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Memory: Volume 2, Trials to Bear, A Tale of Pride and Prejudice (Memory: A Tale of Pride and Prejudice)

Page 16

by Wells, Linda

  Elizabeth reached up to caress his face and slipping her hand to the back of his neck, drew him down to kiss. “I love to keep you warm, Will.”

  Darcy groaned and began to move slowly, rising up from her mouth to push her skirt away so he could watch their union. He could not take his eyes from the sight. His hands gripped her hips and drew her closer. Elizabeth moaned and sighed as he filled her and thrilled as the fulfilment he brought slowly bloomed. Darcy looked to her eyes, they were open and watching him. His jaw set, the only sounds were their erratic breathing and the rhythmic wet slap of his body steadily thrusting into hers. They were desperately working not to cry out their pleasure, but at last Elizabeth gave in with a moan as her eyes closed. Darcy instantly let go of his tenuous control and gasped as the flood was released. He remained standing with his head down, quivering with the feeling. Her hands caressing his at last brought him back. Elizabeth smiled as he bent to kiss her.

  “I have no desire to leave this place.” He sighed. “Can we not remain this way?”

  “I think that it might be noted.” She laughed softly and touched his brow. “But I would like it as well, although, a pillow would be an improvement.”

  “But I will always remember the pleasure of loving you here, just as we are.” Darcy kissed her once more, then reluctantly drew away and repaired his clothes. Elizabeth purposely remained sprawled upon his desk. He smiled at the sight of her still-parted legs and cream covered thighs, “Now this is vision to keep me warm.” Lovingly he wiped her clean, then bent to kiss her thighs and breathe in the scent of their endeavours. “Have I told you how intoxicating your perfume is?”

  Elizabeth laughed and sat up with his help, and stood leaning into his arms. His hands travelled up and down her back and she nestled her ear to his heart. “I love your scent, as well.” He chuckled and they stood quietly swaying together, listening to the fire crackle and the clock steadily ticking. “I have come to depend on these embraces.” She looked up to him, to see him smile and nod. “How did I ever manage to live before without them?”

  “I have often thought the same, my love.” He brushed a tendril of hair from her cheek then bent to kiss the rosy skin.

  “You asked in your journal why a woman would not wish to be under the care of a man who loved her.” Darcy’s head nodded and he rested his cheek in her hair. “You forget that Mr. Carter was not a man like Richard. Mrs. Carter has not forgotten either.” She looked up to him, “I have no desire to ever face such a decision as Mr. Harwick or Mrs. Carter have.”

  “I promise I will stay safe. I will be in your arms three days after the trial, without fail.” He kissed her forehead.

  “Very well, then.” She sighed and hugged him tight. “Go.”

  “YOU REALLY HAVE TO BE more careful, Darcy.” Fitzwilliam laughed. “I knew what was happening in here and I was halfway down the hall.”

  Darcy glared at him. “You likely had your ear pressed to the keyhole.”

  “Perhaps.” He shrugged. “All right, it was not so loud, but I knew the telltale sounds, but your study, in the middle of the day? Lucky man! Where did you perform this act of love? I could not quite determine the location from the sounds … ”

  “I will not discuss this further.” Darcy picked up some wrinkled papers and sorted through them. “Why are you not pursuing Mrs. Carter?”

  “Because she is currently being interrogated. Apparently Mother took one look at me and another at Mrs. Carter, and as soon as her toilette was addressed, she accosted the poor woman and shut the door to the sitting room behind her.” He sighed. “So either Mrs. Carter will run screaming for a carriage to take her away from here or …”

  “Or?” Darcy paused in his work.

  “Or she might come around.” Fitzwilliam sat forward and rested his head in his hands. “Can you think of anything else I might do?”

  “You have tried kissing her?” Darcy smiled and heard a loud groan. “Try it again. It always works on Elizabeth.”

  “Does it?” He lifted his head. “How?”

