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The Dragon Finds Forever (Nocturne Falls Book 7)

Page 23

by Kristen Painter

  Monalisa waved the comment away. “You won’t be. How can more love make our day less special? Do it.”

  Van nodded. “I agree.”

  Willa smiled at Nick. “Then that is a yes.”

  When the cheering and clapping died down, Van pointed at Harlan. “We need another reservation.”

  Breakfast went by in a flurry of conversation, passing plates, and delicious food. Harlan was on the phone during part of the meal, securing a second reservation for Nick and Willa. There was an urgency to the meal they all felt, but a buoyancy too. Joy filled the air despite the pressure of all that had to be done.

  As soon as they were done eating, they all went to the courthouse to get the licenses. From there, the group split. The women left to buy dresses and get their hair done. Van couldn’t imagine how long that might take, and renting tuxes shouldn’t be such a big deal, so he, Nick, and Harlan went back to clean up the breakfast mess, then headed out to a formalwear shop that Harlan had already called.

  But due to Van’s and Nick’s size, the tuxes took a lot longer than anticipated. By the time they were done (having dropped a large sum of cash and thoroughly exhausted two hardworking seamstresses), they barely had time to buy some simple wedding bands and get to the chapel.

  Harlan dropped Van off at the door, then he and Nick went to park.

  Pandora was in the lobby when Van went in. She wore a lavender bridesmaid dress. “Wow, you look great in a tux.”

  “You look very pretty too.” The place was covered in ivy, white roses, and tiny sparkling lights. Off to one side, a tall gold cage housed two fancy white doves. He rubbed his forehead as it all became real. He was about to get married.

  She grabbed his arm. “You okay?”

  He nodded. “Fine. Just…I am getting married.”

  She laughed softly. “Yes, you are, but you’re going to be great at it.”

  “Are you sure? I want to be a good husband.”

  “You will be.” Her eyes got a little teary. “You’re a great friend and a wonderful person. You’re the brother I never had, and I couldn’t be happier to have you in my life. I love you, and so does Monalisa. I know that for a fact after spending time with her today. And while I totally approve of her, she’s still lucky to have you, and if she ever forgets it, I will be the first to tell her.”

  He smiled and kissed her on the cheek. “Kotyonok, I love you too. Thank you for that.”

  “You’re welcome. Anytime.”

  Nick and Harlan walked in.

  Pandora looked past Van. “All right, the gang’s all here, including grooms one and two. Let’s make some happily ever afters.”

  The thudding of Monalisa’s heart threatened to drown out all other sound. But nerves were not going to keep her from walking through those chapel doors. Nothing would. And since she had no one to give her away, she’d asked Pandora and Willa to walk with her down the aisle instead of going ahead of her.

  They stood beside her now, holding their bouquets of lavender roses and greenery and looking so pretty in their bridesmaid dresses.

  She glanced at both of them, taking comfort in these new friendships. Not only was she getting married, but she was going to be part of Willa’s wedding right after her own. “It means so much that you’re here with me. Thank you.”

  “I am honored,” Willa said.

  “Me too.” Pandora looked like she was about to weep. “Van is crazy about you, you know.”

  Monalisa nodded, not wanting to start crying herself. Who knew getting married could make you so emotional? She’d almost shed a few tears at the bridal shop when she’d seen herself in the white gown she now wore. She’d never thought there’d be a dress like this in her life, and yet, here she was, draped in silk. A bride.

  “Okay, no crying,” Pandora said, laughing. “You’re going to make me start too, and I still have Willa and Nick’s ceremony to get through. You have everything, right? Your old, new, borrowed, blue?”

  Monalisa nodded. Pandora knew all this, but she was clearly trying to help lighten the moment. “For the old, I have this coin Van gave me.” She pulled the small gold coin from the sash of her dress, showed it to them, then tucked it away again. “For my new, I have my dress.”

  “Which is perfect,” Pandora added.

  “I agree.” Monalisa lifted her wrist. “And for borrowed and blue, I have this gorgeous bracelet from Willa.”

