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Nicholas 02

Page 17

by Renee Larsen

  Claire kissed his knee. “I’ve never failed you, and I won’t now.”

  Derek leaned over kissing the top of her head. “I know.” He said gently.

  Danielle looked at Nicholas. “Drac, feed me. I’m really, really hungry.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Bagged or live?”

  She thought for a moment. “Bagged to tide me over…then live.”

  Nicholas pushed her up and took her hand. “Anyone want to hunt?”

  Gerry looked up. “I’ll come with you.”

  Derek gave Emily an odd look. “I’ll come too. Em?” Emily nodded.

  Nicholas took Danielle’s hand. “We’re going for bagged and will be back in a minute to hunt.” They disappeared into the kitchen.

  Gerry looked at Derek. “Is there a trust issue going on here?”

  Derek looked at him. “Gerry, I’ve always trusted you. I trust you with my life. But, my first responsibility is to protect my son and his now pregnant wife. I don’t think you would betray us in any way but you were married to Jen for a long time, you raised Elizabeth. It’s a precaution incase she can break into your thoughts. I’m sorry; you can’t be alone with Nicholas and Danielle until it’s over.”

  Gerry looked into Derek’s eyes. “I understand. I feel better that you were honest with me. I was beginning to think you didn’t trust me.”

  Derek stood up and hugged him. “Gerry, you’re my brother. You, Merrek, Claire and I have prowled the earth together for more than a hundred and fifty years. I trust you; I don’t trust Jen and Elizabeth.”

  Claire, Tanya, Merrek and Nick stood up. “Speaking of hunting, we’re leaving. See you in a few hours with a report.” Claire said smiling.

  Emily reached out taking Claire’s hand. “Be careful. Don’t go to his place, go elsewhere.”

  Claire squeezed her hand. “Don’t worry we’ll be back in a few hours.” And they disappeared.


  Claire and Tanya walked into NY Retro. They looked around for anyone that might recognize them and soon decided it was safe. Claire wore a tight low cut top over a straight skirt with a slit running high up her thigh. Tanya wore a silk slip dress. Clair spotted the target and motioned to Tanya. “There he is.”

  Tanya smiled. “Let me approach him first okay?”

  Claire giggled. “Go. I’ll watch.”

  Tanya walked up to the dark haired man by the bar. “Brad?”

  Brad turned to see a shapely gorgeous blonde.

  “Hi, I’m Toni, Carol’s friend.”

  Brad smiled. “This is my lucky night.”

  Tanya smiled seductively. “It most certainly is. Care to join us for a private party at our hotel?”

  Brad nodded. “Let’s go.”

  Tanya took his hand. “Carols waiting by the door.” They walked towards the door slowly. Tanya was keenly aware of her surrounding, watching and listening for anyone that may be following them. They met Claire by the door.

  “Hi” Claire said as they walked up. “I have a cab outside.” She opened the door and they walked outside. They climbed into the cab. Claire tapped the driver’s shoulder.“The Plaza please.”

  Merrek turned around smiling. “Would you like the direct or scenic route?”

  Tanya giggled. “Scenic route sir.” Merrek turned and started driving towards Central Park.

  Claire looked at Brad. “So, how can we help with getting rid of Nicholas Burnes?” she asked as she unbuttoned his shirt.

  “It’s going to be upstate, somewhere in the mountains. When everyone is comfortable and the affair is almost over we attack.”

  Tanya unfastened his pants. “Any special tools?” She asked reaching into his pants grasping his penis.

  “Oh God,” he moaned as she stroked his penis.

  Claire ran her tongue along his ear. “What do we need to bring with us?” She asked as she drew his earlobe into her mouth.

  “Knife, just knives.” He moaned as Tanya continued stroking him.

  Claire leaned over and ran her tongue around his nipple. “Anything else, are you sure knives will do it?” She bit gently at his nipple.

  “Stop asking me questions! You’re ruining this.”

  Claire’s tongue was at his ear again. “Tell us what’s happening and we’ll suck you off.”

  Tanya was at his other ear taunting him. “I love sucking guys off. I can get real creative.”

  “I’ve told you what I know. What is this?” He said shifting in the seat. He was starting to feel nervous. He hadn’t realized the cab had stopped in a dark secluded area of the park. People didn’t go into the park anymore. It was overgrown and deserted. Tanya removed her hand from his pants and pushed him back against the seat.

  “Thanks for the info.” She said exposing her fangs. Brad looked at Claire.

  Claire smiled her fangs fully extended. “How do you want to be sucked Brad, we can suck you pleasurably or suck you in a not so pleasurable way.”

  Brad looked at them. “The two of you together aren’t strong enough to hold me.” He said cockily.

  Tanya smiled. “You wouldn’t want to bet on that would you? I’d bet I can hold you and bite your fucking dick off. And my friend Carol, she’s capable of holding you, biting your dick off and cutting your head off at the same time.”

