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Nicholas 02

Page 25

by Renee Larsen

  Nicholas and Danielle floated to the ground and knelt by Gerry. He was badly injured. “Danielle, lick his wounds help me.” Nicholas said as he began licking at the deep gashes in his neck. Danielle followed his lead and began to lick at the shredded flesh.

  Merrek, Tanya, Nick and Frank flew to Claire and fought off her attackers. Claire looked at them. “Their young, strong and have been taught to fight.” She said breathlessly and they all flew towards Emily and Derek.

  Derek surveyed the masses. “Where is my son,” he bellowed.

  Eve was the one to reply. “He and Danielle are tending Gerry’s wounds.” Derek’s green eyes were ablaze with anger. “Unprotected…They are unprotected!” he shouted. Instantly Nicholas, Danielle and Gerry were surrounded by Derek’s loyal followers.

  Hours passed and the fight became more violent, more vicious. Derek’s followers were being gravely injured or killed. Danielle and Nicholas were brought to the center of the family ring for protection. Derek glanced around when he heard Emily scream in anger and pain. Four of Elizabeth’s followers held her. Elizabeth was slowly taking pleasure in shredding the flesh of Emily’s arms as she sank her fangs into her neck.

  Derek roared in anger and flew to his wife decapitating two of her captors before they could turn to face him. Elizabeth lifted her face from Emily’s neck her mouth and teeth dripping Emily’s blood.

  Elizabeth smiled sweetly. “Uncle, how nice to see you.” she growled sarcastically. She released Emily and watched as she plummeted towards the ground. Derek dove after Emily catching her before she hit the ground. Without hesitation he ran his nail over his wrist and let his blood drip onto her wounds. He tilted her head and grasped her chin opening her mouth. He rested his bloody wrist against her lips. “Drink my love, drink.” He said as he held her in his arms.

  Danielle was being punched, bitten, clawed at and thrown about like a rag doll while Nicholas fought for his own survival. Gerry opened his eyes looking up. He saw Danielle was unprotected and in trouble. He immediately went to her aid.


  Derek carried Emily into the house laying her on the bed then ran outside and lifted Claire into his arms. He ran into the house and laid her beside Emily. Outside again he looked at the carnage and his hurt and wounded family and friends. “We need to burn them all.” He said kicking the heads into a pile as he walked helping those that needed help. Merrek, Tony, Frank and Nicholas gathered heads into one pile and headless bodies into another. Eve, Tanya and others gathered wood and kindling.

  The fires were lit, the sun was peaking over the horizon and the family was safely inside. Nicholas walked around looking for Danielle. “Where’s Danielle,” he shouted.

  Derek froze. “Who last saw her?” The family shook their heads they didn’t have the answer. Nicholas ran from the great room searching the house. Danielle was not there, Gerry wasn’t there either. He re-entered the great room. “Gerry and Danielle are missing.” He said and then disappeared.

  Colin sat on the bed next to Killer reading a book when Nicholas materialized and pulled the drawer open. Two pairs of vivid blue eyes looked up at him. He sank to his knees and lifted his children into his arms. Colin climbed off the bed. “Nicholas, the children need to eat; where’s their mother,” he asked unaware that Danielle was missing.

  “I don’t know,” Nicholas replied as Eve and Tanya appeared beside him each carrying a bottle of formula. Tanya touched Nicholas’ arm. “Let us feed them, you go find Danielle, she’s okay, we all know she’s okay, Gerry has her hidden, find her.” Tanya said reaching for Alexander as Eve took Alexis.

  Nicholas reappeared in the above ground house and began searching. Derek opened the bedroom door and walked into the hall followed by Emily and Claire. “Did you find her?’ he asked.

  Nicholas shook his head no. “The twin’s, are they alright?” Emily asked.

  Nicholas looked into his mothers eyes. “They’re fine. Tanya and Eve are with them. We have to find Danielle and Gerry.”

