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Inked MC Boxset: Books 1-6

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by Vanessa James

  Inked: An MC Romance

  The Complete Boxset

  Vanessa James


  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  Cover designed by Laura Eydmann

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the authors imagination or are used fictitiously . Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  Book 1: Rebound


  Laney is down in the dumps.

  After finding out her ex cheated on her, she goes to a bar to drink herself stupid.

  She goes to a tattoo bar on the bad side of town, where the leader of the gang The Ravens, a man named Stephan, worked. He gives her the tattoo, and suddenly, Laney wants so much more.

  But, does Stephan want the same thing?

  As the leader of a successful gang, the only thing he’s known is to work a hard life and to take out the enemy. His goal is to stay on top and to get retribution for the actions that his enemies lay on his friends. But, when he meets Laney, he begins to question himself. As a gang leader, he knows nothing more than to fight and kill.

  But, will he let Laney in despite all this?

  This alpha bad boy romance involves the leader of a gang, and his own personal vendetta against his enemies, and his desire to seek out the truth. But, along the way both of them learn to fall in love in their own way, and question their true feelings.

  Chapter 1: Laney

  I couldn’t believe what I saw.

  There he was, in bed with her. It was Andrea, my NOW former best friend. She certainly was my friend until this happened. I couldn’t believe it, and as soon as I saw the two of them together, the feeling in my gut made me want to cry. I just hated seeing this.

  There was no way I could accept this. I looked at them, tears in my eyes, and my face covered in shame. I told Drew how I felt, that I couldn’t fucking believe him, that he had cheated on me. I did manage to ask how long it had been occurring though.

  My body lurched as soon as I heard how long. Three months. I spent three months with a fucking cheater.

  I immediately moved out of there, feeling angry and alone. I had nobody now. Drew was the one person whom I thought wouldn’t betray me, and Andrea pretended to be my best friend but well … that certainly wasn’t the case anymore.

  I wanted to die. Death would be so much easier than having to deal with this shit, and it would certainly hurt a whole fucking lot less. I tried to figure out the best way to forget about what was happening to me. As soon as I left, I quickly went to the nearest bar, downing martini after martini.

  My tight curvy body sat there, crying in my drink for hours. The poor bartender looked at me with concern as he furtively cast his gaze at me with almost clock-like precision.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” he said.

  “Do I look fucking okay?” I snapped back at him.

  “Sorry, I just wanted to help. I mean, I think you should take some time and figure out for yourself what to do.”

  I didn’t want to listen to this fucker. I wanted to mull through my thoughts and masochistically revel in my sadness in peace. And that is exactly what I did. I sat at that bar, drinking and crying, for the next god knows how many hours. After what must have been my fifth martini, the guy stopped me, speaking in a subtle tone.

  “Listen, sweetie, I’ll cover your tab, but I’m cutting you off right now,” he said.

  “Why? Is it because I’ve been here for hours?”

  “Yes, and you’re a mess. Listen, I know you’re upset, but this isn’t the best way to deal with something like this. You need to … you need to … I don’t know … do something more constructive,” he explained.

  I looked at him, scoffing as I got up.

  “Your bar fucking sucks,” I said, slurring my words in the process.

  I left, crying and red in the face. I needed to do something, something just completely fucking stupid. I was single and hurt, and I know that this may not be the smartest decision, but dammit I wasn’t going to just sit there and let him have all the glory.

  I walked down the street, the normal nightlife of the town turning into its usual nocturnal depravity. I walked down one more block, and that’s when I noticed it.

  There were sex shops all around, a couple of questionable establishments that looked like brothels. This wasn’t a good part of town, and I saw someone in the corner doing heroin, shooting it up. I cringed, but I needed to escape from the pain that he inflicted on me.

  Then I saw it.

  It was a tattoo parlor, one that looked run-down and questionable. It was called “The Green Peacock” and it had a strip club vibe to it.

  Maybe this wasn’t the world’s smartest decision, but I said fuck it, and I headed right in there.

  The moment I was inside was when I stopped in my tracks, surprised as all hell by the interior of the joint. This place was beautiful, with a pristine perfect interior, despite the graffiti on the walls. The receptionist, a guy with a mohawk, looked me over and then laughed.

  “You looking for your way to the train station there, honey?” he said.

  He was covered in piercings, and he had a vibe to him that almost sobered me up in a heartbeat. I mean I was seriously considering bursting out of that tat parlor and running the fuck away. I mean, I don’t even know why the fuck I was there, drunk as a skunk in a seedy tattoo parlor on the bad side of town. I looked around, and then at him again.

  “Yeah, is your artist free?” I ask, finally plucking up the courage to address the man.

  “You serious?”

