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Nicholas 02

Page 23

by Renee Larsen

  Nicholas nodded without speaking. Danielle finished her glass of blood and set it on the night stand. She slipped off her robe and wrapped her arms around Nicholas. “Drac, lay with me, hold me.”

  Nicholas turned towards her kissing her. “Get under the covers, I’ll be right there.” He said as he stood up and walked into the bathroom.

  He returned a few minutes later in sleep pants and climbed into bed beside her. Danielle snuggled against him. “I can finally get close to you again” she said kissing him. “Nicholas, I’m very happy and I love you so much,” she said kissing him again.

  Nicholas held her against him and returned her kiss. “Babe, you need to rest, the babies will be waking for food before you know it.”

  Danielle looked at him. “What’s wrong, are you upset with me?”

  Nicholas smiled. “No baby, but you just gave birth and your pressing your breasts against my chest, your legs are entwined with mine, you’re kissing me, and I’m getting quite aroused.” He said kissing her.

  Danielle kissed him deeply and reached between them into his sleep pants taking his penis in her hand. Nicholas moaned as her hand caressed him. “Touch my breasts Nicholas” she whispered as she sucked lightly at his ear. Her hand moved along the length of him. Nicholas gently caressed her breasts. Danielle pushed the blankets back and pushed his sleep pants down. She leaned over him drawing his penis into her mouth. Nicholas moaned. Danielle teased him, she licked him, sucked on him and stroked him with her hand. She licked at his thigh and when she found the vein in his groin she sank her fangs into him sending him into a moaning shuttering orgasm.

  She licked at the bite and looked over her shoulder at him. “Feel better now Drac?”

  Nicholas reached out pulling her against him kissing her. “Much better.” he said softly as he cradled her against him.

  Danielle closed her eyes. “Sleep, I need to sleep.” She said kissing his chest. “Good night daddy.”

  Danielle slept for several hours and awoke listening to the sounds of her children’s breathing. She climbed carefully over Nicholas and walked to the cradle looking inside. “Hi Lexie, are you hungry,” she asked quietly as she lifted her into her arms. She carried her to the chair and sat down propping her feet up on the ottoman. “Neither one of us has ever done this before; let’s see if we can learn together.” Danielle said as she unbuttoned her night shirt. She pushed her shirt open and held Lexie to her breast brushing her nipple against the baby’s mouth. She smiled when Lexie took her nipple into her mouth and began to nurse. “That’s my girl,” she cooed lovingly running her finger over the softness of her daughter’s cheek. “Alexis Emily Burnes. That’s a fine name for you; I think your grandmother will be pleased.” Danielle closed her eyes savoring the feeling of her daughter sucking on her, pulling the milk from her full heavy breast.

  Nicholas watched as Danielle sat in the chair talking to Alexis as she nursed. He got out of bed and lifted Alexander out of the cradle and carried him over to the couch. He sat and watched as Alexis contently nursed. Danielle opened her eyes. “I’m sorry I woke you.”

  Nicholas looked down at Alexis. “I think she’s finished.”

  Danielle smiled. “Now let’s see how our little man will do.” Nicholas laid Alexander on his lap and took Alexis from Danielle. He laid her on the couch and handed Alexander to Danielle. He watched as she put him to her breast and teased his lips with her nipple until he drew her nipple into his mouth and began to suckle.

  Nicholas picked up Alexis and cradled her in his arms. “You look quite beautiful sitting there with our son. You look very content and happy”

  Danielle smiled. “I am; this is how it’s supposed to be isn’t it?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Yes it is; you, me and our new family.”

  Danielle looked at him questioningly. “Drac, when will they need blood?”

  Nicholas shrugged. “I fed when I killed Andre and then not again for years. I ate food. I think around puberty I had the need to feed on blood. I guess we’ll know when they need it.” He said as he stood up. “I’ll be right back; I’m going to get you something to eat. Alexander is almost finished. He’s drifting off to sleep.”

