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Nicholas 02

Page 18

by Renee Larsen

  Derek looked at Emily. “Em, are there new ones? Dressed in black? Is there a black haired girl with garish makeup in a long sleeved dress?”

  Emily nodded. “There are several in black with garish makeup. They came in a few minutes ago, just as Nicky and Danielle sat down at the piano.”

  Derek looked at Claire “Go, stay close to my son. Tell the others, study their faces. One of the women is Elizabeth. Watch her left arm, if it’s stiff, if she doesn’t move it much. Watch their actions and try to break through their veil. We’ll be out in a moment. Go” Claire quickly left the room.

  Emily looked at Gerry and Derek. “Now please tell me what’s going on.”

  Derek looked at her. “Jen just fed Gerry a bunch of information. I heard her and think maybe it’s viable. Em, when the shit hits the fan we must all be by Nicholas and Danielle. We all have to watch the left arms of the women if we can’t pick out Elizabeth.”

  Gerry looked up. “I’ll know her and point her out. No cosmetic can change her smell.”

  Derek looked at him. “Gerry, this has been hard on you, are you sure you want to be involved?”

  Gerry nodded. “She’s ruined everything…yes I want to help.” He said standing up.

  Emily looked at Derek. “You believe what she said?”

  Derek took her hand. “Em, she was your childhood friend. She lived amongst us for more than twenty years…we need to see how things play out. She said Elizabeth will go right for Nicky. Let’s go protect our family.”

  Derek and Emily looked at Gerry. “Ready?” Emily asked extending her hand to him. Gerry took her hand and together they walked back into the main room of the house.

  The family was strategically placed around the platform. Derek sat in a chair close to the piano and pulled Emily onto his lap. Gerry walked toward Nick and Tanya and sat with them. Silently he explained what had just happened. Then he took in a few deep breaths as he searched the room for Elizabeth.

  Gerry silently said Elizabeth is the female in the center by the door that leads outside. She’s the one in the low cut top. She has a male on either side of her. Nick and Tanya looked around casually nodding and smiling at people they knew and silently confirmed the information that Gerry had just said.

  Nicholas took Danielle’s hand as they finished a song and whispered. “We need to take a quick bow and then get changed. Okay?” Danielle nodded tensely and they stood up and walked to the center of the platform. “Since this is a casual affair, and it’s freezing in here we’re going to put on warmer clothes. We’ll be right back and sing something else for you. In the meantime please enjoy the refreshments.” Nicholas said smiling at the attendees. He guided Danielle off the platform to the master bedroom.

  When they entered the bedroom Colin was sitting in the chair. “She’s here, with twenty-five followers.”

  Nicholas nodded. “I heard the conversations.” Colin looked at them, his expression serious. “Stay away from her left arm. She’s hiding a weapon tipped with something. She has to raise her arm and bring it straight down”

  Nicholas frowned. “Colin, where did this information come from?”

  Colin shook his head no. “Nicholas it’s not important. It may not be true. But you are the target. You and Danielle are not to be alone. Now, go into the bathroom with Danielle and change your clothes. Leave the door open.” Nicholas started to protest but Colin said, “Do as I say. You may be a man, but I’m an old man. Go. Your clothes are already in there. Layer as much as you can and don’t forget the knives.” Colin looked at Danielle and smiled. “Honey, you’ll be okay; it will all come naturally when it happens. You’ve got great blood flowing through your veins.”

  Danielle and Nicholas went into the bathroom and quickly changed their clothes. Nicholas pulled her into his arms and kissed her as he pushed the sheath with the knife into her jeans and fastened it to a belt loop. “I love you Dani” he whispered and kissed her again.

  Danielle looked into his eyes. “Drac…” she said her voice cracking as she fought the fear building in her.

  Nicholas held her for a minute and kissed the top of her head. “We have to go. Remember the knife. You have to sever the head and pitch it away from the body. Remember to evade and dodge. Stay safe.” He said as he released her and took her trembling hand.

  Nicholas led Danielle onto the platform and to the piano. They sat down and Nicholas began to play. He looked at her and smiled and his voice filled the room. Danielle placed her hand on his leg as she rested her head against his shoulder. She closed his eyes and let his voice comfort her. She felt a familiar nudge against her leg and opened her eyes to see Killer looking at her. She ran her hand over his head. He was under the piano along with Mishka and Snow.

  Danielle smiled. I’m glad you’re here. Nicholas glanced down to see three of the five wolves and smiled. Neither of them saw the orange cat mingling between them.

  Nicholas was almost finished with the song when a chair crashed onto the stage inches from the piano. Nicholas looked at Danielle. “And so it begins. Be ready babe, I love you.” Nicholas stood up taking Danielle’s hand and walked to the edge of the platform. He looked right at Elizabeth. “Liz, you didn’t kill her. She’s my wife just as I planned her to be.” Nicholas gave a low whistle and the wolves surrounded Danielle. He looked at his father and nodded and then back to Elizabeth. “Come on bitch. You want me, come get me.” As Nicholas spoke Elizabeth lifted into the air slowly drifting towards Nicholas and Danielle. The first several rows of vamps lifted in defense to protect Danielle, Nicholas and their family.