  “If she is upset, I kiss her and …”

  “No, do not tell me, she is transported to a fairyland of sunshine and flowers, and you the Adonis are bathed in a glow that entices her senses and makes her forget there ever was trouble on the earth.”

  “What exactly did you read during your recovery?” Darcy laughed. “You sound like a schoolgirl!”

  “Speaking of which, I assume that we will be visiting our schoolgirl while we are in town?”

  “Of course.” Darcy smiled. “I cannot wait to see her.”

  “Well!” Lord Matlock and Lord Moreland wandered in and dropped into chairs simultaneously. Darcy and Fitzwilliam exchanged glances and held back their laughter. “Are you going to capture this woman or not? Your battle plans are a failure thus far, Son.”

  “Thank you for the reminder, Father.” He said dryly and looked up to see Layton stroll in with Stewart and Bingley. “Wonderful, three more of you. Where is Harwick? Does he not wish to add his advice?”

  “He is better occupied.” Lord Moreland announced. “He was practically waiting at my chamber door wanting to talk courtship. I told him we might as well cut to the chase and talk engagement, but he said it was too soon. I would have been shocked at any other man acting so precipitously, but Stewart prepared me for the possibility, and I was glad that Matlock and Layton know him so well. It is a relief that Laura has found such a worthy suitor. He told me everything there ever was to know about him. Straight as an arrow. That man has it bad, and Laura is anxious as well, but I cannot fault his determination to do this properly. How did this come about, Stewart?”

  “They met at the theatre.” He shrugged. “It was instantaneous.”

  “Impossible notion.” Lord Moreland growled.

  “Not so sir, I can attest to it in my case.” Darcy sat back and tossed his quill in the tray.

  “Well, she certainly has done well for herself so I have no objections, the engagement is inevitable. Two little girls to raise; my wife is delighted.”

  “She does not mind? Mrs. Bennet did not like the idea for Miss Bennet.”

  “She suspected that Miss Bennet’s children would be second to the first two.” Fitzwilliam explained to the Earl.

  “That is ridiculous, they are girls! If he had a son already, then certainly, he would take precedence. His girls have their dowries already set from their mother. Laura will bring her own money to the marriage, besides, when I heard that man confess his devotion to Laura well, it nigh brought tears to my eyes. A man like that will care for all of his children.” He sniffed loudly and looked around. “Where is the port?”

  Stewart jumped and poured a glass. “Here you are, Father.” The Earl took it and fell into contemplative quiet.

  Darcy looked at his uncle and his eyes travelled over the faces of the silenced men. He cleared his throat. “I appreciate you and Aunt Helen staying on while I am away, Uncle. I will feel better having so many to keep Elizabeth company.”

  “It is no trouble at all. I think that having Alicia here will be good for her as well, they can exchange information.” He smiled to Layton. “It will not be long now.”

  “March Father, we have almost as long as Darcy to wait.” Layton sighed. “This will be our last appearance until Spring. I was not too happy about taking the trip, but she insisted. I am surprised that Elizabeth did not try persuasion to allow her to accompany you, Darcy.”

  Darcy coloured and Fitzwilliam started to laugh. “She did Brother, but our cousin was … convincing.”

  As Darcy’s blush deepened the rest of the men began to join Fitzwilliam’s laughter.

  “Good for you, Son! Show your wife who is master!” Lord Matlock cried.

  Bingley grinned. “I hope that you will serve as my advisor in these matters as well someday.”

  The men roared with laughter and grew louder the angrier Darcy became. “I think that our lessons are at an end Bingley, you are hereby on your

  “No, no, do not turn the boy out!” Lord Matlock wiped his eyes and chuckled again. “Oh you simply do not appreciate how good it is to laugh at you, Darcy. See the humour, do not take offense. I thought Elizabeth had cured you of that.”

  “I would feel more humour if the laughter was about any other subject, Uncle. Pick one, I beg you.”

