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Two Cowboys For Her: An MMF Romance

Page 2

by Ellie Rowe

  “Anything, sir.”

  “I need you to take my daughter out. You’ve heard of Samantha? Well, I’ve managed to get her back home, and I want you to swoop her right off her feet.”

  What the hell?

  “Why me?”

  “Well, Liam- I’ve been keeping my eye on you. I like your work ethic, and I like the things you’ve accomplished. You seem like a focused man. You don’t find that often, believe it or not. Even in a town like this. You’re exactly the kind of man that I can see keeping my daughter focused. She needs a man like you- and that’s a fact.”

  “Wow, I’m honored that you think so highly of me sir. Coming from someone like you- it means a lot. And I would be completely honored to take your daughter out. I’m sure she’s a lovely girl.”

  “There’s a bit more to it than that. See, you won’t get my land and my herd unless you’re able to lock Samantha down. And let me tell you- that won’t be particularly easy. It may even take a little while. Not only that, but she can’t know that we even had this conversation. Ever. Because if she were to find out- well, she’d leave and never look back- even if she does fall for you. I can promise you that.”

  “Of course, Alfred. She won’t know a thing about this. As far as she knows- you and I have never met.”

  “That’s what I like to hear. I can see that you’re going to make me proud, son. I appreciate you hearing me out, I know you don’t get people approaching you like this every day.”

  “Thank you for stopping by Mr. Laurier- it’s truly an honor.”

  “And hey- if you ever need some advice about anything when it comes to your ranch- please, don’t hesitate to come and see me. If you and I are going to be family- we’ll need to become well acquainted with each other.”

  “Of course, sir.”

  “Alright, I’m off now.”

  Alfred gallops away, back down the road to his own ranch. The ranch that, according to him- could one day be mine. I mean wow… I can’t even imagine how amazing that would be. Truly, nothing would be better.

  Maybe this will be the thing that ends my rut. No matter how weird it may be that this dude basically just pulled up on his horse and pimped his daughter out to me- I plan on doing whatever I can to make this happen.

  I just can’t continue to let my life be like this. Some real change needs to happen.

  I’ve heard about his daughter before- she’s actually quite a famous girl. Samantha Laurier, lingerie model. She’s huge in the U.S, and especially in New York. I’ve even seen her on the TV a few times, doing interviews and such.

  To go out with a woman like that? Whew- I’d be one lucky son of a bitch, that’s for sure. Going out with her would be no chore- in fact, I’d call that a win-win. Fancy new ranch, and a fucking lingerie model girlfriend? Every single man in the country would be jealous of me.

  Asher pops into my mind- oh man, Asher would especially be jealous. I’d finally have the upper hand on that bastard. A bigger ranch, a better herd- and a sexy, famous girl by my side?

  I can’t help but feel like this could be the start of the rest of my life.



  I just barely contain my rage while interacting with my father. When he noticed I was home, I pretended like I had never heard his conversation. I act like everything is completely fine, and even fake a little enthusiasm at the sight of him, making him think that I actually missed him.

  Turns out I’m actually an amazing actor- maybe I should start pursuing that when I’m finished modeling. Although I’m sure my father would throw an equally large fit if I started doing that.

  The only work he approves of for a woman is being a housewife. And let's just say that that is the last thing I plan on doing with my life.

  When I woke up this morning, everyone was gone except my father- which left me to eat breakfast alone with him. Awkward doesn’t even begin to explain it.

  I will say- the one good thing about my father is his cooking. He makes amazing food, no matter what ingredients he’s given.

  For breakfast, he made us some cinnamon french toast, maple bacon, and spicy sunny side up eggs. Absolutely fucking delicious. Makes it hard to stay mad at him while I’m scarfing down his food.

  “So darlin’, you planning on staying home for a while? I know it would make your mother extremely happy. She’s been very lonely without her only daughter.”

  Ah yes, the guilt. Does he really think that’s going to work on me? I know every one of his stupid little tricks.

  “You know, I’m still deciding. I haven’t booked my return flight home yet.”

  “Well good. We miss you around here- and so does Whitney.”

  “I know, Dad- I know. Trust me, I miss everyone too. But I have a life back in New York. And that life is important to me.”

  “How could anything be more important than your own family?”

  “Dad, you do realize that I’m my own person right? I don’t have to do exactly what the rest of the family does. I don’t have to do what you want me to do. I’m an individual who has her own interests and passions.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve heard all of this before. I guess I just don’t understand how one person can be so selfish.”

  “Selfish? Are you kidding me? Okay I’m not doing this with you right now. I’m sorry Dad- I love you, but this is enough. I’m not going to let you put me down for following my dreams and doing what I love.”

  “How can that be what you love? Prancing around naked for all of the world to see?! How do you think that makes your family feel?”

  “You know what Dad? I don’t care how it makes you feel. If you don’t like it, don’t fucking look. You should be the one supporting me the most- out of everyone. You should be the one protecting me, and if people say shit about me- you should be defending me. Because I’m your daughter, not your property. Now I’m done with this conversation- I refuse to do this with you again.”

  I throw my plate in the sink and head outside.

