are.”


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