  A quiet knock came to the door and Elizabeth appeared. Immediately they stood, the smiles were gone and the room was occupied with five men looking abashed and one looking very relieved. “Forgive me for interrupting, gentlemen. Richard, your mother requests that you come to the blue sitting room.” Fitzwilliam was gone like a shot. She laughed and looked to Darcy. “And you Mr. Darcy, may I have a moment?”

  “You may have more than that.” He began to move towards her but the others exchanged glances and filed out.

  She closed the door and locked it, then advanced towards him, stopping a few feet away to rest her hands on her hips. “What was that about?”

  “They were laughing at my expense.”


  “Because I have a wonderful loving wife.” He stepped closer.

  “And that is amusing?”

  “No, that is enviable.” He slipped his hands around her waist and kissed her softly then hugged her tight. “Thank you for rescuing me. How did you know that I needed you?”

  “I heard everyone’s laughter but yours.” She rested her ear to his chest and embraced his waist. “That is the sound I love, so I came to see what was wrong.”

  “Thank you.” He kissed the top of her head and they stood quietly rocking together. “I love you, too.”

  “RICHARD COME IN and close the door.” Lady Matlock directed. Fitzwilliam did as he was told and took a seat on the sofa next to Evangeline.

  He looked at her then to his mother. “Well, the atmosphere is as thick as London fog, which does not bode well.”

  “What it bodes is between you two. I have heard out all of Mrs. Carter’s hopes and fears and have attempted to address them reasonably as a woman. What remains are issues that only you can answer.” She stood and looked down at Richard whose concerned gaze was focussed on Evangeline. “I am not in the least concerned about propriety, take your time.” She walked to the door and opened it, then closed it behind her.

  Fitzwilliam waited for her to begin, but seeing nothing forthcoming spoke with what he hoped was a smiling voice. “She can be rather intimidating sometimes.”

  “Yes, I … understand that.” She looked to her clasped hands.

  After some silence Fitzwilliam tried again. “She was the one who meted out my punishment.”

  “Did that happen often?” Evangeline asked quietly.

  “Oh yes, until I realized that misbehaving at home would not be tolerated.” He laughed and warmed to the subject. “Of course I had to be careful that she did not hear about my behaviour at school either. I would bribe my brother to stay quiet.”

  Evangeline smiled and looked up to him. “What did you offer?”

  “I offered not to beat him to a pulp.” Seeing her wide eyes he laughed. “You are not man.”

  “I am very aware of that fact.” She saw his smile fade and sighed. “Forgive me, Richard. You have been so kind and I have …”

  “Been very dear.” He said softly.

  “I have not. I have vacillated with a decision, making you wonder and wait, letting you kiss me …”

  “And frightening you in the process, I am sorry for that.” He took her hand. “I could not resist.”

  “I was frightened, but … I have relived that kiss daily since we parted.” Evangeline saw the smile slowly returning. “Richard, your letters have made me feel alive again. I was married when I was twenty. You were correct when you surmised that I was full of hope and dreams that day, but by the end of the wedding night, I …” She choked and began to cry.

  “Dear Eva.” Richard immediately let go of her hand and wrapped her up in his arms. “My love, you do not have to tell me.” He held her while her shoulders shook. “I knew that he was dissolute but I had no idea that he mistreated you as well. Did your brother know?” He felt her head shake. “Nobody knew?” He kissed her hair and closed his eyes. “I love you; I have fallen so deeply in love with you. I have told you more in my letters than I have to any person except Darcy.”

  “I love your letters.” She whispered and he hugged her. “I imagined you were holding me like this and telling me your stories.”

  “I imagined we were at home and you were sitting by my side. I imagined that the nightmares would end with your kiss on my brow.”

  “Oh Richard, I am so frightened to trust again, but I do not wish to be alone in that house in London until I die.”

  “What may I do to convince my Eva?” He withdrew and using his rough thumb caressed the tears from her cheeks. “Anything you wish, I will do.” His gaze moved down to her lips and he leaned in to gently brush them with a slight kiss. Forcing himself from the temptation of kissing her tears away, he moved back and pushed her hair from her eyes. “Did Mother help you?”

