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Page 18

by K. H. Kate

  His bluntness made me steel in shock. He couldn't be serious. When I didn't say anything, he hurriedly moved over to break the silence. "Fuck, I knew it was stupid. I was just trying to..."

  "I have a beloved, Zach. Someone fate chose for me. Doesn't matter if his heart wants me or not."

  He lowered his gaze. "I understand, Lana-I guess, Mikhail is one hell of a lucky guy, huh?"

  "No!" I closed my eyes before opening them. "I love you, Zach. I always will. I can't lose you just like I can't lose him. So call me a selfish bitch but when it's all over? We will figure it out, together."

  I had so much more to say but I saw some of Sage's people walk into the room and open Zach's cage. He looked around in alarm and tried to block them but he groaned loudly as one of them struck him across the face with a dagger.

  I wanted to scream. Desperation clung uncomfortably to my skin as I willed for something, anything to happen. This was like a nightmare that I desperately wanted to wake up from. My Reaper side was practically begging me to let go.

  And suddenly, the man who had hit Zach was thrown across the room. My eyes followed him as he slammed into the wall with a loud thud and fell to the ground. My hands raised and another jolt left from my hands. Some of the hellhounds obviously didn't know where to aim. Uncertainty was etched on their faces as they realized how useless their powers were against me. I didn’t know how I was doing what I was doing and I didn’t even care.

  "Did you do that?" A cold voice asked from the shadows and my eyes snapped at him...Sage. "It's interesting. How did you do it? You don't have any magic. Is your Reaper gene developing by itself?"

  "What do you want now! Didn't you do enough already!?"

  "I want you to help me open the gate. I told you before. Now answer me." Hearing him, I balled my fists in anger. He would die painfully, I would see to that. Before I could rile him up something hit me on the shoulder making me scream. I realized it was a dart gun in Sage's hands.

  "Now would you like to answer?"

  I gritted out, trying to stop the pain. "I don't know!"

  "It's not worth it. Not right now." Zach whispered and I signaled him to shut up. I was so tired of this shit. I needed to come up with a plan and fast.

  "Fine, don't answer, you'd be a slice of dead meat in an hour anyway. It's time to open the gate. Let's go." He barked and some of his minions pushed Zach out of the cage. Sage was the one who shoved me out of my cage to walk with him, which made me angrier. I tried to resist as much as I could, watching them yank Zach toward the door. But he was so weak compared to the creatures that it almost looked like they were dragging along a puppet.

  When we reached the previous room Selene was called, I flung a shattered glass in their direction. One of the creatures tried to attack and I found myself pinned down by a heavy force. It was like gravity had magnified and was crushing me like a house.

  Sage's face came to my vision, his teeth clamping down hard on my throat. I cried out in agony as warm liquid spilled over my skin. Zach screamed too but soon it felt like it was fading away. My eyes watered at the immense amount of pain from having my skin sliced open. I felt myself standing up by someone forcefully and a book was thrust into my hand.

  "Chant." Sage gave me another of his snarl and opened a specific page from that book. It was the spell for summoning the Seeker. Fuck.

  Panic and terror flared up inside me as I realized what to do next.

  "Don't listen to this bastard!" Zach yelled out and I looked at him to see that he was already injured badly. He was barely able to keep his whole body in a standing position and his breath was going short by the minute.

  "Been checked out enough? If you don't want him to die I suggest you start chanting, now." Sage threatened with a glare. Could I risk Zach's life over mine? Never.

  Glancing at the page, I gritted out. "Egou dyi ekiym Reaper lo aerk ja ra ete. Eqas lo na lo mara te voif ldy e Seeker ne."

  My chanting was replaced by a scream. The ground started shaking and cracks split throughout the walls and ceiling as the building swayed. A huge chunk of plaster broke off from the ceiling and landed near me. When the dust was gone, I was looking into a nightmare.

  Mikhail was standing rigidly in front of me, his silver eyes filled with deep rage and regret.

  "Welcome, my Seeker. Let the ritual begin."

