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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 9

by Karen Deen

  “Oh. My. God. Fleur! Tell me you haven’t been to one.” I know she’s more confident than me but seriously, this is next level.

  “That’s a story for another lifetime. Now how about we get some lunch?” she mumbles.

  “Fleur, what lifetime? Your lifetime and my lifetime are the same lifetime. What the hell have I missed? I need the gossip immediately!” I give her the stink eye that secretly says I can’t believe you haven’t told me this.

  There isn’t any talking happening. A lot of playing with the hem on her skirt, crossing and uncrossing her legs. I’m waiting and not letting her out of this. The door bursts open with Hannah and Deven barging in. I’m not sure who Hannah is talking to. Just one of us or all of us. Perhaps it’s just anyone who will listen. What I do know is the chance to get the story out of Fleur is gone. That will have to wait, but not for long, that’s for damn sure.

  “You!” Hannah finally stops and points straight at me. “You are so damn cruel. Running off on me while I juggle three bags, locking a door, and coping with a five-year-old who is jumping around excited because you mentioned dessert. She wanted ice cream for breakfast before school. Because if Tilly got the chocolate topping with the cherry on top then she wanted it too. For Christ’s sake, woman. You better start talking and tell me every sweet thing that happened and with whom.” Standing in the middle of the room with her hands on her hips, I understand why Daisy thinks she’s crazy. I’m starting to think she might be right.

  “That’s my signal to get us some food. Han, are you staying for lunch?” Fleur asks as Hannah doesn’t take her eyes off me.

  “Depends if it means I get the dessert story served with my salad?” Fleur signals Deven to get his phone out to start the order.

  “Not a chance, cupcake. You’re on lunch duty, Fleur. I’m not missing out on the gossip a second time today.” Deven tries so hard to assert some authority.

  “Deven, out!” all three of us yell at the same time.

  “You are all moody cows, you know that, right? How is a man supposed to keep up when you shut me out?” He turns, huffing as he walks to the door. “You can all order your own lunches, bitches.” Mumbling, he keeps walking.

  “I pay your wages, remember that conversation,” I yell at him.

  “Whatever.” He gives me the finger over his shoulder and keeps walking.

  “Tell me again why we keep him around?” We all laugh at Fleur as she starts the lunch order on her phone instead. “I’ll sort it out and catch up when I get back. I’m sure the second time round is going to be even funnier.”

  So glad everyone is getting so much amusement out of my nightmare. Who needs enemies with friends like mine?


  How I’ve managed to get through today is a miracle.

  A total of three hours’ sleep, in the last thirty-six hours.

  Twenty-three consultations of Allison’s patients in the office then fourteen in the hospital.

  Sixteen of my own patients and then an emergency C-section to deliver twins at eleven pm just to make the day finish on an adrenaline rush.

  Not even taking into account my mystery woman.

  My head is still a mess thinking of the woman I knew as Hannah is really Matilda. The appointment this morning has thrown me.

  I woke up this morning after dreaming of a woman who ran out on me and left me wanting more. I had no idea what I did to make her take off like that. The night was perfect, and for me it was the best sex I’d ever had. Watching her lose herself beneath me was beautiful. But I still can’t rationalize the memory of screaming the name Hannah as I reached the peak of my orgasm inside her, only to find out that’s not even her name.

  Her eyes just looked deep into my soul as I took her breath away.

  Then she was gone. I finally drifted off to sleep in my apartment after leaving the hotel thinking of how I could find her again.

  Never in my wildest dreams did I picture walking in to her propped up on my examination table, half-naked.

  I’m good at my job because of my calmness and professionalism. I threw every single part of that out the window this morning. I was stunned and hypnotized by her eyes once again, only to have my curiosity turning me into a crazy idiot. The things I said to her were so not called for. Yet the guy inside me hurt at the deceit and her running off just took over. Then to have her say I had a small dick and the sex was shit, that was like a red flag to the bull. Seriously. I should have walked out and let the girls reschedule her. I should’ve known though that she had worked out who I was.

