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Imperfect Truth

Page 4

by C. A. Popovich

  “Hi, Deb. I’m glad you could make it. It should be a good match. Kelly’ll be here with Pogo, and Tom’s riding his new palomino, Ginger.” Kristen led Zigzag to the waiting area of the barn and waited for Debby to unload Shadow.

  “I’m a little rusty, but I think Shadow’s looking forward to this. He loves to compete.”

  “Let’s do a practice run before anyone else gets here,” Kristen said.

  “Sounds good.”

  “I think you two will do fine,” Kristen said after their practice turn, as they walked the ring to cool down. “You looked great out there.”

  “Thanks. I’ve missed it, for sure.” Debby dismounted and bent to stretch her back.

  “When do you start your new job?”

  “Monday. I took an extra couple of days off before starting. I needed the break. It’ll be wonderful to have most weekends off now.” Debby scanned the area around the ring, searching for Alex.

  “Expecting someone?” Kristen asked. She closed Zigzag in a stall and stood next to Debby.

  “Yeah. I met a woman on that Meetup I went to last weekend, and she wanted to watch us ride today.” Debby pulled out her phone and checked for text messages.

  “So, you met someone.” Kristen grinned and sat on one of the benches lined up against the barn. “Don’t think you’re going to get away without telling me all about that, my friend.” She patted the seat next to her.

  Debby put her phone away and sat next to Kristen. She shook her head at Kristen’s expectant expression.

  “She’s just a friend. We got along well on the hike and that’s the whole story.”

  “That’s great, Deb. I’m glad you found a new friend. I can’t wait to meet her.”

  Several of the other riders had arrived and were preparing their horses for the match.

  “I guess we should get ready soon,” Debby said. “I’m going to look for Alex.”

  Her phone pinged just as she pulled it out of her pocket.

  I’m at the fairgrounds, heading for the bleachers at ring four now. A

  Debby replied, taken unawares by the tingle of anticipation at seeing the text.

  I’ll meet you at the concession area after the race. D

  She tucked her phone away and joined the other contestants, confused by her delight at having Alex there to watch her.


  Alex sat on the end of the first bench of the stands directly across from the area where Debby would be riding. She watched the horses and riders prepare for the contest and allowed the disallowed memories to flow. Mr. Ed was too old for barrel racing and pole bending, but she had won quite a few first place ribbons riding him in Western Pleasure events. Other uninvited memories surfaced, and she shut them down to watch Debby maneuver her big dappled gray through the course.

  She cheered for Debby as the match pitted her against a solid looking pinto ridden by an incredibly attractive blonde. The pinto had narrowly edged out an impressive looking Appaloosa, and she doubted Debby could beat them. Her prediction was accurate as she watched Debby race out the end of the course a full length behind the faster pinto. She considered how she would let Debby know how much she knew about horses without disclosing the past she wasn’t supposed to have. She could make something up. She was getting better at it every day, but for some reason it felt more difficult with Debby. She wanted to know her and be known by her. All of her. She pushed aside the dangerous thoughts and took a deep breath to ground herself in reality.

  “Hey, Alex. I’m glad you could make it.” Debby waved at her from a round table positioned next to a large white trailer with “fresh squeezed lemonade” painted on the side, along with a picture of a lemon.

  “Hi.” Alex relaxed into one of the white plastic chairs across the table from Debby. “It was fun watching you ride. Thanks for telling me about this.”

  “We have these events nearly every weekend throughout the summer. There’ll be a couple more before Labor Day.”

  “Well, I’m going to plan on attending them. I loved it. Who’s the blonde with the pinto? She’s fast.”

  “That’s Kelly and Pogo. It’s either them or Kristen and Zigzag who win most of the barrel racing.”

  “Is that the Appaloosa?”

  “Yep. Kristen and I’ve been friends since high school, and I met Kelly at one of these events a few years ago. They’ll probably come by here in a few minutes. Would you like a lemonade?”

  “Yeah. Thanks.” Alex pulled her wallet out of her waist pack.

  “It’s on me,” Debby said. “You can buy next time.”

