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Inked MC Boxset: Books 1-6

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by Vanessa James

  I wanted to tell someone about everything that had happened to me, but Andrea, my former best friend, had hurt me like no other. Well, fucking your best friend’s boyfriend is simply an inexcusable offense. And I don’t really have anyone else.

  I quickly made it home, realizing it was nearly three am by the time I got back. I had to be up in about six hours. I curled up underneath the covers, sighing in response to everything that had transpired that day.

  I was happy to have met Stephan, but I didn’t know if it would actually turn into anything more than just a business transaction. I expected no less, and I knew that it was almost too much to ask.

  But I guess I had my boring desk job to look forward to. I was the head secretary at a successful law firm, and I was pretty smitten with my job. I mean, I didn’t expect anything major to change soon but it was a good job and I was an asset to my boss.

  I passed out for about four hours, getting up, getting ready and then hobbling over to work. When I got there, I stepped into the office, trying to mask the pain that I felt.

  It was starting to hit much harder. Luckily, I didn’t work with either Andrea or Drew, so I didn’t have to worry about finding a new job, but it still hurt like crazy.

  I went through my week with my mind focused on anything other than Andrea and Drew. But, I continued to wonder if I would run into Stephan. I mean, he was the leader of a local gang and a very powerful man. Yet, he tattooed me like it was nothing. Did he know more or something?

  Then, it happened. It was ten days after the breakup. I walked into the office, looking about, and then it happened.

  “Hey Laney, could you come to my office, please,” my boss said.

  I shrugged, unsure of what to expect as I headed over there. When I opened the door, I was greeted with one heck of a surprise.

  There was Stephan, sitting in the chair across from my boss. His tattoos were well concealed, the piercings too, the one in his ear removed. Why was he here? What did my boss want with him?

  But, I didn’t want to let my boss know that I knew who this man was, so I simply stood there, assessing the situation and trying to keep a calm façade.

  “Hello there, Thomas. What can I do for you?” I asked, fidgeting a little on my feet.

  “Hey, Laney. So, it’s come to my attention that you’ve been doing some great work recently, and, well, we just recently hired Stephan onto our team as the head of communications. He’s got some great feedback from fellow clients, so we agreed to have you be his secretary. You two will be working together from now on. He’ll be with the company for a bit, and he’ll be taking care of a couple of the legal proceedings, so if you could, please help him feel at home,”.

  I looked over at Stephan, who was giving me a sly look. I wanted to see him again, but not like this. But there was something about all of this that intrigued me. Why was he here? What business did he have with the company?

  Did my boss know he was the head of one of the top gangs in the area and a man who had his hands in a bunch of different pies? I didn’t know for sure, but I had to keep myself calm.

  “Will do, sir,” I said with a smile on my face, banishing my other thoughts to the back of my mind.

  “Perfect. I know for sure that you’ll be a real asset to Stephan as you have for me, Laney. Anyways, I guess I’ll have you show him to his office. We discussed his first meeting with our partner company. They apparently know Stephan, so I guess it’s fine to have him work out the negotiations for us on our behalf,” my boss continued.

  “Right. Good to know,” I said, trying my best to keep myself together.

  I mean, I was happy to see him again, because, well, it was easier than trying to seek out this attractive man on the shitty side of town like I planned to early on, but I still had my concerns. I mean, the way he kept looking at me, the way his eyes kept gazing against every curve of my body, had me red in the face. I didn’t know how to deal with this really weird situation.

  There was a lot that needed to be said here, but he acted all relaxed as if this was the most normal situation in the world.

  I remained silent all the way to Stephan’s new office. As soon as he closed the door, I put a voice to what had been burning on my mind the entire time.

  “Alright spill the beans. Why the hell are you here?”

  Chapter 4: Stephan

  I had a feeling it would go like this. I knew she would ask about my presence here the moment I showed up, and honestly, I didn’t blame her.

  For a second my eyes kept focusing on Laney in that suit of hers, the pencil skirt hugging her creamy thighs, and her ass just begging to split out of that garment. Although her breasts were hidden by the suit jacket, I couldn’t help but notice their exquisite curvature.

  Instead of in a messy pony, her cascaded down her shoulders to her upper back, making me lick my lips almost on instinct the moment I saw her.

  Of course, I was in a normal business suit. I had to hide my tattoos, and all knowledge of the gang I was in. My goal was to infiltrate and to get some information. As I saw her look at me with a steadfast gaze, I felt my eyes lock on to her own green pools.

  “Your company has some important connections. That’s all,” I said, my voice clipped.

  “Well, no shit. What’s really going on? Did you ask for me personally?” Laney asked, resting against the chair.

  I felt my eyes immediately rivet towards her ample breasts. She had a slight blush on her face too, and I could tell that this was just as awkward for her as it was for me.

  “The truth is, Laney, your company is well set up, and it has some very good stock. The gang I’m in charge of is planning on working to acquire some shares in your company. But, there is more to it than that,” I explained.

  “So this is all just a ploy to get into the business world? Nothing ulterior?”

  She looked sceptical. But the blush on her cheeks was still there, making her look really cute. Just staring at her made all of this worthwhile.