  “Where are you going?!” he shouts after me.

  “I’m taking Whitney for a ride, or are you going to tell me I can’t do that either??”

  I don’t wait for his response, instead I run straight to the barn, and right to Whitney’s stall. It’s the first chance I’ve gotten to come see her since I got home, and I think both of us are equally excited about that.

  “Whitney baby!! Ohh how I missed you my love,” I whisper, giving her a good rub on her side just how she likes it.

  I saddle her up, and a short while later, we’re on our way off the ranch, galloping down the dirt road.

  Feeling the fresh air on my face, hair blowing back in the wind- I forget about every single other thing in the world. I forget about the argument with my father, and how the conversation I overheard. I forget about the stress of my job, or the confusion I feel deep inside over how I want my life to go.

  All I know at this moment is Whitney. It’s just me and her against the world, and together we’re unstoppable.

  We loop back towards home and stop at the orchard across the street that separates two other ranches. I hop off of her and tie her to one of the trees. I grab a giant carrot out of her pouch and hand it to her, before picking an apple off of the tree for myself.

  This right here, is paradise. It really is times like this where I just miss being home. And I can’t help but think that if it weren’t for my father- I would still be here, able to do this whenever I wanted.

  Just as I’m deep in thought, Whitney starts looking around like she’s seeing something. I follow her gaze, to see two beautiful, muscular men walking towards us.

  It doesn’t take me long to realize that these are definitely the guys that my father was planning on setting me up with. Fuck.

  “Hi, you’re Samantha right? I just wanted to introduce myself to you. I’m Asher, and I own the ranch just over there,” he says, pointing behind us.

  “Hi Asher, pleased to meet you. Was there som
ething you needed? Is this your land now? I thought this was owned by the city, I’m sorry.”

  “No, no! This isn’t my land. That’s not why I came over here.”

  Just as he’s about to open his mouth to continue, the other man reaches us and speaks up.

  “Hello, Samantha! My name is Liam, and I own the ranch just over there.”

  Wow, this man has the prettiest dark blue eyes that I have ever seen in my life. It’s hard to not get lost in them.

  He continues.

  “I wanted to come over and introduce myself to you. I heard you were back in town, and I thought that now would be the perfect opportunity to-

  Asher interrupts.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “What? Can’t you see I’m trying to talk to this woman?”

  “Um- you interrupted me first.”

  “Oh sorry- didn’t notice you.”

  “Yeah fuckin right. You’re a goddamn liar. How did you even know I was coming over here??”

  They continue to argue, and for a moment longer than I should, I watch them. Finally, I’ve heard enough.

  “Okay, enough!” I shout. “What the hell do you two want,” Asher speaks.

  “I came here to ask you out on a date,” he says, face completely flushed from arguing.

  “Okay, and Liam?”

  “I came to ask you the exact same thing.”

  I hop back onto Whitney before turning to them.

  “I will be expecting a call from both of you letting me know the date and time you will be picking me up.”

  With that, I gallop away, leaving them to continue arguing amongst each other.

  This should be fun.



  I take my shot of Jack Daniels with ease, welcoming the warm embrace of my preferred liquor. I’m hoping a few shots with my bros will calm me down after that infuriating interaction with that asshole Liam- Christ what a nuisance.

  Clearly Mr. Laurier thinks we’re a pair of dumb-ass billionaires and wants us to battle it out for his daughter- his smokin hot daughter. I’ll give him some credit though, it’s a clever ploy, and the fact that he’s willing to give up that juicy herd to get his daughter married off- well, that means he’s not only serious, but desperate. Desperate is something I can work with.

  Samantha though- she’s a prize to fight for. I play with the shot glass between my fingers while imagining those riding pants, so seamlessly outlining that glorious ass of hers. Blonde hair flowing in the hot Texas air, experienced thighs squeezing tight against the sides of her horse. A majestic creature riding another majestic creature.

  I feel a shiver shoot through my spine at the thought of Samantha riding something even better… me.

  “Time to wake up brother!”

  A strong slap on my back wakes me from my fantasy. I turn to find three of my best friends gathered along the bar, all with huge grins stretched across their faces. The saloon doors swing closed, momentarily swirling the humid air of The Lonestar. Next to me are Gunner, Frederic, and Andy. All three own smaller ranches along the state line and are some of the best friends a guy could get.

  “A little early for Jack, don’t you think?”

  Gunner Black is my longest running buddy. We literally grew up in diapers together, attending the same kindergarten all the way through high school. Business classes took us in different directions- him to New York, me staying near the homestead- but our bond has always remained.

  Gunner signals the bartender while continuing to jab at me.

  “Must have been one hell of a day to catch you here before work hours are over.”

  I glance up at the clock hanging over the bar. It’s in the shape of a bull, and it appears to be four thirty-one. Sure enough, it’s an early hour for the likes of me to be hitting the bars.

  Gunner knows business always comes first for me- which is why money was never a factor. I work hard, so I can play even harder.

  I’m shaking my head, grinning just as wide.

  “I guess even billionaires have an off day. “

  Gunner nods.


  I smile widely.

  “Make it a double.”