  Alex tilted her head and caught Debby’s eye. She held her gaze for a moment before speaking. “I’d love a next time.”

  “Hey, Deb. Great riding today.”

  The nice looking woman who had ridden the Appaloosa strode toward them holding the hand of a woman with beautiful hazel eyes. They made a striking couple, and Alex squelched the surprise envy. The hazel-eyed woman smiled at her as they approached, and Alex relaxed. She radiated serenity, and her non-judgmental, direct gaze reflected acceptance, as if having secrets was irrelevant. She smiled back.

  “Thanks,” Debby said.

  Debby’s dark eyes sparkled when she smiled. Hazel Eyes was beautiful, but looking at Debby made her tingle. She squelched that feeling, too.

  Alex offered her hand to Kristen in greeting. “I’m Alex. You had a great ride today, too, and your horse is gorgeous.” She hesitated to say more and scrambled for an explanation as to how she knew about horses in case she asked.

  “Thanks, Alex. It’s good to meet you. I’m Kristen, and this is my partner, Jaylin.” Kristen lifted their joined hands and kissed Jaylin’s knuckles.

  “Nice to meet you, Alex,” Jaylin said. “You’re a friend of Debby’s?”

  “Sorry. I should have introduced Alex. We met at a Meetup a week ago, and I invited her to watch us ride today.” Debby had moved closer as she spoke, and Alex felt herself flush at her nearness.

  “We’re always happy to have someone here rooting for us. We’d join you for something to drink, but Jaylin has a surgery patient she needs to check on this afternoon. Hopefully, we’ll see you next week,” Kristen said. She and Jaylin waved as they turned and left.

  “Is Jaylin a doctor?” Alex sat back in her chair and watched Kristen and Jaylin stroll away. She smiled as they bumped playfully against each other as they walked.

  “She’s a veterinarian at that equine practice in Novi.”

  “She’s an equine vet?”

  “No. Sorry. She’s the small animal vet in the adjacent building. Feel like a light lunch at Tony’s? Hot dogs and burgers are the only options here, and my cholesterol level needs no assistance.”

  “Sounds good except I promised Jennifer I’d help her this afternoon. Can I have a rain check?” Alex remembered the concern over Debby’s food preference. She wouldn’t need the bologna sandwich.

  “Sure. Jennifer must be your sister. I’m looking forward to meeting her.”

  “I think you two will get along well. I guess I’ll head home now. Thanks again for telling me about this event.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.” Debby tossed their empty cups into the garbage bin and rested her hand on Alex’s lower back as they walked to the exit.

  Alex felt the heat of her touch through to her belly and shivered at the cold when she moved away to get into her car.


  Debby hung her keys on the hook by the door and pulled a cold bottle of water out of her refrigerator before settling into her favorite chair. Buddy’s loud mewling reminded her to check his food bowl.

  “All right, you. I’ve already fed the big guy, so it’s your turn.”

  She stood and winced at the shooting pain in her back. She slowly bent forward until the tight muscles relaxed. Arthritis from years of riding and too many tumbles off her horse reminded her of her forty-four-year-old body. Time for a trip to the chiropractor. She loved riding her horse and had no intention of qui
tting, but maybe it was time to slow down a little.

  Buddy purred and rubbed against her leg. She picked him up and cuddled him as she carried him into the kitchen.

  “I’ve got to get changed, Buddy. I’m going to a dinner party.” She set him on the floor next to his bowl and filled it with kibble before stroking his back and heading to the bathroom.

  Debby allowed the hot water to cascade down her back and thoughts of Alex to drift through her mind. She’d looked good today at the fairgrounds. Her highlighted hair shone in the summer sun, and she’d smiled more often than when they had first met. Kristen and Jaylin seemed to like her. Number seven on her list. Must be accepted by her friends. She wondered again why she was even using her list for Alex. They were not dating.

