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Gigantic Variations

Page 33

by Maxwell Avoi

  I licked him clean and smiled up at him. “How was that, cutie?”

  His face was all wide-eyed and his mouth was open, like he’d fallen asleep where he sat, but that wasn’t going to cut it for me! I had more that I wanted to try.

  I licked him until he was hard again, which didn’t take long. He kept moving like he wanted me to blow him again but I wanted more. I got up, my boobies bouncing, and I climbed up onto his lap. I was face-to-face with Lenny when I spread my legs wide and slid down onto him. It felt so good that I squealed a little and then giggled at myself. Lenny woke up and he started to play with my boobs as I rolled my hips on him. I had never had a cock inside me before but I wanted it really bad. I loved the feel of him inside me and the way that he played with my boobs. I could tell he liked them as much as I did!

  I bounced up and down on him, laughing and moaning all the way, and the good feelings got stronger and stronger inside me until I felt like I was going to explode. Then I totally exploded! I screamed and screamed because it felt so good and right in the middle of that the front door opened and Brody came in.

  I was really glad to see him! I screamed a couple more times and then waved at him. I kept on bouncing on Lenny, because that first explosion was good but I wanted more. I said, “Brody! Hi! Come help out!”

  He stared at us, his eyes all big, and he said, “What?”

  I giggled and said, “Come help, silly! Come on, there’s another spot for you!” I lowered one hand and slapped myself on butt, giggling again when Brody’s eyes went there. I had never had so much fun before!

  Brody took a little convincing but between me calling him over and Lenny having a good time, it wasn’t too long before Brody was behind me and unbuckling his pants. I would have done it for him but I was so busy with Lenny that the best thing I could do was raise my butt up a little for Brody. Lenny made a little squeaking noise when I moved but he relaxed when I didn’t let him go.

  Brody put himself back behind me at the right place, and then he started to press in. I squeaked like Lenny, at least until I started to stretch out and let him in. Brody wasn’t that big, just kinda long and slim, so it was perfect for my new butt! I had never felt so full, so packed! It was perfect, even though it hurt a little at the beginning. Lenny held onto my hips as he pounded into me from below and then Brody reached around to hold onto my boobs while he pounded from behind. It was the best thing ever, and I totally came again just a minute later. I thought I would never stop but finally Lenny filled me again and then Brody did the same thing and we were all done for now.

  I kissed Lenny and said, “Best experi…expert…best test ever!”

  “Test?” Brody gasped. I felt kinda sad and empty when he pulled out but I guess the test thing was over anyway. I was feeling kinda tired, too, so I thought I might go to bed.

  “Yeah! It’s me, Owen, and I did the shampoo thing again in the shower, but better, and now I’m like this!” I giggled and posed, one arm up and one down, and his eyes got really big again.

  “O…Owen? Lenny, did you know about…”

  Lenny nodded. He looked like he’d done like two bowls of really good pot, all tired and sleepy and cute. I glanced down at his cock again but it was soft. Too bad. So was Brody’s. I sighed.

  “Yeah, we were doing a test thing, and it was great!” I pressed my boobs into Brody’s chest and kissed him before he could pull away. Silly boys. I was feeling really good and having a good time, why weren’t they?

  It was too hard to figure out. “I’m gonna go to bed. And by myself, naughty boys!” I giggled and waved my finger in their faces before I turned and jiggled down the hall to my room. I was really tired all of a sudden and just wanted to go to bed. I felt awesome, though, and really good from all the fucking.

  I snuggled down into bed, still naked, kinda half wishing that one of the boys was with me but glad that I could get some sleep too. I’d have plenty of time to fuck them later!

  I woke up feeling as though I’d drunk three gallons of bathtub gin the night before. It was the most catastrophic hangover I’d ever encountered, one that was a whole-body throb. I lay there hoping I would die, disappointed when I didn’t. I wanted to weep but there wasn’t enough moisture in my body to support that plan.

