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Page 19

by K. H. Kate

  "You betrayed me. You-" Without hearing his rambling, I forced the dagger to his heart. Then to my shock, someone else threw Sage against the wall grabbing his neck in a fit of rage.

  I knew it wasn't my doing nor it was one of the blindings.

  Was I dreaming? Or was my mind playing tricks? I saw Sage gulping as the poison from the dagger started to take action toward his body. My grip on the dagger tightened just like Lana's did. The fog started to clear and I saw someone in a black cloak run to the gate. Before I could stop the person, finally Sage took a forceful breath and slumped from the wall nearly managing to fall through the gate. Instantly, the other creatures turned into dust.

  His siring, I suppose.

  "Valentine got Ivy! We have to leave. The gate won't stay open the whole day." I heard Zedkiel yell at my back.

  Together we returned to see that Zach was still there looking at Lana with a grim expression. Shit. Shouldn't Lana be awake by now? It was just a normal dagger, wasn't it? True fear started to crawl inside my skin the more step I took toward Lana's still body on Zach's lap.

  "She didn't wake up?" I wondered aloud, making Zach scoff.

  "She's dead, Mikhail. Here, feel it!" He mockingly showed Lana's throat. "No pulse, nothing, nada! You fucking Seeker, you have the nerve to show up after what you did..."

  "I didn't!" I finally cracked. I didn't, right? "It was her. She was the one who-"

  "Save it." Zach spat, picking her body up to his chest. "Now do your thing and send us to earth."

  I couldn't look away from Lana's pale face. It felt like ages as I shook my head, trying to bring Lana closer to me. But Zach was there to stop me with a sneer.

  "No, no, no. You don't get to act as if you care. You say you'll do anything for her and you end up driving a dagger through her heart. You fucking fool, you shit! So full of shit!" Before he could really jump on me, a sharp intake of breath made both of us turn our heads to look at Lana.

  With a cracked voice, she called out. "I am alive...?"

  "Dear Samara,

  Life isn't something we can plan out, it just happens. I learned it the hard way. People say a broken heart is the hardest to heal. But people like me don't have hearts, we have an insane amount of weird feeling that we don't know what to do with it.

  After the war, Mikhail was so ashamed that he couldn't even look me in the eyes for days. He apologized a lot and even when I said I wasn't really mad at him cause least be honest. If I was, I'd totally abandoned him to go have a vacation in the Bahamas.

  Oh, I finally met Mikhail's friend Aaron. He's so charming! You'd really like him. Now I see why they work so well together. Mikhail is the serious grumpy one where Aaron is the more fun one. They both almost lost their friendship over all the lies but you wouldn't believe how easily he noted all the supernatural facts so quickly. Hell, he's bugging Mikhail to let him meet the Volkios. One of these days I'm going to bring Raphael to him. An angel in his life would really do him good.

  Zach, on other hand, went quiet. The moment we return from hell, he locked himself in Mikhail's place for days. I knew why he was sad. His bindings were gone making him a lone soul. But I know he'll get better. Nowadays he's working as a volunteer in a hospital, where he could take souls that were about to die as his bindings. And, emotionally, I hope one day he finds the strength to move on from all the things he went through.


  I miss Hannah, you know?

  Once again, she lost her life trying to keep her people alive. When we came back, Allegra dropped the bomb that she died doing what she did best. Protecting the Coven. I hate that I missed her funeral. I hate that Sage took her from me.

  I hate more for not being able to save her.

  And I've decided to live as much normal as I can. Which starts with Zach and me going to finish college online. I mean the sole idea was mine but Zach didn't look too disturbed by it. Judging by his mental health now, I am sure this will be the perfect distraction he had been looking for after losing his trinket.