  She squeezed scented body wash onto her hands and cupped her breasts. She massaged slowly as her nipples stiffened and tickled her palms. She slid one hand down to her belly circling her fingertips lightly just below her belly button. But as she moved them lower, her body’s reaction to her own touch reminded her that it had been a long time since she’d hooked up with a woman at the bar. It was soft gray eyes she saw, however, that coaxed her over the edge as she shuddered, engulfed by her orgasm.

  Debby stepped out of the shower and dried off quickly, dismissing her intense arousal as a normal reaction to the fact that Alex was a beautiful woman. It didn’t mean anything.

  She decided on a pair of black slacks and white Western shirt with turquoise embroidery. She polished her boots and mentally reviewed the directions Alex had sent her. She glanced at her watch as she grabbed her keys. She’d have just enough time to pick up flowers for Alex’s sister. Never show up empty-handed or under dressed. She smiled at the old family wisdom and at the feeling of excitement.


  “Is there anything else I can do to help? I got here early so you wouldn’t be overwhelmed.” Alex sat at the kitchen table with a cup of tea watching Jen flit from the stove to the counter and back again. “You look a little manic there, sis.”

  “I’m fine.”

  “Okay.” Alex retrieved plates and silverware and set the table while Jen continued her preparations. She was about to ask when Phillip, Jen’s new guy, was due to arrive when the buzzer sounded. “I’ll get it.”

  “Hey, Joe. Come on in. Jennifer’s in the kitchen cooking and being nervous.” Alex smiled and hugged the tall deputy marshal who had been with them throughout the transition. He was the one she had yelled at in frustration when they had been moved to their third safe house. He was who they called when they needed to talk to someone who knew the truth. She could easily think of him as Uncle Joe.

  “Hi, kiddo. So little sis is nervous, huh? I’ll go talk to her.”

  “Good. I’ll make you a cup of hot chocolate.” Alex followed Joe into the kitchen where Jennifer looked much calmer.

  “It’s good to see you.” Jen turned off the burner and turned to hug Joe.

  “It’s good to see you, too. You look great.” He stepped back holding her at arm’s length. “I’m looking forward to meeting Phillip.” He turned toward Alex and continued. “And I understand you have someone you’ve invited today, too?”

  Alex shifted in her seat. “Yes. A new friend. I met her at that Meetup I attended.”

  “Well, I’m looking forward to meeting them both. I’m glad you two are moving on and settling in. Remember, I’m here for anything you need.” Joe looked back and forth between them.

  “We know that, and we appreciate it,” Alex said.

  “Yeah. We probably don’t let you know often enough how much we appreciate how you’ve helped us make our transition tolerable.” Jen spoke as she turned to the stove to stir homemade carrot soup that smelled wonderful.

  Alex left Joe with his cup of hot chocolate to answer the door. She took a step back as a tall, dark-haired man smiled down at her from the doorway.

  “I’m Phillip Donohue. You must be Alexandra.”

  Phillip wasn’t only tall and dark, but also handsome. For a man. He didn’t look like a cop. His hair was a tad shaggy and hung to his collar, not the buzz cut that most officers wore, and he had a mustache. His chocolate eyes scanned the room and rested on Joe standing in the kitchen doorway. She noticed an infinitesimal nod before he focused back on Alex.

  “That would be me. Please call me Alex.” She ushered him into the room and called to Jen in the kitchen. “And this is our uncle, Joe Murphy.”

  “Good to meet you, Phillip,” Joe said.

  “You, too. Call me Phil, please.”

  The men shook hands, and Alex got a sense of their posturing.

  Jen entered the living room just as the buzzer sounded again, but she ignored it to focus on Phil, so Alex opened the door for Debby. “Hi. Any trouble finding the place?”

  “None. You give good directions.” Debby grinned and held out a small bouquet of flowers. “For the cook.”

  “Thanks. Come in and meet her.” Alex handed the spray of mixed blooms to Jen. “Jen, this is my friend Debby.”

  “Thanks for the invitation,” Debby said. She smiled, and Alex realized how much she was beginning to look forward to that sparkle in her eyes.

  “I’m glad you could make it. Dinner’s almost ready. I’ll show you where the drinks are so you can help yourself.” Jennifer led the way into the kitchen and arranged the flowers in a vase.

