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Blood Witch (Paranormal Hunter Academy Book 1)

Page 5

by Rae Hendricks

  “You darn cat!“ I hiss through my teeth as we are brought back out of the maze. I'm seething on the way out, so when Kagan calls my name, I am sure that I turn around with a less than friendly look on my face. But I'm determined not to be a bitch this time. If that is at all possible. But something about his personality just brings it out in me. What a waste for someone so good looking.

  “Have you ever practiced with your familiar before outside of class, or before you came to the school?” he asks. I cross my arms over my chest and look him up and down, trying to figure out if this is a trick question or not. When I find nothing that sets off my radar, I respond, “No, he is actually my cousin's familiar. He didn't become attached to me in any way at all until... “ he is a teacher's assistant but also a student, so I'm unsure if he knows or if I can tell him what happened to me.

  “If you're worried about the gag order, don't.“ He mirrors my stance with his arms crossed over his chest, though he takes two steps forward so that the distance between us is more than uncomfortable. He whispers the next part. “I already know what you are.“

  “Is that so?“ I raise my eyebrow at him in challenge. He could totally be bluffing. He can maybe have a scent that I am not what I appear to be and be trying to get it out of me.

  “You don't have to be so defensive all the time.“

  I roll my eyes at him but then stopped myself short, realizing I'm doing exactly what he says I'm doing. “I know that this is your first year and I shouldn't expect you to know how to do these, but the truth is most of these kids have been practicing with familiar since age 16 if not younger. I do offer private tutoring if you find yourself in over your head. Free of charge.“ He adds a wink to the end that has me both fluttering in my chest and wanting to gag. What is up with this guy?

  “Thanks, I'll think about it.“ I gather up Jinx and put him in my bag, getting out of there as quickly as possible. Getting involved with a teacher's assistant and the son of one of the Magistrate, for that matter, is not what I came here to do.

  Chapter 7

  "Calor," I say in frustration, swirling my wand around my body as I head out of the school building and onto the lawn. A sudden chill has taken over the mountain air, and I know the snow will start soon. The lawn isn’t crowded at lunch anymore, but Jake and I still prefer it to being cramped up inside the cafeteria. Besides, we can talk more freely out here. I find it a comfort to do so because I am evidently bad at keeping secrets.

  Who knew?

  But today, my mood is dark as I let out a loud harrumph, collapsing my ass onto the ground and almost spilling my tray of food. I had been so frustrated with Forbidden Talents today that I had dropped Jinx back off in my room right after class even though I am allowed to bring my familiar with me for other classes. Part of me knows it isn’t right blaming him. I will give him some kind of big treat tonight to make up for my bad attitude, but right now, I am just seeing red.

  "Woah, what's gotten into you?" Jake asks, and I can see he is holding back a laugh. He reminds me of a little brother, like the one I never got to have sometimes. He thinks it’s funny and a brotherly way, when I get angry. I seem to have a short fuse, and I wonder if that’s how I have always been or if this is something I have developed because of my demon blood.

  "I am starting to think that the demon blood I was given was defective," I grumble, causing a full on guffaw to have Jake rolling in the dewy grass. "Stop, you'll turn your uniform green," I scold, taking out my frustrations on him.

  I pop a fry into my mouth and savor the salty goodness, glad that I went for the junk food aisle, as they call it, today. I need some comfort food. Though, I did get some looks when I walked out with a tray full of greasy pepperoni pizza and fries. But it’s not like I gain weight anymore anyway. My heart may still beat, but certain parts of me will be frozen in time much like a vampire now.

  "That’s not even possible," Jake says, finally clearing the laughter from his voice and the resulting tears from his eyes. "Is this about the maze, or is it more about the hottie?" he asks, wiggling his left eyebrow at me.

  I huff at him, kicking out with my boot at his knee. It’s playful, but I am sure when it connects it will leave at least a small bruise.

