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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 23

by Karen Deen

  I look at myself in the mirror again, cheeks still flushed. I need to get to work.

  “Time for me to shower and get to work.”

  “Ughhh, seriously, you are a cruel woman, Tilly.” Gray laughs at his own words.

  “You, on the other hand, have a dirty mind. Now I need to shower and be out the door on time. I don’t want to be late tonight. I have a hot date with this guy. Some doctor who I literally picked up one night off the floor.”

  With that, Gray is laughing loudly down the phone and I know I need to finish up.

  “Can’t wait for my first clue. Now go shower yourself. I have visions of a dirty little boy lying on his bed covered in his own sticky mess.”

  “You got it, boss lady. Have a good day and enjoy your date with the hot sexy doctor. I hear he’s alright.”

  “I’ll be the judge of that. Now go. Oh, and by the way. Another for your list. First phone sex. Amazing.” I don’t give him time to respond otherwise I’ll never make it to work. Hanging up, I start the shower, jumping in to freshen up, ignoring Gray as he’s calling me back. I’ve got to get organized and off to work to start what will be a special day. I just have this gut feeling about it.

  Arriving in the office, I fill Fleur in about TJ, and we call him together on speaker phone. He tells us about last night and the surprise news that Gray left out. I know he couldn’t tell me, but I’m also glad because it was TJ’s news to share. When things settle down a bit, we need to have a good talk to TJ and Talesha and see how we can help. Maybe she can do some clerical work from home for us. We’re going to need more office staff as we grow, so it could help us both. In the meantime, the fact they are both safe is all that matters

  “Gray is one hell of a guy, Matilda. I am still in shock. I don’t deserve it, but he made me promise that one day I’ll pay it forward. You know I will, as soon as I can.”

  “I can’t think of anyone more deserving, so stop that nonsense. We all know you will when the time is right. Now just take care of your family and get Talesha better so she can start growing that little bean for us to be able to spoil.” I try to let TJ know that Gray wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t believe he deserved it.

  “Better be a girl, I want to shop for pink frilly things this time,” Fleur pipes up from beside me.

  “Haha, let’s just wait and see. That’s a while away yet, so don’t get too excited with the shopping trips.”

  “Argh, have you met me? Shopping is my middle name. Any excuse is a good excuse.” TJ and I both laugh at Fleur who is being serious.

  “Yeah, we get it, Fleur. Anyway, we better get some work done, we have an event to get sorted for tonight. Plus, I have a date with Gray. Not that I know anything about it yet. I suck at surprises. You know I like to know exactly what’s going on.” They both start to snigger. Wait, they know something by that reaction.

  “What the hell is going on? Spill the details now or you are both struck off my Christmas card list.” I’m staring at Fleur with my best intimidating look, which is obviously useless as she laughs and tells TJ I’m giving her the stink eye.

  Neither of them is giving much away, and it’s killing me.

  “I have to go and head to the hospital now, but I do have a message from Gray for you, Tilly.” TJ makes me hold my breath.

  “Clue number one. Dress casual but pack a bag with a change of clothes. Enjoy, bye.”

  “What was that? He hung up. What does that even mean! Fleur, you better tell me what’s going on. No secrets, bestie, remember?”

  Fleur is waving her finger in front of my face.

  “Uh, uh, uh I’m not being blamed for ruining the surprise. Just suck it up and enjoy the fun. You wanted him to date you and sweep you off your feet. You need to let the poor guy do it. Now write it down on this sheet and wait for the next clue.”

  She slides a handwritten sheet to me.

  Matilda’s FIRST date with Grayson

  Clues to find the treasure





  Prize: The man with the biggest ego in town. Dr. Grayson (Gray) Garrett as your slave for twenty-four hours. To be used however you choose.

  I can’t help but laugh out loud. The man is a lunatic.

  “Yes, your boyfriend is pathetically soft. Wonder if his friends know about all this,” Fleur yells from her office, where she is just sitting at her desk.