  The most annoying thing while I was examining her was, that even in the peak of my anger, how much I wanted to take her and kiss the hell out of her. Those plump lips that last night tasted so frigging good. My dick wanted to do a whole lot more, and in all the time I’ve been a doctor, never have I been attracted to a patient. I’ve now broken that rule.

  Staring at the ceiling from the bed in the doctor’s night quarters, I still can’t get Matilda out of my head. Last night she was this beautiful enchantress and today she was a strong, feisty woman who captivated my every thought. The hard part is now I know her name and all her details, I need to decide what to do with that. Professionally, I can’t use it. Personally, man, I want to.

  I need to stop thinking and start sleeping before another emergency happens and I can’t function.

  Rest assured, Matilda, I’m not done with you yet. Not even close.

  You can run, but know that I will chase you.

  Somehow, someday, we will meet again.

  “Seriously, Ally, I am going to hang up on you shortly. It’s only been a week since the stroke, and I stood in for you at the office. It was not trouble at all. I’m just so glad your mom is slowly recovering to her old self.” Sitting in the chair in my office looking out the window, I’m just relieved that everything is now heading in the right direction.

  “How are you holding up?” I ask when she stops long enough for me to get a word in.

  “I slept a full night last night for the first time since it happened, knowing she is finally out of the woods. Plus, Dad stayed at the hospital last night with her, so I know she wasn’t lonely.” Allison sighed.

  “Ally, have you met your mother? As long as she is talking there’s no way she will be lonely. She probably has every nurse in that hospital in stitches laughing at her. I’m surprised she doesn’t have a list of every eligible doctor in the place for you already.” I start to laugh down the phone.

  She groans at my comments.

  “Do not even mention that. You’ll jinx me or send her ideas through the universe. That woman drives me insane. When will she realize I don’t need a man? Well, that’s not entirely true, they are a little useful at times, but that one use does not outweigh all the other annoying habits.” I can hear her keyboard tapping as she’s talking to me on the phone.

  “Really, that’s your opinion on the whole male species? I personally do not have any annoying habits to speak of. I can assure you.” I pull the phone from my ear as she screams down the receiver at me.

  “What the hell! This is me you’re talking to, Gray. You know, the girl who spent all those years of college with you, who worked all those night shifts with you, and now I’m still cleaning up dramas after you. Want to tell me about what the hell happened with one of my favorite patients, Matilda Henderson? Why she walked out of my office calling you an asshole?” There’s silence on the phone from Allison waiting for me to reply.

  Fuck, I was hoping that would slip by Lisa’s memory or she would keep it to herself.

  “What are you talking about, Ally? Oh shit, look at the time. I have to run, literally. It’s Thursday and it’s game day with the guys.” I try to dodge her which is pretty pathetic.

  “Don’t you dare think you’re getting out of this. Did you examine my patient when you already knew her?” She was trying to be forceful but it’s not even close.

  “Well, technically no.”

t the hell, Gray, what does that even mean?”

  “I didn’t know I knew her, until I saw some evidence to the contrary,” I mumbled a little, knowing I’m about to get strips torn off me by the one person who can do it and get away with it. Well, besides my sister, who tries although I pretend to let her get away with it.

  “Oh, this is going to be good, I can tell. Spill it now, and don’t you dare try to bullshit me. What details did you see that gave you this big revelation, hmmm?” I can’t tell if she’s pissed or just pushing me.

  “Let’s just say one you will be okay with, and one you may or may not want to yell at me for. Are you listening?”

  “I’m hanging on every word and can’t wait for this,” she says sarcastically.