  “And I’m going to fill water glasses,” Alex said.

  “Can I help with anything?” Debby followed Alex to the small dining area off the living room.

  “You can sit.” Jennifer carried in a pot of soup and began filling bowls.

  “This is great.” Debby spoke between spoonfuls of soup. “Everything’s fantastic, Jen. This salmon is perfectly prepared. Where did you learn to cook like this?”

  “I took a cooking class years ago.”

  “At the local college? I hear they have a great culinary program.”

  “Ah. No. It was somewhere else.” Jennifer looked down at her plate and took a big bite of her salmon.

  “So, do you do much cooking?” Alex faced Debby as she asked.

  “Not much. I do the basics. Baked chicken, salad, and steamed vegetables. I’m too busy with my job and my horse to have time for anything fancy. Which reminds me. You seem to know so much about horses, that I wanted to know if you’ve ever owned one.” Debby set her fork down and took a drink of water.

  “No. I just like horses.” True. Mr. Ed was leased.

  “Do you live in Northville?” Joe asked from across the table.

  “No. I have a house in Novi. I’ve lived there for most of my adult life. Where’re you from, Joe?”

  “I don’t live too far from here.” Joe ladled soup into his bowl.

  Alex interrupted the ensuing awkward silence by retrieving her pie from the kitchen. “Anyone ready for desert?” She hoped Debby wouldn’t ask any more questions.

  Alex could feel Jen’s anxiety, and her own apprehension was flaring. She looked at Phil and said, “So, tell us about your job. You must have some crazy stories.”

  To her relief, it worked. Phil started talking about various things he’d dealt with during his years on the force, and it filled the rest of the time perfectly. As long as Alex remembered to ask questions to keep him talking, and Joe did a lot of that as well, it kept away the questions that were too hard, too personal, to answer.

  Chapter Six

  “I don’t know about you, but I need a walk after that huge meal,” Alex said. “Is it all right if I stop to get Abby? She’s been inside since before noon.”

  “Of course. I’d love to meet her.”

  “Here we are.” Alex unlocked and pushed open the door, hoping Debby didn’t notice the folded gum wrapper fall to the floor. She wasn’t ready to come up with an excuse for making sure no one had broken in.

  “It must be nice to be so close to Jen.” Debby knelt to pet the bouncing dog as they entered the apartment.

  “It is. The rent’s
inexpensive here, so I told Jen about it when she was looking for a place.” Almost true.

  Debby walked through the living area, and Alex straightened the pile of yoga magazines on the coffee table as she passed. “I have a house outside of town that has a similar layout. I like walking into the living room and having the kitchen off to the side.” Alex followed her through the kitchen with Abby close by her side. “I have a back entrance to my kitchen, though. This is nice. Cozy.” Debby turned toward her, smiled, and their gazes locked for a heartbeat.

  Alex swallowed and pushed down the swift rush of arousal. “Thanks. I sometimes think I’d like a bit more room, but this works for now. Shall we walk?”


  Alex locked the door behind them and discreetly stuck a new piece of paper between the door and frame while Debby walked away from her.

  “So, is your uncle from your mother or your father’s side of the family?” Debby stopped to stretch her back after they’d walked for a couple of blocks.

  “Actually, neither.” The truth. “He and his wife have been friends of the family since I was a baby. We’ve always called him uncle.” Almost the truth.

  “Well, he’s nice. And your sister’s great. Has she been dating Phil long?”

  “Not really. I believe they’ve only had a few dates, but they seem well suited for each other.” Alex took a deep breath, hugged herself, and tried to relax in the cool of the summer evening.

  “You cold? Here.” Debby reached around her waist and pulled her next to her so their hips were touching. “Better?”

  Alex stiffened at the unexpected contact but didn’t pull away. The connection felt good, right.

  “I’m okay. Thanks.” She stepped out of the one-armed hug, gently took Debby’s hand, and squeezed. “I’m not much for temperatures below eighty degrees.” She released her hand and at once felt the loss.


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