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Nicholas 02

Page 19

by Renee Larsen

  Nicholas pulled her against him. “Now we live our lives until the threat heightens again.”

  Danielle rested her head against his chest. “And my little safe place issue, how do we fix that?” she asked in almost a whisper.

  Nicholas lifted her chin. “Hon, we’re going to have to condition you to loud noises. You can never be hurt again like you were as a child. You are ten times stronger than any human. You’re just new and it will take a bit of time for all this to sink into this beautiful head of yours.”

  Danielle flinched. “Nicholas, I need food…The hunger is growing quickly.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Let’s go have breakfast.”

  They walked into the kitchen and Nicholas frowned. “Oh shit, be careful, we forgot to clean up this glass.”

  Danielle walked to the pantry and got the broom and dust pan. “You get breakfast and I’ll sweep.” She said as she swept the broken glass into a pile. Nicholas took the dust pan and held it in place as she swept the broken glass into the dust pan. He stood up and dumped the contents of the dust pan into the trash and handed it to Danielle. “Put this away and I’ll pour.”

  Nicholas poured two glasses of blood and handed one to Danielle. “Lets watch TV for a while and then we’ll join the others,” he said taking her hand. They walked into the living room and sat down. Nicholas turned the TV on and set the remote on the table. They settled back his arm around her as they sipped the blood.

  “Now back to our breaking news. For those of you just tuning in we’ll recap. Early this morning the police came upon a gruesome scene outside the building owned by Nicholas Burnes. The police found as many as ten bodies with their flesh shredded. No identifications of the dead have been made. Police are looking for Mr. Burnes for questioning.”

  Nicholas was on his feet and pulling Danielle to her feet in an instant. “That bitch,” he hissed. He took Danielle’s hand pulling her into the hall and up the stairs. “I will hunt her down and Kill her. I’m done.” He pounded on Derek and Emily’s door.

  Derek opened it to seen Nicholas and Danielle in their robes. “What’s up kid?”

  Nicholas pulled Danielle inside. “Turn on the TV. That bitch has to be hunted down and killed.”

  Derek turned on the TV and sat on the couch. He listened to the story and bellowed “Everyone here…NOW!”

  Emily walked into the living room to see Nicholas and Derek pacing and Danielle sitting in her robe watching them. She looked at Danielle questioningly. Danielle frowned “There’s trouble, look at the TV.” Emily sat next to Danielle and watched the TV for a few minutes then her gaze shifted to Derek and Nicholas as they paced.

  Emily looked at Danielle. “See why it makes me crazy when they pace. Both in robes, the same color robes mind you, both barefoot. Watch their mannerisms…there, first one will run their hands through their hair and then the other. It drives me crazy.”

  Danielle nodded. “It’s amazing. They’re like clones.” She said looking at Emily.

  Emily couldn’t stand it anymore. “Nicholas. Sit!” Nicholas turned towards his mother and sat on the couch next to Danielle. “Thank you, son, now we need to call the city police and tell them you’re in the Adirondacks with your family and friends.” Emily looked at Derek. “Quirky one, please sit. You’re making me tense.”

  Derek turned to face his wife. His lips curled into that quirky smile. “Sorry, you know how I get.” He said as he sat on the floor.

  Soon the door opened and the family and Colin filed in and sat. Nick looked at Derek. “What’s up?” he asked pulling Tanya onto his lap.

  “Look at the news,” Danielle said softly. They watched as images from the front of the theater were displayed. There had been a blood bath outside the theater. The glass doors were spattered of with blood along with the sidewalk and brick walls.

  Gerry shook his head in dismay. “She’s gotten out of hand. We have to find her and deal with her.”

  Derek reached for the phone and dialed the police. “Detective McNamara please…yes…Nicholas Burnes….yes, I’ll hold.” “Mike, how are you...yeah the kid’s here with me in the Adirondacks…We’ve been here around three weeks…It’s Elizabeth, she’s out of control…Mike, she’s Andres’ not Gerry’s…yeah bad blood…What should we do…Okay, thanks Mike…you want the number here…Okay, call my cell…talk to you later.”

  Derek hung up the phone. Nicholas looked at his father. “Who’s Mike?”

  Derek smiled. “One of us, he saved your mother from Jacque by injecting her so she’d pass out.”

  Emily reached out touching Derek’s leg. “What did Mike say?”

  Derek leaned his head back on the couch “He’ll take care of it. It’s noted that Nicky has been away for several weeks and that he called as soon as he heard the news. He’ll call from a secure line later.”

  Chapter Eleven

  After several moments of silence Merrek started the unpleasant conversation of hunting down one of their own. “Derek, we need to find her and dispose of her. We need to have everyone listening and tracking her. Once we locate her, they can kill her on the spot and be done with it.”

  Nicholas looked Merrek in the eyes. “Merrek, if they find her, I want her brought to me. I want this to be a lesson to all that want to come after us in the savage ways of old,” he growled.

  Merrek frowned. “Nicholas, it would be better if she’s disposed of immediately upon finding her. She’d have no way of escape or rescue.”

