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Blood Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 1)

Page 4

by Rae Hendricks

  Other than the fact that the cafeteria actually smells like it is full of edible food rather than barely more than mush, the menu is a typical one. I have an entire 90 minutes in which to enjoy my meal, and it only takes 10 minutes to get through the line. It disappoints me just a little because I have no one to sit with. I still have yet to connect to anyone. I haven't even tried.

  I follow some of the other students outside to find that many are choosing to enjoy the sunny day eating out on the lawn. This will be the first time I've tried to venture outside since trying the potion without being covered up. I guess it's not perfect as I feel a dull ache in my left temple, but it is bearable.

  I find a spot in the grass by myself and begin unwrapping my baked potato from the tin foil when there is a crunching sound coming towards me. The space next to me suddenly fills by body, but I busy myself with putting all the fixings on my potato instead of looking up. I don't know if I want friends here. Not only can friends be a distraction, but if I make friends and we all become hunters, there are more people that I could watch die in the line of duty like my father did. I don't know how I'm going to stomach death at all, but the death of an illegal paranormal creature will be easier to deal with in the death of a friend.

  “I can eat somewhere else if you want, but I realize it could be pretty lonely for people like us here.“ I follow the sneakers past a perfectly pressed uniform to the face of the person I recognize from my Forbidden Talents class; Jake. It takes all my willpower not to immediately blurt out the questions that I have about how in the world he was born this way... Whatever this way is. “Thanks, I appreciate it,“ I say with an awkward smile before I start to eat. He doesn't try to fill up the space with small talk of any kind, and I think that maybe he is someone I can tolerate as a friend. He reminds me a little of Vivi actually in the way that he is calm and quiet. But once I'm done, with at least half an hour left before class starts again, I realize that we are going to have to talk about something.

  “Are you a new student this year?” I ask him, feeling like it's probably a pretty safe question. Jake shakes his head.

  “No, but for people like us you will find that there are very few specialized classes for us to take, so it's often a repeat. This is my second year here. But I feel like an old hat at this whole outsider thing.“ He guffaws with his hand over his stomach, and I begin to relax. He is so unassuming, it's hard not to. “You're like me, aren't you?“

  I look at him strangely. “What do you mean? “

  “Well, maybe not the born into it part,“ he drops his voice, “but the part about having actual demon blood.“ I find myself leaning in for the sake of secrecy, and it feels a bit like elementary school when you're talking about the boys you like. But this is so much more serious than that.

  “You were born a Blood Witch?“ I answer the question with one of my own.

  “Not as powerful as one that was turned. My mother was part of a group of hippie witches in rural California and ended up being turned into one. When she had me with my father, some of the demon blood passed to me.“

  I don't exactly know what to do with the information. I didn't think that the Magistrate went around and gave leniency all over the place to Blood Witches, and I didn't dare ask if his mother was killed for what she did. It might be a sore subject. But there's also slight comfort that there is someone who might understand what I'm going through. He may never have been a normal witch, but he knew what it was like to be different, an abomination, and I selfishly want to cling to that. “I would be lying if I said that wasn't a comfort to not be the only one. I was turned at a party; tricked into drinking the blood of a demon. I never even saw myself as coming here, but it was the only way I was allowed to live.“

  Jake runs his hand through his unruly brown hair. It's so funny how ordinary he looks. “Same here.”

  Chapter 6

  Luckily, I do not have to find my mysterious Demonology class alone. It turns out that Jake shares the class with me as well. So, he walks me up to the top floor all the way back in the corner where there is a supply closet. Even through my confusion, I have learned not to react to strange things. Though, you would think I was a human experiencing the magical world for the first time.

  I may be an orphan, but I am no Harry Potter. I grew up in a family with a strong and powerful lineage, the daughter of two hunters. I'm well aware of what I am. And yet, there are so many things I have never experienced.

  I follow Jake inside to see that there is a shimmering barrier at the back of this closet. At the top reads the number 802. Is this a portal?

  Jake takes my hand and pulls me through, likely sensing my hesitation. I appreciate it, and he lets go as soon as we get to the other side which is a massive classroom. “They actually set it apart from the rest of the school using a portal in case something happens in this class that either they don't want people to know about or that gets dangerous. Demon magic is quite powerful and can easily hurt a lot of people. The school doesn't exactly want the liability of all the students getting killed,“ Jake explains as we take seats near the front of the class. I don't feel so alone here, and I am curious how they are going to teach Demonology to us, and why, for that matter. Sure, we will be fighting demons out there and we will need to know the basics of how their bodies work and how their magic works, but I feel like this must be much more than that, especially to be such a secretive class. “So, are we like the only ones in this class or something?” I ask Jake noticing that we are the only ones in there.

  He shakes his head. “Many of the third year hunters that are more advanced decide to take this class as an elective. They want to learn more about the inner workings of Demonology so they can take the demons down directly. There's been talk about infiltrating their rings and things of that nature. I haven't been asked yet, but I expect to be next year.“ I shudder at the thought of having to pretend to be one of them in order to take down a band of demons. I doubt I could even take down one demon right now even with all my power. I just can't imagine being able to hold my own against that many, especially if they found out I was there under false pretenses.

