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My Ex's Son

Page 14

by M J Rutter

  Considering the day was painful, it did seem to wind down quite fast. I didn’t even take a lunch break. I stayed hidden in my office, out of the way contemplating my future. One thing I knew for sure, if I lost my job, then I would have no choice but to contact Carter Nash and hope he was okay with me sneaking out of his bed and running away.

  My phone rang just after five and I was invited up to Mr Dalton’s office. I collected all of the information, the contracts and the information from the potential new signings. I figured I would soften the impact with some excellent feedback from the event.

  As the elevator doors opened, Cain was walking towards me, he frowned heavily and continued past the lifts to the print room. I sighed and continued to Mr Dalton’s office. I knocked on the door,

  “Come in.” He said. I opened the door and smiled sheepishly. “I didn’t think you would be back until Monday.”

  “I know, but I thought I needed to get this information back as soon as possible. One of these new authors has a movie deal and I thought that maybe you would like to see what we could do for her before anyone else signs her.” I explained weakly.

  “If that is Sasha Jenson, then you are too late, she was signed by Harper Collins on Monday.” He frowned. I was in so much trouble.

  “I see.” I said. “Well then, I am sorry, I shouldn’t have added a vacation to the trip.” He grumbled something, I am not sure what, but he was angry. “Um, Sir, I take it you have seen the pictures…”

  “The ones of our star senior editor fraternising with the enemy?”

  “Yes.” I swallowed. “I’d had a lot to drink and it’s no excuse, but I can honestly confirm, I said nothing to him about the company or anything like that.”

  “Well, I suppose that’s something. I am surprized, Jenna, I have to admit. You were the face of the company and you know more than most, image is everything. I am sure your parents wouldn’t be happy if they…”

  “My parents are dead.” I snapped. “I have a lot of respect for you, Sir, but I will not allow you to judge me on an innocent kiss that meant nothing.” I added angrily. “If you think it is bad for the image of the company, well, I can only apologize and offer you my resignation.” I placed the paperwork down on his desk and turned to leave. “I’ll have it for you Monday.” I then hurried out of his office and to the elevator, bumping into Cain as I hurried. “Sorry.” I sniffed avoiding his eyes.

  “Yes, you are.” He spat.

  “I forgot you were so damn perfect.” I retorted and continued to the stairs. I couldn’t wait for the elevator, so taking the stairs was better.

  “Are you okay?” Kate asked as I hurried to my office.

  “No, I think I have just quit.” I replied. “I have to go.”

  “Jenna, wait, you look upset.”

  “Why would I be upset? The man I love thinks I’m a slut and my boss says, I am bad for the company image?” I ranted. “I need to go. I have to go, now.”

  “Jenna, just, calm down.” Her phone began to ring. “Hello, Jenna Lindon’s assistant?” she frowned. “I think she’s about to leave.” She looked at me. And mouthed the word ‘Lander’. I shook my head, “Oh, I am sorry, Sir, she has just left, she’s just ran from the office. Okay, bye.” I chewed on my lip. “He is not happy with you.”

  “No one is happy with me right now, including myself.” I pulled my cell from my pocket and found Carter’s card, I dialled his number.

  “Carter Nash.” He said.

  “Carter, it’s Jenna.” I said.

  “Oh, hey. I wondered if I would hear from you. I am sorry we didn’t get to say goodbye.”

  “So am I, I had a train to catch.” I lied. “So, um, have you seen the pictures?”

  “I am looking at them now.” He replied. “Are you calling because you are considering my offer?” he asked.

  “I might be.”

  “Well, that is good to hear.” He said smoothly. “So, now I have your cell number, I’ll call you over the weekend, okay?”

  “Okay.” I smiled slightly. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you for calling me, Jenna. Bye.”

  “Bye.” I sighed and turned to Kate.

  “So, you are considering an offer to work with Carter Nash?” Kate queried angrily.