  That’s something else he has been teasing me about. Every single class, Kagan finds a way to pull me aside or make an example out of me. Jake swears he catches Kagan looking at me and checking me out when I am not paying attention.

  "Both," I finally tell him, holding the pizza up in the air dramatically as I let the greasy goodness slide off onto my tongue from where it is suspended in the air. It reminds me of the very human part of my life I was living with my uncle. We used to have pizza the last Friday of every month. It was a tradition. Vivi always hated it because she is a vegetarian on a strict diet, and we would load up with sausage, pepperoni, and all of it.

  "You know, he has a bit of a point."

  I glare at Jake as I chew on some of the best pizza I have ever had. It is definitely a close second to the one time when I was seven and my parents got a vacation to New York. Nothing beats out New York pizza, though. "Come again?" I ask, my mouth still thick with melted cheese.

  "I mean about the tutoring. He does offer it, and you could use it. I hate to see you getting so far behind, and next semester, there will be consequences for you. Maybe you should take him up on the offer."

  "And what about all the flirting?" I squish up my face at the mention of it, and Jake just scoffs at me.

  "Like it’s so bad to be flirted with by a good looking guy?" Jake asks.

  "What, are you interested? You’re welcome to take him off my hands."

  "Oh, please, I am simply secure enough in my manhood to know when a guy is good looking. Plus, have you seen the way the other female students fawn all over him? Just don’t forget me when you’re dating him and that has you all popular."

  I roll my eyes, finishing the last bite of my slice of pizza. "You know as well as I do that even with my last name, no one is going to consider me popular in a place like this. I am an outcast. Not only am I not as good as others and came in during the middle of a semester, but I am a Blood Witch. I know not everyone knows that, but everyone can at least sense enough about my magic to know to stay away from me."

  He gives me a serious look, and I know he is thinking about himself. I feel a little guilty and place my hand on his arm so he knows I don’t mean it as an insult.

  I was turned into something like this. Attacked. I can’t imagine how bad he has had it his whole life having to explain his mother chose this for him, that he was born a monster. Not that I could ever imagine Jake hurting a soul. He has some great willpower. But then again, maybe the craving of blood and the crazed magic is a myth. I am certainly not losing control of my spells willy nilly or lusting after someone’s neck.

  "Yes, most of us can at least sense when there is something other present," he says in a soft voice.

  "Thanks for the advice, bestie," I tell him with a wide grin. "I think you just might be right. Tome to swallow my pride."

  "Where are you going?" Jake asks as I stand up and pick up my tray, heading for the trash.

  "To find myself a tutor."

  I get as far as the front office when I realize that I have no idea how to find Kagan. I mean, he clearly has his own class load as well as helping out some of the teachers. Other than when he helps out with Forbidden Talents, I am not aware of his schedule.

  Not knowing how else to find out, I cautiously approach the old woman who gave me my schedule the first day, still not knowing her name. My clammy fingers land on the brown desk where she sits, nervously bracing myself against it. "Uh...excuse me, could you possibly tell me where I might find Kagan...he’s a teacher assistant and a student here?" I feel really dumb now that I realize I don’t even know his last name. I haven’t paid any attention to him at all other than to notice his flaws. Perhaps it’s my outlook that needs to change and not just his advances. After al
l, help is help.

  "I think he is eating lunch in Room 411, helping to grade papers." She doesn’t look up at me when she says it, her arms moving impossibly fast through paperwork and then across the keyboard. So, I don’t bother thanking her verbally. I simply head back in the direction of the stairs and up to my History of Magical Species classroom where she says I just might find the person I am looking for.

  For some reason, I am starting to sweat even though it is cold outside, so I do a little spell with my wand before I knock on the closed door. It is silent, so I know class is not in session, which is a good thing I don’t want to gravel in front of other students.


