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Two Cowboys For Her: An MMF Romance

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by Ellie Rowe

  Two Cowboys For Her

  An MMF Romance

  Ellie Rowe

  Ellie Rowe Writes

  Copyright © 2021 by Ellie Rowe

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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  Also by Ellie Rowe

  1. Samantha

  2. Asher

  3. Liam

  4. Samantha

  5. Asher

  6. Liam

  7. Samantha

  8. Asher

  9. Samantha

  10. Liam

  11. Samantha

  12. Asher

  13. Liam

  14. Samantha

  15. Asher

  16. Liam

  17. Samantha

  18. Asher

  19. Liam

  20. Samantha

  21. Asher

  22. Liam

  23. Samantha

  24. Asher

  25. Liam

  26. Samantha

  27. Asher

  28. Liam

  29. Samantha

  30. Asher

  31. Liam

  32. Samantha

  33. Samantha

  34. Asher

  35. Liam

  36. Samantha

  37. Asher

  38. Liam

  39. Samantha

  40. Asher

  41. Liam

  42. Samantha

  43. Asher

  44. Liam

  45. Samantha

  46. Asher

  47. Liam

  48. Samantha

  49. Asher

  50. Liam

  51. Samantha


  52. James

  53. Oliver

  54. Ashley

  55. James

  Also by Ellie Rowe

  Also by Ellie Rowe


  Two Billionaires For Her

  Two Doctors for Her

  Two Lawyers For Her

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  Mom RomCom:

  Route 69

  After School Special

  Hell’s Bells

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  The Jerk Who Saved Me

  The Billionaire and the Babe

  * * *

  Skyscrapers and Stilettos Shared World:

  The Billionaire’s Bun In Her Oven

  Guide to Bossing A Billionaire

  Manhattan Cowboy



  “Welcome to Houston Texas. Thank you for choosing Delta for your flight today. Please buckle your seat belts as we land.”

  Ahh fuck, here we go.

  Houston is where I grew up- but it’s not my home. New York City is my one and only home- always will be. I managed to avoid Texas for the past five years, and I never thought I’d be coming back this soon- but here I am.

  So why am I finally venturing back? Well, that would be because of my father. If you can even really call him that.

  My father is one of the biggest ranchers in our part of Texas. He’s the richest, and by far the most successful one. Which is all good and well- except there’s one issue with my father, and that issue is just too big for me to overlook.

  You see, my father has been horrible to me for as long as I can remember. He’s pretty much like that with all the women in my family- including my mother. I have spent the better part of my life begging her to leave him- but for some reason, she refuses.

  Ah who am I kidding- I know the reason. Money. If it weren’t for him, she would have nothing- he even made her sign a prenup before getting married, so it’s not like she’d get anything from the divorce. In fact, she’d only be worse off.

  So she’s kind of trapped. And as horrible as that is- she hasn’t really tried to do a single thing to better the situation for herself, so I can’t really feel bad for her.

  Regardless of that, my mother and I have still managed to remain pretty close. We talk a few times a week- but never about my father. She always makes sure to not mention him, mostly because she knows that if she does- she probably won’t hear from me for a while.

  I know it sounds like I’m pretty bitter when it comes to my family, but I’m honestly not. I have four brothers- and they’ve always been very nice to me. I’m in good standing with my cousins, my grandparents- pretty much everyone but my father.

  If I’m being honest- I miss my family quite a lot. That’s the only way I was even able to get on this plane. I have two nieces that I haven’t even seen since they were born. I’m honestly really excited to see everyone.

  My main worry is what the hell my father wanted me to come home for. He refused to give me any real details- but he made it sound very important. My first thought was that maybe someone was sick- like my mother or grandparents. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  It’s not that I don’t miss home- I love Texas. It’s beautiful here, and I love the heat. We don’t get this kind of weather in New York.

  It’s just that I thrive in NYC. You see, I’m a lingerie model- and a famous one at that. When I’m in New York, it’s like I’m actually alive. Everywhere I go, people know who I am. Everywhere I look, I see my face in the magazines, up on the billboards, etc.

  It’s fucking amazing. Not to mention my amazing group of friends. Because of them, I never get bored in the city. We’re out partying almost every night- and it truly feels like where I’m meant to be.

  But that doesn’t mean that I don’t still feel as if something is missing. I’d be lying if I said that. I guess that’s probably why I packed for more than a weekend trip to Texas. Something tells me I might be here for a little while.

  I deboard the plane, claim my bags, and hail a cab home. My father’s house isn’t actually in Houston- it’s about thirty or so minutes outside of the city. It’s actually really fucking beautiful, and I find myself missing it at the most random of times.