  “Well, I’d rather quit than let them fire me. Carter made me an offer way before anything happened so…,” I explained and lifted my purse. “I’ll speak to you later.”

  “Jenna?” she sighed. I turned around and hugged her briefly before leaving.

  “Bye, Kate, thank you, for everything.” I said and left.

  My tears dried on my face as I walked to the parking garage. The damage I had done was written all over Cain’s face and as I first feared, there would be no going back now. As I hurried to my car, I pulled my keys from my purse, someone grabbed me from behind and threw me onto the ground with a thud. I hit the front of my head and tried to get up, hoping this was an accident. Whoever it was, tugged on my purse, pulling it from my hand.

  As I looked up behind me, a man, about forty, with a scar across his un-shaven chin and brown eyes, punched my face, the thud caused my face to explode and as I lay on the ground, he climbed over me, pinning me to the cold, garage floor. He hit me again and again, by this time, I couldn’t feel anything but pain, I thought this was it, I am going to die now.

  “You shouldn’t have looked at me,” he growled and pulled a knife from the back of him, the light glinted on the blade as I heaved in an anxious breath. I could hear foot-steps after the door to the stairs banged, he looked up.

  “Hey!” A voice yelled out. “Hey, what are you doing?” The voice echoed. “Get off her, now.” The voice ordered. The attacker grabbed my hair in his fist and smacked my head into the ground, everything went black…


  A warm hand squeezed mine and I snapped open my eyes. My head pounded and my face throbbed, the room was dark, lit only by a small lamp. I turned my head and Cain let go of my hand.

  “Sorry.” He muttered. “I didn’t mean to wake you.” I looked into his eyes, they were no longer filled with love like they used to be, I had done that to him.

  “Where am I?” I asked.

  “Northwest hospital.” He replied. “They caught him,” he added.


  “The guy who did this to you.” He explained. “I found you, Kieran from Finance came out of the stairs and found him on top of you, he ran after him and as I came out of the lobby, he told me to check on you, that you had been attacked.” He went on. “Anyway, they got him, and he is in jail as we speak.”

  “My head hurts.” I complained.

  “You have a fracture in your skull.” He said and stood. “I’ll let them know you are awake.”

  “Thanks, Cain and thank you for being here.”

  “It’s the least I could do.” He said coolly. I watched as he left and then stared at the ceiling. My eyes filled with tears once more, now they stung though, but they didn’t hurt as much as my head or my face.

  “Hey.” Kate said as she rushed to my side. “It’s alright.” She put her arm around me and hugged me gently. “I should never have let you leave like that.” She said.

  “It’s no more than I deserve. Despicable people get treated like this. This is my fault, no one else’s.” I sniffed.

  “You were mugged, sweetheart, that is not your fault.” She insisted. “Cain hasn’t left your side since they brought you in. Mr Dalton has even been to see how you are doing.”

  “Why? It’s not like I work for him anymore.” I huffed.

  “You still work for him until you hand him your resignation and he accepts it.” She corrected.

  “How do I look?” I asked. She frowned, she didn’t have to answer. “It must be as bad as it feels then.”

  “Just, don’t look in a mirror for a few days.” She said and sat beside me. “Where did Cain go?”

  “To let them know I’m awake. He probably left, he has no reaso
n the stay now.”

  “Stop that now, he’s still got it bad for you, Jenna, or he wouldn’t have stuck around.” She sighed.

  She stayed with me for an hour or so, I was right about Cain, he had left, he obviously had nothing else to say to me now. The police arrived and I made a statement, the photographer they had brought with them, took pictures of my face and injuries and after they left, Kate said she had to go also.

  I was allowed to go to the bathroom unaided and as I washed my shaking hands, I glanced up at my face. I looked horrifying, both of my eyes were swollen and bruised. My lip was split, and I had a cut across my nose. I looked like a train wreck and felt like I had been hit by one.