  “Don’t you dare, Fleur. I will kill you.” I sit writing my first clue on my paper.

  I have no idea what the clue means but I can’t wait for the next one. I need to message him.

  Tilly: First clue received

  Date commenced.

  Game on.

  GG: First guess?

  Tilly: No idea. Driving me crazy.

  GG: Mission accomplished. Have fun

  Thank god we have an event today to occupy me. Otherwise I will go crazy trying to piece this together. I try to get through my morning paperwork that needs to be done while working on some plans for upcoming functions. I look over a few things for Grayson’s foundation, but there are some questions about things I need to talk over with him. I know if I call him now, he’ll think it’s an excuse to get a clue out of him.

  Even though I have been working, my mind is still on my first clue.

  Why will I need a change of clothes? Will I get sweaty, dirty, wet? The list is endless. Or does he mean a change of a different sort of clothes, like casual to dressy? I want to message him to explain, but I know I need to be patient. Not my strong suit.

  Deven and Fleur are both calling out to me to grab my things and hurry up. We need to head to today’s job. We’re down TJ and have called in his second-in-charge to cover him. It’s a smaller function, so she should be fine with Fleur there guiding her too.

  As I get to the door, here is Deven holding out a bright red juicy apple to me.

  “Clue number two.” He waves his hand all around the apple like a game show hostess. “This is dessert for part of your date.” Then he hands it over to me with a smile.

  “What does that mean?” I scream at him. “Come on, Deven, I won’t tell him.” I grab him lightly on the arms and pretend to shake the answer out of him.

  “As if he would be stupid enough to tell me anything. Everyone knows my loose lips sink ships…or plenty of seamen. Whichever you think works.”

  “Ugh.” Both Fleur and I groan at the same time.

  I stand staring at the apple for a few minutes. I’ll give him one thing. He wasn’t joking when he said he was good at this. I know my date is great but just a totally different thing to this. As frustrating as it is, I love how much effort he’s gone to and how hard he’s thought about things. I take a deep breath and smile at my friends.

  “You’ve got to admit, he’s pretty cute. Who would have thought from those first few meetings when he was such an asshole?” They both look at me, roll their eyes, and walk out.

  “What, are you two jealous?” I scurry along behind them.

  “Yes,” Deven cries.

  “Not a chance,” Fleur tries to get me to believe.

  We’re all still laughing about it and trying to put together the first two clues as we walk through the foyer. We wave at Cecil who is already opening the door and hailing a cab for us.

  “Watch out for crazy running men, Miss Henderson. Luckily he caught you that day.” He chuckles to himself as we step out onto the sidewalk.

  Little does Cecil know what he witnessed that day. He certainly caught me. Hook, line, and sinker. I just hadn’t worked it out at that stage.

  The function is set up earlier than expected. That’s always a bonus. Fleur calls me over and says there’s one box left sitting on that table over there.

  “Can you check what it is and deal with it? Then you should leave. Go home and get ready for this super date.” I’m walking across the room when I notice it has a number three on the top of the box. I turn to look at her, and she smiles and walks
away, making herself busy. It would seem Grayson has everyone in on this date. The only one that has no idea what’s going on is me.

  I lift the lid to reveal a small blanket in the bottom. Two roll pillows and a box of popcorn. Sitting on the top of everything is an envelope with Gray’s writing again.

  My Little One,

  Your wish is my command

  Slow is the name of the game

  This box contains necessary equipment for your magic carpet ride.

  See you soon

  GG x

  P.S. the date starts earlier than you think so get a move on.

  I’m done with wasting time.

  My head is spinning. Nothing seems to link together. The clues are so cryptic, he’s not making it easy. All I know is I need to take my box of goodies and get to my apartment. There’s no time on the note, I just know I need to be ready earlier.