  Emily reached out taking Nicholas’ hand. “Son, she’s okay, we can all feel she’s okay. Can’t you?”

  Nicholas looked into her eyes again. “I don’t know. I have to find her. I don’t feel anything from her.” He said as he turned to walk down the hall.

  Derek squeezed Emily’s hand. “Darling, go see to our grand children while we search for Gerry and Danielle.”

  Emily ran her thumb over his hand. “She’s fine, Gerry has her and she’s safe,” She whispered and disappeared.

  The family searched the house and found no trace of Gerry and Danielle. Nicholas finally sat on the floor and silenced the distress in his mind as he listened for his wife to tell him where she was hidden. He heard nothing. He saw only darkness.

  Derek walked up behind Emily. “We still haven’t found them. Nicholas is beside himself. All he keeps saying is that he hears nothing and senses only darkness.”

  Emily turned to face him. “She’s right you know. Alexander is your son. Here, take him, he’s fussy. He wants his mothers warm breast not this cold glass bottle; calm him, I’ll search for Danielle and Gerry.”

  Derek looked at Emily. “I love you, blue eyes,” he whispered.

  Emily smiled. “I know you do. Try and feed him, he hasn’t eaten since last night when Danielle fed him. I’ll be back with Danielle. I just need to be alone and think. It’s like I know where they are, I just can’t quite zero in on it.”

  Emily started to leave but Derek grabbed her arm. “Did Lexie eat?”

  Emily nodded. “A little, I guess Alex is a breast man.” She disappeared.

  Emily walked into the great room. “Heads up everyone, we all know Gerry very well. If he were to go into protection mode, where would he go, where would he hide Danielle to keep her away from that psycho half breed kid, come on guys think. Alexander isn’t taking formula. He needs Danielle’s breast.”

  The family again searched the above ground house. Frank bundled up against the sun and quickly made his way to the several of the small sheds and out building but there was no sign of Gerry or Danielle. It was now more than fifteen hours since Alexander had fed and he was crying loudly when Derek opened the hidden metal air lock door with Alexander in his arms. Colin followed with Lexie who was also starting to fuss. Derek carried Alex to Nicholas.

  “Son, you try, he won’t take anything.” He said handing the crying infant to Nicholas.


  Gerry held Danielle against him. She had lost her earplugs during the battle and had gone to her safe place when the volume of growls and hisses overtook her senses along with the pain in her body from being thrown around and cut. He had found an in ground well with a wooden cover and pulled her inside it just before daylight. He was afraid to unveil his thoughts for fear that Elizabeth or Jen would tap into them and give away their hiding place. The sun was high and until dusk there was no escape from the cold wet ground he laid on.

  Danielle heard Alexander crying, she felt the pain he was in from hunger. She called out to him, Alexander eat; I can’t get to you, Oh baby I can’t find you. She fought her way back to consciousness trying to find her son.

  Gerry felt her move. She was struggling against him. “Danielle, be still or we’ll end up in a bigger mess then we’re in” he said trying to hold her still. Danielle continued to struggle and they slipped further into the well. “Danielle stop!”

  “Gerry is that you?”

  Gerry gave her a little squeeze. “Welcome back sunshine. Now don’t move, I don’t want to be swimming in ice cold water right now. We’re in a well away from the sunlight. Try to relax.”

  Danielle could hear Alexander’s cry. His little stomach was cramping from hunger.

  “Gerry, I have to get to Alexander, he’s starving.” She cried.

  “Danielle, we can’t go anywhere, we’d fry.”

  Danielle struggled. “I have to get to the twins, they’re not eating.” She said pushing at him.

  “Danielle, we
can’t get there now.” He said sternly.

  Danielle gave him a hard push and broke away from him flying up the well shaft. “Danielle don’t you’ll fry.” Gerry shouted as her hands clawed at the wooden cover that protected them. Gerry let himself slip deeper into the well. He couldn’t stop her at this point and he had no intention of bursting into flames.