  Especially my horse, Whitney. I’ve had Whitney since I was fifteen years old. She’s going on ten years old now, and I’ve missed the hell out of her these past five years.

  Finally, my cab pulls up to the ranch. I pay him, and hop out, rolling my bags up the driveway. I’m a whole day early- I didn’t want the family to throw me this whole welcome home party and be totally bombarded as soon as I arrived- so no one even knows I’m here right now.

  As I’m about to leave my bags outside the barn and run inside to see Whitney, when I hear my fathers voice. I stop short- mostly because his voice gives me the chills after going so many years without hearing it.

  “Yes, I didn’t mention any of this to her. She has no idea why she’s coming. Well, I just made it sound like it was something really important- I knew that if she thought something was wrong, she would come. It was really the only way.”

  Hold up- is he talking about me? I take a few steps back and to the side, so that I’m just out of his line of vision, but close enough to still hear him.

  “Well, that’s exactly why I’m doing this. It’s a complete disgrace- seeing my own daughter plastered on all these magazines, posing half-naked for all of the world to see? Do you know how these people look down on me for this? It’s all anyone ever talks about. But if I can get her here, settled down with one of the local ranchers- well, game over.”

  “See, I knew you’d ask that. I’ve been thinking a lot about it- and I actually think Mr. Dalton and Mr. Anderson would be perf
ect. They’re the only two ranchers in this part that even come close to my status- not only that- but they’re damn good at what they do. Those names could actually bring back some of our reputation that she threw right in that trash.”

  Wow… I mean, I knew my father thought this way of me- but to actually hear him saying it out loud- is something else.

  “I’m going to offer both of them my ranch and my prize-winning herds if they can get her to settle down with them. I’ll do anything to get her here permanently. I have other plans for myself- I don’t need this ranch.”

  “That’s exactly my plan. You know me well. I’m going to approach Asher and Liam either today or tomorrow before she arrives. There’s no way they’ll say no to me- I could ruin their reps in five seconds. Yep. Oh hey- while I’ve got you here, when are you comin over for that barbecue we’ve been talking about for ages?”

  Since he seems to be done talking about me for the moment- I use this time to quietly sneak away towards the main house. I guess I’ll have to see Whitney later.

  For now, it’s time to devise my own plan. I won’t let him get away with this…



  It’s so fucking hot outside that I have to force myself to leave my nice, air-conditioned house. Normally I don’t force myself to work on days like this- but today there’s just too much that needs to be done.

  So, I venture outside and head out to one of the stables. I know the horses are dying to get out and run around with the dogs. It’s a funny thing, the relationship between my farm dogs and my horses. They’ve all been best friends ever since I introduced them many summers ago.

  Of course, not all of my horses get along with them. Sunny and Alpha are the two that need to be separated from the rest when I bring the dogs out. They both get a tad too rough- and Alpha, hence his name- tends to boss them around, and the dogs are not too fond of that.

  Once the horses are out, I head up to one of the barns to start some of the hardest jobs I have to get done today. As soon as I get there and open up the doors, I hear some hollering coming from behind me.

  I turn around to see the famous Mr. Laurier, owner of the largest and most beautiful ranch in all of Southeastern Texas. He’s a force to be reckoned with, and a man that I have always had mad respect for- and even some jealousy.

  You see, my ranch is unfortunately not my main job. I actually own a huge plot of land that I’ve been slowly mining oil from for the better part of my adulthood. But my true passion has always been my ranch, and I wish I could do this full time, like Mr. Laurier.

  He trots up on his horse, a giant, jet-black mare who I’ve come to learn is named Blueberry. When he gets close enough, he hops down and ties his horse to a nearby post. I honestly have no idea why he’s here.

  “Howdy, Alfred! What can I do for you?”

  “Actually, I’m glad you asked! I came to offer you a proposition. Mind if we go inside out of this blazin heat?”

  “Of course, sir- just follow me back to the stables, so we can get ol’ Blueberry here settled into a nice, shady stall before heading on in.”

  As we walk Blueberry back, I try to make some small talk.

  “How long is it that you’ve had this dame? I feel like she’s always been around- as long as I can remember.”

  “That she has. Going on twenty-one long years now- got about seven to ten more in her.”

  “Wow- all of mine are fifteen years or less. I only hope I can care for them well enough to get them as old as Blueberry.”

  “Well if you say yes to this here proposition I’m about to offer you- then you’ll for sure get that wish of yours.”

