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Gigantic Variations

Page 32

by Maxwell Avoi

  “No. Not until you apologize.” He appeared prepared to sit like that all night, arms crossed in spite of the fact that Brody soon unpaused their game and started killing the hell out of his respawning avatar.

  I lasted for thirty seconds or so before the combined strangeness of all the weird new sensations that filled my body caused my resolve to crumble. “Fine. I’m sorry.”


  I gritted my teeth, realizing at that point that even they felt new against my tongue. “I’m sorry that we treated you like a liar when you weren’t.”

  “I’m sorry that you jerks think this is funny,” said Brody. He slumped deep into the couch, frowning at the screen as his fingers played by autopilot.

  “Catch fire,” said Lenny. “Okay, I don’t know how I turned back.” He uncrossed his arms and picked up his controller. I stepped in front of the screen until Brody paused the game and both of them looked up at me.

  “What do you mean, you don’t know?” I said, my voice suddenly acquiring dangerous tones.

  “I mean I don’t know! I took the shower, ended up like you saw, and then the next morning I was back to normal when I woke up. I was still pissed at you guys, so I left early.”

  I sighed. “Great.”

  “Now would you move, fake-Owen-with-tits?” said Brody. I gave him a death stare and moved out of the way. After a moment’s thought I went back to my room. They weren’t going to be any more help.

  The problem was that once I was back in my room, there was nothing to distract me from the fact that I’d become a woman. How the hell did something like this even happen?

  I sat down on the bed, conscious of the way that my ass felt (a mile wide) and how my breasts bounced beneath my tightly-wrapped robe. They were a constant reminder of my condition, a jiggling mockery of the way that I had always dreamed of having a pair all to myself someday. Well, here they were, and they weren’t attached to a girl who liked me and wanted me to touch her. I didn’t want to touch them, either, nice and round and soft as they were. I didn’t want to think about them. I didn’t want to think about any of it.

  It wasn’t long before I was asleep, my mind shutting down in an effort to simply get away from the harsh, confusing outer world. It felt a little like the coward’s way out but I didn’t know how else to deal with the situation.

  I didn’t sleep well, no shocker there, but every time I felt like I was waking up I would remember the fact of my change and my brain would drive me right back down into sleep. It was late in the morning when I finally woke up; I’d slept right through my alarm. I couldn’t bring myself to care about that because I was too ecstatic about having turned back into my normal form. Whether the sleep was the catalyst or it had simply worn off after a set time, I didn’t care. I had some soap and shampoo to get rid of.

  I walked into the bathroom with the boxes that had once held the soap and shampoo, but I paused when I opened the cabinets. The bottles and boxes had an air of restrained menace but that wasn’t what stopped me: it was raw curiosity. How could this happen? Did the soap contain some kind of LSD or something along with the other stuff that had made my hair fall out?

  The same thing had happened to both me and Lenny, though. We’d both seen the other in our altered forms. Surely it had actually happened, which meant that there was some serious weirdness going on here. I couldn’t quite bring myself to just get rid of everything.

  I looked at the empty boxes and took them into my bedroom with me. I did some Internet work, searching for lot numbers or information about the makers. Eventually I tracked down a few rumors to a factory in western Russia, but there wasn’t anything besides that. The company was out of business and there weren’t any other stories about weird situations like the one that faced me.

  I had to figure out what to do with what I had. My initial reaction was to throw it away but I quashed that knee-jerk reaction. I needed to think about this clearly, see what kind of opportunities I had in front of me. What could I do with the ability to change into a woman? Rob a bank? Nothing immediately jumped out at me.

  Moving slowly, thoughtfully, I stacked the boxes next to my door in case I decided to get rid of everything after all. After all, the soap and shampoo weren’t affecting me just sitting there. I could take my time and think about it.

  It turned out that there was little else I could think about. Even when I tried to concentrate on other things, the feel of my clothing on my soft, hairless skin was enough to distract me again. I wound up in the parking lot of a local convenience store, sitting there in my car as I tried to get my head together before heading off to work.