  My misery was so complete that I didn’t even think about the night before until I came to the realization that I was naked. Then it crashed down on me like a clumsy rhinoceros, first the memory of having used the shampoo/soap mix in a new way and then the memory of what I’d become thanks to it.

  I covered my head with the pillow and considered smothering myself with it. I wasn’t sure that it was possible to do but I was almost willing to give it a try. The combination of cleaning supplies, in that configuration, had not only turned me into a hot woman but also into a total bimbo. I hadn’t been able to think straight and it had happened so gradually that I hadn’t even noticed.

  My experiment was over . I had to get rid of the Sparkle and the Shine. I got dressed and waited until I was sure that no one was in the living room to see me before I fled out the front door. I would have to wait until after work to get the supplies to the dumpster.

  All through class I kept having flashbacks about my brief time as a bimbo. It had felt so good at the time. Not only that but I had been so sure that what I was doing was the right thing that I hadn’t questioned any of it. It was only now, with my mind straight and back in my real body, that I understood how screwed up the whole thing had been. I didn’t know if I was going to be able to live with Brody or Lenny anymore, either. I was sure that they would be too freaked out to consider it.

  Then something changed that evening. Specifically, when I got to work that evening I found out that I didn’t have a job anymore. Ricardo told me himself, his face sad. “Bad economy, Owen. Listen, you know I’d keep you on if I could, but we’re just cutting out the whole delivery part of the business. Costs more to make a delivery than we make back from the pie, you know?”

  I did know. I drove home in a state of mild shock, my brain scrambling to try to figure out what to do next. I was so stunned by the whole thing that I didn’t even think of the shampoo or the soap until I walked into my apartment and found Brody sitting there on the couch.

  He turned and stared at me. I felt my face turn hot as I ducked my head, turtling under his gaze.

  “So who the hell was that, anyway?” he said, his voice even.

  “We told you who it was,” I said, feeling a bit rebellious and irritated by his attitude.

  “It’s still bullshit. You guys are just messing with me because of that wet t-shirt contest. It’s a weird way to mess with me, but you guys aren’t geniuses.”

  I overlooked his comment about my intelligence. “Wait, say that again?”

  “You guys aren’t exactly-“

  “No, before that.”

  He thought back. “You’re using that contest to mess with me, but I-“

  “The contest.” All of a sudden, thoughts of getting rid of my new personal hygiene products were gone. Even though I’d been a total slut and airhead the night before I had been undeniably hot. The memory of the enormous boobs on my chest rose into my mind’s eye. I didn’t have dancing skills or anything but if the shampoo could give me tits like that I could have a very good chance of winning a wet t-shirt contest and the thousand bucks that went with it.

  If there were people who would pay that kind of money to see me with my shirt on I was sure that I could make money in other ways with the shampoo until I could find a better job. I didn’t want to but I didn’t really want to work pizza delivery either.

  All this came to me in a flash as I stood there staring at Brody’s irritated expression. I nodded and said, “Whether you believe it or not, it happened. I won’t push, though.”

  He went back to his game. “Yeah, whatever. Send that chick over to me first next time, though. She was hot.”

  “Hot enough to win a wet t-shirt contest?”

didn’t hear his answer; I was too busy heading for my room. I grabbed the crumpled flyer on the way to double-check the details. Same as before: winner gets a thousand bucks and an apprenticeship. I wasn’t sure what that meant, but it sounded promising in my state of half-panic over losing my job. It would be good to pick up some new skills, even if they were only the kind that would get mentioned in the “About The Author” section of my book when I got around to writing it.

  I just had to be careful. I had to make sure that I was on top of things when my mind changed, keep control and not…not do anything that I would have to try to forget afterward.

  It was three days until the contest on Friday night. It made sense when I thought about it; I was sure that Friday and Saturday nights were the busiest for that kind of business. Which meant that there would be a lot of guys there staring at me, which meant that bimbo-me might be more tempted than before, which could mean that…

  I shut off that line of reasoning before I could let it go into territory I didn’t want to remember. The point was that I would go ahead and do the contest, win it for sure, and then go back to looking for regular work on Monday. The winning-for-sure part was mostly to pump myself up but I thought that I had a good shot if I was willing to go full-on with the soap and shampoo.