  As I tried to sleep, I couldn’t get the image of him sat on my body, flashing his knife, out of my head. I thought I was going to die and the way I felt while alone that night, afraid of everyone and everything, I wish I had.


  I woke early as my head began to thump again, I pressed for the nurse and she came in with a friendly yet sad smile.

  “How are you feeling?” she asked.

  “Like my face was hit by a truck.” I replied.

  “Oh, sweetie, you look like it too.” She tapped my arm lightly. “So, are you ready for some more pain killer?”

  “Yes.” I nodded.

  “Okay and do you think you can manage to eat some oatmeal or something, we’re concerned that you haven’t eaten anything yet.”

  “I haven’t eaten since Thursday night.” I admitted. “I’ll try.” I promised.

  I hadn’t realized that a police officer had been outside of my room all night. The detectives on the case returned and told me the man, the attacker, was called John Harrison, he was arraigned on assault and battery charges. He was looking at a prison term and he would remain in custody until his trial. It gave me a little comfort to know that he would not be able to do this again.

  “When he pulled out that knife, I thought he was going to kill me,” I sniffed.

  “I know, but he didn’t have a knife on him when we found him, so we can’t make that stick.” Detective Liam Williams replied. “However, the judge said, if we can find it, we can get a longer sentence.”

  “At least he can’t get to me now.” I said.

  “That’s right. We’ll have your purse processed by the lab and then we should be able to return it to you.” The other detective, Kevin Redman, explained. “The problem is, we also have your car keys, so you won’t be able to drive your car for a few days.”

  “How will I get home?” I asked.

  “I believe your friend, Cain Macalister, is going to take you home later today.” Kevin replied. I knew that would be an awkward car journey that I already dreaded.

  After eating a sandwich for lunch, I was released from the hospital. The doctors had already called and told Cain so he was already driving back to the city to collect me. A nurse helped me to get dressed and as I put up my hair in my bathroom, I cried at the sight of my face. I looked like a hideous monster and hoped no one saw me when I left.

  Cain arrived just after two. Dressed in faded blue jeans and a blue plaid shirt that matched his eyes. His aftershave filled my room as soon as he entered it.

  “How are you feeling today?” he asked amicably.

  “Terrible.” I replied. He helped me put on my jacket. “Thanks.” I said.

  “No problem.” He lifted the bag of medication the hospital had given me and I walked slowly beside him out to his car.

  The bright sunshine burned in my eyes, he handed me his sunglasses,

  “I forgot to give you these, the nurse said you would need them.”

  “Thank you.” I sighed relieved and put them over my eyes. “Don’t suppose you have a mask with you too.”

  “A mask?” he asked.

  “Yes, so I can hide my monstrous face.”

  “You do not have a monstrous face.” He tried to suppress his smile.

  “I do.” I stated.

  “Jenna, you have been attacked and beaten up, that’s not your fault…”

  I stopped walking, “It was my fault.” I frowned. “I looked at him, he said I shouldn’t have looked at him.” I sniffed as tears filled my eyes.

  Cain moved forward as if to hug me, but changed his mind, “This was not, nor will it ever be your fault.” He insisted sternly. “My uh, car, is just over there, let’s get you home. You will feel better once you are in your own home.”

  “Okay.” I nodded and continued walking.

  He had a red Ford Focus and un-locked it as we approached. I climbed inside and wondered if he actually had an air freshener made of his after-shave, it reminded me of when he used to drive my car. He started the engine and turned the stereo down, the British band Coldplay and Beyoncé sang their hit Theme for the Weekend, it was one of the songs Carter and I had danced to the weekend before and now I was sat beside Cain, a man I loved so completely, but because I had screwed up so much, I couldn’t tell him how I felt. I wanted to, I wanted to take his hand from his lap and hold it. I wanted to feel his skin against mine, listen to his strong heart beating in my ear as he held me. I wanted to feel his lips on my mouth, I wanted him to love me as much as I loved him.