  I parked and went in, looking for something that might help. I settled for a cold soda, knowing that it wasn’t either what I wanted or needed. At the register, though, I found something that gave me an idea.

  “Miss Wet T-Shirt!” said the flyer. I kept reading. A local strip club, Absolute Ecstasy, was holding a wet t-shirt competition to raise awareness and gather in some new customers. If the woman on the front of the flyer was anything to go by, no normal woman would have a shot, but the flyer mentioned that AE staff were not allowed to compete; the whole thing was just for the public. The winner would get a thousand dollars cash and an opportunity to apprentice to Miss Stacy, the owner of the club, as a dancer.

  It was tawdry. It was awful. It was really intriguing, particularly the prize money. Who knew that strippers could get that kind of cash for a contest? They must have gotten paid more than I thought.

  It wasn’t until I was in my car that I realized why I had picked the flyer up. I was actually thinking about competing. The shock of that realization nearly drove me off the road but I managed to keep it together. I couldn’t believe that my subconscious had really done this to me. I had no desire to prance around on stage in front of a million horny guys while wearing a wet t-shirt.

  Or did I?

  It wasn’t like it would be me up there, the rationalization went. While my protests cooked away in the back of my mind, I realized that I had another problem: my female form, while attractive enough in the glimpses I’d caught between panic attacks, wasn’t any kind of hot enough to win a wet t-shirt contest. I resolved to experiment with the soaps and shampoos, see if I could figure out a way to make myself more attractive.

  The thought gave me pause. I was messing with stuff that I didn’t understand, and looking to make it even more powerful. I was nervous about the experimenting but the thought of winning a thousand bucks for just prancing around onstage in a moist shirt was enough to overcome a lot of objection.

  Work was a dream; I don’t remember a single thing about that night before showing up at my apartment again, burning with the desire to experiment and get it right before the contest. Brody was gone, for once, but Lenny was right there on the couch with the controller.

  “Hey,” he said. “Looks like you’re back to normal. Gonna dump that stuff now?” Obviously he hadn’t felt the need to do any soul-searching. I wondered at his lack of interest.

  “Nope. Gonna experiment with it.”

  Lenny paused the game and turned to look at me over the back of the couch, giving the impression of a groundhog peeking out of its hole. “You’re going to what?”

  I tossed the wadded-up flyer his way as I dropped my bag. He unwadded it, read it, and frowned. “You’re kidding, right? It’s hard to tell with you sometimes.”

  I shook my head. “Nope. Gonna see if I can give it a shot.”

  “But we don’t know anything about this! I mean, what if there are side effects?”

  “Well that’ll be interesting too.” Suddenly my whole life felt stifling. I felt as if I had allowed myself to be lowered into concrete, inch by inch, and this was my last chance to get out and do something interesting before it hardened around me. I had never been the rebellious type but it suddenly appealed. What if there were side effects? So what? I had a dead-end job, no girlfriend, and was studying for a degree that felt like it would never come. This
wasn’t the magic I would have chosen but it was here and it suddenly felt like a way to do all the things that I’d wanted to do.

  I couldn’t articulate that brief moment of inspiration so I just said, “That’ll be interesting too,” again. Then I turned and headed into the bathroom. Lenny sighed and sank back down into his couch, unpausing the game as he muttered to himself.

  The inspiration and bravado carried me as far as the bathroom, and I sat there on the toilet for at least the next ten minutes. I had to remind myself a hundred times that the effects were temporary, that change was good, and that I had the chance to win a thousand bucks doing this. Besides, I told myself, what man on earth had ever had a chance to experience life from the female perspective so quickly and easily?

  I slowly undressed, powered more by determination to escape what felt like a suffocating trap of a life than anything. I got under the water and reached for the soap.

  I shivered when the soap touched my skin; I was ready in some parts of my brain but the rest of me saw this as a suicide attempt. I forced down the fear and panic and went to work.