  “Damn fucking right I am. I’m hurt, and I need a way to deal with the pain. I need some fucking therapy.”

  He sat back, laughing his ass off.

  “Honey, you do realize that we are a tattoo parlor with one of the head mobsters as our top artist? You don’t know what you’re getting into. If you come here and get a tattoo from us, you’re in for quite a little treat. This place is a front for gang activities, and I’m just being transparent, a good girl like you does not need to be here.”

  It was obvious from the way the guy’s face lit up that he loved telling that story. But I couldn’t believe this fucker. I mean, was trying to turn away customers by scaring the shit out of them? Not with me. And, besides, I was going to have my tat and I was going to pay for it myself too.

  “Listen here, I’m not leaving till I get my tattoo, and that’s final. I just broke up with my shitty boyfriend who’s been fucking my best friend, and I need a way to find some release. I want to … I want to get a tattoo… now … here…”

  It took a few seconds for me to catch my breath because I was on the cusp of hyperventilating.

  “I know it probably seems way off-the-wall, but I have nothing going for me right now, not a goddamn thing to lose since I lost my world, and my best friend.”

  By this point, I probably sounded like a mess, but the guy just whistled, leaning back against the wall.

  “So, you want to be inked by the Raven then?” He shrugged. “Well, tell you what, if you can handle it, it’s on the house. But, know that you’re getting involved with something bigger than just a petty rivalry, my dear, and you should be mindful of your actions.”

  There it was that subtle malicious undertone from before. It was kind of creepy, I will give him that. But I knew what I was doing––at least I thought I did. And besides, I wasn’t going to leave till I got what I wanted, even if the risks were unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

  Chapter 2: Stephan

  I sat there, disinfecting the needles and waiting for the next person to come in. I’d just finished a tattoo on a new recruit, and now, they were off taking care of the drug cartels in town, making sure nobody fucking crossed us.

  I was the Raven, the leader of the most nefarious gang in town.

  I took this position with pride and a smile on my face. Not a single fucker could stop me because I was that powerful. I ran multiple fronts in this place, and this was but one of them. I was a talented artist, but the main reason for this place was to hold meetings and indoctrinate new recruits as I branded them … with the symbol of the gang.

  So, when I saw a curvy, beautiful woman walk in, for a moment, I had no goddamn idea what to do. I pulled my snow-white hair back, my green eyes looking into her blue ones, and for a moment, I had no idea what to say.

  She was gorgeous. Pale as snow, and with beautiful blue eyes. But it was that delicious thickness that I really appreciated about her. It reared its magnificent head in the form of her large butt. It was the first thing I noticed about her.

  I could see the small outline of her tummy there, and her brown hair which looked haphazardly thrown together tied back in a ponytail.

  Her eyes were red from crying it seemed, which made me realize whatever her reason for being here was much larger than just a drunken dare.

  I didn’t know if she was tricked by friends into coming into this place, or whether she was just naïve and stupid. But, she also looked at me with glazed eyes, like she’d recently been drinking. Her makeup was running, and I could tell she’d been crying.

  “You look like you’re in the wrong part of town there, sweetie.”

  “No, I damn well know what I’m doing,” she snapped.

  Oh. Jeez, she has some little mouth on her that one. This was about to become very interesting.

  “I see. Well, my name’s Raven, and you know that this is one of the tattoo parlors my gang has, right?”

  “Yes, I know you’re the leader of some gang or other and… honestly … I’m not scared of you, that guy outside of your little gang.”

  Goddamn, who let this innocent little birdie in? Well, she was pretty cute, I’ll give her that. And she was my type. I always preferred thicker, curvier girls, and she was hitting all those primal preferences right on the mark. I smiled, moving towards her and motioning to the seat with a casual flick of my hand.

  “Alright, what you want?”

  She looked at me quizzically, the expression just too damn cute for this world.

  I chuckled. “What tat you want?”

  “I want … an unfinished butterfly,” she said.

  Wait, so this bitch was coming in just to get an unfinished butterfly? Was she really that drunk

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I am.

  I’m hurt, and right now … this is the beginning of my metamorphosis.”

  I couldn't’ believe this chick.

  “Well, it’s your body. But you do know that people will know I did this, right? I do leave my signature at the bottom. You’ll be tattooed by one of the most infamous gang leaders. This could bite you in the ass later on,” I explained. I just didn’t want this cutie to do something she’d regret later.

  “I … I know, that’s why I want you to do this,” she said.

  I looked at her, noticing that she wasn’t’ turning away, nor that she was scared. I found that intriguing, almost intoxicating in a sense.

  “Very well. Tell you what. I’ll do it. You’re a pretty brave girl for coming on in here though.”

  “I’m not brave. Just tired of everyone’s shit.”

  I laughed at that.