  Nicholas glared at him. “Merrek, it’s my wife she’s attacked, tortured and tried to kill. It’s my life she’s trying to ruin,” he hissed.

  Frank looked at Nicholas. “Nicky, when she attacks you and Danielle she’s attacking us. If her plans were to come to fruition, she would then attack your mother and father and each of us until we fell to the wayside and things reverted to the old ways.”

  Nicholas shook his head and stood up. Danielle reached for his hand but he shook her off and began pacing. “I want her. I want to pay her back for what she’s done to Danielle and what she’s trying to do to my family” he growled.

  Danielle stood up. “Drac, Merrek is right. If they have to transport her there may be an opportunity for her to escape or be rescued.” She again reached for his hand and again he shook her off.

  Nicholas turned glaring at her. “You don’t know what I’m talking about. You have no idea how much I have come to hate that bitch for what she’s done.” He yelled angrily.

  Danielle slapped him across the face. “You’re no better than she is.” She turned and ran out of the pod.

  Nicholas stood there looking around the room at everyone that had just witnessed what had happened. “She’s right.” He sat on the couch next to his father.

  Derek squeezed his shoulder. “Nicholas, you’re upset. She’s attacking all you love and care for.”

  Nicholas shook his head and stood up. “I’m going downstairs. You guys handle this. Do what you think is right. I’m stepping away from it.”

  Emily looked at him. “Nicky, it’s you she’s after. You are involved.”

  Nicholas shook his head no. “I’ll do what is necessary to protect Danielle, but that’s it.” He turned and walked out of the room and down the stairs.

  Danielle looked up when he walked in and turned her attention back to Rusty and Killer. Nicholas walked over and knelt in front of her. “I’m sorry. You’re right. If I do what I want to do, I would be no better than her. I‘m sorry I yelled at you. Its just infuriates me that she used you as a food donor for her and her friends, that she almost killed you on our wedding night, and that her actions still haunt your dreams.”

  Danielle reached out running her hand over his cheek. “I know. Drac, please don’t turn into something ugly, something you’re not. If you do, I’ll leave. I can promise you that.” She paused for a moment and added “I love the kind gentle you. The harsh, vindictive you scares the shit out of me.”

  Nicholas placed his hand over hers and broug
ht it to his lips kissing her open palm and each of her fingers. “Danielle, I’m sorry, very sorry.”

  Danielle took his face in her hands and kissed him. “Drac, this was our first fight…I’m sorry I hit you,” she said as she kissed his cheek.

  Nicholas kissed her lips softly. “I deserved it.”


  The steamy water poured over them as they stood in the shower. Nicholas ran the soapy cloth over Danielle’s back. “I want to do a show for humans, you and me singing what we love to sing. Maybe we’ll be a hit.”

  Danielle turned pressing against him. “Of course you’ll be a hit. Honey, you’re a hit by yourself, you don’t need me.” She kissed his chest lightly.

  Nicholas lifted her chin looking into her eyes. “I do need you.”

  Danielle smiled. “Drac, no one is going to want to look at some fat pregnant broad singing passionate love songs to the handsome Nicholas Burnes. All those single humans that have the hots for you would find it distasteful.”

  Nicholas kissed her gently. “Dani, I don’t care, and you’re not big yet.”

  Danielle giggled. “Drac, look at me. I’m blossoming.” She pushed away from him and turned sideways. She was two and a half months pregnant and overnight her stomach was starting to swell.

  Nicholas ran his hand over the curve of her stomach. “I want you to sing with me Danielle, pregnant or not.”

  Danielle smiled. “Babe, by the time we get our shit together and are ready to open a show, I’ll be four or five months pregnant and your mom said the baby will come between five and six months. I’ll stand in the sidelines and watch you and all the girls lusting after you.” She said running her hand over his naked butt.

  “I’m hungry...Feed me.” Laughing she stepped out of the shower wrapping up in a thick terry robe.

  Nicholas followed her. “Let’s get dressed and go out for dinner tonight,” he said. Danielle smiled, “Sounds good.”


  Two months passed and Nicholas and Danielle were back in the city. Nicholas was rehearsing nightly while Danielle sat in the front row watching. His voice caressed her soul as he sang and with each day that passed the performance improved. Gerry sat next to Danielle. “It gets better every night doesn’t it,” he asked.

  Danielle smiled. “He’ll be breaking hearts when this show opens. He’ll have warm blooded human girls falling at his feet and then he has to come home to bed with me. His short, pregnant, swollen wife,” she giggled.

  Gerry smiled. “You’re good for him ya know. You kind of keep his temper in check.”

  Danielle smiled. “That’s because he knows if he yells I disappear to my safe place. We really haven’t made much headway where that’s concerned.”

  Gerry nodded. “Maybe it’s the way it’s supposed to be. I personally think that when the chips are down, if that happens, that you’ll do great. You’re a lot stronger than you think you are.”