  “Now, now, no need for the sarcasm. Here goes.” I pause, knowing this will go down a treat. “I was doing the preliminary external examination and a birthmark on her thigh just near the crease caught my eye. It may have looked very familiar to a woman I had met the previous night, who in my defense told me her name was Hannah and we were wearing masks.” I try not to stop even though there are noises coming from Ally. “Then, the next thing that confirmed that she was that woman may have been the remains of a good time that was had by all.” I pull the phone as far as possible away from my ear. I knew she would scream but it was louder than even I imagined.

  “What the actual fuck, Grayson. You better start explaining, how could you have not known who she was?”

  “It was a masquerade ball. We both had masks on, all night, until she ran out of the room at the end.” Shit, I probably shouldn’t have added that part. “Plus, she said her name was Hannah. Now stop freaking out. It’s fine. We worked it out by the end of the visit.”

  “By working it out do you mean her walking out of my office calling you an asshole? I swear to god, Gray, you are on your own if this comes back to bite us on the ass. I hope your insurance is up to date. Luckily, I love you like a brother and you’re always there for me, otherwise right now I would be striking you off the Christmas card list. Seriously. I can’t believe you fucked her then examined her. Wait, hang on, what the hell did you say about seeing the remnants of a good time? Please tell me you did not sleep with my patient bareback? You are not that stupid, surely!” Now the penny is dropping for Ally. I was wondering how long it would take.

  “No, I would never do that, you know me better than that. I spend my days dealing with the shitstorm that creates. The fucking condom broke. Weirdest fucking thing ever to see that in there. Never will that vision leave me. So freaky.”

  “I forgot how disgusting men are and you have just taken the cake. Thank god Matilda is far more responsible than you and takes her own precautions. Lord knows this world does not need any little Graysons running around. Especially if I have to deliver them. I’m not sure my love extends to bring into the world the devil’s spawn.” Now she’s starting to giggle.

  “Wow, I’m so offended right now. Imagine how cute he would be. Plus, the world always needs more geniuses. If it’s me that needs to step up to provide them, then it’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make. Now you can calm down because I am sure Matilda is fine and you have nothing to worry about.” Looking at my watch, which is now vibrating against my arm, I see it’s time to move.

  “As much as I’m enjoying this little chat, I really need to go. You know how Lex gets if I’m late to anywhere.” Standing while I’m still talking, I walk into my office bathroom to change. Putting her on speaker, I listen to the lecture of don’t go anywhere near Matilda or use her information for my own purpose.

  “Yes, Mom, now go sort out your life and call me with any questions later that you have on my notes. Love to your mom, and tell her I’ll be in over the weekend when I’m off shift.”

  “I’m serious, Grayson,” Ally yells down the phone.

  “Oops, bad reception, can’t…you…go…love…” I hang up to her laughing and giving me shit.

  Ally is like my sister that is old enough to almost be the mother that I need sometimes. I love her dearly, just not the kind of love that keeps you warm at night.

  With my crazy life as a doctor, I’m not sure I’ll ever be lucky enough to find that.

  Currently I don’t know if I could even manage a relationship.


  That’s not to say I don’t want it.

  Who doesn’t need to feel loved?

  It’s been a long time.

  Chapter Seven


  “You work the closest and you’re always the last one here. Seriously, dude.” Just as I knew he would, Lex is into me for being thirty-five seconds late.

  “Whatever. Ally was on the phone and giving me a grilling. Have you ever tried to stop her in the middle of a rant? I doubt it. Try it someday and then come talk to me. Now let’s play ball,” I tell him.

  “I bet I could stop her from talking,” Tate yells from across the court, thrusting his hips at me. I just glare at him as he chuckles to himself and starts off down the court with the ball. They all know how protective I am of her, along with my sister. He does it all the time, just to get me going.

  “Yeah, start running, it’s safer.” I sprint off to chase him down. I need this. Burn off the irritation that’s mounting. Partly from the woman who just screamed at me several times and the other part from the woman who visits my dreams at night and I know I fucked up with. Both are as frustrating as the other.

  “What is with you today, man? How are we supposed to win if you aren’t concentrating?” Mason squirts water at me from the fountain.