  “True. I can kind of relate. So, what happened?” I asked, setting her arm down and pointing to find out where she wanted the tattoo. She wanted it on the edge of her forearm, easy enough to hide, but also there whenever she wanted to show it off.

  “Well, I went over to my ex’s house, who was my boyfriend up till a few hours ago, and then I … I caught him with another woman.”


  Did he show any signs of cheating before then?” I asked. I mean, I felt bad, but I was also trying to be supportive in my own way.

  “No, he said he was happy with me, but I found out he was…well fucking my best friend on the side.”

  “Wow. That’s the worst.”

  I wasn’t just talking to her out of politeness. And not out of trying to get into her pants either. I actually really cared, and when she looked up at me, our eyes met.

  “Is this place really a front for gangs? Because you’re the nicest person I’ve met in a bit. And you give off a nice vibe. It’s hard to imagine––that’s all.”

  “Yep, not lying to you there. I do run a gang, and I’m one of the most powerful men in the area, but that doesn’t’ mean I’m an asshole. Contrary to what others may think that is,” I said with a smile.

  “Well, you’re pretty charming, I’ll give you that.”

  “Likewise. So, what are you going to do after I give you this tattoo? Show it off?”

  “I don’t … I really don’t know. I am kind of doing this on a whim. I didn’t expect someone like you to be here. But I guess I’ll just try to move on.”

  I nodded. There was something about her. I just couldn’t quite put my finger on it. She was just so refreshingly open and easy to talk to. There are not many women out there like that.

  “That’s probably for the best. I mean, I am pretty busy here. I run this joint, and a couple other places. We’re kind of making sure our gang stays on top. I have my men going out and controlling the transport of drugs and such.”

  I thought this casual description of my activities would scare her away, but it didn’t. Instead, she just continued speaking to me as if being a tattoo artist was my only profession.

  “Sounds like you have a lot going on. It all sounds pretty interesting too.”

  “Indeed. Anyways, this shouldn’t take very long,” I said, trying to focus on the job at hand.

  I kept my professional air to myself and continued to work on the tattoo. She was strangely friendly the entire time. It was almost as if she felt safe and relaxed in my company. After I finished up, she looked at my work, and then at me, a serious expression on her face.

  “You’re a lot nicer than I thought you would be.”

  “Don’t let that fool you my dear. I’m really not that good of a person.”

  It was true. I didn’t have a nice past. I wasn’t the hallmark card kind of guy you meet at the supermarket by the fruit and veg display. Although I didn’t want to take that image away from her just yet.

  She simply nodded and spoke after a brief silence. “I know. But, that’s why I kind of like you. It’s that asshole demeanor that interests me.”

  “Well, I’m glad you enjoy it,” I said, chuckling.

  It was very odd because I didn’t associate with people who weren’t part of gang business, but she seemed so nice, so interesting, that I couldn’t help it.

  “Anyways, here’s my number I guess. I mean, I wouldn’t mind coming in again to get inked up by you. I’m Laney by the way,” she said with a smile.

  “Right. My name’s Stephan. I guess I’ll see you then.”

  As she left, a part of me wondered if interacting with her was the right thing to do. But, for the first time in ages, I felt my heart race and the thrill of talking to someone l
ike her coursed through my body. It was delightfully unique, strange even, but at the same time familiar.

  I knew it wouldn’t work out. I mean, she was such a good girl, and I didn’t want to be a rebound for her––you know, the guy who picks her up after a fall. But the moment I saw that curvaceous ass leave the room, I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe I should call her at some point.

  Nah, it wasn’t right.

  Chapter 3: Laney

  As I left the tattoo shop, the reality of it all started to come back to me.

  What the fuck was wrong with me?

  I just went into the seediest tattoo shop ran by a powerful gang, and I got inked up by their leader.

  I couldn’t believe this, but at the same time, I knew that it wasn’t a dream.

  He was pretty goddamn cute. His hair was as white as snow, and his body was pale, but covered in tattoos all up his sides. Even his chest had a little piece on it, mostly obscured by his shirt. I remembered the piercings in his earlobes and the way his green eyes gazed into mine.

  He was super freaking hot, and I forgot about my ex, that’s for sure. But, he also had a tenseness to him, a presence which screamed not to mess with him.

  Maybe going to him wasn’t the best idea, but I couldn’t complain.

  As I left the area, I noticed a couple of people lurking around behind me. I walked faster, realizing I certainly didn’t belong here. I quickly lost them, getting onto the train and heading back.

  Tonight was very odd indeed. I went from expecting to have a wonderful night with Drew, my now ex, to being hurt like no other by that very same douchebag, to running into an attractive man at a tattoo parlor and ending up with a tattoo of some half-finished butterfly on my arm.


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