  Night seems to fall upon The Lonestar rapidly. I give credit to the booze for that, as well as the company. The boys are all chatting me up, letting me in on all of the gossip that seems to spread like wildfire all over this town.

  My mind keeps drifting back to Liam- that big idiot- and then of course, back to Samantha. Those damn pants.

  Girls begin to drift into the bar. Andy elbows me, pointing his chin toward the front entrance. Three babes are walking in and seem to be hunting for a good time. Two have long black hair, possibly sisters, while the other is a dazzling redhead.

  All are wearing short skirts and heels, their bare legs glistening under the bright lights. I feel my dick slightly twitch at the sight of them. Honestly, a good fuck would probably get this frustration with Mr. Laurier and Liam right out of my mind. But Samantha…

  One of the girls with long black hair catches me staring. She winks at me, and I raise my beer towards her and her friends, shooting them a smile to die for. Two of the girls giggle, then summon the courage to walk over. Andy, Fred, and Gunner all notice, making space for the ladies at our table.

  “Well, you’re difficult to miss aren’t you?” The taller lady says and stands close to me, her bare skin rubbing against my arm. Her friends giggle, nodding in agreement.

  “You’re not so easy to miss either mamn.''

  I'm smiling, thinking about what it may take to get all three of these ladies home with me. The billionaire status certainly has its benefits when it comes to casual sex.

  Gunner motions toward the bartender.

  “What are we drinking tonight ladies? Gin? Whiskey? Pick your poison!”

  “Whatever this smoke show has got works for us,” the second lady with black hair winks at me.

  Her eyes are bright green, with a hint of naughtiness behind them. I imagine her tied up on all fours, just begging for a good fuck.

  As soon as thought appears, another one pops up even quicker. An image of Samantha pops into my head once again, the naughty smile she shot us while riding away on that horse.

  There was definitely something there- something beyond a quick charm and fuck. I finish off my beer as the server brings over drinks for the three women. I slam it down on the table and look at my watch.

  “Unfortunately, I’m going to have to get going ladies. Early morning tomorrow. The life of a rancher, right?”

  The women collectively groan, and one grabs at my forearm. I feel my dick tremble once more, but I gently remove her hand from its grasp.

  “Gentlemen,” I nod at my buddies, who are looking as confused as ever.

  I try to leave but Gunner follows me to the door.

  “Umm what the fuck is wrong with you man? I’m pretty sure you were guaranteed a life changing foursome there.”

  I clap Gunner on his shoulder and look into his eyes. He is clearly confused but continues to show off a tiny smirk anyway.

  “Ranch work is hard work man, as you know- and I seriously don’t need the extra leg work. I’ll catch you later.”

  I walk into the night before Gunner gets a chance to say anything more. As I head home, I think about what just happened. I just walked away from four sexy ass women, because why? Because of Samantha?

  If that’s the case- then I think maybe I’m much more into Samantha than I originally thought I was.



  Thank the lord that the gym is open twenty-four-seven. There’s nothing like letting off some steam by pumping iron. It’s definitely a better- and healthier- idea than what I want to do.

  I pull into the parking lot thinking about Asher. Showing up second rate like that- who does he think he is?

  I climb out of my Mercedes and grab my gym bag out of the trunk. I’m squeezing the handle of the ba
g, still enraged, and I do my best not to rip the door off its hinges out of anger.

  “What's going on man?” Jake, one of the owners greets me at the front entrance.

  I shrug and breathe out heavily.

  “New day, same shit man.”

  Jake smiles with his big teeth.

  “Trouble on the farm?”

  Today really isn’t the day for me to stand here and listen to ignorant jokes about ranching. I clench my fist over the bag handle but tell myself to breathe and take it easy.

  Not him, not today. Focus on the iron.

  I pass through the gym barriers.

  As I keep my body moving toward the locker room, I hear Jake yell after me.

  “I always hope you’ll find a Miss!”

  I stop in my tracks. I feel my muscles twinging beneath my long-sleeve t-shirt. The rush of anger heats up my face.

  I turn to face Jake, attempting to shield my frustrations.

  “A Miss?”

  Jake winks dramatically.

  “Maybe a good lady in your life will take the edge off a bit.”

  It takes all of my might not to tell Jake to go fuck himself. But the guy owns the gym, and even lets me come in after opening hours if my work gets in the way of a good workout session.

  Instead, I force out a fake laugh and keep walking. I hear a loud chuckle as I close the door of the locker room behind me.

  For fuck sake, could this day get any more annoying? I whip off my shirt, pants, and quickly put on my basketball shorts and tank top. The gym is relatively busy, but nothing I haven’t experienced before. It’s my time- for silence, and to maintain this cut body.

  It takes a lot of work to maintain a six pack, large round shoulders, and thick legs. Next to my business, maintaining my look is my most important priority. It certainly works when hitting up the clubs and looking for my night time company. Ladies love the muscles, and not to mention what you can do with them.

  Today is leg day, so I focus on using the kettlebell and hand weights for squats, lunges, heavy deadlifts, and box jumps. I do my best to focus on the Metallica blasting in my ears, but my mind eventually drifts back to Samantha.


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