  Brad struggled to get away from them. Suddenly he was aware that the cab doors were open and there was a man by each door.

  Nick looked at Tanya. “Do him and get it over with.”

  Tanya and Claire made eye contact and then sank their fangs into his neck as he struggled to get away. He pushed and flailed his arms in an attempt to free himself but Claire held him firmly as she ran her razor sharp fingernail along his neck. She retracted her fangs and looked at Merrek.

  “Honey, get me the stake please.” She said extending her hand towards him. He placed the stake in her hand and she quickly plunged it into his heart. They tied him in chains and lifted the lifeless head from his shoulders and exited the cab.

  “Nick, open the trunk.” Tanya said as she walked towards the back of the cab. Nick popped the trunk. Tanya deposited the head and shut the trunk. Merrek lit a match and held it to the rag sticking out of the gas tank.

  Nick walked to the back of cab and pulled Tanya into his arms. “Let’s go home; watching you and Claire has made me horny.” They moved a good distance from the car and waited for the explosion.

  They walked into the hall finding it empty.

  Claire took Merreks hand. “It’s early; do you think they went to bed? The Sun’s just peaking over the horizon.”

  Merrek called silently. Is anyone awake? He paused and heard Derek

  Come to our Pod. We’re all having wine except Danielle. They walked to the hatch door and pressed in code. The panel opened and they walked down the spiral stairs to the first pod.

  They walked in and sat on the available seating.

  Nicholas looked at Claire. “Did he have any useful information?”

  Claire nodded. “The weapons are knives and I think the followers will be new vamps. That was pretty much all we could get.”

  Derek smiled. “We will have a bit of an advantage unless she gets some of the older vamps involved. What she doesn’t get is that the older vamps have far more strength and stamina than the young ones.”

  Tanya looked at Derek. “He was about two hundred pounds and he was no problem. Let’s hope she has none of the older vamps in her group.”

  Danielle looked at Emily. “Would an older vampire follow a new one?”

  Emily shrugged. “You wouldn’t think so. I think it would depend on how persuasive she is.”

  Derek looked around the room at his family. “During the next two weeks we all need to familiarize ourselves with our surroundings. Next week we need to gather forces and several of you will have to go on another informational mission to see if their plans have changed in any way. We also need to prepare the main building for a gathering and plan some entertainment.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Entertainment won’t be an issue. Danielle and I can entertain them. Dad, your followers are going to be here along with a couple of other sects; how many of those sects will back you over Elizabeth?”

  Derek thought for a minute and replied “I would hope most would follow me and the lifestyle we have. I’ve brought them out of hiding and they’re living a pretty good life. I don’t think we can speculate; we need to be prepared.”

  Merrek looked at Emily. “Em, do I need to find the new improved version of Kevlar?”

  Emily smiled. “It wouldn’t be a bad idea. See what you can come up with.”

  Frank then interjected “We also need refreshments for the guests and we can plan on Elizabeth and Jen being disguised. How I don’t know, but they both know they can’t just walk in here.”

  “One thing they can’t change is their smell and I know both their smells.” Gerry added.


  Nicholas and Danielle walked down the spiral stairs to their pod. Once inside they sat on the couch. “Drac will this all end up okay? I think your mom and dad are really worried.”

  Nicholas took her hand. “I think it will be fine. My parents are worried. They’ve been through this several times. I can see the stress building in my mother. She’s a gentle woman and I think this whole thing makes her crazy.”

  Danielle leaned her head against his shoulder. “It’s making me crazy. It’s scary…” her words trailed off.

  Nicholas put his arm around her. “Babe, I’m nervous about this myself, but I think we need to be confident that we can succeed.”

  Danielle frowned. “Nicholas, if we’re too confident and not cautious we will lose this battle. Drac, we have to win this. I want our baby to be born and I want to see him or her grow up.”

  Nicholas kissed the top of her head. “Me too.” He said softly.


  Elizabeth stood in front of a group of about twenty-five vampires. “In three nights we will gather at the big announcement ceremony that the Burnes family is having somewhere in the boonies. We’ll wait until many of the guests have left and then we’ll put our plan into action. I want the pleasure of killing Nicholas Burnes. You can fight him, tire him, but I will be the one to kill him for what he did to my mother. He exposed the flesh of her foot to the sun burning it almost to the bone for no reason.” She paused for effect then continued. “We’ll meet here and travel together. Be ready to fight.” She said as she stood up and left the room.


  Danielle and Nicholas were in the master bedroom of the main house. Nicholas looked at her as she sat on the bed. “You look beautiful tonight.”

  Danielle smiled. “Drac, if this starts halfway through tonight I don’t have a lot of protection clothing wise. This little dress doesn’t cover a lot.”