  Gerry stepped in front of Nicholas. “Elizabeth, it’s not too late. Back off before someone gets hurt. Go to Europe and stay away.” He said.

  Elizabeth laughed. “You always were the peacemaker. You always did try to smooth things over. You can’t this time. I will do what is necessary to kill him and his bride. Then I’ll take great pleasure in killing the rest of you; and yes, that includes you too.” She quickened her pace and dodged at Gerry.

  Gerry reached up grabbing her foot pulling her down in front of him. “Elizabeth, don’t do this.”

  Elizabeth broke away from his grasp and was grabbed by Claire. “Elizabeth, go home. You and your friends will die here if you don’t.” Elizabeth reached out raking her razor sharp nails across Claire’s face. Claire released her and then in one quick move hit her knocking her to the back of the room and through the arched windows.

  Elizabeth’s followers were approaching the first row of vamps. Colin looked at Derek “Let’s take this outside so we don’t ruin the building.”

  Derek nodded and said silently Take it outdoors. One by one the twenty-five were pitched through the windows. The family walked outside calmly.

  Derek looked at Nicholas and Danielle and smiled. “This will be good training for you. They aren’t very good.” He said.

  Danielle replied nervously, “I’m glad.”

  Derek smiled again. “We’ll end up with some scratches but I’m pretty sure that’s it. It’s time to rid our land of these rodents.” He took Emily’s hand and lifted into the air. Nicholas and Danielle followed their lead.

  The twenty-five led by Elizabeth took to the air heading for Nicholas and Danielle. Two of them grabbed at Nicholas; in one swift spin Nicholas swiped his sharp nails across their necks and their lifeless headless bodies fell to the ground.

  Elizabeth stayed out of reach and watched as her followers attached the circle around the family, watched as their headless bodies fell to the ground. The family was distracted and Danielle was alone and unguarded. Nicholas was distracted and in his own battle.

  Danielle was grabbed by the hair and lifted higher into the sky. She looked up to see Elizabeth smiling evilly as she hissed. “I let you go the first time because he tortured my mother; you survived the second time because I sent someone else to do a job I should have done. Now I will finish it.”

  Danielle felt her fingernails and fangs extend. “No you won’
t” Danielle said digging her nails into any part of Elizabeth she could reach. Elizabeth cried out surprised by the pain of her flesh being cut open and let Danielle go. Danielle flew quickly towards Gerry and Nicholas. One by one the twenty-five were being picked off by Derek’s followers. The hissing, screaming and growling was loud, very loud. No one noticed Danielle covering her ears and sinking to the ground. She sat in the grass and was immediately surrounded by Mishka, Killer, Phantom, Shadow and Snow. Rusty curled up on her lap.

  Within a short time a wounded Elizabeth and two of her followers that were not dead turned to leave. “This isn’t finished. I will return when you’re not protected with others.” Elizabeth screamed.

  The family floated to the ground and surveyed the damage.

  Merrek chuckled. “We need to gather wood and dispose of this mess.”

  Gerry looked at Nicholas “Are you okay?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Just a couple of scratches.”

  One by one their eyes turned to Danielle. She had a deep scratch on her face and several on her arms. She sat in the grass far away from everyone. She was surrounded by wolves. Rusty was curled up in her lap.

  Nicholas frowned. “I’ll be back.”

  Nicholas sat next to Danielle. Looking at her he knew she was in that place again, the place she went when she was afraid. “Danielle, honey look at me.” He reached for her chin. As his fingers touched her she flinched pulling away. “Danielle, its Nicholas, you’re safe. No one is going to hurt you.”

  Danielle looked at him her eyes rimmed with tears and she sobbed. “Please, don’t hurt me anymore.”

  Nicholas reached for her hand taking it in his. “Danielle, I’d never hurt you.” He said bringing her hand to his lips.

  The family gathered around them. Derek looked from Danielle to Nicholas. “Nicholas?”

  Nicholas looked at his father. “She’s gone into that safe place in her mind where no one can hurt her. When she’s scared this seems to happen. In a little while she’ll recognize my voice and snap out of it.” Nicholas put his arm around her. “Danielle, I’m going to take you inside. I’m going to lift you.” He said gently as he slipped his arm under her legs lifting her into his arms.

  Gerry touched Derek’s arm. “Derek we need to dispose of this mess before sunup.”

  Derek nodded. “Have them build the fire, dispose of the bodies and come inside. We’ll board up the broken windows and they can all stay here. I need to go with Nicholas and Emily. When you can come in and bring Merrek, Frank, and Nick and we’ll get the windows boarded. We have about an hour and a half before the sun rises.” Derek turned and went into the house.

  Nicholas took Danielle into the bedroom and set her on the bed. He walked into the bathroom and got a wet washcloth and returned to the bed sitting next to her. He gently wiped the near dry blood from her cheek and arms.

