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The Dragon Finds Forever (Nocturne Falls Book 7)

Page 24

by Kristen Painter

  Monalisa smiled. “Not in a million years.”

  Nick and Harlan went after him and Sean, but stopped in the lobby just outside the doors. After a couple seconds, Nick turned to them and nodded. “They’re gone.”

  “Wow,” Pandora said. “That was crazy.”

  Monalisa took a deep breath. “I’m free. I can’t believe it, but I am.” She put her hands on Van’s chest. “If you hadn’t given me that coin…”

  “We probably could have scrounged up some change,” Pandora said. “But it was good you had that.”

  Monalisa looked at the witch. “No, regular change wouldn’t have worked. The coin had to be gold.”

  Pandora’s brows lifted. “In that case, nicely done, Van.”

  Nick and Harlan strode back into the chapel. Nick looked at Van. “So…is this wedding still on?”

  Van opened his mouth to answer, then closed it. Monalisa no longer needed to marry him to gain her freedom. “Perhaps Monalisa and I could talk for a moment?”

  Nick nodded. “Everyone into the lobby.”

  They all followed him out, including the officiant, and shut the doors behind them.

  He faced her, taking her hands. “I love you, Monalisa. But you no longer need to marry me. That is a good thing.”

  “It is?” Confusion filled her eyes.

  “Yes. Now you can marry me when you want to. When you’re ready.”

  “I’m ready now. I think.” She laughed. “Okay, maybe it wouldn’t be such a bad thing to get to know each other a little more. I know I love you, but I wouldn’t mind getting to know you even better. And taking our time means we could plan something a little more elaborate than a quickie chapel wedding.”

  “Yes, but…what I mean is, you have never lived on your own. Never experienced life as a completely free person. Move to Nocturne Falls and see what you think about that first.” A sadness settled over him at the thought that her new life might not have a place for him. “Give yourself some time to find out what that is like. Maybe you will like that life very much. Maybe so much that you don’t want to tie yourself down again.”

  Her expression turned serious again. “My feelings for you aren’t going to change with the passing of time. Except that I’ll just love you more. Look, new life, old life, same life, I’m still me.”

  He smiled a little. “Time will tell.”

  She smiled a lot. “Yes, it will. You’ll see. And don’t forget, you’re about to embark on a new life too. Life as a retired fighter. You’ve got to figure out what that means to you. Maybe that will change how you feel.”

  “Never.” He spat the word out like an oath.

  “So you’re okay retiring without being champion?”

  “I am.”

  “Then let’s spend six months being boyfriend and girlfriend. That should be enough for both of us to realize our feelings aren’t going to change.”

  “Six months?” He nodded. He could do that standing on his head. “That is good.”

  “Then it’s a deal. But I do have one stipulation.”

  “What is that?”

  She leaned in and kissed him. “I want the whole enchilada. Dates and a proposal and a ring and a big wedding with all my new friends. The whole relationship experience.”

  He grinned. “Done.”

  She straightened his tie. “We should go tell them we’re not getting married today.”

  “We will. Right after this.” He pulled her back into his arms and kissed her.

  She kissed him back with a new passion, and for the first time since they’d been together, light spilled through him, sending bright tendrils of happiness to curl around his bones.

  She leaned into him, sharing herself with him in a way that he realized now she hadn’t been able to before. For all her father’s talk of destruction, Van understood that Monalisa was a creature of light. There was more for her out there than what Padraig had led her to believe, and Van would happily spend the next six months helping her find her path.

  So even if they weren’t getting married today, their future lay before them in a clear vision, and Van could see there was nothing in their way.

  They walked into the foyer a few minutes later. Van looked at Nick and Willa, who were talking quietly by a large vase of flowers. “The chapel is all yours.”

  Nick took Willa’s hand. “You’re not getting married?”

  Van turned to Monalisa and smiled. “Not today.”

  Willa let out a soft sigh. “Neither are we.”

  The officiant threw up his hands and walked away, causing Pandora to burst out laughing. Harlan shook his head.

  “Why?” Monalisa asked. “What happened?”

  Willa shrugged. “We got to talking, and we do want to get married, but I want my family to be there and the rest of our friends. So we decided to postpone it until we can plan things out a little more.”

  “But we are getting married,” Nick said. “Soon.”

  “Then it is settled.” Van put his arm around Monalisa and gazed into her beautiful green eyes. “But we look too good to just go home. How about we give you a real taste of freedom? We are in Vegas. At least for a little while longer.”

  She nodded, grinning. “Let’s do it.”

  “Good.” He looked at Harlan. “Chapel bill?”

  He held up a slip of paper. “Paid.”


  “Outside, boss.”

  Van took Monalisa’s hand. “Now I show you how Russians party.”

