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Gorgeous Gyno

Page 24

by Karen Deen

  “Are you ready, baby? I have a fun date in store for us.” I stand there with her bags at her door.

  Her giggle tells me she’s excited.

  “Gray, this date started at one minute after midnight this morning. You have had me smiling, laughing, crying, yelling, and maybe a little moaning during the day. I feel like we are just building to the climax.”

  “You have such a cheeky way with words. Let me assure you there will be a climax, that’s a given. Now the car is waiting for us, so let’s get moving.” I stand back so she can lock the door and start walking towards the elevator. I turn to wink at Hannah and Daisy who are spying through a crack in the door. I mouth thank you to them and I hear Daisy giggle and Hannah telling her to shush while giving me a little wave. With that, their door is closed, and I am off behind Tilly again admiring that cute ass. The one I love in a business skirt, but right now, lordy. Those daisy dukes are hot and definitely doing it for me.

  “Can you give me a little clue, please?” She bats her eyelids at me in the back of the hired car.

  “I did, you’ve had four. Not my fault you haven’t got it yet.” She does this cute little pretend pout on her face.

  “Okay, just because you look so cute. Let’s just say when I think of first dates, the ones that make you all nervous, it makes me think back to my childhood. So, we are going to revisit that time for both of us. That simple first night of fun and trying to do things to make me look good and win you over.” This is so much fun, having her hanging on every word yet not really giving her enough to work anything out.

  She throws her head back against the seat and just sighs.

  “You are killing me, Gray. I give up.”

  “You can’t give in yet, the date and night are just beginning. Come on, I don’t take you for a quitter. Start thinking outside the box.” I can see her looking out of the car trying to work out where we are and what direction we’re heading. I have deliberately asked the driver to go a different way than the normal direct route just to make it harder. The added bonus is I get to spend a little longer with her nice and close in the back of the car.

  As we start to get closer, the skyline opens to see the giant wheel. Her eyes widen. I can see her starting to piece together stage one.

  “Navy Pier, you’re taking me to Pier Park to the sideshow rides. I love the Pier. How did you know?” She’s bouncing up and down in her seat.

  “I didn’t, but it makes it even better that you do. You ordered slow, and to me that meant you wanted the fun and flirty times that go with teenage dating. So here we are, your first stage of our date.”

  She looks at me a bit shocked.

  “This is just the beginning. I have lots in store for you.” With that, I step out of the car and take her hand to help her out too. She goes to get her bags and I stop her.

  “It’s okay, they’re being taken care of. I’ll race you to the carousel; we should start off mild and work up to the Light Tower.” Knowing she has a competitive streak like me, she’s off running before I can even blink. I catch her quickly and pick her up one-armed around the waist. Whirling her around as we both laugh, I lean down for a quick kiss. Hand in hand we then proceed through the gates and onto enjoying the rides.

  A few hours have passed, and we’re taking our last ride on the Centennial Wheel. The sun is just starting to slowly set as we cuddle enjoying the views over Lake Michigan and the buildings of Chicago.

  “The view is so beautiful from up here, especially at this time of night.” I know she’s talking about what she’s seeing outside the glass walls. For me, the most gorgeous view is right here beside me.

  “Yeah, little one, the view is stunning.” I kiss the top of her head while we just enjoy the silence. That is part of the thing that makes Tilly so right. We don’t need to always talk. Just sitting in the quiet can be just as soothing.

  Exiting the ride, she looks up at me and just smiles.

  That simple gesture is perfect.

  “For your list. First kiss on the Centennial Wheel and first, first date at a carnival. Nice work, Grayson. You’re winning already.”

  We’re both laughing as we head to the exit gates with our bag of cotton candy and carrying the big stuffed fluffy dog I won on the strongman in the carnival games. Of course, I will be boasting about that for years to come.

  “We can skip the rest of the date then?” I ask her, stopping her from walking and turning her towards me.