  “Fleur, do you know anything? I’m going crazy,” I yell across the room. She isn’t there and all I can hear is laughing from the kitchen.

  “Get out here, woman, right now. You are Team Tilly not Team Gray.” My box under my arm and my bag over my shoulder, I turn to go and find her when she comes through the swinging doors smiling.

  “For god’s sake, did he at least tell you what time I need to be ready?” I’m almost pleading with her.

  “Nope, my job was to deliver number three. That’s all I know.”

  “Oh, for fuck’s sake. You are all scratched off the best friend list. Don’t you dare expect a message after the date because I will be as radio silent as you all have been. You all suck.” I stomp out the door in a panic I’m going to be late. Plus, I have no idea what to wear, or take as spare clothes.

  Sitting in the back of the taxi on the way home, my palms are sweaty. I have butterflies in my stomach. I feel like a young girl on her first grown-up date. Why am I surprised? This is what I asked him for. To slow down, to feel special. Get to know each other. Make an effort for more than just sex. I was just expecting a few dinners and maybe a stroll in the park. Grayson always seems to make everything bigger and better. He has told me jokingly, many times, how he excels at everything. Now I’m beginning to think he means it. I need to share this excitement. I know I don’t do it often enough because life is crazy, but there’s one person I can count on who will really understand me, understand how important this is to me after everything I went through. I push the contact in my phone.

  “Hello, my beautiful Matilda.” My mom’s voice almost brings tears. I miss seeing her.

  “Mom, I’m sorry I’ve been busy. I know I’m a terrible daughter.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t be silly. Your business is growing, and it takes a lot of energy.”

  “Thank you. How are you and Dad? Is he out in the garage working on the car?”

  She laughs in the phone. “Tilly, you know your dad. Where else would he be? We’re both doing just fine. What’s happening in your world? How are you and Fleur? Everything okay?” Mom is just running through the normal questions.

  “I met a man. Grayson. I’m going on a date tonight, but he’s already technically my boyfriend and I panicked, so he’s slowing things down for me, but I think it’s too late, Mom. I think I’ve already fallen, and I don’t know how to deal with that.” I can’t stop and everything is pouring out.

  “Slow down, sweetheart. Take a big deep breath and start again. You have a boyfriend whose name is Grayson.” She’s waiting for me to fill in the blanks. I look at my watch knowing I’m running out of time until I will be home. After telling her the brief story of what has happened, there’s a silence at the end of the phone.

  “Mom, are you still there?” Then I hear a little sniffle.

  “Mom, what’s wrong?” I ask, wondering what I said to bring tears.

  “I’ve waited so long for this. A phone call that has you so scattered you don’t know which way is up or down. You’ve found your one. I don’t even need to meet him, I can hear it in your voice. You thought you loved Henry, but it wasn’t even close. It took the right man to show you that. I can’t wait to meet him. Don’t wait too long before you bring him home. Your dad will want to meet him. You know how protective he was after your heart was broken.”

  “He makes me smile, my heart flutter, challenges me, and opens my eyes to things I haven’t seen before. We have this connection that is like no other. But how do I know for sure? I’ve been wrong before. I don’t want my heart broken again.” The taxi is getting close to home now.

  “Honey, you already know. Before you even called me, you knew in your heart. There is no way you would have let him this close if you were truly worried. You just need me to remind you that you deserve this. It’s time to let someone in, Tilly. Not just a little way, but the whole way. Right to the center of your heart. The place that only one soul ever fits. Grayson’s soul.”

  This time I have tears running down my cheeks as we pull up to the curb outside my apartment block. “Thanks, Mom. You knew just what I needed. It’s time, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Matilda, it’s your time. Now go and enjoy this amazing treasure hunt date he has planned and call me tomorrow to tell me what in god’s name everything means. I’m good at crosswords, but puzzles do my head in.”

  I wipe the tears and pay the driver, grab the box and step out of the taxi. Putting the box down for a moment, I put the phone to my ear again.