  The soap tingled but didn’t do much else; it had already done its job, I supposed. Once that part was over I put a dollop of the shampoo on my palm and started to rub it in. As before, the subs tingled when they ran down my skin. I noticed that they tingled hard enough that they were almost painful where there were still patches of soap left on me.

  I worked the lather in and rinsed it off to check and see what the results were. Sure enough, I sported some perky boobs again. A tentative exploration told me that I was all girl between my legs as well. I looked at my chest with a frown, as if it had let me down somehow; there was no way that these girls, however perky and cute, would win a contest when stacked up against women who were more, well, stacked.

  How could I make myself more appealing? Obviously the shampoo did something but there was interaction with the soap as well.

  Fully aware that I might be letting myself in for a permanent change or some other side effect that I couldn’t imagine, I soaked myself down and then turned the water off so I could lather every inch of my skin with the soap. Once that was done I groped for the shampoo and used a healthy squirt of it so that the bubbles cascaded down my body.

  The tingles returned, this time all over and so intense that I had to brace myself against the wall until they slowed and then stopped. I felt even stranger than I had before but I couldn’t look until I’d at least washed the suds from my eyes. Finding the water faucet was difficult, in part because it seemed to have moved higher on the wall than I was used to.

  The water rinsing the lather away felt amazing. I couldn’t remember the last time that simple hot water had felt so great but it was enough to make me coo in quiet delight. My skin was definitely more sensitive than before! My voice had changed as well, becoming much higher and obviously female. In fact, it felt as though it had gone perhaps too far that way. The panic, so tightly wrapped, was set free for a moment before I could wrestle it back down again. The thing was, the panic wasn’t that strong; it seemed to melt away under the sensations I got from the water.

  I let the water do its thing, rinsing me off completely before I looked. I knew that my hair was even longer and it felt fuller, but outside of that I kept myself from exploring until I was sure that I was soap-free. I looked down and was simultaneously thrilled and frightened to see that my breasts were dramatically larger than they had been the first time. They wobbled and bounced with each movement, still firm but succumbing to gravity in spite of their every effort.

  I made my way to the mirror, keeping my feet with an effort. It was hard to see the rest of me, though I could tell that my arms were more slender than before. My hands seemed smaller, too. The wet strands of hair that snaked down my face and breasts were much lighter than before, a sort of dirty blonde color.

  The mirror showed me that I was significantly shorter, perhaps as much as a foot, which explained why I was having so much trouble walking. Well, it explained part of that; my breasts were just as huge in the mirror as they seemed from my vantage point. They were both as big around as my face, which had itself gone through some substantial changes.

  Starting with the feminized version of myself, I had taken that initial template and turned the dial all the way to “bimbo.” High cheeks, brilliantly blue eyes, and a tiny nose sat nestled between cheeks like razors and lips that were wide and puffed. They looked like they had been designed to wrap around some guy’s cock.

  I blinked in surprise at the thought, not sure where it had come from. I shook my head and looked at the rest of myself, stepping up on tiny tiptoes to see as much as I could in the mirror now that it was higher. My waist was strong but tiny, apparently having shrunk in the wash. It led down to wide, magnificent hips and an ass that was so tight, round, and arched that it should have been illegal. My legs were no less amazing, long and smooth and with just the right hint of muscle beneath the soft skin.

  As I admired myself, I realized that I was really admiring myself. The sight of me in the mirror, preening and stretching for an audience of one, was turning me on in ways that I hadn’t experienced before. Two things occurred to me at the same time: I didn’t have any clothes that would fit (not even a robe) and I didn’t want to show myself off to just one person. The idea popped into my head and wouldn’t leave, becoming more and more insistent while I posed. Why shouldn’t I show this off, anyway? And wasn’t it my turn? Lenny had given me a free show, so wasn’t he entitled to one too?