  Nicholas walked quietly through the living room to the kitchen not wanting to wake his parents. He opened the refrigerator and pulled out two bags of blood, then grabbed a glass from the counter. He turned to go back to the bedroom. “Dad, sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” He said quietly.

  Derek smiled. “You didn’t. Nicholas, are you okay with things… the Alexander, thing?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Dad, I’m fine, don’t stress over it. Danielle and I are going to stay in the bedroom for a while. We didn’t sleep much. Come get us when the family arrives. We need to figure out what the wacko is planning. See you in a few hours,” he said as he walked back into the bedroom.

  Nicholas heard the shower running. He set the glass and blood on the table and walked into the bathroom. He stripped off his pants and stepped into the shower with Danielle.

  “Danielle, no one would ever know you’ve just had twins. Your stomach is as flat as they day I first ran my hands over it. The only thing that’s different is your breasts.” He said as he ran his hands up her stomach.

  “I’m pretty amazed myself. I feel good, energetic. Nicholas, I want to make love.” She said pressing against him.

  “Danielle, I think we’d better wait.”

  Danielle ran her hand up his thigh. “Drac, I need you, I’m fine. No bleeding, no soreness, just a deep yearning to make love with you.” She said nibbling on his nipple.

  Nicholas pressed his lips to hers then released her. “Danielle, you’ve been stitched; Doc said you had a bad time.”

  Danielle pressed against him again “Drac, the stitches are gone, my body is healed and I want you. I want you more than I ever have in the past. Please…”

  Nicholas frowned. “We need to wait a while… maybe tomorrow.”

  Danielle pouted. “Can we neck a bit?”

  Nicholas laughed. “You my dear are a turkey and boy do you pout well.

  Danielle giggled. “I don’t pout!”

  Nicholas pulled her to him. “You do; and somehow you always get your way.” He said kissing her.


  Danielle lay on the bed with the twins watching Nicholas as he dressed. “Hey hickey boy,” she giggled.

  Nicholas sat on the bed pulling on a light weight blue sweater. “You did leave a pretty good sized hickey on my neck.”

  Danielle pulled him closer by the front of his sweater. “That was wonderful, I needed you so badly,” she said kissing him lightly.

  Nicholas smiled. “I’m glad I was able to accommodate you,” He stretched out on the other side of bed looking at the twins.

  Derek knocked on the bedroom door. “Nicholas, they’re here.”

  Nicholas looked at Danielle. “Lets go we need to discuss the nut case and our security.” He said sitting up. He lifted Alexis into his arms as Danielle lifted Alexander. They walked into the living room and took their places on the couch.

  Danielle looked at Derek “Want to hold him?”

  Derek smiled and reached for Alexander.

  Nicholas looked at Emily. “Mom, take Alexis,” he said handing the baby to his mother. Nicholas looked around the room. “Alright, has any damage been done to any of our properties other than the theater?”

  Merrek nodded. “They’ve trashed Bar Harbor, damaged upstate and the penthouse.”

  Gerry added, “Which means, they know we are not there. That gives her three places left to look; the island, Alaska, and last but not least here.”

  Nicholas frowned. “Do you think she knows we live here?”

  Nick looked at Nicholas. “Not sure, all she saw was the above ground building. Unless she’s smart enough to try and investigate there’s no way she could even guess we live here.”

  Danielle looked at Derek. “What about Alexander and Alexis, we have to keep them s

  Derek shifted Alexander in his arm. “That’s why we’ll all stay together, to protect your children.”

  Nicholas glanced at Danielle. “It’ll be okay.” He said softly and turned his gaze to Frank and Tony. “You two need to gather forces tonight. I want Danielle and the children guarded twenty-four seven. I need to know how many vamps she has, how old they are, and if they’ve ever battled. I also want to know about Jen. Where she is and what she’s doing to help her daughter.”