  “Ooh, that is so pretty.” Pandora looked at Willa. “What is that?”

  “Iolite, topaz, and moonstone.” The fae jeweler smiled. “Some of my favorites, which is why I had it with me.”

  “Good thing.” Pandora glanced toward the chapel as the sweet strains of Pachelbel’s Canon in D began to play. “That’s your cue, Monalisa.”

  Willa put a gentle hand on Monalisa’s shoulder. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes,” Monalisa said. Pandora’s distraction had helped. Monalisa’s pulse was almost normal now. It also helped knowing that Van was waiting for her in that chapel. “I absolutely am.”

  Pandora nodded to the chapel ushers. In one graceful motion, they opened the double doors.

  Monalisa drew in a breath when she saw Van. She couldn’t imagine a man looking better in a tux than he did right now. So handsome and strong and perfect. And that man was about to become her husband. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. It was almost impossible to comprehend.

  He turned, and when he saw her, he swallowed hard. The muscles in his jaw tightened as if he was trying to rein in his emotions. A second later, he smiled and let out a soft, happy laugh as he shook his head like he couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

  She wanted to remember the look on his face for the rest of her life. She walked slowly toward him, smiling through a thin veil of happy tears, the only veil she wore because she hadn’t wanted one between them. Everything about the moment felt wonderful and surreal. Pandora and Willa went off to the left, and Monalisa stepped up onto the small dais to take her place beside Van.

  “You look beautiful,” he whispered. “So beautiful.”

  “Thank you.” She took a breath, inhaling the comfortable smokiness that wafted off him. It calmed her almost as much as him being at her side. “You’re very handsome.”

  The officiant cleared his throat, beaming an indulgent smile at them. “Are you both ready?”

  Van glanced at her, and she nodded. He stared up at the officiant. “We are.”

  “Then let us begin.” The music softened. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to wed this man and this woman in the bond of—”

  “Like hell you are.”

  Monalisa spun around at the same time Van did, her blood cold at the sound of an all-too-familiar voice. “Father. What are you doing here?”

  “Stopping this sham.” He strode toward them, eyes blazing in anger. The head of his security team, Sean, stayed by the door. “What kind of a trick do you think you’re pulling?”

  “No trick.” Rage and fear stormed inside her, causing her to tremble. “I am marrying the man I love.”

  “No, you’re not.” He didn’t even look at Van. “You’re coming home with me. Where you belong.”

  Van stepped off the dais and into Padraig’s personal space, giving her father no choice but to notice the dragon shifter. “She belongs wherever she wants to belong. And right now, that’s with me.”

  Her father was much shorter than Van and weighed a significant amount less, but that didn’t seem to bother him. Of course, her father was used to people doing whatever he told them, regardless of their size. “Get out of my way.”

  Van crossed his arms. The tuxedo jacket strained against his back and biceps. “Nyet.”

  Padraig threw his head back and let out a chilling laugh. “Big and dumb. You fighters are all the same, but then, I don’t know why I expected different.” He tried to wave Van away. “Enough. You’ve made a valiant effort. Now move.”

  Van stared the man down. “Get scorched.” />
  Monalisa shook her head. “I’m not going with you.”

  Padraig glared at her. “I can make you. I will make you. This is your last chance to come under your own power.”

  “Touch her and I will touch you,” Van said. Wisps of smoke curled from the sides of his mouth, and little shimmers of heat wavered off him. “And not gently.”

  Another short laugh broke from Padraig’s throat, this one with a nervous tremor that hadn’t been there before. “I don’t need to touch her.” He reached out his hand toward her. “Let’s go, Monalisa.”

  “No.” The back of her head started to ache. She braced herself for it to get worse.

  “Bollocks.” He rolled his eyes. “What a right mess you’ve made of everything.”

  “You made the mess by refusing to give me my freedom.”

  “You wouldn’t know what to do with it. Look at you now, in that silly dress in this tourist trap of a chapel. You couldn’t look more desperate if you tried.”