  “Not a chance, I need to solve this puzzle!” I take her hat off her head and kiss her on the forehead. Holding her face in my hands, I leave my lips on her for a moment, soaking in the feeling that’s between us. She lets out a quiet little sigh.

  Pulling back, we both show the words that aren’t yet spoken, purely with the looks in our eyes.

  “Turn around for part two then, and see if you can work out the clue.” Her excitement has her spinning instantly to see our transport to the next destination.

  “Oh my god, Grayson!” she squeals.

  “Finally, someone acknowledges my status in this world,” I try to say, but I’m not sure I was heard over the squealing and then her leaving me for dust and heading straight to the horse and carriage waiting for us.

  Watching her closing her eyes as she cuddles into the horse tells me part two is a winner too.

  “Tilly, meet Pepe and our driver Tony. Pepe is sharing our date with us for a little while. He will be working hard to take us to our next bit of fun for the night.” That’s when I see the lightbulb moment in her eyes.

  “Aha, the apple for dessert is for Pepe. His reward. Very clever and so cryptic. I’m never going to win puzzle games against you. I bet you can solve those mystery novels by halfway through the book too. That’s why I stick to my romance books. There is nothing wrong with the imagination side of my brain.”

  “You’re getting closer to the prize now, baby. Just so we’re clear, though. While I’m around, you won’t need an imagination. The real thing is always ready and willing. Now let’s not keep Pepe waiting for his dessert.” I wink at her as I help her up and into the red open-air carriage. The seats are red leather and the carriage is beautifully restored with the old-world brass lanterns on the side, a black roof that sits behind our head ready to pull up if it rains. In all the time I’ve lived here, I have never taken a carriage ride. Tilly is ticking her own firsts on my list too.

  I pull her in tight next to me and we just enjoy the soothing sounds of the horse hoofs as they trot along the street. Being a Friday night, the street and roads are busy, however the hum of a busy city in a way can be soothing too. After a while, we fall into a little chatter about different sites that after living here for a few years Tilly still doesn’t know much about. I’m happy to be her tour guide. Having grown up here, I love Chicago. It has a special feel to it. The people, the places, and the opportunities are amazing. I know I’m biased, but traveling over the years, I always love to come home. Looking down at my girl snuggled in, I finally realize I was missing a piece to my personal puzzle. Now my picture is complete.

  Pulling to a stop outside Millennium Park, Tilly sits up still looking a little confused.

  “Gray, I don’t have my bag to give Pepe my apple.” She looks a little sad.

  “Do you really think I would let a little detail like that slip? Come on, give me credit.” I step down and take her around the waist, lifting her into me for a sneaky cuddle before I slowly put her down.

  “Any chance you get, Dr. Gray, you are hopeless.” I don’t see her complaining though when I wrap her in my arms.

  From behind her, she hears a voice.

  “Here is your bag, Mr. Garrett. The rest is set up and waiting as requested.” The look on her face is priceless.

  “What now? I’m not sure I can take many more surprises.”

  “Sure you can. I have it on good authority that the heart is a strong muscle. It can take lots of fun for hours at a time.” I wink to her and then take the bag from the gentl
eman, thanking him, and I earn a slap on the arm for my comment from Tilly. Doesn’t hurt to keep the thought in her head. I am a mere male, after all.

  I unzip the bag to reveal her apple sitting right on top. Passing it to her, she takes time to nuzzle with Pepe and give him his reward. It is obvious she’s spent time around horses before now, the way she’s standing and handling him. I snap a picture of her with the chestnut’s head bowed and her eyes closed as she kisses him on the nose. This woman does not have a mean bone in her body, I’m sure of it. Her goodness shines through at every opportunity.

  Giving her the time to enjoy her cuddle, Pepe then starts to get a little restless and we thank our driver as he guides the carriage out into the traffic again.

  “Now where are you taking me to, sir?” She’s almost in another world now living on her happiness.