  I cried silently for much of the journey home, I just wanted the world to stop spinning so that I could catch up, or at least collect myself together so that I could be in control of my life once more.

  When we hit the town limits I knew we only had a few more minutes together, then he would leave my life again and I would once again be lonely. Not that it was anything more than I deserved. He turned down my street and my heart began to pound in my chest. As he stopped in front of my garage, I panicked.

  “I don’t have a key.” I said.

  “I, uh, I put a spare somewhere we could find it, so…”


  “When we were uh… anyway,” he said quickly and got out of his car. Rhianna started singing We fell in love in a hopeless place as I watched him search one for my plant pots for the key he had hidden. He must have found it and returned to his car. He opened my door for me and offered me a hand to get out. I took his warm hand in mine and stood slowly. “Okay?” he asked.

  “Yes, I just think I need some pain pills.” I said as he let my hand go and opened the back of his car, lifting the bag of meds out. I went to take it from him.

  “I could come in and make sure you have everything you need,” he said.

  “If you want to,” I muttered. “I mean, if you have nothing better to do.”

  “Come on.” He sighed carrying my meds in for me. I followed him inside through the front door. “You get yourself to bed and I will bring you some pills.” He told me.

  “I’ll be fine on the couch.” I insisted.

  “No, no TV, no computer, no lap top, you have to rest. That skull fracture could cause you some serious damage.”

  “But I will go insane if I have to stay in my bedroom and I will have to keep getting up to get pills and water…,” I protested.

  “Okay, sofa it is then.” He said and went to my kitchen. I sat on my couch and curled my legs under me. Resting my head on my hand as I tried to massage my aching temple. “Here you go.” He said and handed me two pain pills, then a glass of water. I tossed the pills into my mouth and washed them down with the water. He took the glass from me and went back to the kitchen. I heard him fill the kettle and hoped he was going to stay longer. I would have done anything to get him to stay, pathetic, I know.

  He returned with two cups of smoking coffee, my heart leapt as I knew he was staying for a little while longer at least.

  “So, this Carter guy…,” he began.

  “Cain, have you ever done something stupid and wished you could rewind and go back and change it?”

  He smiled slightly, “I have, as it happens.”

  “Well, so have I, turns out I am human after all.” I sighed and sipped the hot coffee.

  “I uh, I have to ask, and you don’
t have to tell me. But did you, um? Well, did you sleep with him?”

  I felt my face warm, though I doubted he could tell I was blushing from the amount of bruising and swelling. “I can’t lie to you, Cain and I have never regretted something more in my life, but I uh… yes. I did sleep with him. I was drunk and out of control and I suppose after seeing you with Sienna at work, I got a little jealous and… I am sorry.” I muttered.

  He stared, sipped his coffee and placed it on the coffee table, “There is nothing going on between me and Sienna, she has a room for rent at her apartment down town, but I declined after seeing her underwear on a line over the bath tub.” He explained. “How could I ever consider going out with someone else when I was so completely in love with you?”

  “Was.” I repeated.

  “Yes, was.” He swallowed.

  “So, because of what I did, you decided I was right and not worthy of love anymore?” I accused.

  “No, not at all. I would never… You are a single woman, Jenna, you can sleep with who you want. I just didn’t want you to think I was still pining over you.” He explained. Silence hovered briefly. “I should go.” He said and stood. I just stared, unable to open my mouth except for saying,

  “Thank you for bringing me home.”

  “No problem, take care of yourself, Jenna.” He said and walked to the door. “I’ll see you when you get back to work.”

  “You won’t, I quit yesterday.” I said.

  “You did what? Why?”

  “Mr Dalton is very angry at my behaviour last weekend and I offered my resignation, let’s just say, he didn’t refuse it.” I explained. He came back towards me. “I made a mistake, Cain, so I would rather leave than let it damage the House.”


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