  After Zedkiel destroyed the original diary you gave me, he offered me this one as an apology. When I started to write in that diary I was desperate for some kind of normalcy. I wanted to keep myself sane, I wanted the fact like me being a Reaper was just a story, an idea. But I never thought I could find myself again. I never expected to meet my real family and a coven who still had their door opened for me. Once upon a time, I wasn't ready to be a Reaper. But today I am as forever I will be. So this is probably going to be my last entry.

  Going to miss you,


  "5132! We have to go. We're going to be late!"

  Mikhail's voice broke the trance I was in. Today was the day we were going to Keisha's funeral. I didn't know what to feel at the moment. I didn't know how to react to all of this. I didn't even know if I should be reacting at all. The car drive seemed unreal, like some horrible dream. Mikhail had been silent and I had stared out of the window.

  "It's okay to cry, to feel pain for her." He whispered to which I only nodded. After that day, the Volkios found Keisha's body in the basement so they brought her with us to bury her. I didn't want to say goodbye. I wanted our last goodbye to be in that abyss. Keisha seemed happy and more alive than the casket she was laying on right now.

  "We're here," He suddenly declared making me sigh. It was time. I threw myself from the car, closing my eyes and trying to clear my thoughts.

  When Zach saw us coming he ran up and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and watched men carry Keisha's casket through the cemetery from afar. Zedkiel and his clan members organized the whole funeral even if they surely hated her. Though out of all the people, Zedkiel looked mostly hurt as he kept his eyes on the casket the whole time. He even did all the duties a family member should do at a funeral. That was weird but maybe they knew each other years ago. Who the fuck knew? They were practically ancient.

  "I know that look in your eyes. This isn't your fault." Mikhail's words gave me the courage to start walking. Zach also joined us with a strained smile. Before we could take a step though, I heard someone call my name.

  Turning around I was surprised to see Zedkiel who looked equally tired as me. It hadn't been too long that I had met him but he was one of the best people I had met from this world. I could see why Mikhail respected him so much.

  "It was so good to finally meet you, Lana but I'm needed back in New Orleans. It's been too long I haven't been there and the clan needs me. As you can see, being a clan leader and all I need to let other clans know what happened here. They need to be warned if we missed any hellhounds so after the funeral, I'm going home." I was somewhat disappointed that he had to leave but we couldn't keep the leader of a clan in Memphis forever.

  So we did our goodbye.

  And then finally started the ceremony.

  The closer we got, the more my breath shortened, making Mikhail intertwined our fingers together to let me know that he was with me. With a sharp nod, I let him go. I needed to do this. Alone. For some reason, I wanted to cry my heart out but I was too tired to let my emotions show. After someone uncovered Keisha's face, I started to speak.

  "Mom, I only knew you for a few days. When I got to know that I was adopted I wanted to blame you. I wanted to know why a mother would be that cruel to leave her children alone. When I got to know that you killed your own daughter the anger inside me only grew. I wanted to take revenge. I wanted you to suffer like Emie did. I started to hate you and most of all I hated myself. I hated that you made me a Reaper." I stopped to take a deep breath.

  "But despite everything, you've given me a chance to live. For that I forgive you. I know why you did those cruel acts before. You don't know how much I appreciate you for what you did in your last moments. I know Emie would have forgiven you too if she knew that you were also being victimized by a cruel fate. And if possible, forgive me. I love you and I always will. You will always be in my heart."

  I walked over and grabbed a rose to place ove
r Keisha's casket. "And thank you for giving up your magic for me. It was the one last act you did that’ll forever be remembered."

  The funeral was short-lived and almost everyone was going back. Zach was still waiting on the ground while Mikhail was having a conversation with 5133 a few feet away. Finding this was the best time to approach Zach, I reached into my pocket. The small thing felt like a rock as I pulled it out.


  He turned around immediately. "Yes, Lana? Wait! Can I still call you Lana? Heard someone got an ultimatum and had to bend the knee. Pussy."

  “Hey! Look at yourself…” I took a minute to think, to remember all we had and surprisingly, shook my head. “I like it when you call me Lana. It’s like a part of me is still alive.”