  “Sorry, Mas, you should have traded me for another pick early on in the game.” I laugh knowing there is no reserves bench.

  “Trust me, I would if I could. Want to share your shit mood?” The boys all stop as Mason walks back to the park bench we’re all sitting on.

  “It’s a long story. Not sure we have time right now. We all need to tap out in the next five minutes.” I can imagine as soon as I tell them, that the jokes will last for hours. Maybe I should blurt it out now and get it over and done with.

  “I’m in surgery this afternoon so I’m out now. Who’s around tomorrow night, dinner and beers?” Tate looks around.

  “Good for me. I’m on mornings so I’m free. How about you two?” I ask.

  Both Mason and Lex are nodding.

  “Great, let’s meet at Timothy O’Toole’s Pub at seven. That work for everyone?” Tate starts backing away as we all agree and starts his run back towards the hospital. I’m off for the rest of the afternoon now, so I think I might go for a run to make up for all the time in the gym I’ve missed, working solidly for the last week. At least tonight I know I’m going to get a full night’s sleep without being called into the hospital. I’m off the on-call roster for the next week, which is heaven.

  Thinking now an hour later and at the end of my run, it was probably a pretty stupid time of the day to head out. The heat and humidity have me nearly dying as I walk back into my office. I look like I’ve been swimming instead of running, with how wet I am. Sweat is running down my face and my tank top is saturated. Maybe tomorrow the gym might be a far better option. When I pass by my secretary, the little giggle and stupid grin let me know something isn’t quite right. Between my game with the guys and my run, I’ve been gone nearly three hours, I’m starting to wonder what I’ve missed.

  “What’s going on, Catherine, should I be worried?” I keep walking only hearing her trying to hold in her laugh.

  Grabbing a cold water bottle out of the bar fridge in the hallway, I turn the corner into my office, and it all makes much more sense.

  “Damn, Allison. Bet you think you are so fucking funny. Well, my girl, you will pay for this one,” I say out loud to no one as I walk over to my desk to the bouquet of condom balloons, all different colors and sizes. There is a card which I’m sure will be just as hilarious.

  Dear Grayson

  Just in case you slept through this college class,<
br />
  this is what a condom looks like.

  Save the universe from little Grays

  and make sure you use them.

  From the doctor who cares

  but also wants to hurt you A LOT

  Ally xoxo

  All I can hear is Catherine losing it outside my office. I turn to see her videoing my reaction.

  “Remember who pays your wages, Catherine.” I laugh as I give the phone the bird. “That’s for you, Ally. Just remember karma’s a bitch, my friend. One day it will come back and bite you on the ass, and I hope I’m there to laugh the loudest.” Catherine disappears, and I’m sure that video is already shooting across the internet to Ally’s phone as we speak.

  “That better not end up on any social media, missy, or there will be trouble,” I yell out to her desk.

  “Not me you have to worry about,” Catherine yells back as I hear her typing away on her computer a message which I’m sure is to Ally.

  I must admit, it’s pretty clever. I can’t even imagine where she got this from and I’m not sure I want to know. Or how she got it here so quickly. Now the next challenge. How to get it out of here and home? I’m not sure it’s the right look for a professional gynecologist’s office.

  “Catherine,” I call, “I think I’m going to need your help with these condoms.” Oh shit, that didn’t come out right. “I mean packing them, not using them. Sorry.” Again, there’s a fit of laughter coming from her desk. Oh man, how the hell am I going to live this one down? Wait till the boys hear about this. No point hoping they won’t. I bet Ally will send them the video just for the fun of it. Come to think of it, she probably already has.

  It's going to be a long afternoon. Thank god Tate is in surgery for a few hours. So at least that will keep my phone from blowing up with stupid memes. One day I’m sure he will grow up, I just can’t see it being anytime soon. Wait until tomorrow night when they hear the story that prompted the present from Ally. Maybe I need to fake sickness and hibernate. It sounds like a good option.


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