  Nicholas was pacing. He was distressed and Danielle felt his distress penetrating her calm. She stood up and looked at Derek. “Let me take him, he needs to feed.” She said reaching for Alexander. She cradled him against her and started towards the bedroom. Danielle looked at Emily. “Can you come with me, please?” Emily nodded and followed her into the bedroom.

  Danielle sat on the bed lifting her sweater exposing her breast. She lifted Alexander to her breast and sat back against the pillows as he nursed. “Emily, I’m frightened. I was scared before, but now I am responsible for Alexander and Alexis and I’m terrified she’ll hurt my children.”

  Emily sat on the bed next to her. “Danielle, we’ll do everything we can to protect the twins.” She said trying to comfort her.

  Danielle looked down at Alexander and then back at Emily. “I couldn’t listen to their talk of your properties being destroyed, and where we can hide. Where can I hide my children so they are safe?” she asked with tears in her eyes.

  Emily wrapped her arm around her. “Danielle, when I fought all those years ago I was pregnant, I hadn’t held Nicholas in my arms yet. He was almost four when we battled Andre. When it began all I could taste was bile in my throat. I was terrified for my son. I locked him in a pantry closet with Jen and Killer. I would have and still would die for my son.” Emily kissed Danielle’s cheek and continued speaking. “Danielle I would die protecting you and my Grandchildren too. So would Derek, and the rest of the family. I know how frightening it is. I know the terror of fearing for your children and those you love. I promise you won’t be alone in this fight for our relatively free lifestyle. That’s what this is; it’s a fight so we don’t have to hide in caskets and caves. It’s a fight for our lifestyle and happiness.” Emily wiped the tears from her eyes then reached over wiping the tears from Danielle’s cheeks. “Honey, we’ll get through this… we have to. Here, let me take him, you take Lexie.” Emily said as she took Alexander and laid Lexie in Danielle’s arms. They sat together until Lexie was finished nursing then walked back to the living room.

  Derek looked at Emily he could see she’d been crying. Blue eyes are you alright? He asked silently.

  Emily smiled. Yes I’m fine. We’ll talk later, she said as she sat beside him taking his hand. “Want to hold Lexie?”

  Derek smiled as Emily laid Lexie in his arms. Nicholas walked over to Danielle and wrapped his arm around her. “Come sit on my lap, we’re short on chairs.” He said leading her to a chair. He sat down wrapping his arms around her and Alexander.

  Emily looked around the room. “What has been decided?” she asked glancing in Danielle’s direction.

  Gerry followed Emily’s gaze and their eyes met. He stood up. “We’re staying here. We’ve closed off and disguised anything that could give away that we’re underground. We’ll mostly hang out upstairs in the house. If and when anything starts we’ll usher Danielle and the children into the pod entrance and lock the entrance. We figure this is the safest place.”

  Emily nodded. “Sounds like a good plan.”

  Danielle frowned. “You’re gonna lock me up alone?” She asked feeling the panic begin to build.

  Nicholas nuzzled her neck. “It’ll be okay.” He whispered.

  Danielle looked at him. “Drac, you can’t lock me up alone…I’ll need to protect the kids and what if I go into that place I go sometimes.” She said as tears welled in her eyes.

  “Danielle, it will be okay, you’re blood of my blood you’ll be fine.” Nicholas said with annoyance in his voice.

  Danielle stood up and walked to Derek. “Take him, take your baby. Please look after my children. I can’t be locked up. I’m leaving. Let her kill me and it will be done,” she said as she deposited Alexander in Derek’s free arm.

  Danielle turned and walked to the door. “Drac, I brought this on your family, now I’ll stop it.” She said as she reached for the door knob.

  Nicholas grabbed her. “Danielle, what the fuck are you doing? You can’t go out there alone. You can’t leave your children. And hell you can’t leave me either.”