  We start walking into the park, heading for our destination.

  “Do you remember your third clue?” I ask as she whips out of her back pocket her list I gave for her to fill in.

  “Always come prepared is my motto. But I remember it word for word anyway. I’m trying to put it together with being in the park.” She starts talking to herself out loud, working through her thoughts.

  Just as I think she is almost about to guess, we walk into the clearing of everyone set up in the outdoor movie theater. To the back, there is a lady standing near our pillows that are set up on a picnic blanket. Placed on the blanket is our picnic basket, and to the side is our box of popcorn. As I guide her closer, she freezes and gasps, working out that it’s ours.

  “Thank you, Sally, for watching this.” She nods and tells me she will be back later to collect it all.

  “Gray, I just can’t even…I just… Oh god, you are so incredible. I can’t even describe what I’m feeling.”

  “Then I’m getting it right. I wanted you to feel special. To show you it might seem fast but even if it’s slow, for you to still see how right it is too.” The kiss she reaches up on her toes to give me is perfect. One that is full of what she is feeling. Soft and tender.

  “Now let’s eat, all this fun is making me hungry.” We sit and the previews start up on the screen. I start serving her from the antipasto platter and pouring her a glass of champagne.

  “I’ve got it.” She almost knocks the glass out of my hand. “Wishes and magic carpet, it’s the Aladdin movie, isn’t it? You are so clever.” One of the things I asked her to do was let go of Matilda for the night and relax. In her place I have Tilly who is like an excited little girl experiencing all these new things.

  “You are my whole new world, Gray. I don’t think I’ll need any more wishes.” She leans over and kisses me again.

  I can handle more nights like this.

  Just us and totally carefree.

  “Me too, baby, me too.”

  Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that can bring the most joy. I’ve never thought about a kids’ movie in the park, good food, good wine, and a beautiful woman curled up in a blanket by my side before. I’ve been missing out. Then again, it really is the company that has made it what it is. Tonight has been so much more than perfect. I can’t remember the last time I was so relaxed.

  I hear Tilly singing the songs quietly as the movie plays, and I love her voice. Visions of her standing rocking our little baby to sleep singing a sweet lullaby comes into my head. I’m way ahead of myself, but the thought doesn’t scare me like it would have a few months ago. Still, that is a thought to be kept to myself for the moment. Tilly is not quite ready for that.

  As the credits roll up the screen, I have a feeling my very excited date has just about fallen asleep. Just like half the kids that are here with their parents. She’s lying on her side with her head in my lap, all warm and snug in her blanket. I have been lightly playing with and stroking her hair. I may have found the calming trick for my little one. I mean, who doesn’t like to have their head stroked while they lay and relax. I start to laugh a little to myself thinking about how I love to have my head stroked, my other head, but I’m not sharing the joke right now. Like I said, I’m just a mere man.

  “Baby, it’s time to go. You need to wake up.” I lean down and kiss her temple.

  “I’m not asleep, just totally relaxed. You have sent me into a state of serenity. I don’t know if I can move.”

  “That’s okay, I’ll carry you.” My comments have her sitting up slowly.

  “No way. I’m too heavy for that.”

  I just scowl at her. She knows I’m not impressed with that comment, but we both let it go for now.

  Sally has quietly stepped in and started to pack up our things. Tilly, being the person she is, wants to help, but Sally insists that she leaves with me. I pick up the bag that has followed us around for the date.

  “Are you too tired for the last stop? Or can you hang in there?” I put my arm around her as I guide her down the path towards the car that is waiting for us to go to the last stop.

  “I’m not missing one single minute of this night. Lead on, Prince Charming.” She looks up to me and smiles.

  “Wow, I made prince status before I even got to the end of the date. I’m rating pretty high here, little one.”

  “What’s the clue for our next stop? You know we’re running out of time? Your night is almost up. Not sure you can cram much more in.”