  A deep, feral rumble vibrated out of Van’s chest. His lip curled back. “Apologize.”

  Padraig snorted, but that was the extent of his answer. “Monalisa, I command you to come home now.”

  The pain in her head increased. She stepped off the dais, her arm brushing Van’s. She planted herself directly in front of her father in the hopes that she could keep Van from doing something they’d regret later. The last thing she wanted was for her father to have reason to detain Van. “You are a horrible little man. I hate you.” The words barely made it out between her clenched teeth.

  Her father grabbed her elbow and tried to guide her toward the door. “You’ll thank me in the morning when you realize what I’ve saved you from.”

  She jerked away from him. “No, I won’t. I won’t ever thank you for anything. Do you hear me? Because I don’t think you do.” She pointed at Van. “That man right there loves me more than you ever have and more than you ever will. You’re not saving me from anything, you’re ruining my life. Again. But that’s what you do best, isn’t it? Destroy things.”

  He stared at her, the hard glint in his gaze a sign of his anger. “I destroy things? Girlie, you’ve forgotten who you are and what you do best.”

  He looked at Van. “You know that about her, don’t you? That’s what she does. Destroy people. Lead them to ruin. And you, fool that you are, were about to marry her. Sure, it’s all very cute, the dragon saving the princess, but in the cold light of day, regret is all you’d be left with. Come to think of it, maybe it’s you that should be thanking me.”

  She threw her bouquet at her father, clocking him on the side of the head in an explosion of greenery and flower petals. “Don’t you dare talk to him that way.”

  Anger twisted Padraig’s face. He brushed a sprig of baby’s breath out of his hair. “You stupid git.”

  He pulled back to strike her, his hand flying through the air.

  Van caught his arm before he made contact.

  Padraig snarled. “Let go of me, or I’ll—”

  “You’ll do nothing,” Monalisa said.

  Sean started forward, but Van shoved Padraig back as he released the man.

  He stumbled a few feet but didn’t fall. He gestured at his security man. “Sean, grab her.”

  Sean nodded. “On it, boss.”

  Monalisa had had enough. More than enough. She was drowning in it. A lifetime of anger and disappointment and frustration welled up in her and spilled into her blood. Her gifts, useless as they were against her father, bubbled over into her voice and came out of her unbidden. “Leave us alone.”

  Sean’s pupils widened. He staggered to a stop.

  Then she saw that her father had done the same thing.

  A few soft words of Russian hissed out of Van. He nodded at her. “Do that again.”

  This time, she purposefully channeled her power into her words. “Back up.”

  Both men retreated. She watched them, mouth open in utter shock. She’d always been able to control Sean, that was no surprise, but her father?

  “How is that possible?” Van asked.

  She shook her head. “I don’t know.”

  Van came to stand beside her. “Yes, you do. He lied to you. Just like he’s always done.”

  “I’ve been a fool. I should have known.” Her hands tightened into fists.

  “You’re not a fool. You were just brainwashed by a man who should have been completely trustworthy for you. You are not to blame for this.”

  “Maybe not.” But that didn’t do a whole lot to make her feel better about all the years she’d spent trapped that could have been spent living her life her own way. “Time to make up for what I missed out on.”

  She raised her hand toward her father. “Padraig Devlin, I command you to give me a coin and grant me my freedom.”

  He swayed slightly, the weight of her command clearly bearing down on him. “I…I don’t have a coin to give you.”

  “Liar. That’s all you do is lie.”

  Pandora sidled up next to her. “Maybe he means he doesn’t have one on him now.”

  Okay, she hadn’t thought of that.

  Pandora nudged her. “Give me that coin in your sash.”

  Monalisa dug it out and handed it over. Pandora took it and walked toward Padraig. Then she looked back at Monalisa. “Tell him to hold out his hand.”

  “Open your palm,” Monalisa commanded.

  He did as she told him.

  Pandora placed the coin in his hand, then came back to stand by Monalisa.

  “Will that work?” Van asked.