  Freedom was a powerful thing.

  One month later and Monalisa couldn’t get over how different her life was, or how happy it was possible to be. Smiling was just her everyday thing now.

  And Van…Van was…so good.

  But he wasn’t the only reason she smiled a lot. She had a place of her own. Sort of. It was actually Pandora’s house, but Pandora had moved into the big Victorian with Cole and the aura-reading Kaley. (And who could blame Pandora? The house and the man were gorgeous.)

  Pandora had told Monalisa not to worry about rent, but Monalisa had insisted. People paid rent. It was what they did. It was what she wanted to do.

  Plus, she had a job. Pandora had hired her to work as a receptionist in the real estate office. Monalisa was studying to get her own license so she could sell houses too. It might seem odd to work for your landlord, but she and Pandora (and Willa) had become fast friends.

  The rest of that circle, which was mostly Pandora’s sisters, Charisma and Marigold, hung out with them too, sometimes, as did Roxy when she wasn’t on deadline.

  But the best part of all was that four nights a week—because one night was girls’ night, one night was book club at the library, and one night was just for herself—she and Van had a date. Dinner out or sometimes in—although in was mostly at his house, because cooking was still a learning process for her—or a movie, or taking Grom to the dog park, or window-shopping on Main Street with a stop for ice cream, or one of a thousand things that there were to do in this town.

  She was getting to know Van, getting to know the town, and falling even more in love with both of them.

  Tonight was dinner in at Van’s, and he’d said he had a surprise for her. When she’d asked him what to wear for that surprise, he’d just said whatever made her feel pretty.

  She knew exactly what that was. The week before, she’d used part of her paycheck to do a little shopping and had splurged on a flowy red halter dress. It was still a little cool for a dress like that, but she could already picture herself wearing it this summer. Until then, she could put a cardigan on with it and she’d be fine.

  But now, as she walked up the steps of Van’s porch in that dress and cardigan, she wasn’t sure it was going to be warm enough after all. March in Nocturne Falls had given them a little hint that spring was coming, but with the sun down, that hint of spring had become a reminder of winter.

  She shifted in her high heels and wished she’d worn her coat.

  Grom started ba
rking inside the house, and she smiled. No need to knock with that dog around.

  Van opened the door. “There you are.”

  “Here I am. How are you?”

  “Good. Better now.” He stepped out of the way to let her enter, catching her in his arms as he bumped the door shut with his hip. “You look beautiful. I like this dress.”

  “Are you sure it’s not too much for the surprise?” He was in jeans and a T-shirt, which showed off his body and his ink, so she didn’t mind one bit, but it did make her feel like she might have overdressed.

  “No. It is perfect.” Grom wound around them, pushing against their legs. Van laughed. “You better greet him, or he will only get worse.”

  She bent and took Grom’s big head in her hands. “How are you, Grommy? Did you miss me? I missed you.” She kissed the dog’s nose and got licked in return. “Oh, good. I’ve been slobbered.”

  “Grom, nyet.”

  “It’s okay.” She straightened and wiped her chin off. “I hope that wasn’t the surprise.”

  Van shook his head. “It is better. I promise.” He held up his finger. “Wait right here.”

  “Okay.” She clasped her hands in front of her as he went into the kitchen.

  He came back holding a large woven basket by the handles. The lid was closed. “Now we go.”

  It looked very much like a picnic basket. But it wasn’t exactly picnic weather outside. Still, she didn’t say anything, deciding to let his plan unfold as he intended.

  He opened the door. Grom zipped out, skidding to a halt on the porch. She followed, then gave Van the lead so he could take them to wherever they were going.

  That turned out to be down the hill in front of the house and through a line of trees. Not the easiest in heels, but on the other side of those trees, the land opened up and flattened out.

  The sky was turning the soft purple of twilight, letting the first bright stars peek through. Even though the air was chilly, the evening was beautiful. “This is really pretty.”

  “I’m glad you like it.” His eyes narrowed. “You are cold.”

  “A little.” She smiled. “I’m sure you can warm me up.”

  “I can.”

  Within seconds, the air around her lost its chill and turned almost tropical. She shrugged her cardigan off and held it over her arm. “Now that’s more like it.”

  He smiled and took her hand. “A little farther.”

  A few more yards and they came to a large blanket spread out on the ground. Van set the basket down. “Surprise.”

  “A picnic under the stars.” She shook her head in amazement. “You remembered.”

  “I did. And I would have done it sooner, but there was much to get ready.” He opened the basket and took out a bottle of champagne and two glasses, setting them carefully on the blanket.

  She wondered what he’d had to get ready. Picnics weren’t that complicated, but maybe it was his first one. She dropped her cardigan on the corner of the blanket now that his radiating heat was keeping her warm. “Are we celebrating something?”