  “Love you, Mom, and thank you.”

  “Anytime, Tilly, just maybe a little more frequently might be nice.” I giggle and agree to call tomorrow.

  In a world of my own, I rush out of the elevator towards my door to find another note stuck to it, with a big number four drawn on it with colored pencils. It is decorated with flowers, hearts, and a few puppy dogs. Well, they look like dogs let’s just say.

  Placing the box down, I pull the envelope off the door which says:

  Read before you open the door.

  My darling Matilda,

  Not having any control of this is hard for you, I know.

  Just think back to that first night when you let go.

  Tonight, I want you to let go of Matilda who needs structure.

  Get dressed in the clothes we have left you and bring the bag.

  I have the key to the lock so no peeking.

  Remember what it felt like that night of pure mystery.

  Let tonight be one of intrigue.

  This time I’ll show you how a true date of firsts should be.

  You have fifteen minutes until your car arrives.

  Don’t be late.

  I’ve waited long enough for you to come into my life.

  I don’t want to waste a minute more.

  GG x

  I can’t breathe. I feel faint from the emotion that’s running through me. I didn’t even hear Hannah open her door or come up behind me. When she put her hand gently on my shoulder, I jump with a little squeal.

  “It’s just me.” I turn and fall into her arms.

  “Hey, why are you crying?” Hannah laughs at me.

  “Because I’m so happy. I know I’m crazy. He’ll kill me when he finds out he made me cry. Don’t you blab!” We both hug tight and then my brain remembers the time limit.

  “Oh god the car, fifteen minutes he said.” Fumbling with my keys, Hannah takes them off me and opens the door. The noise of my door opening then brings Daisy out of her place with another box.

  “I’m not allowed to open this. Dr. Gray said they are special for you. For your date. He said this will be dessert.” I blush and Hannah can’t stop laughing.

  “Okay, Daisy, we’ve done our part, now we need to let Tilly get changed and not miss her ride for her date.” She leans in and gives me another quick hug.

  “The universe did good, Tilly. He’s a keeper. Enjoy.” She then pushes me in the door of my apartment and closes it behind me. Rushing into my room, I realize Gray must have had Hannah’s help with my clothes, using her spare key.

  Laid out on the bed i
s a pair of denim cut-off shorts with a white shirt. A navy stretch tank top for under the white shirt. My flat brown shoes and a broad-brimmed floppy straw hat. True to his word, the bag next to it is full but locked. Then next to it is another bag with a note asking me to fill it with all my clues. It’s then I remember I haven’t opened the last box.

  This one I have a little idea what it could be, so I decide to keep it a surprise for later.

  Standing in front of the mirror, dressed and ready, I take a photo and send it to Grayson.

  Tilly: First time I’m lost for words.

  Ready when you are.

  The dots are typing straight away.

  GG: So beautiful you stole my words too

  There is a knock at the door as I open the message. I know it’s him.

  I almost run to open it.

  I throw myself into his arms.

  “Welcome to your first date, baby.” He grabs my face and kisses me with so much pent-up emotion I know there is no way he’s going anywhere when this night is finished except straight into bed with me. It’s a given.

  “I’m so grateful the universe brought you to me.” I can’t wait to tell him.

  “Me too, little one. Me too.”

  He kisses my nose and picks up my bags.

  Time to solve his treasure hunt.

  Even though I already have my prize.

  Standing right here with me.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I don’t know how I managed it, but the vision of beauty standing before me tells me I have succeeded in my surprise clues.

  Her flushed cheeks, the sparkle in her eyes, and the smile that lights up her face. I have achieved what she wanted. To be swept off her feet and feel the exhilaration of that first date. Me being the overachiever I am, I may have supersized this first date. At our age, it needs to be bigger than a date at the burger bar and a drive up to make-out point, for some kissing and a bit of groping if you’re lucky.


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