  We get Blueberry settled into a stall and head inside, plopping down at my kitchen table.

  “Alright sir, what’s this proposition you’ve got to offer me?”

  “I want you to take my daughter out. She’s twenty-four years old and a real beauty. But see, my daughter hasn’t been focused on the things I’d like her to be. I’m sure you’ve heard of her from a few of the locals who love to blab. But Samantha has real promise, I know she does. Which is why I need a nice young man like you to lock her down. And if you can manage to do that for me- I’m willing to give you not only my entire ranch- but also my prize-winning herd.”

  “Wow… Alfred- I’m shocked. That’s a lot to offer me just to take your daughter out.”

  “Ah but see- don’t want you to just take her out. I’m going to need you to charm her, lock her down. If that girl is going to stay here in Texas instead of going back to New York- it’s going to take a lot. So you’ll need to pull out all the stops for her.”

  “Sir, if you don’t mind me asking- why is it so important to you that your daughter stay here? So important, that you’d give up your life’s work?”

  “Well that’s just where you’ve got it wrong, pal. My ranch is not my life’s work- my family is. And I need my daughter to stop dilly-dallying through life and start doing what she was born to do.”

  “I understand, sir. I would be honored to take your daughter out.”

  “Good man. I knew you had it in you. But remember- she can’t know anything about this deal we’ve made, or she will leave the state immediately. You hear me, son?”

  “Absolutely, sir.”

  With that, he tips his hat at me and leaves my house. A few minutes later he’s galloping through my ranch on Blueberry, headed back home.

  Well if that wasn’t the weirdest interaction I’ve ever had with anyone in this weird ass place- then I don’t know what is. I still have no idea what actually just happened, but I head back outside to start on my work anyways.

  As I’m working, I think about the conversation. It seems a little odd to me that this man is trying to set his daughter up like this is the late seventeen hundreds, like some arranged marriage type shit.

  Regardless of how weird it is- I plan on doing exactly as he said- because having his ranch, and his herd? Well, it would mean I could finally get my dream of becoming a full-time rancher. I’d finally have an excuse to sell my oil field and just focus on what’s really important to me.

  Besides- I’ve heard of Samantha Laurier, famous lingerie model. She’s a legend around here. If she’s finally back home- then this is my only shot. And I definitely don’t want to miss that.

  For the rest of the afternoon, I continue to work hard, slaving away in this horrible Texas heat. But today, there’s a light at the end of this hot and sweaty tunnel. And that light is named Samantha.



  I wake up feeling the same as I always do- not sad, but not happy. Just kind of meh. I’ve been feeling like this a lot lately- like I’m not truly fulfilled by my life. And let me tell you- that’s a really shitty way to feel.

  The truth is- there are lots of things I would change about my life if I could. But I’m kind of stuck in a rut right now, and there isn’t much I can do about that.

  It’s not that I hate the life I’ve created for myself- it’s just that I thought I would be so much farther along by this point. I pictured myself living on some huge ranch, being the best rancher in all of Texas. Or at least somewhere in the top five.

  Instead, I’m exactly where I was two years ago, and five years ago, and eight years ago. Things just don’t seem to be really moving along the way they should be.

  Today I plan on doing a bit of work on my ranch, but first I have to head into the city to pick up some parts and things I’m going to need. After I eat breakfast and get ready for the day, I head outside to my truck.

  Just as I’m about to hop in, the famous Mr. Laurier rides up on his horse. Odd- I’m not very close with him, and usually a visit from him wouldn’t mean anything good.

  “Hey Mr. Anderson- what do you say you and I go for a little ride together up the road here? I’ve got somethin I’d like to discuss with you.”

  “Of course, sir! Let me go grab my Knight.”

  A couple minutes later, we’re cantering down
the road, onto a beaten path that loops around my ranch.

  “So, Liam- how’ve you been? Oil business treatin you well?”

  “Yes sir! Very well.”

  “That’s good to hear. And your ranch?”

  “Had some pest issues a couple months back, but since then, things have been running pretty smoothly.”

  “Well I have to say, I’m real impressed with how you’ve turned this place around since you purchased this land. It used to be a huge mess over here. You ever thought about expanding?”

  “Oh all the time, sir. That’s the ultimate goal. I’d love to have a ranch as big and successful as yours one day. But land like that is real hard to come by nowadays.”

  “Well then today might be your lucky day, son. I’m here to offer you the very land you speak of. Not only that, but all of my prize-winning herds.”

  I stop short.

  “Why would you do that?”

  “Well son, because in return- you’re going to do something for me.”


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