  “Never doubt the master. I have saved the best for last. This last one will blast you out of this world with excitement.” This brings a deep laugh from Tilly. She may have been sleepy before, but this has got her back up and her eyes twinkling again.

  The hired car is waiting as booked at the edge of the park. We are whisked away, heading south of the park, and again leaving my girl wondering where we’re heading. It doesn’t take long for her to piece my comment together, yet she doesn’t know it all just yet.

  “That clue was perfect, Gray. Blast me out of this world.”

  We stand at the front doors of the Adler planetarium, looking at all the people leaving a function that has been held here tonight. To the side I see Monica waving us over.

  “Let’s go, baby, we only have limited time for this one.” She looks a little confused but follows anyway.

  “Hi, Dr. Gray. Just inside to the left and follow the signs. Lucas is in there waiting. You have fifteen minutes before we need to shut it all down.” I give her a big smile to thank her as we push through the door and head to the planetarium telescope.

  “Grayson, what is going on?” Tilly giggles, tagging behind me as I rush down the corridor. I spot Lucas waiting at the door for us.

  “Hey, Lucas, thank you so much for this. How’s the family?” I ask as we follow him inside into a dark room.

  “Anything for the man who brought my little terrors into this world safely. They’re doing just great, thanks. Now here’s a flashlight. Walk to that little dot you can see in the middle of the floor. Then stop and wait for me.” I can feel Tilly moving closer to me in the dark.

  “Gray, I’m so confused.”

  “I know, but just trust me. This will be the highlight.”

  We make our way to the spot, and I put the bag down, turning Tilly so she’s facing me. Just as I do, the roof above us lights up with the stars in the night sky. All bright and twinkling like they’re so close you can touch them.

  “Oh Gray, it’s so beautiful. Stars. Just like home, without the city lights. I have missed that so much.” Her face is fixed on the roof, and I can’t take my eyes off her.

  “When you told me that I have given you so many firsts, I decided to take that one step further. This star that Lucas is showing you now is your star, Tilly. For now and forever, that star is for you. No matter what happens, that star will always look down on us.”

  Tears are streaming down her face. “What is the star called?” she whispers, looking up as the telescope zooms in and Lucas highlights it.

  “I named it for you. It’s called Grayson Matilda which stands for first love.” I place my
hands on her wet cheeks and lower her face to look at me. “I can’t hold it in anymore, Tilly. I’ve fallen in love with you. Total crazy love.” Lowering to kiss her, she pulls back slightly.

  “Wait.” She pauses and my heart stops. “I never believed I could feel this, but I am so in love with you that you have found your way into my heart to a place I have hidden from the world. Now kiss me.” We both giggle as we kiss with all the passion that has been building all night. Our lips meet and there is hunger as I feel like I am devouring her. Our tongues are dancing around each other, and I know this could very easily become more than kissing in a split second if we don’t pull back.

  “Take me home, Gray, I think you’ve earned dessert.” The way she’s looking at me, we’ll be lucky to make it home.

  “So, you opened box number four then.” I laugh as we both look back up at our star one last time.

  “Nope, I’ve left it so we can share that one together. I figured anything that had the clue of dessert was an us present.” Even in the dark of the room with only the stars shining on her face, I can see the blush of what she thinks is in that box.

  Slowly the stars start to disappear, the room getting lighter. Our time here is over and it turned out just how I hoped.

  Back in the car and being driven to my apartment, both our hands are wandering to places that aren’t exactly for public display. I can’t stop kissing her and whispering things I’d like to do to her in her ear. That blush that I’ve put there, I want to keep for the rest of the night.

  We barely make it in the front door, clothes coming off, hands everywhere. I’m not having the first time I make love to her be over the back of a couch.

  I pick her up and carry her to my room, legs wrapped around my waist while she kisses me, taking my breath away.

  I gently lay her down and just take a minute to really appreciate the beauty in front of me.


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