  “Then I’ll always call you Lana. My Lana.” There was a smile on his face as he declared that.

  Dangling the small bracelet thingy, I couldn't help but share his smile. "Got something for you. Interested?"

  The shock was clearly written on his face as he slowly touched the trinket. The moment he grasped the thing in his hands, he let out a string of questions. "I thought it was gone! Where the hell did you find it? Lana, answer me!"

  "I thought it was gone too." I giggled as Zach started air-kissing it like it was his lover. "Today when I was coming here, I was so nervous. Right at that moment Mikhail pulled this one from his pocket and told me to give it to you. According to him, he found it on the ground near Sage died."

  Zach scoffed, wrapping the trinket in his wrist like before. "Of course he would give it to you. Poor guy is too coward to talk to me face to face."

  I swatted his head at the same moment a gorgeous smile formed on his face. "About that...Should I still hope for a chance?"

  I didn't answer him.

  I didn't give him hope.

  I pulled him down by the collar instead, my thumb trailing the shape of his jaw with a smile and then the next moment, my lips were on his. Kissing him, telling him what I already knew in my heart.

  He was mine too. There was no way in hell I'd let him go that easily.

  I heard someone clear their throat. I didn't jump in surprise, I didn't hide. After leaving a mark on his lips again, I turned around to see Mikhail standing there. I waited to see anger or disappointment in his gaze but surprising me, he tugged my hair, smashing his lips against mine. I moaned into his mouth, accepting what he was offering.

  Something real.

  Between the three of us.

  "Mikhail?" I breathed out against his lips when he pulled away.


  "Do you accept me?" I watched him look at Zach with a sharp look, at the same time Zach stared at him with conviction...

  "I accept you. I accept you both." He whispered, offering me his hand and I took it just as Zach offered me a grin. That's when I knew my life might not be perfectly sane but it didn't matter. I had a beloved who loved me till death and a lover who'd never leave my side.

  Whatever may come next.



  "She's back again." Zed's voice broke through the cell I was in but I wasn't in the mood to talk to him. Staring at the walls, I tried to remember how many days it had been.

  Four years...

  Too long, too long to even, I could never forget her. My reflection? I could forget it on a whim but her? She never went away from my dreams.

  "You need to remove yourself from this ridiculous cell. You can't stay here forever." Zed sighed again and a warning growl left from my lips. I had lost my patience years ago. My control, myself, everything gone in a night.

  "Oh, but why my master? Is this earth coming to an end?" I asked Zed bitterly to which he chuckled. Despite my warning, he opened the cell door motioning me to get my ass out. I stared at him and he stared at me. In the end, I huffed, losing the battle. As soon as I was out, I flinched. The light outside almost burned my eyes. Looking down at my arms, I noticed they were unnaturally pale. I hadn't seen the sun for so long...

  "I've some good news you have been waiting for," He exclaimed, dragging me to the hall which led to his office. I hadn't been there for so long time that I almost forgot the design of this property. When some of the clan members noticed the new addition with Zed, they took a double look. As soon as we reached the office, Zed handed me a phone with a smile.

  "We finally got it. Look."

  "Look?" I breathed out with a chuckle. "Unless Hell started having cellphone network, I don't know what the fuck you want me to see."

  Zed didn't get angry at my words. Hell, he didn't even twitch. Instead, with a new determination, he pointed at a picture that was taken in a cemetery recently. "Look closely, tell me what do you see?"

  "The funeral of that bitch and her remaining daughter...which you attended," The madman aka I replied with disgust. Now Zed showed some emotions.



  "She's dead, Lex. And before you say anything, she was never in her own control. A hellhound made her do everything to this day we know. So please, if you can't show some respect, then don't bother talking about her."

  I slammed my fist on the desk with a sneer. "Tell that to Emie. Oh, wait-she's dead too. So I guess I shouldn't bother talking or thinking about her too?"