  “Well, I didn’t know that you worked here, so, as you can imagine, I’m pretty surprised to see you here after…”

  “The tattoo parlor,” she snapped.

  I chuckled. It was the wrong thing to do because she immediately scowled at me.

  “I am not some kind of weird stalker if that is what you think,” I said, raising my hands in defense.

  She arched her eyebrows.

  “Though, I am glad you made it back after everything that happened,” I admitted, smiling.

  “Well, thanks. I’m uh … kind of glad to see you too. But, what does this mean for us? I’m a bit worried about … pursuing this … mm … whatever this is.”

  The flush on her cheeks amped up a few notches. Too damn cute.

  “Why, because you like me?”

  She scoffed.

  “And that for the moment we’re technically co-workers”

  She shook her head. “That’s beside the point. Anyways, what the hell are you going to do besides pretend that you’re the director of communications around here?” she asked.

  I thought about whether I should get her involved in the plan or not. I mean, I did like her, but she wasn’t normally a part of something like this. But, in a sense she kind of was.

  “Well, that depends. How much are you going to say to your boss?” I asked, my voice low.

  She looked at me, hesitating for but a moment.

  “That depends. How bad is it?”

  “It’s not bad. I just need a moment to figure out how to explain it all to you. The thing is, Laney, I’m here on business for my own personal group. The Ravens are one of the strongest forces in the city, but I’ve been hearing that there are other powers trying to take control. I’m here to investigate that. I’m trying to find the truth behind it all,” I said.

  She dipped her head, but I could see that she was still confused.

  “The thing is, Laney, a couple of my men have recently gone missing. I’ve tried to contact them, but so f
ar, no luck.”

  “That’s terrible,” she said.

  Her concern for two strangers, and two crooks at that, was moving. It gave me the confidence to ask her what I really wanted. I cleared my throat.

  “There’s a party going on next weekend, and I’m going as a representative of this company. It would be great if you’d tag along with me. It’s nothing more than a business matter, a matter for my group. I have a feeling that … whoever is causing this trouble will be there.”

  She nodded barely perceptively. I could see that this was a lot for her to take in. But I loved how she tried her best conceal any suspicion or prejudice that she might have had. And I wouldn’t have blamed her had she stormed out of the office calling me a liar or a crook. My credentials were not exactly blemish free. I had told her as much when I inked her arm.

  “I need to act in a way that’s under the radar, so to speak. But I’m also curious as to who is causing all of this. Because most intelligent people know not to fuck with me,” I continued.

  She arched her eyebrows in that cute way of hers. Her gaze bored into me, as is she was trying to pluck all of the truth from the expression on my face. Then, she nodded like she had finally made up her mind what to say.

  “I see how I can help. But … I’m afraid to get involved with your group. You’re very attractive, Stephan, but I also fear what might happen if we get more involved together.”

  “I’m worried too. The thing is, Laney, I originally wanted to marry someone from the gang. I usually don’t pursue this kind of relationship with an outsider, unless they can prove to me that they won’t betray me. It’s not easy, and I’m trying to keep a level head, but that doesn’t mean I don't’ find you stupid attractive.”

  “I know. I can see it in your eyes. You haven’t once looked away from me since I stepped into my boss’s office.” She chuckled. “My former boss, I mean.”

  That laugh––my heart almost skipped a beat. But she soon became serious again.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for a relationship with anyone yet, especially after the mess with Drew,” she said.

  “I don't’ want you to feel pressured either. I want you to feel comfortable, but don’t think I don’t like you because I do. But for the purpose of trying to keep myself from arousing suspicion, I’m going to keep my distance. The ultimate goal is to stop whoever is hurting my men,” I said.

  “Right. Well, if you need me to tag along, I’ll come.”

  “Thanks for understanding, Laney.”

  I did appreciate her, but I knew to keep Laney at an arms’ length. Getting her involved with the gang was the last thing I wanted. I didn’t want to pull another into this shit, but I almost felt like it was too late for that now. Laney was sweet, but I also knew that she would be a target for people, whether I liked it or not.

  The next couple of days were pretty simple. The first event we would go to together was a dinner party with the Balton Brothers. I was to go as a representative for Thomas. However, my real reason for going was because the Balton Brothers were very suspicious. They seemed to have a fake exterior, and I wanted to find out more.

  Laney agreed to come with me, and on the day of the party, I was dressed in a perfectly pressed suit.

  Laney floated into the office in a black gown that cascaded to the floor. I felt my breath hitch for but a moment as I looked at her. She was absolutely stunning. Her black gown sort of caressed her body like the night does the world. I so wanted the sun to rise so that I could take a peek at what lay beneath that dark mantle. She looked like a beautiful goddess, one that was freed from her cocoon and was ready to move into the world.

  “What do you think?” she asked, looking quite self-conscious.

  “Beautiful. Exquisite. You look perfect.”

  Lacking any more superlatives, my mind robbed of vocabulary, I reverted to silence. Laney, however, simply smiled at me.