  What I needed was some clothing and an idea of the competition at the club. I had to take the bimbo form one more time so that I could figure out what my sizes were, meaning that I was opening myself up to losing control again. I didn’t see any other choice; I was going to take her form again anyway at the club so it wasn’t like I was going to be able to avoid it.

  The question was when and where. I had a little cash saved up, enough that I wasn’t too worried about a change of clothes, but beyond that I had to budget pretty carefully. Fortunately, I told myself with a sour smirk, I didn’t have to worry about buying soap or shampoo for a while.

  Finally I decided that the best thing to do would be to get a cheap hotel room for the night so that I could get my measurements without chancing running into anyone else. I packed quickly, determined to get this over with before I lost my nerve, and I went to the bathroom to gather up some of the soap and shampoo. Lenny was still in his spot on the couch when I left. “Gone for the night, be back in the morning,” I said, closing the door behind me before he could ask any questions.

  The motel I found was a real fleabag on the outskirts of town, not in the best neighborhood. At least it didn’t appear to be actively on fire. It didn’t matter much anyway; I wasn’t there to meet the natives. I was there specifically to get away from everyone and –thing. In light of that, Shithole Motel would work just fine.

  I checked in, paid for a night, and headed for my room. The desk clerk had been utterly uninterested in me, which was simultaneously a relief and a little insulting. I bet his eyes would have fallen out if I’d jiggled in there wearing my bimbo form. The idea made me grin a little.

  I went inside, found the room to be reliably shabby, and unpacked my things. One of the things that I wanted to know was how long I would stay female before it started to wear off; I didn’t want to become a guy onstage or anything. The first night of the bimbo, as I thought of it, had lasted for at least several hours. I wondered if wearing the shampoo and soap for longer would lead to a longer stint as a woman.

  I had to force myself to open the boxes up; most of my mind was still firmly against the idea of turning female. I went ahead and forced myself, though, reminding my reluctant fingers that I didn’t have much of a choice. It wasn’t an ideal situation, but I would at least be able to make some money this weekend.

  I piled into the shower, trying to ignore the various stains on the tub beneath my feet. I lathered hard, soaping up until the suds were thick and even on my skin. Then I turned on the showerhead again, to just a trickle, to make sure I had enough water to get the shampoo going. I concentrated on the lathering process, trying to get as much going as possible. It started to slide down my body, tingling up a storm wherever it hit the soap suds. Soon I was tingling so hard that I felt like I was going to explode; it was even stronger than it had been on the first night of the bimbo.

  After it subsided I turned on the water all the way and rinsed. It felt amazing, sluicing down my newly sensitive skin and over my heavy breasts. I giggled a little, my voice slightly higher-pitched than it had been the first time.

  I blinked and looked down, smiling at the boobs that stood up and out. They were even bigger than they had been during the first night. They were sure to win the contest! I got out of the shower and looked into the speckled mirror, trying to see as much of myself as I could. I even jumped up and down a little so that I could watch my boobs bounce. I was more blonde than I had been last time, my hair a bright yellow instead of that sort-of light brown that it had been. My eyes were even brighter and bigger, and my lips were plumper! I knew that they would be really great for blowing some guy and the thought made me shiver a little.

  I finished drying off and bounced into the main room to look for my measuring tape. There was something that I had to do but I couldn’t remember what it was. I just knew that I had to get my sizes. Oh, it was for clothes! I started measuring with my boobs which I wrote down on the paper as “Boobies.” I even dotted the I with a little heart. It was totally something that someone like me would do. I had to fight to remember to do the other measurements. They were really big numbers, mostly, but my waist was small. My legs were nice and long, too.

