Book Read Free

Nicholas 02

Page 24

by Renee Larsen

  Jen sat calmly looking at her daughter. “Elizabeth, I can’t fight. I only have half of my foot back. I also don’t understand where this hate in you comes from. Explain it to me.”

  Elizabeth looked at her mother. “How can you defend them, question me for wanting to kill them when they tortured you, burned your foot three quarters off. You explain that to me.” Elizabeth sat in front of her mother waiting for her response.

  Jen looked into her daughters blue eyes. “Elizabeth, they tortured me because of you. Because of what you did to Nicholas’ girl. I said things, I don’t know what I said, I don’t know why I said what they told me I said. They tortured me because they thought I could help them find the girl. You have lived a good life. Your father and I tried our best to teach you what you needed. Emily and Derek were always fair. Where does this hate come from?”

  Elizabeth looked at Jen. “Gerry is yours. He’s not mine. I am Andre’s daughter. Now Mother, if you think about it, first there was Jacque, then came Philippe and Andre was next in line. Since Andre was my father that would make me, Elizabeth, the next leader.” Jen reached for her hand but Elizabeth smacked it away. “I’m finished talking I have to get ready.” She said and stormed out of the room.


  The family gathered in the above ground house. Their soldiers and friends were hidden in the darkness all around the property and prepared for battle. The listeners had warned them to be ready.

  Danielle sang softly to her daughter as she fed her. She was doing anything she could to fight off the terror and panic that would send her into the darkness and leave her totally helpless. She took Lexie’s tiny hand in hers.

  Nicholas came into the bedroom. “Dani it’s almost time,” he said gently.

  Danielle looked up at him. “Drac, have someone go to Tony’s pod. Empty out the biggest, deepest drawer in his captain’s bed and then line the drawer with their blankets. It’s the deepest Pod. No one would look there…I hope.”

  Nicholas nodded. “Babe, give me Lexie, Mom’s on her way in with Alex.” Danielle held Lexie against her breathing in her scent. She kissed her gently and handed her to Nicholas as Emily walked in with Alexander.

  Danielle looked at Nicholas. “Drac hurry I want them hidden.” Danielle took Alexander and offered him her breast. He sucked contently as Emily braided Danielle’s hair and coiled it tightly against her scalp.

  Danielle and Emily each carrying a baby walked into Tony’s pod. Derek and Nicholas had prepared the largest drawer as a makeshift bed and hiding place. Danielle kissed Alexander and laid him in the drawer, she turned to Emily reaching for Alexis. She took the baby and laid her in the drawer next to her brother and leaned in kissing her. “Sleep my babies, don’t be frightened by the noise, and please, please don’t cry. Don’t let them know where I’ve hidden you,” she said as tears ran down her face. Danielle looked at Nicholas. “I don’t know if I can leave them.”

  Nicholas pulled her up and into his arms. “Dani, they just fed, they’ll sleep peacefully until we come back in a few hours to feed them.” He said leading her from the room.

  Derek squatted down and touched each sleeping baby. “Sleep…sleep until we awaken you.” He leaned in and kissed them then slowly pushed the drawer closed. Killer and Rusty lay on top of Tony’s bed and Mishka and Snow settled down in front of the drawer that concealed the twins.”

  Derek, Emily, Nicholas and Danielle walked into the above ground building together. Derek looked at the family. “Anything yet?”

  Merrek shook his head no. “Things have been pretty quiet.”

  Nick chuckled. “It’s early we still have eight or nine hours of darkness.”

  Claire walked over to Danielle and rubbed her shoulders. “You’re doing great tonight,” she said reassuringly.

  Danielle gave her a slight smile. “It’s taking every ounce of strength and courage to stay relatively calm. Inside I feel like I could explode.”

  Claire smiled “You’ll do just fine.”

  Nicholas sat with Danielle. She leaned against him resting her head on his shoulder. “Drac, their going to be hungry soon, it’s been a couple of hours since they fed.” She said keeping her voice low.