  “I have no idea.” Monalisa focused on her father again, but kept the power from her voice so that he could answer with a clear head. “There’s a coin in your hand. Who does it belong to?”

  He blinked a few times as he looked at it. “Gold,” he muttered. His fingers closed around the coin. “Mine.” He shoved it into his pocket.

  She took a breath and released it with a little prayer that this would do the trick. “All right,” she said softly. “Let’s try this again.”

  No fight Van had ever been in compared to this moment. The level of tension running through him made him feel like a cord strung so tightly it was on the verge of snapping. But then, he’d never been in a fight with so much resting on the outcome.

  His beautiful Monalisa slipped her hand into his, but her eyes stayed on her father. She raised her hand toward him again. “Padraig Devlin, I command that you give me a coin and grant me my freedom.”

  All eyes were on Padraig as Monalisa’s power directed him. “I have…a coin.” With the faltering movements of the inebriated, he dug into his pocket and pulled out the coin Pandora had just given him.

  He held it up, peering at it.

  “Is that yours?” she asked.

  He nodded. “Mine.”

  “And will giving it to me break the bond of power between us?”

  Again, he nodded.

  She turned her hand over, palm up. “Give it to me.”

  His gaze shifted to her. He stumbled forward, muscles taut and mouth bent in an ugly sneer. He was fighting it.

  Van knew what that felt like, but there was no resisting. Monalisa’s gifts were undeniable.

  The man reached his hand out, the coin pinched between his fingers. He dropped the coin into her palm.

  “Say the words,” she commanded.


  She let out a sob as though she couldn’t believe what had happened. Or maybe it was a reaction to suddenly being free. She tucked the coin into the same spot she’d pulled it from.

  Van let go of her hand to put his arm around her waist.

  She slumped against him. “I think it’s done.”

  “We have to test it.”

  “You’re right. I have to know for sure.” She straightened. “Father, you and Sean should leave now.”

  There was no power in her voice that Van could detect.

  Padraig shook himself, rocking his he
ad side to side. He grabbed hold of one of the pews like he needed the support. “What did you do to me, girl?”

  “Something I should have done years ago.” She lifted her chin. “Now, please, leave. Or I will ask Van and his two gargoyle friends to escort you and Sean out in whatever way they see fit.”

  “You little—you think threats are going to stop me?” He snapped his fingers and pointed to the spot beside him. “Get over here. Then I’ll leave.”

  She stiffened. Then relaxed with a hearty laugh. “You don’t affect me anymore.” She looked at Van. “It worked.” She grabbed his arm. “It really worked. I’m free.”

  Pandora and Willa started clapping, while Harlan and Nick both let out loud whoops of celebration.

  Van pulled her into his arms and off her feet to whirl her around. “This is very good.”

  “Monalisa Devlin, you will do as I say—”

  “Not anymore I won’t!” She tapped Van’s shoulder. “Put me down for a second.”

  He did as she asked, and they both faced her father. She pointed toward the door. “I am no longer yours to control. You gave me a coin and set me free. Your words have no effect on me. None. Do you understand?”

  His gaze said he didn’t believe her. “Come over here, Monalisa.”

  “Not a chance.” She crossed her arms and shrugged. “See? Nothing. Not even the slightest twinge of a headache.”

  His mouth fell open.

  “That’s right. I’m free. And you need to get out. This is your last chance before I set these three on you.”

  To add menace to her threat, Van called up his dragon, turning his eyes glowing red and letting curls of steam escape his mouth.

  Nick and Harlan added a few rumbly growls of their own for good measure.

  Padraig’s eyes widened, and he backed up. “You stupid girl.” He poked a finger in Van’s direction. “He still owes me a fight.”

  Monalisa shook her head. “I don’t think so. Not after I tell the League’s commissioners what you forced me to do during the last one. And if that’s not enough, well, I guess I’ll just use my gifts to persuade them otherwise.”

  Padraig’s chest was heaving with anger, but he seemed to be out of words as he backed out of the chapel. Then he found a few. “You will regret this. You both will.”


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