  Danielle looked at him. “Hi Drac, what happened?” she asked almost brightly.

  Nicholas pulled her against him. “What’s the last thing you remember?”

  Danielle’s brow furrowed in thought. “I remember walking outside with you and then someone grabbed me. I looked up and saw Elizabeth. She hissed and yelled I think I hurt her. That’s all I remember.”

  Nicholas kissed her. “Lay back and rest for a little while. I’m going to help board up the broken windows. Do you want my Mom to sit with you until I get back?”

  Danielle shook her head no and lay back against the pillows. “Killer, come,” she said patting the bed. Killer and Rusty jumped up on the bed and settled down next to her.

  Nicholas leaned down kissing her forehead. “I’ll be back in a little while.”

  When Nicholas joined the others in the main room Emily looked up. “Nicky, is she okay?”

  Nicholas sat next to his mother. “It’s the loud screaming that gets her. We have to figure out a way to condition her. If something else happens…she can’t go to her safe place she’ll be killed.”

  Emily took his hand. “We’ll work on it together. All of us.”

  Nicholas kissed her cheek. “I better help with the wood the sun will be up soon,” he said as he stood up.

  With the windows boarded everyone sat in the main room drinking brandy and talking. Danielle came into the room with Killer and Rusty following her. She felt everyone’s eyes on her and walked to Nicholas sitting on his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his face in her neck. “Feel better?”

  Danielle squeezed his hand. “Yes.”

  Nicholas raised his brandy glass to her. “Want some?”

  Danielle looked at him in disbelief. “Drac, I’m pregnant, I can’t have that.”

  Nicholas grinned. “I know what you can have. Let me up and I’ll get it,” he said pushing her up.

  Gerry sat next to Danielle when Nicholas got up. “Hey, you did well tonight.”

  Danielle looked at him. “Did I?”

  Merrek chimed in. “For a first time, you did real well.”

  Danielle looked at Derek. “And what was the outcome? She’s coming back isn’t she?”

  Derek walked over and taking her hand. “Danielle, she did leave, her followers were all disposed of except for two of them. She threatened to come back. But, it will take her time to re-group.”

  Danielle frowned. “And what happens if she comes back and I…I go blank again?”

  Derek squeezed her hand. “Sweetheart, we’re going to help you with that. You’ve got very strong vampire blood running through your veins. You’ve had good solid training. We’ll get you through this.”

  Colin joined Derek. “You, young lady, did great for only being a few months old. Don’t you worry about anything, okay?”

  Danielle smiled at him. “Thank you, all of you.”

  Derek looked up. “Oh Nicholas, I sure hope you’re bringing out a tray, your mother won’t be happy if you’re only bringing one.”

  Nicholas smiled and walked into the room with a tray loaded with cups filled with hot chocolate. He lifted the first cup and handed it to Danielle, then handed one to his mother. He looked around the room. “There’s more in the kitchen, drink up,” he said sitting next to Danielle.

  They talked for several hours. Many of them congratulating the newly weds and introducing themselves to Danielle. They were all Derek’s followers and had all fought along with Derek and Emily in the past. Many had been there and witnessed Nicholas Kill Andre when he was a child. They talked of the old times before Derek had come to power in the Americas and then how their lives had changed for the better when Derek came to power. Danielle listened intently to each story absorbing every detail. Around ten in the morning she laid her head in Nicholas’ lap and closed her eyes. She continued listening, soon the voices sounded far away and then they stopped as sleep took hold of her.

  Nicholas looked down at her brushing the hair from her face. “I’m taking her to bed. We’ll see you at sundown.” Nicholas lifted her and carried her to their pod and to the bedroom.

  Nicholas undressed her and climbed into bed next to her pulling the covers up. She cuddled against him resting her head against his chest. “I’m sorry I fell asleep” she mumbled.

  Nicholas kissed the top of her head. “Sleep, we’ll talk later.” He closed his eyes and was asleep instantly.

  Nicholas felt her climbing over him as she mumbled, “God, I’m so hungry.” He heard her feet hit the floor and then heard her running into the kitchen. He heard a glass hit the floor and shatter. He got out of bed putting on a robe and grabbed hers. When he walked into the kitchen Danielle stood naked drinking down a tall glass of blood. He wrapped the robe around her as she set the glass down her hand trembling. “Drac, pour me another while I put this on.” Nicholas refilled her glass and handed it to her after she tired the robe snuggly around her waist. She drank the glass of blood quickly and sank to the floor.

  “Drac, I’ve never been so hungry in my life,” she said looking up at him.

  “Babe lets go back to bed
. We’ll clean up the glass later; neither of us has slept enough.” He pulled her to her feet and led her back to bed.

  Danielle was in the living room listing to CD’s though headphones singing softly. Nicholas walked into the room and watched as she danced to the music He walked up behind her and took her into his arms. He kissed her and danced with her to the stereo unplugging the headphones. “Good evening…” he said in his Bela Lugosi accent.

  Danielle smiled. “Good evening…” she said imitating his accent. They danced around the living room. “Drac, what happens now?”


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