  That tipped the scales for me. I nearly laughed as I dried off, even going so far as to fluff my hair as much as I could. There was a lot of it, and it was heavy, but when it dried it turned this really nice dark blonde color that totally made my blue eyes pop. I wished that I had some makeup or something but I figured that I was hot enough the way I was.

  I bounced out into the hallway, my boobs leading the charge, and Lenny turned when he heard my footsteps. “So what stupid thing are you going to try when ahuh.”

  I giggled and turned for him, showing off my whole body. I went slow so he could really see everything. “So what do you think?” I said. My voice was still high-pitched, but now it had a note of rainbows and bubblegum that I really liked! I thought it totally fit my new body.

  “Owen?” said Lenny. He stared a lot so I knew that he really liked what he saw. “Is…is that you?”

  “It’s me! So really, what do you think?” I clapped my hands, eager to get his opinion.

  “It’s really, um…it’s…” He trailed off, not sure how to express how awesome I looked. I knew the feeling.

  I said, “I figured since you showed me everything the other night, I owed you and I should show you everything! See how much fun the shampoo is when you get it just right?” I was so excited to be showing my friend how much I’d changed! It was a great day.

  He forced his eyes to the floor and said, “Well, I think you’re going to do great at the contest, anyway.”

  “Oh right !” I said, going over to where he’d thrown the flyer. I leaned over and picked it up, and then I saw that he’d watched my awesome butt the whole time. I wiggled it a little for him and then giggled when he blushed. I’d never seen it before, but Lenny was actually kinda cute in a geeky way. I thought again about how my new lips would look wrapped around some guy’s cock and this time it made me think of him.

  I stood up and went to him, moving slowly. The girls still bounced around, though; I could always count on them! Lenny looked everywhere but at me, like he was nervous, but that didn’t make any sense. We were friends and I was hot! I reached out and touched his chin with one finger and said, “What’s wrong?”

  He jerked backward like my finger was hot and said, “Nothing! Nothing’s wrong, just…you should get dressed, you know?”

  “Aw, why? It’s actually kinda nice like this. Don’t you think so?” I could tell by the front of his pants that he thought so. I wondered what he had down there.
/>   “I…it…”

  “I thought we might test this new body out, anyway.”

  “Test?” he said, his voice weak.

  “Sure. I mean, you know, just what it’s like when I’m so different. I bet it’s a lot of fun.”

  “What is?” Lenny looked confused and hopeful at the same time. I giggled again.

  Then I ran my hand up the front of his pants. Now that I was shorter I didn’t even have to bend down to reach! This new body was great!

  Lenny jumped like I’d plugged him in and I giggled again. “Come on, it’ll be fun!” I chirped. I didn’t give him a chance to object; I knew how to get him in the mood, after all.

  I pushed him backward onto the couch, where he collapsed awkwardly. Lenny wasn’t the most graceful guy but he was so cute that I didn’t worry about it. He wouldn’t need to be really athletic for this anyway. Lenny said, “Wait, I…are you…”

  I put one finger on his lips. “Shush, cutie. Just let me relax those cares away.”

  He kept moving his mouth but no sound came out. I didn’t let myself worry about it; he’d be having a great time soon anyway. I knelt down between his legs, settling my big boobs against the couch and reaching out to take his cock out of his pants. It was hot and hard and I knew that his body was more certain than his brain; Lenny’s brain was pretty neat but it wasn’t what I wanted right then.

  My whole head was full of his cock. I wanted to have my mouth full of it, too, and I didn’t waste any more time with talking. I leaned in and kissed the tip before I opened wide to swallow him down. I was right, those new lips of mine were perfect for the job! I sucked and bobbed my head, trying to change what I did sometimes so that he wouldn’t get bored, and it was wasn’t long before he started to groan and jerk his hips up and down. He pulled on my hair, forcing me lower into his lap, and I was happy to go. Just a few minutes after I started he made a funny noise deep in his throat and then he came really hard into my mouth. I swallowed and got just a little up my nose but I was okay after a minute or two.


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