  Danielle looked at Nicholas as he sang and then at Gerry. “I’m glad you came with us. I’m also sorry for all that’s happened with Jen and Elizabeth.” Gerry frowned.

  Danielle took his hand. “Gerry, I wish I could help you in some way. I wish I could make it better for you. You’re such a sweetie,” she said softly.

  Gerry smiled at her. “Danielle, you are making it better. You’re having a baby. Each day I watch you, I watch your belly swell and think how nice it will be to hold a new baby and play with him or her. Danielle, you’ve brought all of us happiness.”

  Nicholas released the musicians and walked off the stage towards Danielle and Gerry. “You two have been in deep conversation for quite a while.”

  Danielle smiled taking his hand and kissing it. “We were talking about the baby and how nice it will be to have a baby around.”

  Nicholas smiled and sat down. “Gerry, think we’ll be ready to open in week?”

  Gerry nodded. “I think you’re ready to open today.”

  Nicholas took Danielle’s hand and pulled her up. “So is my wife. Come on Danielle lets sing for Gerry.” Danielle smiled as Nicholas led her to the stage. He pressed play on the CD player and the music began. Nicholas began to sing. Danielle’s voice filled the room and they’re voices blended into one. They stood holding hands facing each other as they sang an Italian love song. Danielle stopped and looked at Nicholas.

  “Put your hand here, hurry.” She guided his hand to her stomach.

  “What?” he asked.

  Danielle smiled. “Leave your hand there for a minute. Did you feel it…now, Drac, can you feel it? The baby’s kicking.”

  Nicholas smiled. “I felt it.”

  Gerry stood up pulling a bag of blood from his jacket pocket. “Mrs. Burnes, its snack time.” He said tossing the bag to her. Danielle’s feeding frenzies had been kept in check by feeding her every two hours. If she missed her feeding the frenzy would start within fifteen minutes. Gerry was the time keeper during the nights and Nicholas took care of it during the days.

  Danielle smiled. “Thanks Gerry, you and Nicholas are taking such good care of me.” She punctured the bag with a straw and sipped.

  Nicholas looked at them. “I’m done for the night lets go watch some old movies.”


  Nicholas walked into the living room in a black tuxedo. Danielle looked up at him. “Handsome man,” she said smiling as she stood up wrapping her arms around his waist. “My handsome man.” She said lovingly.

  Nicholas smiled and kissed her nose. “You look pretty hot yourself all dressed in red.”

  Danielle took his hand. “Thank you, now Mr. Burnes we need to get downstairs. People are arriving, your family is seated in the front row and I want you to sing to me.” She pulled him towards the door.

  Nicholas pulled her to a stop. “Babe, have your eaten?”

  Danielle shook her head no. “I forgot.” She let go of his hand and walked towards the kitchen.

  “Dani, I’ll meet you downstairs,” Nicholas said walking to the door.

  “Drac, don’t leave me alone,” she said nervously.

  Nicholas turned and went into the kitchen. Danielle was trying to guzzle down a large glass of blood. “Honey, slow down, I’ll wait for you.”

  Danielle set the glass down. “I’m sorry, I’m nervous.” She picked up the glass finishing it. “Okay, I’m ready,” she said taking his hand. They turned and walked out of the apartment and down the stairs. Danielle pulled him to a stop just before they reached the lobby. “You look very hot tonight, Drac. Let me kiss you for good luck, okay?” She walked up a couple of steps and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing him deeply. “I love you Drac, sing something seductive to me tonight,” she whispered and then released him.

  Nicholas handed Danielle off to Gerry. “Gerry, take her into the auditorium. I have to get on stage. It’s time.”

  Gerry took Danielle’s hand. “Shall we?” Danielle smiled at him and then looked at Nicholas. He gave her a quick kiss and disappeared behind the curtains.

  Gerry led Danielle to the center front row and they took their seats. Derek watched as Danielle walked past him and took her seat. He looked at Emily. “Em, you were right all those years ago. I do find pregnant women very hot, Danielle looks absolutely radiant and she’s in red and you know how I like red.”

  Emily smiled. “Derek, behave yourself.”

  Derek leaned closer kissing her cheek. “She reminds me of you when you were pregnant especially in that red dress. Em, you looked so incredibly hot in that red dress and high heels.”

  Emily smiled and stood up removing her evening coat. She sat down crossing her legs exposing the black lace of her thigh high stocking beneath the vibrant red of her dress. “Will I do, since you obviously can’t have your son’s wife.”

  Derek grinned. “You’ll do just fine. It’s a shame we have to wait,” he said running his hand up her leg. Emily caught his hand raising it to her lips. “Calm down oh quirky one. We’ll play later and if you’d like I’ll stuff a
pillow under my dress so I look pregnant. Emily leaned over kissing him.

  Gerry looked at Danielle. “Derek has the hots for pregnant women especially in red. Emily’s gonna have fun tonight.”

  Danielle giggled. “Should I go and change?”

  Gerry laughed softly. “Hell no, it’ll be fun watching him. He won’t do anything but he will be admiring your roundness from afar.”


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