  My knuckles wrap on the red door, almost matching the reddish brown brick on the outside of the building, four times before the door swings open. Someone used magic, as there is no one there to greet me. My neck sticks out at a funny angle as I try to get a glimpse of who is in the room before I step in there, and I immediately turn beet red when I catch his amber eyes looking at me, a smug grin already spreading across his face.

  "I hope you aren’t here to see your grade because I don’t give special privileges," he says, and I want to kick him in the shins instead of asking him for help. But I force myself to pad lightly inside anyway, not taking a seat. I am still not going to fall into his little trap.

  "You know why I am here."

  "Do I?" he teases, and I don’t know whether I am glad or not that we are alone in this room. I am a little afraid of what I might do to him as my anger bubbles up. But I have to admit there is something else behind that too.

  I avert my gaze so I don’t notice how he is clean shaven today or wearing a very flattering bronze vest that brings out his eyes. I even pretend not to notice the tribal tattoo that snakes over one muscular arm.

  Clearly, what I am doing is not working.

  I sigh. "I failed the maze. I got like, what, halfway? I am not good at this witch thing, and it’s a disgrace to the Graywood name. I need your help."

  "And here I thought I was the elitist one." He says it all with a big smile, but I grind my teeth together so hard I hear the sound loud in my head to keep from saying anything that is going to make him take back his offer. L=Like it or not, I need him.

  "You're going to make this hard, aren’t you? Do I need to beg? Because I won't." It’s such a lie. I just might do that if he asks.

  "No, of course not." His tone goes serious, the smile no longer on his face. "I take what I do seriously. I do want to end up being a professor here someday. We can start this weekend, if that’s alright with you?" he asks, all joking aside now. It is like he is two different people.

  I might get whiplash from his personality changes.

  "Yes, just tell me where and what time. Thank you." I add the last part hastily before going to walk away, but his voice stops me, unsurprisingly.

  "The lawn, Sunday, at dawn. You don’t have to wear your uniform," is all he says, but when I look back at him, a small dimple makes me wonder exactly what it is he is thinking about me wearing.

  Sunday is upon me quickly, and I literally roll out of my bed with a thump as my alarm goes off – or rather, Jinx. Jinx is my alarm. He sounds more like a siren, though, and I groan begrudgingly at him as I shuffle around like a zombie, trying to make myself presentable for this tutoring session.

  Why anyone would ever find it acceptable to be up at this ungodly hour, I have no idea, and the idea that I am supposed to be learning something strikes me as pure torture. I thought there were laws against cruel and unusual punishment.

  I have given myself plenty of time to prepare myself for this, and for good reason. It takes me three tries to get my makeup right because I am having trouble muttering the spells properly, and my hands are tired and shaky as I try to apply makeup to my tired eyes the old fashioned way.

  I make sure to coat with a thick layer of eyeliner to cover up the dark circles around my eyes and opt for something comfortable but me. I want to feel like myself so I can be more confident to face whatever Kagan is going to throw at me.

  I throw on my trusty, ripped, acid-washed, hot pink skinny jeans and a black, long sleeve top. I don’t want to put a coat on and get too hot with all the work we are doing, but it’s much too cold now for anything less. Winter seems to sneak up on everyone here even when they expect it to come. I have heard that there is the first snow of the season forecast to come through tomorrow night.

  I finally bunch my dark hair up into a top knot. It isn’t the most attractive thing, but it will keep it out of my way while I work on my familiar connection and what not.

  I honestly don’t know what to expect.

  I trudge out to the lawn, seeing that I am the only one crazy enough to be out of bed so early on a Sunday, barring the creatures that are awake. Despite the cold, the school is still home to several critters, some likely magical in nature. I have only just learned to spot the ones that have that extra something since many look like typical animals.

  I pass a group of butterflies, already on the hunt for their breakfast with some year round blooming flowers, something that is a must to keep the grounds from looking like a graveyard in the winter. The arid, cold temperatures make it a harsh place for typical plant growth. Even the humans felt it was magic that the first settlers of the area were able to do anything with the land.