  When I was a child, I used to wonder how I would die. But now that I stared at Mikhail's silver cold eyes, I didn't know if I wanted this.

  "You know...There was something stopping me from sniffing you out. As a former Seeker, I should have known that it was you. If I knew you were the Seeker, then I'd made her summon you a lot faster. Seriously, how did you manage to betray us like that? You excellently hid the hate that you feel toward her." Sage talked on and on but I didn't look at him. I still stared at Mikhail for dear life.

  "Bring everything here."

  It surprised me that even if how many people we already killed, these creatures seemed to double every time. If they could come in...was there a secret door to get out of this limbo? As they noticed my eyes on them, some of them glared at me with disdain.

  When Sage noticed I was looking at his men, he gave me a crooked smile that glowed with the promise of every pain he was going to give me.

  "Seeker, would you take some time to think?" Sage mocked seeing Mikhail unmovable. "Oh, I don't know, to say goodbye and all?"

  "I already told you I'll do what I've to do." His voice snapped me from Sage and it wasn't the words I wanted to hear from him. Do what he had to do? And what was that even?

  Fulfill his destiny as a Seeker?

  "Then what are we waiting here for! You know I can kill your precious sister in a snap." Shit, when did 5133 was taken here?

  My lips parted to throw profanities at Sage but the wrong thing came out. "5133? You have 5133?"

  Sage took pride in the fact that he had not one but two people in leverage. "You didn't think I had everything planned out? The Volkios would never take me seriously and now I have not only one of their prize but also one of their beloved right here. Nothing beats to see your loved ones die in front of you-"

  "Sage!" Mikhail looked murderous as he stepped forward to raise his hands but at the last moment, he closed his eyes, uncurling his fists.

  The number of people to save was increasing and it pissed me off along with Sage's smug smile.

  "If someone wants to kill me, I suggest they get this over with."

  Hearing my voice, his jaw clenched but he still avoided my gaze. His eyes were almost unrecognizable and it terrified me. Though the rational part of my mind knew it had to be done. There was no way to get out of limbo without opening the gate of hell.

  "The dagger." Sage brought the shiny dagger from his pocket and handed it to Mikhail. If I was going to be killed, I wasn't making this easy for Sage. I promised him. Remembering that, I pulled the dagger that was in my pocket, hidden with an illusion spell thanks to the man in front of me. Before Sage could even blink, I threw it in his way and for a second, for one tiny second, I thought it actually hurt him. But he was quick to move and it ended up in the heart of another creature. With a scream, that creature slumped to the floor.

  When I looked at Sage, his eyes had changed into blood red. Not a second later, he took the dagger from that creature's heart and shot it back to me. I tried to dodge it but unfortunately, it was too fast. It touched my already injured shoulder and I tried not to wince at the pain. Inside, I wanted to scream to get away from all the pain but it would only satisfy Sage's agenda.

  "Enough! We're starting the ritual, now!"

  Mikhail's eyes were hardened and unbearable to watch. Zach was constantly begging him to let me go. I didn't know what part of my body started to hurt first. My whole body felt on fire and when I looked at Mikhail, he was also fighting a great battle to not scream in pain.

  That Sage bastard...

  "Let's play a game yeah?" I whispered and for a second his head snapped in
my direction, naked surprise in those eyes. I wanted to show him that it was being too painful to be around him. If he didn't take the first step, I'd be the one killing him.

  When he didn't respond, I courageously closed the small gap between us, touching his cheeks. I heard him take a sharp breath. "Hide and seek?"

  He was still here, with me. On my side.

  "Hide and seek," I whispered, leaning in to kiss him. He closed his eyes, lapping at my mouth when I felt the cold sharp metal pierce through my skin. My breath caught, a small whimper leaving from my parted lips. He was shocked for a moment but I kept my grip on his hand which was holding the dagger now pierced in me.

  I winced in anguish as pain shot through my whole body. My breathing grew more and more shallow. The loud chanting was now almost just a chorus of whispers in my ears. I thought I saw a tear running down from his face. Just as I thought someone whispering through the endless void.