  Nicholas gave her a little squeeze. “They’ll be fine. They’re safe and sleeping.” He said kissing the top of her head. Danielle turned to look into his eyes hoping to find comfort and reassurance. He smiled at her. “Relax, I know it’s not easy but try.” He whispered.

  Without warning the large arched windows over the fire place shattered, “Danielle, quick, put these in your ears. We’ll communicate silently. Come on honey,” Nicholas said pushing ear plugs into her hand. She quickly put them in her ears as Nicholas silently said Danielle has ear plugs in her ears, speak to her telepathically. Nicholas looked into her eyes. Remember your knife, nails and teeth. Aim for their necks and cut deeply. Protect your neck. He said taking her hand and lifting into the air along side of his parents.

  The hissing and growling was becoming deafening. They were outside and the fight had begun in earnest. Emily, Derek and Nicholas stayed within close proximity to Danielle. Nicholas was grabbed and pulled up and away from her. He raked his nails across his assailants face and then reached for his knife and severed the head. The family dodged and fought their attackers. Their clothes were in shreds and their flesh ripped. Emily and Derek flew to Claire sneaking up on the two vamps that held her. Emily’s knife cut into one while Derek took care of the other. Free again Claire, Derek and Emily flew off to help Gerry, Nick and Tanya.

  Danielle was un-guarded, Nicholas had been drawn into the fight and pulled away from her. Danielle was grabbed and pulled down towards the ground. “Elizabeth wants you” the creature hissed. Danielle couldn’t hear him. She reached for her knife and threw herself into a tumble severing the creatures hand and then flew at him severing his head.

  Merrek flew to her aid Good Danielle, you did it, come on we need you close to us he said silently grasping her hand and guiding her towards Nicholas and Derek.

  Merrek was knocked away from Danielle and pulled high into the air. His attacker had a knife poised at his neck. Without thinking Danielle flew to his aid. She grabbed the hair of the vamp that held Merrek and ran her knife threw his neck. Merrek kicked the body away as he silently told Danielle to drop the head.

  Nicholas and Gerry flew to Tony’s aid and then rejoined the family. The fight went on for hours and as suddenly as the attackers appeared they vanished. Derek surveyed the area making sure all his family members were accounted for. Nicholas flew to Danielle and plucked the ear plugs from her ears. He wrapped his arms around her as they floated towards the ground. Nick, Merrek, Frank, Tony and Gerry were gathering heads.

  “We have to hurry the sun will be up soon. Gather them up,” Derek called.

  Emily Claire, Tanya and Eve surrounded Danielle. “Nicholas, help them, we’ve got Danielle. Let’s go, Danielle.” Emily said taking her hand.

  In the blink of an eye they were in Tony’s bedroom and Danielle was pulling the drawer open. A loud sigh of relief escaped her lips when she saw the twins were still asleep. “I need to clean up. I can’t touch them like this.” She said going into the bathroom. She quickly showered and returned wrapped in a towel.

  Claire smiled. “Here, put this on,” she said handing Danielle a large tee shirt and sweat pants.

  Danielle quickly slipped them on and knelt by the drawer. She lifted Alexander from the drawer kissing him. “Oh it feels so good to hold you,” she said kissing his cheek as she sat on the bed to nurse him. When he finished she laid him back in the drawer and picked up Alexis. “Mmm, you smell wonderful baby girl.” She whispered hugging and kissing her.

  Nicholas walked into the room to see Danielle propped up on pillows feeding Alexis. He too had showered. He reached into the drawer lifting Alexander into his arms and sat next to Danielle. “Whose clothes are you wearing?”

  Danielle shook her head. “I have no idea Claire gave them t
o me.”

  Emily looked at Nicholas. “Now that you’re here with her we’re going to clean up. See you back at your pod.”

  Danielle rested her head against Nicholas as Alexis fed. “The ear plugs were a great idea.”

  Nicholas leaned over kissing her forehead. “You okay?”

  Danielle frowned. “I didn’t even look. I came in here, opened the drawer and ran to Tony’s shower because I wouldn’t touch them before I bathed.”