  Danielle pushed at him. “Nicholas let me go. If she has her way and kills me she’ll leave you and the twins alone. Your family can live as you’re accustomed to and you can raise the kids. I can’t let her hurt them; I can’t let her hurt you.”

  Her eyes traveled around the room as she said “I can’t let her hurt any of you. Nicholas, let me go.” She demanded.

  Nicholas held her tightly against him “Babe, you’re not going anywhere. I can’t let her hurt you either. You’re staying here with me.”

  Danielle pushed at him. “Please Drac, let me go.” She begged.

  Derek handed Alexander to Emily and Alexis to Claire. He walked over to Nicholas and Danielle and wrapped his arms around both of them.

  “Danielle, you can’t go. She’ll kill you and then come after your husband, your children. It’s in her blood. You going to her, will just egg her on more. Honey, you need to stay here with us. We can protect you, the twins, and Nicholas. Honey, Nicholas, Alexander and Alexis need you. I know my son and he’d be lost without you. Please listen to us.” he said gently.

  Danielle went limp in Nicholas’ arms. “Dani?” She didn’t reply. Derek let them go and Nicholas scooped her up into his arms and sat on the floor holding her. “Danielle, you have to stay, you have to stand up for the twins in the fearless protective way only a mother can. Baby, I know you’re terrified. I know you’re sinking into that safe place. You need to come back and stand tall and proud beside me,” he said wiping a tear from his eye. He leaned over her kissing her forehead. Nicholas looked at his parents. “What now, she’s… in that place again.”

  Emily stood up and walked to Tanya handing Alexander to her then walked to Nicholas, Danielle and Derek. “Danielle will be fine when it’s necessary. She’s terrified and rightfully so. Elizabeth tortured her. She fears for her children and when the time comes she will be the strongest of us when her children are threatened.”

  Emily knelt beside Nicholas and ran her hand over Danielle’s forehead. “Wake up honey, Come on, we’re all here and we won’t lock you up alone. I’ll be by your side along with Nicholas and Derek. Come on honey, come back, Lexie and Alex need their mommy.” She said stroking her forehead. Danielle lay limp in Nicholas’ arms.

  Emily touched Nicholas’ shoulder. “Take her into the other room. Lay with her, hold her. We’ll take care of Lexie and Alex until she comes back. There’s formula in the refrigerator. Go. Derek, bring the cradle out here.” Nicholas stood up followed by Derek and went into the bedroom. He lay Danielle against the pillows and then helped Derek take the cradle into the living room. “Thanks mom,” he said and returned to the bedroom.

  Nicholas stretched out on the bed pulling Danielle against him. “Danielle, please come back,” he said kissing her forehead. He closed his eyes and lay rocking her in his arms.

  Danielle heard Alexander crying in the distance. She had to get to him but she didn’t know where he was. She struggled to find her way back to her crying son. She opened her eyes to see Nicholas asleep next to her. She sat up. “Where’s Alex and Lexie” she gasped as she climbed from the bed. She heard Alex’s cry again and ran into the living room. Emily held him trying to give him a bottle. She sank onto the sofa bed beside Emily. “Thank God,” she sighed reaching for the crying baby. She lifted her sweater and offered her breast to her whining son. His cry’s stopped as he suckled.

  Emily smiled. “I’m Glad you
decided to come back.” She said softly.

  Danielle glanced at her. “So am I,” she said smiling down at her son.


  Several days passed, Elizabeth had visited and ransacked all of their properties. She was angry. She’d waited long enough and her mother was making her crazy. She constantly defended The Burnes clan and she was about to start the shit again and Elizabeth didn’t want to listen. “Mom, just shut up. I’m tired of hearing how wonderful they are. I’m tired of hearing how much better things are. I know where they are now and tonight it will begin. The dear Burnes clan have no idea how many vamps hate them. They have no idea how many have come to my side. Tonight it will begin and you’re either with me or you can go die with them.” Elizabeth shouted.


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