  Nicholas sat on the bed next to her. “We’re going to be introduced; we’ll sing a few songs and then return here. Our clothes are in that drawer.”

  Danielle smiled nervously. “Nicholas I’m terrified.”

  Nicholas pulled her into his arms. “I know; I am too.” They were interrupted by a knock on the door.

  Nicholas stood and walked to the door pulling it open. “Colin, come in.” he said smiling. he turned towards Danielle. “Dani, you remember Colin don’t you?”

  Danielle stood up smiling. “Hi” she said taking his hand in hers.

  Colin smiled and closed the door. “Kid’s this is your first confrontation with the other side. I want you to know that the first seven rows of seats are vamps that will protect the family. I will also be there. Remember, I may look old but I’m strong, much stronger than the ones causing the trouble. Just remember everything you’ve been taught and if you get into trouble call out silently. The family and the wolves will come to your aide.” He smiled and reached for the door knob. “I’ll come get you when it’s time.” He looked at Danielle and winked.

  Danielle took Nicholas’ hand. “Drac, you have such a kind family. They all go so far out of the way to make me feel comfortable. Hell they’ve even made friends with Pork chop.”

  Nicholas wrapped his arms around her. “Honey, they’re your family too. Don’t ever forget that. If god forbid something terrible happens, my family would take care of you.”

  Danielle looked into his eyes. “Promise me you’ll be careful. Promise me you won’t let them hurt you.”

  Nicholas kissed her gently. “Danielle I can promise you that I’ll be careful, but I can’t promise you I won’t get hurt. No matter what happens remember how much I love you.” He wiped the tears from her eyes. “Baby, don’t cry. We’ll come through this. We may have some battle scars but we’ll be ok.”

  Danielle reached up taking his face in her hands. “Remember how much I love you too. Stay safe.” She forced a smile. “Drac, give me one of those big sloppy kisses of yours.” Nicholas lifted her up and kissed her lovingly.

  Chapter Ten

  The knock on the door came all too soon. Nicholas took Danielle’s hand. “Lets go, I’ll hold you and sing to you.” They walked out of the bedroom to the raised section of floor. Danielle looked at him and said silently Drac; you can’t hold me and play piano at the same time. Can I please sit with you?

  Nicholas smiled and replied yes you sit right up against me while I play.

  Derek, Emily and the family stood on the makeshift stage and looked in their direction as they approached. “Vamps and Vampresses I want to introduce my son Nicholas and his mate Danielle Burnes.” Derek said. Derek took Danielle’s hand in his. Danielle, it’ll be ok. Smile sweetheart you look terrified, he said silently. Nicholas wrapped his arm around her waist comfortingly.

  Emily spoke next. “My son met this lovely woman in the city as she auditioned for him. Some of you have had the pleasure of hearing them sing together and tonight we’ll all have the pleasure of hearing them sing.”

  Emily handed the microphone to Gerry. “I’ve known Nicholas since he was born. I fed him, changed him and played with him.” Gerry paused wincing, holding his head.

  Emily looked at him. “Gerry, are you alright?” she whispered.

  Gerry nodded and continued. “I watched Nicholas grow up into a fine Vampire with an immense musical talent.” He paused again wincing, he handed the microphone to Merrek and looked at Derek and said silently. We need to talk I… He winced again.

  Derek looked at Merrek Finish this and do the musical introductions. Get Nicholas and Danielle to the piano. I need to talk to Gerry. Gerry, come with me. Derek walked off the platform followed by Gerry.

  Derek and Gerry walked into the master bedroom closing the door behind them. “Gerry, what’s wrong with you?” Derek asked.

  Gerry sat down in a chair. “Derek, Jen’s trying to talk to me. I’m trying to block it. She sounds frantic.”

  Derek frowned. “Gerry, can you veil your thoughts about what’s happening if you communicate with her?”

  Gerry nodded. “I can.”

  Derek squeezed his shoulder. “Let her talk. Let me hear her words.” Gerry nodded and opened his mind to her words.

  Gerry, please hear me, it’s urgent that you listen and tell Derek and Emily. Elizabeth is coming to your party with twenty-five others. I have tried to stop her but she wouldn’t listen. She’s dressed in a black long sleeved dress, the other women are dressed the same. She’s carrying a weapon on the inside of her left sleeve. She wouldn’t tell me what it’s tipped with but if it punctures the skin it will kill. She has to extend her arm upwards and then bring it straight down into the target. Gerry I swear I am not part of this. I didn’t know where she held Danielle. Ger she’s dyed her hair black. She has garish makeup on. When it starts protect Nicky she’s going right for him. Her followers are new. Her words stopped and there was silence. Gerry was visibly shaken. His hands were trembling. Derek could hear Nicholas and Danielle singing.

  The door opened and Emily walked in with Claire. “Derek?” she asked as she sat next to Gerry “Gerry, what’
s wrong?”


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