  Nicholas looked at her arms as she held the baby. “Your arms look okay; I’ll check the rest of you when we get back to our pod.”

  The door opened and Derek walked in. “Are they okay?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Everyone seems to be fine. I need to check Danielle when we go up.”

  Derek smiled as Danielle looked up at him. “Danielle, you did great tonight.” He said as he turned leaving them alone.


  Nicholas took Alexis from Danielle’s arms and laid her next to her brother in the cradle. “Let me look at you Dani, I need to make sure you’re wounds are healing properly.” He said pulling her to her feet. First he lifted and examined each arm, then her neck, and face. “Take this stuff off” he said lifting the bottom of the tee shirt and bringing it over her head. He closely examined a deep painful looking gouge in her back. Danielle winced as his fingers pulled at the torn flesh. “We need to clean this, come into the bathroom.” He said reaching for her hand.

  Nicholas wet and soaped a cloth. “Babe, lean over the sink a bit so I can get to this.” He said pushing her gently forward. He plucked debris from the wound and washed it. Danielle felt his tongue running the length of the wound.

  Nicholas pushed the sweatpants off her hips and down her legs. He examined the back of her legs and smiled as he kissed the roundness of her derriere. “Turn around” he said softly. Danielle obeyed. Nicholas examined the rest of her. “You’re good. Everything is mending quickly except the thing in your back. Get dressed and I’ll feed you. I’m bringing these back to Tony for tonight. I’ll have him leave them in the bathroom for you.” Nicholas said as he picked up the sweatpants and walked into the bedroom picking up the tee shirt. “Danielle, I’ll be in the living room.” He called as he left the room.

  Danielle walked into the bedroom and rummaged through a drawer pulling out silk sleep pants and a tank top. She dressed quickly and walked to the door. Her stomach was beginning to knot in hunger. She opened the door “Mishka, Snow, come protect my children” she called. The large wolves lumbered past her and lay on the floor by the cradle. Killer and Rusty followed. Killer lay in front of the cradle and Rusty being a creature of comfort jumped into the cradle and curled up near the twin’s feet.

  When Danielle entered the living room the family looked up. Tony smiled. “You did great, for a newborn vamp.”

  Danielle held her stomach and started towards the kitchen but Nicholas was already bringing her blood. She reached for the glass and drank it down quickly. Nicholas watched her. “You need more?” he asked. Danielle nodded as Nicholas took the glass and refilled it.

  Derek looked around the room and stood up. “We did well last night. Everyone survived. All but two of our friends have all survived. Elizabeth seems to have gathered a strong force of young ones, but they’re pretty inexperienced. Did anyone see Jennifer out there?”

  Gerry spoke up. “Jen wasn’t here. Her foot is probably not healed yet. I didn’t really see Elizabeth either. Did anyone see her?”

  Merrek nodded. “She was here. Her hair is black at the moment.”

  Emily stood beside Derek. “How many did we get rid of?”

  Nick smiled. “We’ve rid our world of about thirty. The fire should be just about burned out by now.” Danielle sat on the floor next to Nicholas taking his hand in hers.

  Derek glanced at them and smiled. “Our newest vamp did quite well. We need to keep her well supplied with ear plugs.”

  Danielle blushed. “They seemed to help. I couldn’t hear the yelling.”

  Derek smiled briefly. “This is not over yet. Before sundown Danielle must feed Alex and Lexie and hide them away. At sundown we must be in the above ground building. We can’t let them know we are in pods underground. Elizabeth is smart. Rest, rejuvenate and be prepared to battle at sundown. We all stay close. We sleep in Merrek’s and Nicholas’ pod.” Derek looked at Nicholas. “Take her to bed, feed her early and be ready.” Nicholas stood up pulling Danielle to her feet.

  An hour before sundown Emily knocked on the bedroom door and entered. She walked over to the cradle and lifted Lexie into her arms. “Good evening granddaughter lets get you changed and then wake mommy up so she can feed you.” She said quietly as she walked into the nursery. Emily changed and dressed Lexie then lifted her into her arms and carried her to Danielle. She sat on the side of the bed. “Danielle, honey wake up, it’s time to feed Alexis.”