  A worry takes over my stomach for Jake and myself knowing that the school or the Magistrate might want this from us. I knew that the fate I was being given was not exactly a mercy, but I didn't know I would be used as bait either.

  Older hunters begin to shuffle in, and I avert my gaze, feeling as if they can stare at me and just know immediately what I am. If any of the students would be trained to hate me for it, it would be these. But I can't help but meet the eyes of one boy that comes in, and his eyes linger on me a bit too long as well. He looks a bit like a young Keanu Reeves with longer hair and soft facial hair. His eyes are somehow piercing in the same way as the demon’s that I came across at the party, though they are an amber color instead of blue. Even though he is a student, there is a maturity about him that I can't quite explain. And then something familiar in his gaze. I have to force myself to look away, knowing that not only do I not have any time for boys at all, but as soon as the boy like that found out what I was, he would run away screaming. I don't have a chance in hell at attracting anyone here other than maybe someone like Jake, though that seems friendly and nothing more.

  Not that I know my own type or anything, I haven't really thought about it, but I don't think that he is my type. Jake seems like someone Vivi would be into, and I smile at the thought of maybe introducing the two of them. She wouldn't judge him, would she?

  The professor for this class turns out to be a man this time. Professor Jorgens is one of those nerdy teachers that is super into what they're teaching even if it's the most boring thing possible. His face practically lights up as he begins to go over the history of demons and pinpoints two or three that we are then taking notes on. What they look like, their life story, their powers… if I had to do a biography on one of them, I probably could by the end of the class. But this time there is no luck as far as learning anything releva
nt to my own demon blood, nor do I recognize the look of any one of the demons we have learned about. Not that there is a directory for all the demons in existence, just the greater demons, the originals, and it might be pretty presumptuous of me to assume that one of them was who turned me. Unless they have a vendetta against my father. But what point is there when he's dead?

  Bored and annoyed, I part ways with Jake to drag my feet onto the field where are the athletics class is going to happen. I get the feeling I'm about to have my ass handed to me because I'm not good at human physical education, much less anything that a hunter would need to do. Hunters have to be quick, making sometimes impossible moves to avoid getting killed. And they have to be skilled with weapons, some of them being heavier than what I can currently lift. Sure, my blood should help me out now, making me a little bit stronger, but that doesn't mean I'll know what to do with that strength. I've been a weakling teenage girl up until a few days ago. I doubt it just comes naturally.

  On the way to the training field, there's a tap of my shoulder. I don't have to turn around to see who it is as he jogs up in front of me and turns around backwards. The way he is showing off reminds me of the boys in elementary school. It's just silly, but I can't deny an interest in the attention considering it’s the Keanu Reeves look-alike from my last class. “I've never seen you here before.“

  “That's generally what it means to be a new student.“ I should be nicer. He’s so good-looking, and I'm confused as to why he's paying any attention to me, but I can't exactly turn my snarky attitude off. It's like having the demon blood has turned up the volume on my bitch-o-meter, but it is kind of a dumb statement.

  “Touché,“ he says with a nod. “If you ever need anything, I happen to be a teacher's assistant here. It's one of the many privileges I get as the son of one of the Magistrate.“

  I stop dead in my tracks when he tells me that. What kind of game is he playing? Is he trying to talk me into telling him something I'm not supposed to? What does he already know?

  I realize at that moment not only do I look like an idiot standing there in silence, my knuckles practically tried dragging on the ground, but I'm also going to be late if I keep giving my time to this entitled nuisance. “Well, isn't that nice for you? I am sure the fact that I'm a Graywood could give me extra stuff too, but I don't go around using it very often.“

  He puts his hands up as if in surrender, and I guess we've drawn a crowd because there are few laughs from behind me. I get the feeling that people don't stand up to him very often. “That's fair enough. But on an entirely serious note, I truly do have the ability to help you if you ever get behind. The name is Kagan. Do you know how to get to your next class? “

  “No, I thought that wandering outside would have somebody like you coming up to me to give me directions. I'm headed to Hunter Athletics, I think I can handle it ,but thank you.“

  I walk away, wondering what the hell has gotten into me. But then I remember exactly what has gotten into me; demon blood, which apparently equals trouble. But then again, maybe this is who I am when I'm not being tucked away inside my uncle's house.


  I walk into my Forbidden Talents class, partially excited about what we are going to do today. We were specifically told to bring familiars if we had them, and tucked away in my bag is the ever lovable Jinx. I say that sarcastically considering that ever since the first week here, we have not been getting along very well. Being a low-level familiar, Jinx, though powerful, does not spend much time as anything other than a cat. So, it is much like having a domesticated cat in your home. And he is just as demanding when it comes to playtime, food, and attention. It seems that everything I try to feed him he disagrees with, unless I happen to bring home scraps from the cafeteria after dinner time, because I guess he has to be fed the best. Cat food, even provided by the school itself, does not seem to be good enough for him. When I have homework, he often jumps up on my books or on my lap, keeping me from doing anything other than scratching behind his ears.