  “Yes. I got my official release from the League today. Your statement to them did the trick. The rematch has been canceled.” His smile widened. “But even better, they have overturned the decision of the last fight. I have been reinstated as champion. My record remains intact.”

  She shrieked and threw her arms into the air. “That is amazing! I had no idea they would do that.”

  “Neither did I. And I have you to thank.”

  “We are definitely drinking that champagne now.”

  He laughed. “Yes. But first, there is one thing I must do.”

  “What’s that?”

  He pulled out a small velvet box, opened it, then got down on one knee. Inside was an enormous, brilliant orange stone surrounded by tiny diamonds. “Monalisa Devlin, will you marry me? Officially?”

  She gasped even as she smiled, her heart almost bursting with joy. “I will. Yes. Happily.”

  He stood and took the ring from its case. “I know this is not a diamond, but the color reminds me of you. Bright and fiery. But if you would rather have a diamond, we will get you one of those too.”

  “No, I love this. It’s beautiful. You’re right that it’s bright. It practically glows.” She held out her hand. The stone seemed almost lit from within. “What is it?”

  He slipped the gleaming gold ring onto her finger. “It is a fire opal.”

  She smiled. “Oh, I love that. A fire opal from my dragon. It’s perfect.” She held out her hand. “Did Willa make this? Is that what you had to get ready?”

  He nodded. “I wanted something as special as you are, zolotse.”

  She slipped her arms around him. “You are an amazing man, you know that?”

  He shrugged, eyes twinkling. “I know. And smart too.”

  She laughed and shook her head. “I think you forgot humble.”

  He grinned. “I have to be smart if I ended up with you.”

  She leaned into him. “I feel the same way.”

  “Good.” He kissed her, the temperature around them rising a little more as he did. When he finally released her, it felt as though the sun was shining down on them. “I want you always to be happy. Always to know that I love you. Always to feel safe. If there is anything you ever want or need, you tell me.”

  She tapped her fingers lazily on his chest. “There is one thing…”

  “Anything. Tell me.”

  She glanced down at Grom, sitting patiently by Van’s feet. “After we get married, I want a dog of my own.”

  “I know just the place.” Van’s arms tightened around her, and he looked down at Grom too. “You hear that? You’re getting a baby sister.”

  Grom barked, making them both laugh.

  Van popped the champagne, poured two glasses, and handed one to her. “To us and our future.”

  She clinked her glass against his. “I can’t wait.”

  They drank, and she turned, leaning her back against his chest. He wrapped one arm around her waist and let out a pleasurable sigh.

  “Life is good,” she whispered as she gazed up at the twinkling stars.

  “Da,” he said. “And it’s going to get even better.”

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  About the Author

  USA Today Best Selling Author Kristen Painter is a little obsessed with cats, books, chocolate, and shoes. It’s a healthy mix. She loves to entertain her readers with interesting twists and unforgettable characters. She currently writes the best-selling paranormal romance series, Nocturne Falls, and award-winning urban fantasy. The former college English teacher can often be found all over social media where she loves to interact with readers:

  Website * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram.

  Other books by Kristen Painter


  Nocturne Falls series:

  The Vampire’s Mail Order Bride

  The Werewolf Meets His Match

  The Gargoyle Gets His Girl

  The Professor Woos The Witch

  The Witch’s Halloween Hero – short story

  The Werewolf’s Christmas Wish – short story

  The Vampire’s Fake Fiancée

  The Vampire’s Valentine Surprise – short story

  The Shifter Romances The Writer

  The Vampire’s True Love Trials – short story

  Sin City Collectors series:

  Queen of Hearts

  Dead Man’s Hand

  Double or Nothing

  Box set

  Standalone Paranormal Romance:

  Dark Kiss of the Reaper

  Heart of Fire

  Recipe for Magic

  Miss Bramble and
the Leviathan


  Miss Frost Solves A Cold Case – A Nocturne Falls Mystery

  Miss Frost Ices The Imp – A Nocturne Falls Mystery

  Miss Frost Saves The Sandman – A Nocturne Falls Mystery


  The House of Comarré series:

  Forbidden Blood

  Blood Rights

  Flesh and Blood

  Bad Blood

  Out For Blood

  Last Blood

  The Crescent City series:

  House of the Rising Sun

  City of Eternal Night

  Garden of Dreams and Desires

  Can’t get enough Nocturne Falls?

  Try the Nocturne Falls Universe books.

  New stories, new authors, same Nocturne Falls world!

  Nothing is completed without an amazing team.

  Many thanks to:

  Cover design: Janet Holmes

  Interior formatting: Author E.M.S

  Editor: Joyce Lamb

  Copyedits/proofs: Marlene Engel




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