  I find Kagan standing in front of an oak tree about hallway across the expanse of the lawn. His hands are clasped in front of him, and he is wearing a pair of jeans and a tee shirt that looks like it has seen better days. His hair is tied up in a pony, and I worry I might drool.

  He looks good...

  "Good morning," he says with a nod, no smile this time. Even though he is dressed like a typical 20-something man, he is in teacher mode. I set Jinx down on the ground, and he immediately goes over to Kagan and wraps himself around the guy’s leg a couple of times with a loud purr.

  "Traitor," I mutter.

  A short chuckle emits from Kagan’s throat as he bends down to pet Jinx under the chin, but nothing more.

  "I am afraid we are going to have to start with the basics since the two of you are not already bonded," Kagan tells me, standing back up like he was before. "I can’t teach you how to do advanced skills as a team unless you are a team. You have to connect with each other. And I get the feeling that you may be lacking in that particular skill."

  "And what skill is that?" Damn it, I am being defensive again.

  "Making connections." His face is stoic, so I can’t tell if he is trying to get a rise out of me or not, but if I react, I am only proving the point. But the insult does sting. Other than my family, I have not been close with anyone. I haven’t tried much, either. Maybe it is a deep seated fear that I will just lose them like I lost my parents and the brother I never got to meet.

  I have never dug that deep into my psyche before, but apparently my magic may depend upon it.

  "Fine, how do you suggest I...connect...with Jinx?" I specify Jinx at the end, not wanting to give Kagan the wrong idea. It’s not like he has stopped hitting on me, even though he may be acting professional now. I want to be clear it is the cat I want to connect with.

  Not that connecting with a man who looks like that would be so bad...

  As if reading my mind, Kagan steps forward and grasps my arm, entangling it with his, the one with the tattoo. I stare at it as if it is a foreign object. I don’t want him to see on my face how unconfutable this makes me.

  "Do you feel that?" he asks.

  "What?" If he means the warmth in my abdomen or the tingles up my spine, I sure feel that.

  "My magic. Coursing through me. I want you to find it."

  "Oh." I concentrate on his skin, thinking about when the demon at the party touched me and I felt something. I didn’t purposefully pick up on that. I always felt it was rude. The demon had just been too powerful to ignore.

  When I find his power, I feel a pinch, almost like a static shock, and pull back fo
r a moment. "Ouch."

  "I see you found it. It’s natural for my witch power to push back against your demon power. But if you try to connect your witch power with mine, it will get better."

  I don’t know how to do that, but I reluctantly snake my arm around his again, grabbing hold.

  "Think of it like a faucet that you can turn off and on, and there is both cold and hot," he instructs.

  It’s an interesting way to look at it, but now that he has said it, I can feel the push and pull of the two parts of me against his magic, trying to invade and push me out. I push forward with my mind against the hot faucet, my witch magic, pulling back on the demon magic. I close my eyes, and it takes a few minutes and a few more shocks before I get it, but then the two magics, mine and Kagan’s, seem to be flowing into each other.

  I look up with a smile, glad I achieved something, and instantly am entranced. His face is close to mine and his voice husky. "Congratulations. You just connected your magic to me."

  Chapter 8

  Okay, Jinx. We can do this. I say it into his head just like I have been taught. I have learned a lot of things lately that I never thought I would. Letting Vivi have all the fun with the familiar has left me in the dark about how they actually operate, and it is no wonder I can’t figure out how to work with Jinx.

  All I want you to do is to help me set that bush on fire. I nod to the bush in front of us; an illusion created by glamour courtesy of Madame Michelle. Kagan told her he was helping me, and she has become quite invested in my education. She often comes out to check on me when we have after school sessions, which is twice a week now. So, I am seeing Kagan three times a week on top of when he drops in to help some of my teachers and the class we share.


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