  Danielle opened her eyes, “Is it time already?” she asked sleepily.

  Emily nodded. “Unfortunately it is. Here, take care of Lexie and I’ll get Alex.” Danielle reached out taking Lexie.

  Derek carried Alexander and Emily Lexie as they descended the spiral staircase to Tony’s pod. Danielle followed drinking down her second glass of blood. They walked into the pod and Danielle set the glass down on a table. “Mom, let me have Lexie” she said taking Lexie in her arms. “Baby girl, you need to be quiet like last night. No crying because Elizabeth will surely hear you.” She kissed Lexie breathing in her scent, and then laid her in the drawer Derek kissed Alex and handed him to Danielle. She laid him beside Lexie and pulled their blanket over them. Rusty and Killer were on the bed and Mishka and Snow were in place ready to protect. Phantom and Shadow sat by Derek and Emily. Danielle reached down and caressed their cheeks. Then looked at Derek and Emily, “I can’t close the drawer, wait until I’m gone,” she said as she stood up.

  Nicholas led her from the room. “Drink Dani you’ll need your strength,” he said handing her the half empty glass.

  Derek touched each child and pushed Sleep, sleep peacefully and soundly until we awaken you, he said as he slid the drawer closed. He stood up taking Emily’s hand “Ready blue eyes?”

  They met Nicholas and Danielle in the living room. “Danielle, we need to fix your hair so they can’t grab it. We’ll do that upstairs. Come, we must hurry the sun is setting.” Emily said.

  They materialized in the gathering house. “Derek, lock it off, Danielle, come sit by me so I can fix your hair.” Emily said pulling Danielle in front of her. Emily quickly braided and coiled Danielle’s hair tightly against her head. “Ear plugs, Nicky, where’s her ear plugs.”

  Derek looked at Emily Calm, my love, you’re frantic tonight, you’ll panic her if you don’t stay calm, he said silently as he looked lovingly into her eyes.

  Nicholas took Danielle’s hand and dropped the ear plugs into her palm. Emily searched Derek’s eyes as she silently said I’m tense, I have a bad feeling, Derek, who of the old ones could or would want to help Elizabeth.

  Derek’s eyes smiled at her calm my love. We need calm. I don’t know who if any of the elders would help her. We have Colin he’s strong and will protect the children. Calm yourself, he said as he leaned down kissing her all will be as it should be in the end.

  Emily nodded and sat in silence. Derek, where is Colin she asked silently. Derek sat next to her draping his arm around her. Colin is with Mishka and Snow. He is also a protector and sentinel. Emily let out a soft sigh and again they all sat in silence waiting…waiting or it to start.

  Danielle broke the silence. “She’s here, she’s coming” she whispered as she quickly put the ear plugs in her ears and slowly got to her feet. Derek smiled nervously at his family be safe, he looked at Danielle and Nicholas, protect your necks and remember knife, nails and teeth. Ready yourselves. He took Emily’s hand and led the family outside.

  Gerry was the first to be grabbed. He looked his attacker in the eyes. Elizabeth’s eyes filled will rage and m
adness. Her fangs bit into his neck, ripping the flesh. Derek, Nicholas and Merrek flew to his aid. As they approached Elizabeth laughed and let him go. Gerry fell to the ground.

  Danielle floated up in front of Nicholas and with every ounce of strength and courage she could muster she yelled, “Elizabeth, it’s me you want isn’t it. Come on bitch.”

  Elizabeth turned in the direction of the voice. “Yes, it is you I want. I want you and the child that grows inside you. I want the Burnes line dead.”

  Danielle started to speak but Nicholas’ hand covered her mouth as he silently said she thinks you’re pregnant, let her believe it.

  Elizabeth looked at Danielle and Nicholas “I want to savor your demise, you will be last.” She yelled as she dodged at Claire.


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