  Danielle broke though the wooden cover as a large dark cloud covered the sun. She flew quickly to the main house and made it inside as the sun came out from behind the cloud. Bloody, bruised, cut and dirty she ran to Nicholas grabbing Alexander and put him to her breast. As his mouth drew in her nipple she sank to the floor rocking him against her. The family stopped their search and ran into the great room when they suddenly realized Alex was no longer crying. They found Danielle on the floor leaning against Nicolas with Alexander suckling contently.

  Danielle looked up as they entered. “You have to help Gerry. He’s in a well about fifty yards from the house.”

  Emily looked at her. “Are you okay? How did you get back to the house?”

  Danielle ran her dirty blood stained finger over Alexander’s cheek. “He was staving. His stomach was knotting in pain. I broke away from Gerry and flew into the light to get back to feed him. Someone must like me up there, because a dark cloud covered the sun long enough for me to make it back here. You’ve got to get Gerry. He’s sinking deeper and deeper into the well.” She said turning her attention back to her nursing son.

  Derek looked at Frank. “Okay Frank, how do we get him? You’re the only one that seems relatively immune to direct sunlight.”

  Frank looked around the room and smiled. “I need a helper and two umbrellas. I’ll also need clothes to cover his skin and head.”

  Eve stood up. “I’ll get the clothes” and she disappeared returning a few minutes later with an armful of clothing. Frank dressed quickly covering as much of his flesh as possible. Tony volunteered and also dressed. Merrek handed them the umbrellas.

  “Come on Tony, we’re gonna have to move fast, very fast.” Frank said walking towards the door. Tony followed him. Frank reached for the door knob. “Stay here, I’m going to drop this stuff to him, and then we’ll go get him. Be ready to open the door.

  Frank opened the door and darted quickly to the well. He dropped the clothing down and yelled. “Bundle Ger, call when your covered” and flew quickly back to the shelter of the house.

  Gerry caught the clothes dropped to him and quickly dressed covering as much skin as possible. “Frank, I’m ready” Gerry called.

  Frank looked at Tony. “I’ll go, open this umbrella and as Gerry approaches cover him until he gets inside. Ready?” Tony nodded. Frank called to Gerry. “Ger, I’m coming, when the light appears filtered, fly out and towards Tony. He’s holding an umbrella to block the sun. Here I come.” Frank ran to the well and opened the umbrella over the opening. “Now Gerry, Hurry,” he called. Gerry flew out of the well shaft and together Frank and Gerry flew towards the house under the umbrella.

  Gerry ran into the house throwing off the smoldering clothes that covered him. “Thanks guys,” he said sinking to the floor. “It was so damn cold and wet down there. Crap, we’ve gotta get rid of Elizabeth. I can’t go back to living like that. It sucks, I’m frozen.”

  Gerry looked around and spotted Danielle looking at him. “You okay sunshine?”

  Danielle stood up handing Alexander to Nicholas as she walked to Gerry and knelt beside him hugging him. “Thank you Gerry, you saved me from them, you kept me safe.” She kissed his cheek and stood up offering him her hand.

  Gerry stood up and hugged her. “And you kept me sane.” He said softly as he shivered.

  “Gerry go take a hot shower so you warm up.” Danielle said as she turned and walked back to Nicholas. She sat leaning against him. “Claire, let me have her,” she said reaching for Lexie.


  After putting the children in the cradle Danielle looked at Nicholas. “I need a shower,” she said as she started removing the ripped bloody clothes. She turned away from him as tears filled her eyes. “I’ll be right back,” she said trying to disguise the fact that she was crying as she closed the bathroom door.

  Nicholas picked her sleep pants and tank top from the bed and carried them into the bathroom. He pulled out clean towels and started to remove his own nasty bloody clothes. He stepped out of his underwear when a sob escaped her lips. He turned towards the shower and watched Danielle sink to her knees covering her face. He stepped into the shower and pulled her against him.