  Without a moment’s hesitation, she then took my hand as we headed inside. I was on the lookout for the Balton Brothers, because I had a feeling they had something to do with my men going missing, and I didn’t want to get anyone else involved right now.

  Chapter 5: Laney

  As we stepped inside, I felt all eyes upon me. Me, a thickset girl, standing with a gorgeous guy like Stephan. It was simply impossible. Things like this didn’t happen to me. I was the gal with the creep of an ex-boyfriend who slept with her best friend kind of person. There was simply no way that I could be the one looking like a million bucks standing next to some big-time hot as hell gangster type.

  It was like everything in the room was spinning, the colors becoming one until there was only a blur. It felt like the entire world was looking at me. But at the same time, I also kind of enjoyed it. It made me feel sexier than I had in my entire life.

  My delirious and exultant mind came to a rest when I noticed Stephan look to the right.

  “There’s someone here I’d like to talk to,” he sort of announced in a solemn tone.

  “Sure, that’s fine.”

  I watched him walk over to the other person. They promptly started talking with animated expressions on their faces. I also noticed that at the same time Stephan was looking around as if to figure out whether there was anyone else in the room worth recognizing.

  We were here for the Balton Brothers. I knew that. So, I just stood there and waited for Stephan to return to my side.

  “Sorry about that. I needed to say hi,” he said when he stepped beside me.

  I merely nodded. I did not trust my voice because everything that was happening was just so surreal. It was like I was playing the main female role in some gangster movie. And my random thoughts were soon confirmed when two shifty looking men that had a threatening feeling about them came over to us.

  “Good evening, you the representative for Thomas’s company?” one of them said.

  I noticed the expression on Stephan’s face change like the curtain falling in a theatre.

  “Yeah, Thomas couldn’t make it,” he said.

  “That, or he just didn’t give enough of a damn to actually come himself. But, that’s normal for him,” the other guy said. He looked even more unappealing than his companion, a fact made all the more obvious by his bull-like neck that seemed to almost burst from the confines of his shirt.

  His words oozed like venom from a snake’s fangs, prompting me to look over at Stephan. I noticed him tense for but a moment, and then, after a brief second, he relaxed again.

  “I see. Well, I’m glad that we could meet. You’re the Balton brothers, right?” he said.

  “Yes. I’m William and this is Terrance Balton. We’re the hosts of this party. We got a very interesting turnout of guests.”

  “Indeed. Well, the two of you host some pretty great parties. I hope I can come to the next one,” I heard Stephan say.

  I looked at both of them and got the worst chill down my spine. They looked slimy, and while they were cleaned up, their hair neatly styled, I got a bad feeling from them. They both had smoky grey eyes, and one brother, I presumed Terrance, had his hair pulled back into a ponytail down his back. The other, William, had shaggy brown hair, and he gelled it back, but that didn’t fully mask the feeling they both gave off. I could see both of them looking me up and down, analyzing my body like I was a piece of meat.

  And I felt sickened by that.

  But, Stephan’s hand gently touched my arm, and he looked at the two of them with a smile.

  “Of course, we’d love to have you come to the next one,” Terrence said.

  “I really can’t wait,” Stephan said in response.

  The way he uttered those words felt so fake. The two of them smiled and then headed off.

  “What was their deal?” I asked.

  “They're definitely up to something. They recognized me.”

  “Does everyone know what you look like?”

  “No, only those who come into my tattoo parlor, and my enemies know. But they usually onl
y know a general description from old photos. But they seemed to know. There was something very off about the entire situation,” Stephan explained.

  I nodded, sensing the same.


  But, if you need to do anything, let me know,” I said.

  “Thank you, Laney.”

  And for a moment, neither of us spoke.

  Then, Stephan ushered me forward towards the dance floor. I was so conscious of the way his hand felt as he pressed it against my hip. His grip, although gentle, exuded power and had the strength of ownership about it.

  I heard myself groan quietly as I nestled against his formidable physique. For a moment, it felt like the safest place in the world, this strong man’s frame acting like some temple offering me succor.

  And before I knew what was happening to me, he led me across the dancefloor to the tune of the music. I couldn’t even remember what was playing, so delirious were my thoughts. The two of us stayed joined as one, dancing in perfect sync with one another. I had to stop myself from blushing as I felt the heat of our bodies growing in intensity. And yet, I shivered, as if I were cold, feeling both nervous and also very happy.

  “You smell wonderful,” he said, almost growling into my ear.

  “Thank you.”

  I almost melted in his arms; the sound of his voice so close to me oozing innuendo.

  “You’re welcome.”

  It sounded as if he was mocking me, but I didn’t care.

  “You’re really nice to be around. I know you’re a big, scary mob guy, but I feel very … happy to be here with you.”

  That’s better, I thought. I am sounding more confident even though I did not feel it.

  “The feeling is mutual, Laney. I just don’t know. I’m worried about taking a chance with you.”

  As we danced together, I wanted to know why he felt so scared. I guess it was partially because he was so worried about the way things could go, and what future could come from this.

  The moment the music stopped, we went over to one of the rooms on the second floor. Stephan did not say a word or ask me whether I wanted to go with him. I merely felt the urge to follow him and so I did.


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