  Then I was done with that and I was bored. I didn’t have the money for ordering pizza and none of my clothes would fit so I thought real hard to try to figure out what to do. Then I saw the robe hanging on the hook on the back of the bathroom door where I’d put it and I clapped my hands! I didn’t really want to wear clothes but I had to do something or I might get picked up by the cops. The thought of a few cops picking me up sounded yummy but I didn’t want to go to jail. I got the robe and put it on, and then I got my keys and my wallet and headed out to the car.

  A couple of guys were standing on the corner. They looked at me and one of them whistled. I laughed and waved but got into my car instead of going over to him. It was tough but I was hungry, so that was okay. There would be other chances.

  I drove to a burger place and took just forever to read through the menu and figure out what I wanted to eat. The prices and stuff were so hard to understand! I wasn’t very good at doing math in my head but I finally figured it out and got my order. The food smelled awesome but not as awesome as the expression on the drive-through guy’s face when he leaned down and saw the way that my big boobs filled out the robe. I giggled and winked at him, and he turned all kinds of red. He was really young and cute, and I would have liked to get to know him better, but the mean car behind me honked when I tried to flirt more.

  I drove back to the motel, only getting lost twice. The street signs were confusing! I felt a little like I was drunk, which was so funny that I started giggling and couldn’t stop. I got back to my room finally and waved at the guys on the corner again before going inside.

  I dropped the robe almost as fast as I tossed the food on the table. I really liked being naked because feeling all the air currents and stuff made my skin happy. It wasn’t the only thing that made me feel good, though, and I remembered how it was so good to have Lenny’s cock in my pussy. I sat down to eat, thinking about Lenny and getting hotter and hotter the whole time.

  I was gonna get bored again. I thought about going home to Lenny and maybe Brody and their cocks, but there was something that I felt like I forgot that kept bugging me whenever I thought about doing that. I munched on my burger, wishing that it was something else, and I finally decided that whatever it was it must not have been important or I’d remember. That made me happy ‘cause it meant that I could go home to Lenny!

  I got up and started packing when I was done eating. I was going to go home and find Lenny (and maybe Brody) and just do him for the rest of the night! I giggled to myself a
s my boobs bounced. The thought of Lenny even made my boobies happy. I could tell from the way my nipples got all hard and felt so great.

  I was just about to head out again when someone knocked on my door. I got up to answer it and almost had it open before I remembered to put my robe on. Some people get all upset about girls with no clothes on. Seemed silly to me, especially considering how hot I was, but I didn’t want to make anyone mad.

  I opened the door and saw a couple of the guys from the corner standing there. I gave them a big smile and said, “Hi!”

  One was slim and bald, with an expression on his face that said that he knew all about everything, especially about me. The other one was shorter, but he was a lot broader in the shoulders and looked like he worked out a lot. He was the one who said, “Hey, ah, my name’s Wulf, and this here’s Peanut. We saw you outside there, and we thought we’d come by and make sure that you were, you know, okay. You looked like you were by yourself, so we wanted to check and see you were safe and all.”

  Something in the back of my head said that he wasn’t telling the truth but I ignored it. “That’s so nice! My name’s, um, Lauren, and I’m just having dinner. Want to come in and sit down? Like you said, it’s just me, so I was getting a little bored.”

  I opened the door wide and they came in. “Thanks,” said Wulf, “Getting’ a little cold out there, you know?”

  “I know ,” I said, sitting down on the edge of the bed. Peanut stayed standing but Wulf took the only chair. “I wish I had more to wear than this robe right now, but I wasn’t out there long.”

  “Oh, you got a clothing problem or something?” said Wulf.

  “Well, sorta. Um, this guy I know is bringing me some clothes that fit tomorrow morning. There was this accident, and now all I have is this robe.”

  “Sounds wild,” said Peanut. He had some kind of really sexy accent that I didn’t recognize right away. My nipples hardened up at the sound of it. Both of these guys were hot. I was starting to think that all guys were hot, or at least cute, and that was awesome!


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