  “Drac, I killed people, I cut their heads from their bodies. Their blood is all over me.” She cried.

  “I know. It’s barbaric.” he said rubbing her back.

  “We’re vampires and this is disgustingly gruesome, almost too much to bear.” She sobbed.

  Nicholas stood up taking her with him. “Let’s wash this off and rest. We’re not finished with this yet.” He said as he unbraided her hair watching the blood run down the drain.

  Nicholas poured shampoo into his hand and rubbed it through Danielle’s hair and then through his own. He pulled her under the water rinsing the shampoo from her hair. Then turned the water off and opened the shower door. “Come on honey, lets dry off put on our pj’s, feed and go to sleep.” He said as he stepped from the shower. He handed Danielle a towel then dried off and pulled on his sleep pants. He ran a brush though his hair and turned watching as Danielle dropped her towel.

  “Oh baby, you’ve got some wicked bruises,” he said reaching out and gently touching her stomach and rib cage. He handed her the sleep pants and she pulled them on. “Do they hurt?”

  Danielle nodded. “I’m uncomfortable, but I’m okay. If Gerry hadn’t come when he did, they’d have probably killed me. I think they focused on my belly trying to make me miscarry.” She said softly reaching for the tank top. She pulled it over her head and wrapped her arms around Nicholas’ waist. “How much more of this will we have to endure?”

  Nicholas lifted her chin. “We have to kill Elizabeth, and the two goons that are always with her. I think if we can do that, then the rest of them will leave. Come on, you need to eat and so do I.”

  Dusk was fast approaching Danielle and Nicholas carried the twins to their hiding place and then went to the above ground house. Derek watched as they walked into the great room. “Danielle, you look like you’re in pain.”

  Danielle nodded. “I am in pain.” She lifted her shirts exposing her upper stomach.

  Emily gasped. “Danielle, you can’t fight like that. Doc needs to look at you.”

  Danielle frowned. “I’m going to kill her, once and for all. She’s not going to hurt me or anyone else again. You guys go after her henchmen, I want Elizabeth.” She said with conviction.

  Emily looked at Doc. “Doc, what do you think?”

  Doc stood up and walked over to Danielle. “Let me look at you, how far up and down in the bruising?”

  Danielle lifted her shirts. “It’s from just under my breasts to the top of the pubic bone.” She said feeling everyone’s eyes on her.

  “Come into the bathroom with me,” Doc said as he started for the bathroom. Danielle followed him. He looked at her. “Sit” he said. He lifted her shirts and pressed around her ribs, to her waist. “Stand up, and drop your jeans, then lay on the floor. Nicholas stood in the doorway watching as Danielle was examined. Danielle pushed her jeans off her hips and lay down on the floor. Doc knelt next to her pressing on her ribs and stomach. “I’m pretty sure you’re just bruised, everything feels okay. Here, let me help you up” he said offering her his hand. Danielle took his hand and he pulled her to her feet. “You’re ok,” he said as he walked past Nicholas and left the room.

  Danielle pulled herself back together and looked at Nicholas. “Can I have a hug for luck?”

  Nicholas stepped into the bathroom and encircled her in his arms. “Be careful tonight,” she said resting her head against his chest.

  “You too,
do you have your ear plugs?”

  She nodded and looked into his eyes. “I love you Drac,” she whispered as she pushed away from him.


  Danielle crouched alone in the darkness hiding behind the garbage can. She watched and waited. She watched as the family fought valiantly. Nicholas had the first of Elizabeth’s guards. Danielle watched as the headless body fell to the ground. She didn’t hear Elizabeth as she snuck up on her. Her ear plugs blocked the sounds of the snapping twigs as Elizabeth approached.

  Elizabeth tapped Danielle lightly on her shoulder then viscously sank her fangs into the flesh of her neck as she held her in place digging the fingernails deeply into her arms.


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