  “She told me all about Audrey and Alicia. She told me of her disappointment and guilt in the suffering they experienced and her joy with their reinvigorated marriages. She spoke to me of the women she knows who never married and now face their declining years with no children to look after them as their peers slowly die. She spoke of the loneliness. She spoke of your Aunt Catherine and how she is alone by her own hand. She spoke of the comfort of a good man by her side and the joy of holding a child created of their union in her arms. She listened to me. I have had no woman to share this with … you have a wonderful mother.”

  “She can seem hard at times but she is very fierce in her protection of those she cares about.” He said softly.

  “Just as you are.” Evangeline looked up at him. “My good soldier.”

  Fitzwilliam smiled and caressed her cheek with his fingers. “I am yours you know, it is ingrained now, I am afraid. I will go to the ends of the earth for you. Please tell me what to do. Just please do not avoid me. One thing that I know from watching Darcy is that he and Elizabeth speak to each other and … I want that. Too much of my life I have been left to my lonely thoughts, I want to be able to turn to you.”

  “Oh Richard that sounds so good.” She sighed.

  “It does?” He smiled. “I thought of that all by myself.” She laughed and touched his cheek. He took her hand and kissed the palm, then encased her hands within his own. “Will you tell me all of your worries? Do not hesitate, just tell me. I can bear anything but your silence.”

  Evangeline nodded and bent her head to kiss his hands. Fitzwilliam lifted her chin to kiss her lips, but the taste of her tears and the warmth of her skin was his undoing, and the strokes deepened, until his gently probing tongue was at last welcomed to taste all of her. Their arms wound around each other and they remained in the secure embrace for several moments of shared relief. Eventually Fitzwilliam stopped and kissed her once. He drew her head to rest on his shoulder and embraced her. “Now my love, talk to me.”

  Chapter 7

  “Lovely.” Darcy lowered the glittering diamond choker past Elizabeth’s eyes and gently fastened it around her neck. He kissed below her ear and paused, barely tracing his lips across her skin, down her shoulders, and adding the delicate touch of his fingers up her arms. Feeling her draw a trembling breath and lean back against him, Darcy whispered, “So very lovely you are.” Withdrawing, he looked at their reflection and smiled to see her watching him. He closed his arms around her and they studied the picture they presented, and slowly swayed to the tune playing on the music box.

  “What is that?” She whispered and watched his lips caress her hair then down her temple to her ear. “A waltz?”

  “Yes, love. Shall we dance?”

  “I wish we could dance to this tonight.” Elizabeth turned in his arms and faced him. “This dance is sensuous.”

  “Because we hol
d each other.”

  “Because you lead me. I move at your will.” She saw the pride of possession appear in his intense gaze, then felt his hand take her waist as they began to sway and turn. “You cannot encompass my waist with your hands anymore.”

  “I am glad of it.” He smiled as she looked at him doubtfully. “I am.”

  “Will you ever be able to do that again?”

  Darcy chuckled, “Eventually the babe will be born, he will not remain forever inside of you.”

  “But will you still desire me after …” She was silenced with an ardent, insistent application of his lips. “Will …”

  “mmm?” He sighed as they rested their heads together and continued to move.

  “You know that I am capable of returning to a subject even after your admirable kisses.”

  “I do, but I also notice that you quickly take the hint that I feel you are being silly.” Darcy’s eyes opened to find hers inches away and staring at him. He kissed her nose. “Yes, love?”

  “I am never silly.”

  “Oh. My mistake.” His lips pursed and his eyes twinkled. “You are never obstinate either.”

  “No more so than you.” She smiled to hear his chuckle as they twirled around the bed, when the music stopped.


  “Shall I reset it?” He offered and began to walk away.

  “No, we need to go downstairs, our guests will arrive soon.” She looked out of the window as she was again enfolded into his arms. “Help me tonight.”


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