  "Oh, no, no, no. Not yet! Why would you do that!?"

  I stared at her lifeless body lying on the floor.

  I didn't want this. I didn't want to see her face free from any emotion. I only wanted to scream, I wanted to let her know that she got it all wrong. I had a plan of my own but all hell broke the moment she took her last breath. The heavy gate opened with a crack and the screams coming from everywhere were the only logical explanation that all creatures wanted to escape from hell.

  I looked at Zach to see that Sage had already freed him from his bind. Sage was nowhere to be found which could only lead to one thing. The bastard was running for the earth. Zach looked murderous as he marched toward me.

  "Look after Lana." I made him pause. "I can't answer any of your questions right now."

  I tried to take a step forward but Zach grabbed my shoulder in warning. "And, where the hell do you think you are going right now! She needs help."

  Dammit. Time was running out. "No, she needs your help. I have to finish what Sage started. We can't have the gate open for longer."

  I didn't know if Zach understood or not but he didn't question my insanity anymore. Instead, with slight care, he tried to heal the blood that was coming from her. When I knew that she was in good hands, I left to kill Sage. After running around several hallways, I was near the gate but stopped short once I heard something strange.

  "Vermon, wait!"

  Turning around, I looked at Zedkiel in disbelief. Where the hell did he come from?

  "What happened?" He searched my eyes for something. "What the fuck happened!"

  "I-I had the dagger and she-" I paused when Zedkiel let out a bitter chuckle.

  "You think you were the only one? I have seen the same fate happen to another Deshayes. But I need you to focus on Sage right now."

  I didn't know what to think about that. "Thank you for coming here."

  "No need. Besides, I brought some help from the Volkios. Tip for the future: don't kidnap a Volkios's beloved. Valentine is searching everywhere for Ivy. The others will retain as many hell creatures as they can."

  Even Valentine was here?

  "Ok, fine. Let's just find him."

  And find him we did. Along with at least a hundred creatures crawling all over the gate, fighting with each other for a little taste of earth.

  "Watch out!"

  Zedkiel pulled me out of the way as several daggers went over our heads. I immediately threw up a shield so the daggers bounced off the shield and I shot them right back to their original throwers. Blind rage was making me see red. It took every ounce of my self-control to keep me from flinging them off after what they did to Lana. They even used Ivy to threaten me. My fucking sister.

  "You see him?" I asked Zedkiel when I heard a low growl. We both looked around as the place looked like a madhouse with people running and tripping on their feet. Suddenly, the entire place shrewd in darkness as one of the creatures howled. The familiar sound made tingles down my back. There was no doubt that it was Sage. I couldn't see anything anymore.

  "Vermon! Where the hell are you?" Zedkiel yelled out with panic but I ignored him. I only kept my attention to where the growling was coming from. I tried to scatter the darkness but it kept regenerating. I had almost reached Sage when something bit my leg. I didn't have time to scream but I did however gave a kick to whatever it was. I looked down, noticing Sage on all fours staring at me with an unreadable face.

  "You're too late." Sage's grin was crazed and twisted with evil. "The gate is open and it's time I take earth back."


  I gasped when I felt an electric shock coursed through my entire body. I was supposed to feel pain or agony but I only stared at the beautiful sky above me with no pain in my body. Wait, what? Sky?

  I jumped from the ground I was laying on immediately. Where in hell was I? I looked around to see a beautiful garden surround me. To my surprise, I could even hear the sound of waves somewhere near. I looked down at my dress to see that I was wearing a white sundress when the last time I was wearing a black top and jeans.

  Was I in heaven?

  "I'm not sure God will want me in heaven." Startled, I turned around to see Keisha smiling at me. I didn't know what to feel at that moment. Should I hug her or punch her in the face? Ugh, why was I always presented with tough choices?

  "Lana?" Keisha asked softly.

  "What happened? Am I dead?" I choked out.