  The anger fueling Zed immediately faded away. He only looked tired as he tried again. "Lex...I didn't mean it like that. Just, do me this favor. You only saw what you wanted to see. Now, Look behind Lana again, what do you see?"

  It was getting annoying to the point that I wanted to just go back. Back to my lonesome days. So just to spite Zed, I snatched the phone from him only to freeze when my eyes finally met the sight of someone else.

  "Is that..?" I trailed off, too afraid to name it.

  "It's Emeline. She must have escaped somehow. She's back, Alexei, she's back."



  "Why are you so distant lately?"

  "I love you."

  "I hate that you killed her."

  "I hate you, Zach, I hate you."

  With each hit of my cigarette, the words just kept coming even harder. I was supposed to never bring it up, never hurt her with this. She didn't even expect me to.

  But I did.

  And now I was going to do something even worse.

  "I got what you wanted," I said simply. No threat, no mention of me going to anyone else. "Now give me what I want."

  I heard laughter on the other side, making me clutch the phone even tighter. My cigarette was only halfway finished, the papers in my pockets were probably burning my skin and he had the gall to laugh?

  "Do you want it or not?" I gritted out.

  "I want it." His voice turned hard. That's what I thought, you pussy. "You have the permission to enter the club."

  Before I could even cut the call, I found myself looking at missed calls after missed calls. A sigh left from my lips involuntary. Kyle wasn't going to give up until I answered or worse he was going to end up calling Lana. Fuck, I should have thought about it earlier but it was too late.

  Taking a deep breath, I looked around for any suspicious figures. Not that I'd know if there were any but it was better than sorry. I had a life once, a better one but one accidental meeting ruined it all. Playing didn't come to me naturally anymore, trusting people became even harder to the point that I wanted to go far away and never return.

  But Lana deserved better than that.

  I was going to give her more than that.


  I waited at the bar, taking a long sip of my beer. Only a matter of time before I would find all of my answers...hopefully. The bar was packed with bodies, more than usual. When someone called my name, I turned around to see the bouncer. As usual, the bouncer did the routine checkup on me to see what I was carrying.

  "How have you been?" Someone from the group of men dressing in black asked me with an empty look. Come to think about it, they n
ever showed any emotion.

  "I've got the papers," I yelled over the loud music and they just pointed at the back door which led to a basement. With a worried frown, I followed them until we reached the basement which made me wonder if it was a great idea. What if this guy was a phony like the others?

  "Sit, Mr. Carson."

  I obliged, watching them interact with each other in polite words. Between all of them, only one seemed to be important. Was it him that I talked to earlier? I didn't have to wonder for long.

  When we all settled down, the older man turned to look at me. "Do you know why we're here today?"

  "I told you the reason. I want to know exactly who or what Roth Gill is."

  The man's face hardened for a minute before he smiled, shrugging off the weird emotion. "You sure you can handle the truth?"

  "Yes, I can," I said sharply. Nodding, the man looked at his people and one of them stood up to deliver me a paper.

  "What is this?" I asked the moment it reached my hands. Upon reading it a little, I realized it was an agreement paper. My confusion only grew. Why would they want me to sign a legal paper? Fuck, maybe they were scammers?

  "Look, maybe there's something-"

  He raised an eyebrow in question. "Sign it. I don't want to tell someone who is...going to spill all things I say to them. So do it. Not that they'll live to tell the tale."

  He had a morbid sense of humor and I was running out of time.

  Despite wanting to throw the paper in his face, I signed it. For Lana. I was doing it for her.

  "Hmm. Give me the paper you brought with you. I want to see them first." I, without a question, let the man analyze everything. After a while, with a winning smile, he shook my hands.

  "Well done, Mr. Carson. You've earned my respect. Now for your answers, what do want to know?”

  "I-I want to know about Roth Gill," I repeated.

  The cunning smile on the man's face seemed to only increase as he kept his gaze on me. "Interesting...I thought you'd ask about Lana first. Not Roth?”


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