  I think he may regret coming here with me and misses Vivi, which I can't blame him. In the very few moments that I'm not busy, I'm home sick myself, but I need him here. Not only because he reminds me of home, but because there are several classes that are going to start using our familiars to teach us combined abilities.

  I'm hoping that today might be the day that I get to shine. One month is how long I have spent at Paranormal Hunter Academy so far. I have worked myself into a routine, most of it involving classes, homework, and some time with Jake who has become my best friend here. In that month, I have found that I am so-so with the book smarts. I am a fast learner and understand it all, it is just the fact that I am behind compared to some of the others who have been preparing, I guess, their entire lives. History of Magical Species turns out to be my best class, probably because my mother was particularly in love with animals of the magical variety, as well as really into paranormal anthropology. She passed much of that knowledge on to me while I was still young. But other than that, I feel utterly inferior. Not in the least which includes my special classes.

  You would think having demon blood would make me at least middle of the road when it comes to the Forbidden Talents and Demonology classes, but that does not seem to be the case.

  There's a reprieve on grading for the first semester here, but I fear if I don't catch up, that I'm going to start feeling it after Yule break.

  Having gotten over my fear of being in the front of a classroom, I take a seat at the front and wait for Jake to show up, saving a seat next to me. I wonder if he is going to have a familiar. He does have a witch family, so there's a good chance that there is a familiar for him to bring.

  I look at the door as it opens, I think it will be him, but instead, someone I have tried to avoid since our first encounter walks into the room. Kagan. He winks at me, and instead of sitting down with the other students, he pulls up a seat behind the desk. Great, I guess he will be observing and assisting with this class right now. Hopefully, he observes only for a few classes because I don't know if I can learn in an environment like this. I have talked to Jake about what happened between us, and he insists that Kagan is flirting with me, but I think that there are ulterior motives here. But the fact that he is powerful enough to assist teachers, I'm thinking he can feel what I am by now. Or even have direct knowledge of what I am. So, the likelihood of him wanting to date me is slim to none. He must want something else that I haven’t figured out quite yet.

  Maybe he's one of those high-society people that gets off on knowing all the big names, and I guess that Graywood would be one of them. But I don't feel like buying into that.

  I give him a look that clearly shows my annoyance just as Jake and the professor, or Michelle, or whatever we are supposed to call her, walk in. After she takes roll, she hands the class over to Kagan, much to my chagrin. His stance is cocky, and I ignore most of the words he says, but I get the gist as far as what we are going to do today. His familiar sits on his shoulder, a gorgeous barn owl that stares us down as if it is all knowing. And maybe it is if he's been the one to help teach this class about familiars.

  I realize that I'm going to have to suck it up and deal with the fact that he is an authority in this room because I do want to learn how to do this and do this properly. I have to put any previous assumptions about him aside in order to make sure I learn what I need to.

  The class gets taken outside, a rare occurrence until now. I'd been told by Eva when I was brought here some classes would take place outside, but other than Athletics, I had yet to see it be put into action.

  Instead of going to the field where Athletics happens, we are being led in the opposite direction, and I suddenly see a maze before us. Goosebumps appear all over my arms and legs with no hope of hiding them, considering this uniform is much more revealing than you would suspect.

  “Normally, you would be trained and practice a little before trying such a thing. But with this class in particular
, Michelle and I have decided a trial by fire is more appropriate.“ Kagan laughs, and Madame Michelle grins as if this is the most fun she's ever had. To me it sounds like it must be suicide to go in there with our familiars without knowing what we're getting ourselves into.

  “All you have to do is make it from one end to the other. Michelle and I have configured it into a simplistic pattern just for the purpose of learning how you work with your familiar. We want to see your strengths and weaknesses before we decide how to proceed. We will be doing this all week, so if you do not finish the maze during this class, you will start where you left off tomorrow.“ Judging by the sounds of groans all around me, I'm not the only one concerned about this task. But what choice do I have in the matter?

  I set Jinx down next to me on the ground, and I am chosen to be the first to go through one of the entrances. There are three of them, and we are all lined up behind one of them. I am instructed to allow Jinx to use his talents to get us through. But to be honest, I have no idea what we're up against. I doubt it is a simple maze that we have to find a way out of. We are witches; everything we do requires magic.

  “You ready to help me, little buddy?“ I say to jinx as sweetly as possible as we make our way through the entrance of the maze. It’s nothing but concrete walls with ivy growing in some places.

  Jinx prances at my side as if he's the best looking cat in town but makes no other sign as to whether or not he's into helping me. Great.

  As we wander through the paths that all look the same, there is no sense of time for me, and I have no idea how to get Jinx to help me. Do I just ask him to sniff his way out? “Hey, how about you use that sniffer of yours?“ I ask him with a nervous laugh, but he turns up his nose and walks a foot ahead of me. He seems to have an attitude, and I don't know how to bridge the gap. They have told us that there is some kind of feeling like a tethering, a string invisible but stuck between us that we can pull on and strengthen so that we can do great things together. I have no clue how to find the tether, and I feel nothing for him right now other than complete frustration. And when the end of the class is signified, and I feel like we have done nothing but go in circles, I stomp my feet like a petulant child.


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