  "For now. But I'm afraid I'm actually dead. But you, my not."

  "What is this place?” It was so warm that it made me never want to leave from there.

  "Between heaven and hell. I don't know why you were sent here but I think the Reaper thing needs to be cursed for that." I nodded in understanding. I didn't know how to feel right now when I was alone with Keisha. I had so many questions left to ask.

  "Look, mo-" I breathed out, surprised at the slip of tongue. Oh, hell with it. I lived with one tainted one anyway. "Mom...Can I call you mom?"

  Keisha looked genuinely surprised like it was the very first time anyone ever called her that. She stammered with her eyes solely on me. "Sure! I mean...yeah, I'll love it."

  "Thank you. Now, are you happy...I mean in here?" I didn't know why I asked her that. Feelings were weird like that.

  A smile formed on her face. "More than when I was alive."

  "Then, is Emie here?" The happiness that was showing on her face dimmed down to a defeated sigh.

  "No. I looked for her but didn’t find her anywhere. Why don't you come with me? I need to show you something." My face fell when she dragged me out of the garden. I let her and noticed on the opposite side it had a beach. A golden-haired girl was dancing there. That shade of hair reminded me of Mikhail and Zach which I swallowed as quickly as the thought came.

  "Do you remember her?" Keisha said, forcing me to take a long look at the girl. And the moment I did, I froze.

  "Is that...Samara?" I choked out to stop the tears that were threatening to fall from my eyes. I had seen her many times in the worst moments of my life but to actually see her? My heart almost gave itself.

  "Yes, that's Samara. When I came here she was already living here. She's a good child. She was your savior, you know?" Savior?

  "What do you mean? I took her life. I was the one who didn't let her go so she could save herself."

  Keisha's smile was sad as we both watched the girl in her own world. "The truck driver wasn't drunk or anything, Lana. Roth gave him money to get the job done. She thought killing you would make one less Reaper in this world. When Samara saved you, they found a loophole. My older child, Emeline. Now, think about it. Which house did I use to kill Hannah?"

  I didn't have to think a lot as it all came crashing down. "Roth's cabin in the woods. The same place I was going to meet Zach that night."

  Keisha nodded, ashamed to look at me. "They wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Emie needed a reason to kill me and start the fire. And what better than seeing her mentor die in my hands? For you? They had Zachery as a backup plan. They knew the souls c
ome back with a vengeance so you would have died in his hands anyway. They didn't expect the Seeker to save you from Zachery."

  Years, no, they had been plotting our life since before we were even born. How could they be so cruel? How could they take so much?

  "Do you want to talk to Samara?" Keisha asked once she noticed I was watching her with intrigue. I knew it was a lifetime opportunity but what could I possibly tell her? In these years so much had changed.

  I had changed.

  "Can you tell her that I miss her? That she helped me when I was in hell, that even gone, she was the one who kept me sane." I hated how my voice broke at the end. I didn't want to leave the warmth of Keisha. But I was starting to feel something else. Like my body parts were firing back to life.

  "Don't make the same mistake I did. I need to tell you something else-" Keisha whispered as everything around me faded away.


  "Not so fast, Sage." The deepest, most passionate type of anger anyone could ever imagine began to take over my soul. My eyes sparked a bright silver as the fury surged throughout my body. He would pay for what he did to her. I called for the bindings, my grip on Sage tightened as I thought about how I had let her down.

  "Vermon! Take the dagger!" Zedkiel yelled out, throwing me the dagger. Thankfully I reached out to catch it before it could land on Sage's hands.

  "You're not leaving alive from here." I grinned to let him see the dagger and confusion forced Sage to talk back.

  "Wait! This dagger looks exactly like..."

  "Yes, Sage. This is the dagger you wanted me to use so I can kill Lana but guess what? I didn't. Hide and seek, you know? The game we all learned when we were younger? It gave me an idea. A simple illusion spell was enough to switch the two daggers. I was saving this special one for someone more suitable...mmmm, like you." I finished as the realization came down to Sage.


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